




简介“当真正的富二代拿出资源解决问题的时候,你想象不到那是一种什么样的力量!!!” 于守仁,一位突然决定进入高中做一位“平凡”老师的绝对富二代,在面对一群“问题儿童”的时候,在别人议论他特殊敏感的身份的时候,要如何面对呢?!


简介朝夕相处16年的青梅竹马早已经分不清亲情还是爱情的界限了,本以为永远陪伴,一生缘分走下去……而一次意外竟让原本只属于她的他 “撞”进了时尚界娱乐圈,看着他踏进耀眼光鲜靓丽的新世界,明星路道阻且长,是渐行渐远还是不悔相伴?而接踵而来的时尚御姐、明星女王又让他如何纠结,如何选择……






















类别恋爱 穿越 古风




内容简介:【飞卢小说网独家签约小说:全民骑士,开局崇皇时王】秦炎穿越到一个全民皆可觉醒骑士驱动器的世界。在这个世界,不仅有假面骑士,还有属于骑士世界的怪物。假面骑士与怪物的战斗争执不休。直到十八 岁时,秦炎终于觉醒出属于自己的骑士驱动器。时空驱动器,时王表盘,崇皇表盘。当这三样东西会汇聚在秦炎手里,注定秦炎将踏上王道之路,成为至仁至善至高至强的魔王。飞卢小说网提醒您:本小说及人物纯属虚构,如有雷同,纯属巧合,切勿模仿。1w0-85925 >>


内容简介:【飞卢小说网独家签约小说:全民骑士,开局崇皇时王】秦炎穿越到一个全民皆可觉醒骑士驱动器的世界。在这个世界,不仅有假面骑士,还有属于骑士世界的怪物。假面骑士与怪物的战斗争执不休。直到十八 岁时,秦炎终于觉醒出属于自己的骑士驱动器。时空驱动器,时王表盘,崇皇表盘。当这三样东西会汇聚在秦炎手里,注定秦炎将踏上王道之路,成为至仁至善至高至强的魔王。飞卢小说网提醒您:本小说及人物纯属虚构,如有雷同,纯属巧合,切勿模仿。1w0-85925 >>


内容简介:三年婚姻如同枷锁,杨千语终于脱离牢笼,却不想怀上了三胞胎。不得已将早产病危的女儿留给前夫,她带着俩儿子远走高飞。数年后,她潜回国本想偷偷看看女儿,却被前夫发现惊天秘密!“杨千语,这俩熊 孩子你怎么解释?”…1w99480-99828 >>


内容简介:【飞卢小说网独家签约小说:洪荒:我成了反派圣人】一觉醒来,穿越到了小说中的洪荒世界,还成了反派带恶人?开局就要被主角打脸?等等,自己的身份好像有点牛逼——竟然是三清之首的太清圣人!不仅 如此,还顺带着开启了神级反派系统!啧,混元圣人逆天系统?飞龙骑脸还怎么输?!敢废了人教?直接先宰了主角祭天!于是乎,整个洪荒都开始跑偏……东皇太一:“我,妖皇,发誓要娶后土!”灵宝天尊:“我,通天,绝不出关封神!”北海玄龟:“我,玄龟,绝不补天!”飞卢小说网提醒您:本小说及人物纯属虚构,如有雷同,纯属巧合,切勿模仿。如果您喜欢洪荒:我成了反派圣人,别忘记分享给朋友作者:五更鼓所写的《洪荒:我成了反派圣人》无弹窗免费全文阅读为转载作品章节由网友发布。无弹窗推荐地址:1w0-72030 >>




内容简介:这是一个男配翻身做主的故事,这也是个渣女回头是岸金不换,跟她家新上位的男主联手打怪兽的故事。。。。凌子桐,要她要的,不管他有没有,凌家家主总会在第一时间捧到她面前。这么娇宠着长大,凌子 桐美丽,骄傲,也任性。凌家主说,她想要钱,我给;她要男朋友,我让她找;她要我滚,我就远远看着她;她想留我一人在这世上,休想!。。。末世来临,男友用她换了十斤白面粉,被辱之际,凌子桐激发异能,她小心翼翼活着,最终没被丧尸撕掉,却死在实验室。灵魂飘荡中,凌子桐亲眼看着凌家家主寻得她的身体,看着凌家主血刃她的一个个仇人,看着凌家主抱着她闯入丧尸群中。重生回到末世前,凌子桐发誓,这一世,她再不会让爱她的人为她而死,她要携爱人站在金字塔最顶端。利用前世所见,凌子桐多了一个无限空间,添了一项精神力,成为炙手可热的两项异能者,一朝翻身,由一个四肢不勤的米虫彻底长成末世一颗耀眼的新星。跟凌家主收收小弟,建立独立安全区,带领兄弟们过上跟末世前一样吃穿不愁的好日子。只是——前男友悔过?一脚踹开!背叛她的闺蜜还想攀着她?不将你扔进丧尸群中已经是客气了!神马?当局领导者想要跟凌家主联姻?凌子桐掐腰,想跟她抢人者,死!。。。注:本文大开金手指,末世爽文,主流言情,女强男强,一对一,至于宠不宠?妞们且看且辨别。另:收藏本文的妞们人美肤白吃不胖哦!1w0-131699 >>




内容简介:纪修意外穿越西游世界,成为唐僧的后爹刘洪,与佛门结下大因果!还好,纪修激活复制合成系统。可以复制一切功法,法宝,修为……可以把普通功法,合成为神级功法,普通法宝,合成为洪荒至宝……纪修 第一件事情,就是跑去五指山,把孙悟空的72变,九转玄功,筋斗云,太乙金仙修为给复制了……1w0-26646 >>


