
































内容简介:故人只道月冰寒,柔光犀照难成圆。晚风小径忧无路,色如霜降照人还。他如月色,冷冽冰残,却守望一片平安……陆羽,名自茶圣。茶圣的陆羽以茶惊世人,他这个陆羽,以谋动天地。当鸟儿伫立在枝头亲吻 嫩芽上晶莹的露水,人们知道那是春天来了。当世人蜷缩在被窝抹去眼角边不敢滑落的泪珠,人们知道那是陆羽来了。世界如平静的海,他曾是独立在上面轻盈的荡起波澜、卷起风暴的魔鬼。直到死亡,也许上天要让他祸害一个新世界。他总说,世界如残棋,一子救活需千万子堆积,前仆后继。再活一次,他是更希望平静的活?还是要为了那巅峰努力。他也在犹豫,却忍不住去碰触那些静静躺在那里的棋……1w0-61853 >>


内容简介:乱浮生(高干)是由行魅所写的高辣浓情类小说,本站提供乱浮生(高干)最新章节阅读乱浮生(高干)全文阅读乱浮生(高干)免费无弹窗在线阅读,如果您发现乱浮生(高干)更新慢了请第一时间联系小兵 。1w0-74344 >>


内容简介:传说霍家四爷薄情冷血,不近女色,被迫取了个又聋又哑的废物新娘,嫌弃得新婚夜就打算扔去喂老虎……当晚被吻得七荤八素的小女人反壁咚了霍爷。“听说……你很嫌弃我。”他的小娇妻清眸微眯,危险又 迷人。清冷禁欲的霍爷面不改色,动手扒衣服:“嗯,嫌弃得要命。”从见她的第一面起,他就知道,这是个要他命的小妖精……1w60842-89393 >>


内容简介:身边一个个人在我面前倒下,我却无能为力……看着一座城市毁灭在我面前,我却选择了狼狈逃跑……终于未日的降临,我却只能麻木的望着那血色天空……我能拯救什么?我又能改变什么?我……什么都做不 到……这个世界到底是虚幻……还是真正的真实…………21××年10月11日,幻天公司开启异界计划,世界第一款意识连接游戏诞生。原本给玩gtpltp1w0-59957 >>


内容简介:穿越家暴现场,反杀爆揍渣男,巧计和离再嫁,又是一窝虎豹,韩巧抡起棍棒打豺狼。她开铺子、买田地、置办宅子,鼓励猎户相公奋进向上,三个闺女养的举国上下人人赞。荣华富贵在手,夫妻恩爱两不疑, 这般人生谁不夸句好!各位书友要是觉得《猎户悍妻:带崽种田猛如虎》还不错的话请不要忘记向您QQ群和微博里的朋友推荐哦!1w0-84959 >>




内容简介:  时间就像一趟列车,每经过一个站点,都会有人上车,也有人下车。西历1453年,方然坐上了时间的列车。从此永不下车。——永生研究所:6909667761w0-3725


内容简介:生死根本,欲为第一。沈书辰畅游在这漫漫红尘,漫步在这欲望都市之中,但见情峰巍峨欲海滔天,官场商场情场三路齐发,最后坐拥天下美娇娘,享尽齐人之福。打造一个超级庞大的都市后宫!人妻美妇—— 张晓兰、李虹、李月琴、贾如月、司徒语蓉、苏沁霜……职场白领少妇——苏沁雪、皇甫烟云、林晚秋、居杏芳……娇嫩美少女——秦灵湘、萧颖、刘晨、许雨薇、韩书蕾……豪门千金——林靖瑶、平裴卿、崔晓晓、唐静、姜傲菡、凌雨嘉……守寡女教师——谭欣“高龄”单身贵族女助教——楚心昙日本豪门少妇——浅井直子、真司丽子…1w0-78388 >>


内容简介:一朝穿越,高向菀成了弘历府中的侍妾,本是不待见的小透明,却因为一顿饭招惹上弘历,被他报复,拉出来宫斗。不愿宫斗拒绝站队?第二天后院就传出了她恃宠而骄想另起山头的谣言。拜托,她只是想远离 宫斗,养养花,做做美食,做一条富贵无忧的咸鱼而已。只是……是怪她厨艺太精湛了吗?怎么那个宠爱正妻的四爷总爱有事没事的就来她院中蹭吃蹭喝?这蹭着蹭着,感情出来了,宫斗也跟上来了……1w0-65894 >>


内容简介:小兵提供叶庭芳大神最新作品《清穿之得添福后》最新章节列表,清穿之得添福后全文阅读,清穿之得添福后无弹窗,请关注清穿之得添福后吧,本站最新最快更新清穿之得添福后的最新章节。1w0-803 91 >>


内容简介:青涩攻略百合,古代abo是由蛋蛋子所写的高辣浓情类小说,本站提供青涩攻略百合,古代abo最新章节阅读青涩攻略百合,古代abo全文阅读青涩攻略百合,古代abo免费无弹窗在线阅读,如果您发 现青涩攻略百合,古代abo更新慢了请第一时间联系小兵。1w0-72375 >>


