




















类别科幻 热血 都市 其他 少男






为了拯救误入死亡游戏而消失的青梅竹马,叶凡苦心孤诣找到了进入游戏的大门,再次参加了这场逃亡游戏。 为了救你,我愿意放弃整个世界。


类别都市 恋爱




内容简介:如果你来到哈利波特的世界你想做什么?德雷克很简单,他只想和自己在乎的几个人过好小日子。但是生活就是这样,你越是不想他就越是这样做。所以。命运如此只能迎头而上。我是你哥,躲我身后。1w0 -64236 >>


内容简介:人在娘胎:隔壁女帝想拔我脐带人在娘胎:隔壁女帝想拔我脐带小说阅读玄幻魔法类型小说人在娘胎:隔壁女帝想拔我脐带由作家日子好难过创作陈诺穿越到胎里没想到一睁眼发现隔壁还有个小胎儿。小兵提供 人在娘胎:隔壁女帝想拔我脐带最新章节人在娘胎:隔壁女帝想拔我脐带最新更新章节小兵免费稳定急速专业无弹窗1w0-78809 >>


内容简介:楚风:我攻城掠地不是我贪婪爱财,而是我想晋级啊!稣子:让开让开,这座城是我家宿主的,谁也别想碰,天王老子也不行。天王老子:??,有我啥事?宿命系统,麻烦加身,上天无路,下地无门。系统考 核层出不穷,千万名宿主逐鹿,既分胜负,也决生死!《异想天开系统》小说推荐:我当皇帝那些年、我在墙上挖个洞、爱你是我难言的痛、都市之狂龙战神萧青帝、隐婚100分:惹火娇妻嫁一送一、我怎么这么有钱陈歌、回档纯真年代、秦子泽苏雅晴、画堂春深、许意暖顾寒州、洛尘重生之都市修仙、仙武帝尊、她的小梨涡、魅王宠妻:鬼医纨绔妃、陈铁林清音、战神狂婿沈七夜、向晚贺寒川、废婿崛起韩三千、元卿凌楚王、恰如情深似暖阳1w0-71616 >>


内容简介:穿越到似女儿国的国家,当今国主为女帝,这个国家注定由女子继承皇位。他很慌。宫斗剧上演时,没有一个皇子能活下来。就在这时收到聊天群的邀请。四皇子:“大家好,我是萌新,请多多指教。”希罗娜 :“我是训练家。”布尔玛:“我是天才科学家。”灰原哀:“我正在研究长生不死的变小药。”纲手:“有人要玩骰子吗。”小精灵世界的希罗娜,龙珠世界的布尔玛,柯南世界的灰原哀,火影世界的纲手。本书又名【来自诸天万界的美女各位书友要是觉得《我的聊天群都是美女》还不错的话请不要忘记向您QQ群和微博里的朋友推荐哦!1w4535-61488 >>


内容简介:  热播剧《怒海潜沙》原著小说。  50年前由长沙土夫子(盗墓贼)出土的战国帛书,记载了一个奇特战国古墓的位置,50年后,其中一个土夫子的孙子在他的笔记中发现这个秘密,纠集了一批经验丰 富的盗墓贼前去寻宝,谁也没有想到,这个古墓竟然有着这么多诡异的事情:七星疑棺,青眼狐尸,九头蛇柏。这神秘的墓主人到底是谁,他们到底能不能找到真正的棺椁?故事悬念重重,情节跌荡,值得一看。  1w0-530 >>


内容简介:她举全族之力扶持新皇,却被他陷害至死,灵魂永禁在皇宫祠室内,眼睁睁看着满门被屠戮。她发誓要将那些作践她的真心、伤害百里家的人,亲手送进地狱,却在重生归来的第一天,就被楚王夏侯樽狠狠捏住 了下巴。“你就这么爱他?为了他可以不惜一切,甚至向本王下跪?”这一次,她挺起了脊梁,笑靥如狐:“别人的生死与我何干,我只想问,楚王殿下对皇位是否有兴趣?”夏侯樽轻轻靠近:“皇位与你,我都想要。”1w0-61750 >>




