














简介林岚,她是落魄的草根模特,漂亮、倔强、为爱不顾一切,却发现抵不过对手胸脯三两肉,被前男友背叛、利用,才知一心一意想要嫁给他不过一场笑话。 阎军令,他是高高在上的娱乐帝王,尊贵、冷酷、翻手为云覆手为雨,却对她一见钟情,柔情备至。 幸福来得太突然,让她备觉惶恐,却不知道这背后藏着怎样一个深情的秘密……


















内容简介:外冷内热清冷自持影后攻宋如歌X没心没肺嬉皮笑脸骚断腿女警受何遇遇何遇遇再一次见到宋如歌,是在她奉命调查案件时。宋如歌,娱乐圈当红花旦兼影后,作为证人坐在她的面前。何遇遇抑制不住内心的悸 动在黑暗中把她禁锢在在墙上,低下头埋在她颈间,沙哑着嗓音问道“你到底想干嘛”宋如歌掀了掀眼皮,波澜不惊地从嘴里吐出两个字——“粗鲁”后来…宋如歌“结婚,马上!”何遇遇“???”宋如歌“如意CP粉已经把民政局搬来了。”何遇遇“……好的老婆。”【小剧场】某日,何遇遇出警,将宋如歌摁在墙上,眯着眼问道:“做我老婆?嗯?”宋如歌轻轻挑眉:“要看你有没有这个本事。”…………………………………ps:悬疑推理文!!!双向暗恋间歇性撒糖,无逻辑撒糖з」∠甜度:(不甜不要钱)1vs1,he——————本文为建设社会主义核心价值观,以中华传统美德,惩恶扬善为目的,献礼建国七十周年。希望我们国家繁荣昌盛,人民安居乐业!我也会从此刻做起,从小事做起,志存高远,脚踏实地,传承中华文化,弘扬民族精神,做一个了不起的中国人!【微博:杨林风的一只兰州】微博调戏各位书友要是觉得《何不遇如歌GL》还不错的话请不要忘记向您QQ群和微博里的朋友推荐哦!1w0-69308 >>


内容简介:童颜巨ru娃娃脸贫穷nu达学生x有钱有颜qi达活不恏老流氓傅香香最近接了一单生意,帮助赵家那位出了车祸导致jl儿软趴趴的太子爷重振雄风。所有的方法都用尽了之后,太子爷依旧对nu人提不起 兴致。眼看着期限就要到了,巨额佣金即将和自己说拜拜。傅香香一不做二不休,胆达包天的将太子爷绑在达床上,shou铐皮鞭齐上阵。不过为什么到后来,被shou铐铐在床上被旰的合不拢褪的人反而成了她自己???1w0-104459 >>


内容简介:平底锅教你做人无限流是逸初折子戏作者的最新小说,平底锅教你做人无限流小说网提供平底锅教你做人无限流最新章节全文免费阅读,平底锅教你做人无限流下载,平底锅教你做人无限流全文字更新,平底锅 教你做人无限流无弹窗!请关注平底锅教你做人无限流吧,本站最新最快更新平底锅教你做人无限流的最新章节。1w0-70258 >>


内容简介:英雄辈出的时代,李世民、窦建德、王世充、李密、李元霸、宇文成都……大浪淘尽,千古风流人物。这是一个充满机遇的时代,隋末群雄争霸,美人似玉,江山如画。高冲面对李唐的强势兴起,面对六十四路 烟尘,他敢与之争夺天下否?1w0-3937 >>


内容简介:  这片大陆上,每隔几百年都要从异世界召唤勇者穿越而来,与魔王展开殊死战斗。  后来,出了一点小意外。1w0-2878




内容简介:文案:齐乐人在通关《噩梦游戏》打出第一个be结局的时候不幸电脑黑屏。坐公交去修电脑的路上,公交车与一辆突如其来的卡车相撞,受伤的乘客们被送往医院。醒来的时候,齐乐人发现,自己躺在空荡荡 的输液大厅中,偌大的医院里空无一人……ps:一直想写的真人恐怖游戏(并不是1w0-3320 >>


内容简介:  天才少年叶麟,因为一场意外,回到了过去,一个他完全陌生的年代,看叶麟……  已有两本完本精品,质量有保障,请大家放心收藏。  为方便大家交流讨论,可进书友群:292724802(无 要求)!VIP群:135356857(两千粉丝值,需验证)1w0-164 >>


内容简介:身为港城最优秀的吸血鬼猎人,伊芙琳最大的心愿是消灭吸血鬼恶徒劳伦佐。而劳伦佐最渴望的……是吃掉她。字面意义。在一次次相杀、合作和背刺后,他们又希望,如愿以偿的日子能来得再晚一些。“真好 闻。”吸血鬼带着凉意的鼻梁和鼻尖蹭过她动脉表面的皮肤,而后停住,感受生命温热的脉动。非常快速地,有什么尖锐湿润的东西在颈侧同一位置划了一下,像个预演。伊芙琳终于1w0-83634 >>


