






类别都市 恋爱






类别都市 恋爱




类别都市 恋爱 生活




















内容简介:玄元世界,元气稀薄,灵石绝迹。武者只能依靠法宝,去迷雾世界寻找各种宝物来帮助修炼。普通的武者精力财力有限,只能祭炼一两件法宝。而李昱却拥有成千上万的法宝。因为他的法宝不仅不需要自己的心 神控制,还能自己修炼。“你的无情剑吸收日月精华,由法器进化为灵器,能自动斩敌于千米之外。”“你的天地阴阳镜吞噬宝器碎片,探查范围由十里扩张到五百里。”“你的无影化血刀与主人精神产生共鸣,领悟了空间穿梭的技能。”依靠自己的法宝,李昱在迷雾世界如鱼得水,修炼进度一日千里……1w0-82583 >>


内容简介:本书简介:文案:看一只深藏不露腹黑诡诈吃人不吐骨头的渣受是如何披着柔弱无害小白的兔子皮,颠覆固若金汤的绝岛监狱——报仇雪恨、杀人越货,跟曾经相濡以沫宁愿选择死也不愿敌对的爱人,如今监狱 里的大BOSS针锋相对、相爱相杀。1V1,多CP。强大鬼畜总攻X睿智腹黑渣受淡漠理智冰山攻X彪悍野性女王受妖孽强硬忠犬攻X硬气别扭军装受其他:执着爱着主人甘愿奉献一切虐起来各种顺手的忠犬美少年一只腹黑到骨子里嗜好研究各种病毒的蛇蝎美人儿一只见人就救最爱解毒专克蛇蝎的好人医生一只扫雷:本文暗黑系,各种血腥各种虐,各种狗血各种抽,三观不正且主角前十章异常小白,请大人们谨慎围观。看了这个依然奋勇跳坑的,就请不要再吐槽了。谢谢。某蓝要奋起,即日起恢复稳定更新!!!嗷呜呜,亲们如果喜欢请戳一下收藏吐几个泡泡MUA【仙人居出品】本文广播剧预告:俺其它的文耽美虐文HE,已完结。耽美虐文HE,正文完结。耽美强强HE,已完结。言情强强HE,已完结。俺家滴群199834713「无冕之王私宅」(超级群,随时可以加,敲门暗号统一为“蓝蓝开门”)1w0-105539 >>






内容简介:“跪拜吧!他此时此刻成为了假面骑士无上帝王!”黑沃兹手中是一本暗金色的外观,看上去十分古朴的书,书上写着六个大字:《无上帝王之路》庄吾转身看向了下面,所有的骑士皆是单膝下跪,1w0-3 0250 >>


内容简介:他是富可敌国的帝国总裁,俊美逼人,心狠手辣。他叫她小疯子,只有她,能近他的身,入他的心。小疯子闯进他视线的那天起,他的世界彻底乱了套。苏芙问“我是你的什么?”“你是我的安眠药。”“为什 么是安眠药?”“因为这样我就可以先吃掉你再睡觉。”上官凌目光邪肆,欺身而上,她美眸微瞪“你干什么?”男人勾唇“该吃药了。”婚后苏芙怒视占有欲超强的老公“离婚吧,这日子没法过了!”上官凌冷冽一笑“不过就不过,谁不离谁是孙子!财产给你,小包子给你,我也给你!你去哪里我也去哪里!”(暖宠)1w0-27634 >>