内容简介:我叫计承宝,是一个长得漂亮还爱打架的男生。我这辈子最难忘的事情,就是在那个午夜的街头,我被鬼在胸前按下了乌青的手印,蒙蔽了心智。是师父,用一枚铜钱把我拉了回来。让我成为了“宝贝儿”道爷 。校园从来就是一个肮脏的地方。怨念的戒指,被遗弃在厕所的婴灵,自杀的女生,还有那些隐藏在深夜宿舍中的鬼游戏。明南十一中,我噩梦的开始。我最后要杀死的人,是我自己!悬疑道法校园黑道言情,看过《尸体》的童鞋,应该了解我写文的调子了。这文,还是这个调子,因为加入了校园黑道的一些内容,不喜勿喷。本站提示:各位书友要是觉得《宝贝儿道爷》还不错的话请不要忘记向您QQ群和微博里的朋友推荐哦!1w0-65688 >>


内容简介:前单人花滑世界冠军黎昕意外去世,重生进了穆焕的身体。身体没了,存款没了,奋斗至今的荣耀也随之不见,这日子是没法儿过了!穆焕低头看看自己,既然这次是个alha,或许这次自己可以试试双人滑 !?至于搭档嘛…穆焕看向曾经的自己。啧。这么落魄失意吗?不就是信息素的味道不好闻!没关系,我不嫌弃!什么?信息素太臭?要自暴自弃?喂喂!你给我振作起啦啊!想被按在地上揉搓就尽管来,打击式教育了解一下。咱爸妈还要你照顾呢!你给我好好争气啊!那一夜,恨铁不成钢的穆焕抓着黎昕的领子,将他拍在了墙上,痛心疾首地说“你知不知道我对你费了多少心思!你真是太让我失望了。”那一夜,月如银盘,云卷云舒,黎昕错愕之后,脸上竟缓缓生出一团霞云,艳色无边。雷点or萌点1水仙文2事业主线3abo,男子双人滑求下篇文预收。《竞技文预收街舞》《竞技文预收花滑》《竞技文预收极限运动》各位书友要是觉得《我的味道该死的迷人花滑》还不错的话请不要忘记向您QQ群和微博里的朋友推荐哦!1w0-63815 >>




内容简介:宁知穿成了逃婚女配。书里,女主和男主活成了甜宠文。而同样嫁入豪门的炮灰女配,不仅被发现逃婚,以致于在豪门的日子艰难。加上她各种嫌弃有自闭症的丈夫,甚至为了追求真爱,最后将自己活成了悲剧 。1w0-2620 >>


内容简介:从出生的那一刻我就知道了,我是一名超能力者在我半岁的时候就可以轻易的悬浮重至卡车的物体,之后随着我的成长,心灵感应,念力,瞬移,千里眼,时间倒转等等能力逐渐显露也愈加难以控制,给我带来 了很多麻烦在我过着我平静高中生活的某一天,世界意识突然找到我,说某个黑帮老板得到了升级超能力的方式从此可以“消去某样事物的存在”而消去了除了他以外的所有其他人的超能力“因为你这个人就是由超能力组成的,所以他这消去一发动你就嗝儿屁了”世界意识如是说我可真是太冤了,被世界意识紧急将灵魂传送到十年前的关键人物身上杜绝屑老板的谋害,从此成为背后灵——齐木楠子渴望普通的日常,但总是被一群替身使者搅得不得安宁又名:齐木楠子的灾难齐荒木友人帐cp布加拉提既然恋爱线开了那么前排提醒,楠子并没有保留很多齐神的设定,尤其性格的方面,会放大柔软而温柔的那部分,对超能力虽然会排斥,但复活的楠子却也会庆幸而珍惜她拥有的这份力量1w0-69375 >>

Twinkle Tiara

This is a story by the author of Kero Kero Chime, and you can tell. The characters look similar, though the plot seems different. Rupika lives on a far off planet called Rakariina and has a growth on her head that looks like a tiara(called the Twinkle Tiara). Her grandfather tells her that her destiny begins when she meets a man with the Twinkle Crown. Every so often on this planet, a lot of meteors fall and a lot of new aliens land on the planet. Rupika goes out to see this and maybe find 'her prince'(the Twinkle Crown) and is captured by a boy named Alpha, who then mentions something about someone named Rozeus. Rupika wants to see Rozeus and leaves Alphas's spaceship, which is actually a big turtle. The new aliens seem to know something about her tiara and start harassing her, and though Alpha tries to control them he gets knocked out. Rupika's situation turns desperate but suddenly a man with the Twinkle Crown appears.