内容简介:我们战队不许谈恋爱是由济海所写的都市言情类小说,本站提供我们战队不许谈恋爱最新章节阅读我们战队不许谈恋爱全文阅读我们战队不许谈恋爱免费无弹窗在线阅读,如果您发现我们战队不许谈恋爱更新慢 了请第一时间联系小兵。1w0-82977 >>


内容简介:神朝鼎盛,仙道不息。可惜时代变了。西洋蛮夷,海外倭寇,正宗邪道,龙蛇并起。咒术符甲,不堪一击,洋枪火炮,踹门破阵。风雨欲来,乱世将起,正邪欲动,神朝将倾。在黑暗将来的短暂黎明,顾渊在一 个小小书肆中苏醒,成了寻仙世家的独苗。志在长生,梦在仙道。但在一切之前,他得先从半人半妖重新变成个人。1w0-29742 >>

安可的性福生活(高H NP)


Korisu Ballet

Korisu Ballet summary is updating. Come visit MangaNato.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Korisu Ballet. If you have any question about this manga, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

Hoshigari Love Dollar

SUZUKI Matsuri is riding the train to school one morning when she feels the unpleasant slide of a stranger’s fingers on her rear. Not one to be bashful, Matsuri turns and decks the guy behind her, yelling at him and accusing him of being a pervert. Unfortunately for Matsuri, she hits the wrong guy! Her victim is a young man named SUMERAGAWA Omi. He is rich. I mean…. REALLY rich. Ridiculously rich. He chose to ride the train that morning after one of his cars had engine trouble and he didn’t want to bother waiting for another car to be brought around. Of course it wasn’t Omi who had his hand on Matsuri’s behind, and when she realizes this, she apologizes profusely. Omi is not the type to let her off that easily, however. He decides that he likes Matsuri’s outgoing personality and sass, and he wants her… for his bride!

Hoppe Ni Chuuboo!

From MangaArt: Yummy is the only daughter of a restaurant owner... But she's no good at cooking at all. Then one day, she got involved in a lunch showdown over her beloved Tsuyoshi! A strange cooking spirit, Hoppe appeared in front of her when she was in a dire pinch...!?

Rockin' Heaven

From Entropy: Sawa applies to Heaven’s Wing Academy, thinking she would look cute in the uniform. But she never expected the academy to be a previously all-boys’ school! And the head honcho of the school, the class president himself—Ran—doesn’t seem to like her one bit and takes no pains to hide it. At first, adjusting to life at the academy is tough. Sawa is bullied and teased, and the boys in the class even throw her new shoes in the water. While attempting to retrieve her shoes, she falls into the water and is unexpectedly saved by Ran, who up until this point has made her life hell. The newfound gentleness in Ran intrigues her—and she finds herself falling for him. What will her days be like for the rest of her school life? Read this manga from right to left

Seirei Tsukai no Blade Dance Extra

Seirei Tsukai no Blade Dance Extra summary: A collection of side stories released with the blu-rays of the Seirei Tsukai no Blade Dance anime.
Extra.1 – Great Festival of the Spirits at the Imperial Capital
Extra.2 – Est Looking After the Sick
Extra.3 – The Princess’ Confidential Part-time Job
Extra.4 – Hunting the Legendary Giant Bust Spirit!
Extra.5 – The Terrifying Mystery Hotpot Battle
Extra.6 – Elementalists on Break

On the Relations of Man to the Lower Animals

On the Relations of Man to the Lower Animals summary: On the Relations of Man to the Lower Animals summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of On the Relations of Man to the Lower Animals. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

Puvis de Chavannes

Puvis de Chavannes summary: Puvis de Chavannes summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Puvis de Chavannes. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

Underdog Versus Boss

Underdog Versus Boss summary: Feng Kai Ze and Da Tian Ting are childhood rivals.
Feng Kai Ze is the love child of a ruthless tyc.o.o.n. He resents his father for his mother’s death. When his father forces him to leave his mother’s hometown, he steals Da Tian Ting’s diary.
Da Tian Ting resents her mother for abandoning her and her father to marry her mother’s first love.
Unbeknownst to Da Tian Ting, her father’s friend betrays him by stealing her father’s invention. She believes her inheritance is from her father’s life savings.
Da Tian Ting loves her father. She agrees to marry her father’s friend’s son.
On the eve of Da Tian Ting’s wedding day, her fiance cheats on her. She cancels the wedding and breaks off the engagement.
When Da Tian Ting hits rock bottom she reunites with Feng Kai Ze. She doesn’t recognise the adult Feng Kai Ze. She thinks he is a handsome pauper and plans to recruit him as her wedding date to her ex-fiance’s wedding.
Feng Kai Ze recognises his childhood rival Da Tian Ting. Initially Feng Kai Ze wants to use Da Tian Ting to defy his father’s order for him to marry the daughter of a businessman who is blackmailing his father.
Feng Kai Ze and Da Tian Ting join forces to take revenge on the people who hurt their mother and father respectively. Blind by revenge, Feng Kai Ze and Da Tian Ting can’t see cupid’s arrow targeting their hearts.

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