内容简介:高亮女主就是很迟钝的普通女孩啊SOS,不深入探究ABO世界观也不是大女主,大家受到信息素的控制彼此吸引,就是一个文笔很糟无脑苏的乙女轻小说而已。文案一被军校的Alpha捡回去是种什么样 的体验?对陌生世界一无所知的时雨瑟瑟发抖。突然穿越、又突然出现在封闭训练场地的她打上“可疑”二字押在了队伍里,却发现这群暴躁奇怪的军装少年并没有对她实行任何粗暴的逼供行为。虽然被人一勺勺喂东西吃很羞耻,赶路时候被人扛着很不舒服,就连睡觉都感觉有视线黏在脸上很难受啦——但她想,接触使友谊进步,这样说不定就慢慢变成好朋友了——然后脱离信任危机,走向自由生活的未来就近在眼前!所以不在意不在意!!直到训练的最终环,面对着整片山林的兽潮,其实不怎么害怕的时雨突然一阵眩晕,口干舌燥,自己也不知道究竟为什么的瘫软在了地上。正在大开杀戒的好朋友们双眼发红,齐齐转头瞪视她,比兽潮还要凶猛的气势扑面而来。时雨……?丝毫不知道带着养了这么多天的小宠物是个ega,更不知道为什么她会此刻散发出Oga强烈信息素的Alpha们……………!!!文案二Alpha与Oga彼此天生吸引是理所应该的事情。群狼环伺的地方如同战场,迷茫的蝴蝶跌跌撞撞地落入他的怀抱。——他抓住了蝴蝶。食用事项轻松向苏文,女主万人迷,全员单箭头,看第一章排雷哦啵啵男女主双箭头,结局1v1。放一放我的其他文《Alpha恐惧症ABO》连载中,全员单箭头,是冷淡Beta大姐姐和年下狗勾们的故事,军校这本完结后就跑去码这本啦!《人外男友图鉴》算是预收但是它有一章!是黑心贵族淑女欺骗各种毛茸茸感情的乙女向轻小说《万人嫌对他们感到抱歉》预收,一个自我认知在火星的万人迷女主对大家为了自己而打起来这件事感到十分抱歉。各位书友要是觉得《军校的OmegaABO》还不错的话请不要忘记向您QQ群和微博里的朋友推荐哦!1w0-105538 >>


内容简介:连扑三本的扑街小说作者纪拙获得系统。只要写一本火了的书就给奖励属性点,而书扑了还给予鼓励性奖励。这不起飞?然后纪拙看了眼鼓励性奖励给的钱。……呵呵,写小说果然死路一条。写小说我不会,扑 街我还不会?简介二:某著名访谈节目针对著名作家纪拙先生的采访。主持人:纪拙先生,请问你在创作方面有什么心得吗?纪拙:……就那么写。主持人:哈哈,纪先生真是幽默。纪拙:……我不幽默。主持人:……那对于一些新人作者朋友,在题材的选择方面,您有什么好的建议吗?纪拙:什么不火写什么。主持人:哈哈……纪拙:……翌日,新闻报道。《著名作家纪拙先生的幽默文学》《著名作家倡导新人写作更应该随心随性,不受拘束》《作家纪拙称,新人作者应拥有挑战不同题材的勇气。》纪拙:……,???本书又叫:《写小说死路一条》《写小说不会,扑街我还不会?》《我到底怎么才能扑啊》1w0-81654 >>


内容简介:后宫调教日常弄月宫是由Hhaa所写的高辣浓情类小说,本站提供后宫调教日常弄月宫最新章节阅读后宫调教日常弄月宫全文阅读后宫调教日常弄月宫免费无弹窗在线阅读,如果您发现后宫调教日常弄月宫更 新慢了请第一时间联系小兵。1w0-27590 >>



Falls In Love With 300-Year-Old Girl

From Friendship Scans Lin Zuning was recently dumped by his girlfriend. Depressed and angry, he rode his motorcycle in the rain. Speeding as he went, he was met with an accident and broke his leg. He thought that he would be stranded there before someone rescues him, but instead he saw a little girl. Her name is Yulan and she is an angel working under divine orders to cause such accidents. It was an encounter that would change both of their lives. The story revolves around the angel's three lives reincarnated in Ancient China - all in which she meets and falls in love with the same person, but due to fate, she can never be together with him. And so starts a bittersweet story between Lin Zuning and Yulan, as they slowly discover just how much their fates are intertwine together in their past lives.