I Reincarnated As The Little Sister Of A Death Game Manga’S Murd3R Mastermind And Failed

One day, Mai remembers that her perfect stepbrother is a character in a death game manga, and that one year later he will hold a death game involving all of his classmates, killing his sister in the process. Mai plans a variety of surprises for her stepbrother every day based on what he said in the manga, 'Nothing unexpected happened, so I was bored,' but as the days go by, he begins to show abnormal signsOnly I know what my brother's really like. Pepu's comicalization of Inada Sou's popular web novel!Read more https://my site/manga/i-reincarnated-as-the-little-sister-of-a-death-game-mangas-murd3r-mastermind-and-failed


Mato-chan summary is updating. Come visit MangaNato.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Mato-chan. If you have any question about this manga, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

Dance In The Vampire Bund - Sledge Hammer No Tsuioku

Dance in the Vampire Bund: The Memories of Sledge Hammer is a two-volume interlude between Dance in the Vampire Bund’s first fourteen volume story arc and the upcoming second part of the series, which will launch in 2014. The Memories of Sledge Hammer delves into the past to look at the doomed love affair of one of the Vampire Bund’s most deadly operatives. Three months have passed since Princess Mina, queen of all vampires, has recaptured the Bund. The damage inflicted to vampire/human relations runs deep, but a peaceful postwar restoration is now underway. Yet appearances can be deceiving. Somebody is trying to kill government liaison Reiko Gotoh, but her lycanthrope bodyguard, Seiji Hama, is nowhere to be found. The mystery of Hama’s whereabouts can only be solved by examining the past, when the ill-fated couple first met. The past may be the key to saving Gotoh in the present—and to the future of the Vampire Bund itself!

King Eric and the Outlaws

King Eric and the Outlaws summary: King Eric and the Outlaws summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of King Eric and the Outlaws. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

Sky World

Sky World summary: Sky World takes place in the eponymous world of the MMORPG, Sky World. One day, thousands of players woke up to find themselves in the world.
Junichiro Mikimori is one of these players who has now come to live in Sky World. The story begins with Junichiro on Altaria Island. There, he encounters an all-female guild and befriends two of its members. Together, they decide to leave Altaria Island and journey to the highest point of the world: Aion Island, in hopes of being able to find a way back to the real world.

A Voyage to Arcturus

A Voyage to Arcturus summary: A Voyage to Arcturus summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of A Voyage to Arcturus. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

Celestial Employee

Celestial Employee summary: An ordinary run of the mill employee, a recently graduated new employee. An unlucky guy frustrated with life, a n.o.body always being bullied by his superiors and colleagues.
Unexpectedly, a n.o.body like this obtained a fabled power, a thing of the legends, the celestial arts of the Immortals. He turned into the only remaining disciple of the legendary magical treasure refining sect, the Three Treasure Sect, from aeons ago. With this, he gained the ability to refine all kinds of magical treasures, isn’t that amazing?
Author note from Chapter 23 that gives insights into the novel. (Parts are ommited because they are irrelevant at this point.)
It’s the eve of the lunar new year, let me say some things. Secondly, issues with the plot, those who read my novel would know. My novel isn’t like those where the lead is super powerful from the start (TL:and/or MC doesn’t power up like most/every other chinese novel MC on steroids.). Therefore those looking for an invincible MC from the start (TL:and/or power ups easily) would inevitably be slightly disappointed. I prefer to write the process of how a person slowly becomes stronger, as well a the lead’s normal and dull life, rather than him being invincible immediately, and proceeding to become almighty under the heavens, and XXOO (TL: You know… >.>

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