内容简介:  秦愿不仅是个学渣,还是个惹事精,结交的都是不务正业的不良少年。   江书意是班长,集温柔阳光积极向上于一身的正面教材,拿奖拿到手软,身边围绕的也是学习优秀的团体,乃一班的骄傲。   每次秦愿被老师教育,指定有一句:你学学人家江书意!   秦愿:不学。   老师:?   秦愿:太装了,累。   有人问江书意:秦愿最近好像找你挺勤,是不是喜欢你?   江书意:没可能。我这辈子都不跟学渣玩!   ————   后来,他两成了同桌。   画风就逐渐变了,有人看见——   #班长偷偷给学渣塞习题集#   #班长给学渣补课#   #班长给学渣买了一袋棒棒糖#   #班长给学渣带饭#   #班长的红烧肉全给了学渣#   关于他两的谣言满天飞,江书意解释:别误会,我只是想拯救学渣,不拖班级后腿。   第二天。   听说秦愿去四班找顾子杭告白了!!!   刚踏进教室的江书意课本一丢,转身就走。   楼梯角落里,温柔班长逼近学渣秦愿:你不是说只喜欢我么?朝秦暮楚,秦愿你可以啊。   ————   *1V1小甜饼,温馨尽量不狗血!   *前期青春校园,毕业前不会真的谈恋爱,也不会搞暧昧!   *男女主一起进步,一起优秀,变得更好的成长逆袭文!1w0-2063 >>

Aoi Kiseki

[Summary By: Love_Blossom] Wakatsuki Ran is a swimming prodigy. Every girl adores him but the only thing he loves is swimming. Ageha bumps into Ran, one day, and she tells him that he is just an obsessed swimmer. But when he shows her how good he is, she gapes at him and asks, 'Please teach me how to swim!' Ran finally agrees and the swimming romance begins.

A Lot A Not

Aoki Ume's Comic 1☆2 doujinshi from 2008. Includes fan art for Nougami Neuro, Spice and Wolf, Macross Frontier, and more!This time Ume also has some special guests so bright that you're going to need sunglasses.

Chiko No Negai

[From ShoujoMagic]: Story 1) Chiko's Wish - Chiko is a young female sparrow in love with a human boy named Shuu. One day, the Grim Reaper suddenly shows up at Shuu's house and shocks Chiko by announcing that he's come to collect Shuu's soul. What can one little sparrow do to save a human life...? Story 2) Crybaby Yukimushi. Akira was always a taunted for her crying. She promised her friend Kei that she wouldn't cry anymore. Now they are in the seventh grade. What it Akira going to do when someone says they want to confess to her beloved Kei. Story 3) Reverse Storm Warning. Kotone and Naoto have been dating for a long time. Nao isn't the most famous or most popular but she likes him. Kotone was talking to her friends but they find her relationship isn't porgressing well enough compared to other's relationships. Now Kotone wonders why Nao is even going out with her and why he's acting differently. Story 4) The Rainbow Fugue. There's a legend that if you see a rainbow at the waterfall in the park your love will come true. Miyabi and Hayate were great friends until they got to middle school. Then they went to seperate schools and almost never sees him. Mayabi wanted Hayate to love her so she goes to the waterfall and finds her beloved Hayate there playing a trumpet. Story 5) Spring Game. Izumi really wanted to play the game Chrono Spring but it was sold out. A guy tells her that he bought two copies and that she could have one. Before she knows it she's in playing the game and meets a guy named haru who saves her life and helps her get out the game. Story 6) Half Bitter Gift. Yukumi absloutly hates Kookie but is in love with his friend Asada. Kookie likes to peaster Yukumi and Yukumi's friend aya is always quiet on the side supporting Yukumi. It's around Valentine's day and Yukumi and Aya are making cookies. Yukumi is making her's for Asada but Aya says shedoesn't know who to give hers to but by what Kookie says there may be a different story to all of this.

Saikyou Kareshi

Story 1--For some reason, Chisa's unsociable classmate, Jin, glares at her every day. After hearing the scary rumours about him being unstoppable, she happens to run into him on the streets. He is bloodstained, and carrying corpses!? Perhaps it was dangerous to have witnessed that!? Moreover, at school the next day, Chisa is shocked when he asks her out! Despite everything that goes against them, are they suited to be together...? Story 2--Chisa has the best boyfriend in the world only prob. is he has a scary face. Chisa's friend tells her that boys live to cheat on girls and she starts to suspect that Jin is like that.. what will happen with Jin and Chisa?

The Silver Lining

The Silver Lining summary: The Silver Lining summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of The Silver Lining. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

History of the United States

History of the United States summary: History of the United States summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of History of the United States. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

Wandering Heath

Wandering Heath summary: Wandering Heath summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Wandering Heath. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

His Majesty's Hostage

His Majesty's Hostage summary: Su Zi Li lives as a normal high school student who unfortunately died in a fire incident and was sent into an unknown historical world and transmigrated into the body of a prince of a kingdom. He thought he was lucky that he can live the life of riches but soon find out that he’s a hostage? So he wanted to escape his fate, but when the ML find his complete change of personality attractive and wanted to have a taste, what will he do?

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