Ningen Tokei (Scary Story: Human Clock)

Cheap Manga presents Human Clock, a classical manga! Warning: A very very alternative story that's heavily surrealistic and extremely demented. Reader receptions range from 'Kafka-esque' to 'trippy, weird' to 'what the f**k is this garbage?' Someone(Highway_STAR) actually thought there were similarities between this and Kafka's Metamorphis and suggested reading Metamorphis first before reading this. From Manga Zombie: 'When I talk about ‘warped manga from a warped mind’, I always think of this incoherent story. The Human Clock is a lot simpler to summarize than to understand. The hero is Yubi Chizuo again; he’s a student like before, but this time round he’s also a dropout. He stays in his house, which is a family shop selling watches and clocks. He gazes and gazes at them, and little by little, turns into one himself. That is the entire story. It reminds me of Franz Kafka’s Metamorphosis.'

Renai Tsuu -Akka-

Hard Yaoi doujinshi for the oneshot Renai Tsuu This is a series of six. The order is: 1. Hada na Ue no Renai Jijou 2. Zaiaku wa Hada no Ue ni (same characters & issue but different plot) 3. Zaiaku wa Hada no Ue ni-Hada no Ue ni Furu Hana* 4. Renai Tsuu 5. Renaitsuu-Akka-* 6. Pillow Talk + Holiday* (*) indicate djs. 4 and 5 are spin-offs featuring Aoki and are contain events from Zaiaku from Aoki's perspective. 6 features both couples.

Taishou Mugen Kitan

From Storm in Heaven:Taisho Mugen Kitan is a collection of 4 short stories, loosely based around historical/supernatural themes.Taisho Dream Stories – Yin & Yang: In the Taisho Era (1912-1926 CE), a young noble called Sakuya is traumatised by a recurring dream in which she is strangled by ivy. Is this a prophecy? Or a vision of the past? Driven to despair, the young girl turns for help to a brilliant Noh dancer who somehow shares an enigmatic connection to the spiritual world. Yet the unravelling of this mystery is more complicated than anyone could imagine, entwining vengeful spirits, lost love, tragic devotion, a silent guardian, and an unbreakable bond which may yet save Sakuya…at the price of the ultimate sacrifice.Taisho Dream Stories – The Killing Stone: This continues the story of Akira Hanawaka, an unusually gifted Noh dancer who crosses the barrier between the physical and spiritual realms. But what lies at the heart of his powers? And how is his world changed by an unexpected confrontation with his younger brother? Secrets are revealed when the demons of Akira's past ominously threaten another's future.Beloved Princess: A young exorcist at court during the Heian Era (794-1192 CE) is confronted with a series of bizarre incidents involving the occult. But nothing is as it seems, and a greater mystery remains to be solved: the tragic tale of Princess Hashi.Evil One: Sometime in the not too distant future, civilization has been decimated by a biological weapon known only as Evil One, stolen from the laboratory of a brilliant scientist and unleashed upon the world by an enigmatic group of terrorists. In this shattered world, a young prostitute called Agata struggles to survive. His life goes by unnoticed until one day, after a particularly brutal encounter, Agata is rescued by a mysterious stranger who appears to know more than anyone should about the dark secrets of Agata's past. Who is this man? What does he want? And, most importantly, what is Agata's connection to the Evil One?

Farthest North

Farthest North summary: Farthest North summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Farthest North. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

The Second Coming of Gluttony

The Second Coming of Gluttony summary: He was an addict, a loser, a despicable human being.
But, one fleeting dream that may not be a dream at all reawakens his once-lost senses.
Possessing a very unique ability, he will use that, and the dream, to forge his path in the world now known as the Lost Paradise.
“The son of G.o.d Gula has returned.”
I was lost in the world of gambling.
I turned my back on my family and even betrayed my lover.
I wasted every day of my life.
It was a life of trash.
The reality told me thus:
That I would amount to nothing no matter what I did.
In order to change my pathetic life, I chose fantasy, instead.
Even then, it was the same story.
I wondered if salvation would come at the end of the long road.
But, I was forced to kneel down in defeat in front of a powerful ent.i.ty.
The tower I built up with my own hands crumbled into nothingness.
Just for once, I dearly wished to know the truth about myself.
– Come closer, my child…
I will not hold back this time.

Capturing a Locomotive

Capturing a Locomotive summary: Capturing a Locomotive summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Capturing a Locomotive. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

For One Night

For One Night summary: For One Night summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of For One Night. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

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