内容简介: 有幸穿越了,还是生在地主家,此生不缺吃穿却也不想混吃等死,所以傅小官随意的做了些事情,没料到产生的影响如此巨大。 皇帝要让他官居一品,公主要招他为驸马,尚书府的千金非他不嫁,荒人要他 的头,夷国要他的命,樊国要他的钱…… 可是,傅小官就想当个大地主啊!1w0-2785 >>


内容简介:一个人砍翻乱世的人生之路。丧尸:吼。林凡:“大家都是邻居,为什么要如此暴躁呢。”林凡:“我还要去买菜呢。”林凡看着变成丧尸的小青:“小青,我买了几瓶水,已经扫码了哦。”林凡:“老板,我 想结一下工资。”阳光小区,林凡生活的小区,无数逃难者,蜂拥而至,寻求庇护。我们要跟林凡学习,遵守法律,打工赚钱,争取买房买车,在丧尸横行的城市里,做一位优秀的市民。1w94413-99025 >>


内容简介:深夜看网络爆款小说召唤万岁,正看到激情的部分兴奋至死,许宇意外穿越到了斗罗大陆全大陆精英挑战即将结束那一刹那,作为一名原本躺在地上武魂殿战队成员突然站了起来起来,面对十二双虎视眈眈的眼 睛,张许宇怔了怔,弱弱问道:“还能躺回去吗?”比比东:“……”。路走窄了!1w0-82810 >>


内容简介:前世,仙仙相信他一定会排除一切艰险前来保护她们母子三人,她安心的带着孩子在家中等待,直到家中食水消耗殆尽,巨鸟破窗而入,家中不再安全。不得已北上寻他,带着两个幼小的孩子,一路艰辛,危险 重重,终于快要到达他所在的安全区,却被他身边人领着一个据说是他未婚妻的女人在她的落脚点放了一把火,再一睁眼,已回到末世之初,星坠之夜1w0-26482 >>


From ADV: A pizza delivery boy must save the world! Young Kenta Akagi has never been anywhere except for his hometown of Lutzheim, where he currently ekes out an existence as a pizza delivery boy. Faraway places, strange foreign folks, the wars they fight, and the adventures they have are just stories to him, until he meets a young girl - the kind of girl that wars are fought over! People seem afraid of her, but Kenta doesn't understand why. All he knows is that he seems to remember her from somewhere, and that he has to protect her no matter what!

Battle Angel Alita: Last Order

Last Order starts when Desty Nova's nanotechnology resurrects Alita in the floating city of Tiphares. The town 's black secrets are viciously exposed, but it seems to be a little portion of a world that is complicated. Going into space with old and new companies to learn more about her forgotten past and equally, to look for her lost pal Lou Collins, Alita is caught up in an interplanetary battle between the main powers of the solar-system that was colonized. On the way, she forms an alliance with three of the Alita Replicas that have now started to believe for themselves, an unsavory superhacker, and Nova himself when she enters the Zenith of Things Tournament (Z.O.T.T.), a fighting contest held every 10 years. Including the way in which the Earth appeared from a cataclysmic impact winter that wiped-out the majority of the public throughout the length of the narrative, more history regarding the setting of Battle Angel Alita that had not been disclosed in the earlier string is shown.

Muteki Kareshi

From Midnight Scans: Ayumi became the manager of Oumi High School's kendo club. The powerful team has fallen, and the continuing of the club is in dispute. Ayumi tries to make the invincible swordsman, Mutou Hajime join the club to settle it, but all he says is: 'Who are you?' 'So troublesome.' 'Don't look down on kendo.' etc. His attitude is also invincible and Ayumi falls in love with this problematic man? Also Included: + Rain Colored Love + I'm no Match for You


The incredible adventures of Amilova, a teenage girl that discovers her Fire Super Powers ! Action, magic, mysteries, love and humor... A show full of emotions!

The Children's Book of Christmas Stories

The Children's Book of Christmas Stories summary: The Children's Book of Christmas Stories summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of The Children's Book of Christmas Stories. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

The Bastard Called Brave And The Former Fiancé, I Will Crush All Of Them

The Bastard Called Brave And The Former Fiancé, I Will Crush All Of Them summary: The continent’s largest kingdom, the Kingdom of Westphalia The boy Light who lived there had the lesson of the sword from his father who was a former knight of the kingdom, together with his childhood friend Lyrica and Sere. Both Lyrica and Light being childhood lovers, promise to be engaged with each other. Sere also being in love with Light decided to be Light’s mistress. Because you have to be a knight to have a mistress, Light slaves himself to point of death in order to be a knight of the kingdom of Westphalia. And, in order to receive the special ability called “gift” which everyone has, when Light, Lyrica and Sere become 16 years old, they go to the cathedral of the Westphalia kingdom in order to appraise their “gifts”. However the cruel reality is revealed, when Lyrica and Sere both receive great gifts and Light receives a talent called “???” An Unknown Power. A man called Brave came from another world with two women and told both of the women “Are you the girls of my destiny?” They were gathering girls with great gifts to combine their power and kill the Demon King that was recently revived. Lyrica and Sera together with the man called brave and the two girls journey together in order to kill the Demon King. One year later.. Lyrica and Sere came back, as the wife of the brave rage.. For the two of them, Light, which became a knight in order to marry them, is simply deserted. Betrayed by both of his dearest Fiancés, Light, broken by sadness wandered aimlessly, weeping.. But his sorrowful emotions are killed soundlessly as anger consumed him… All of them… KILL!

The Undead World With Swords And Magic

The Undead World With Swords And Magic summary: The Undead World With Swords And Magic summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of The Undead World With Swords And Magic. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

Oregon, Washington and Alaska; Sights and Scenes for the Tourist

Oregon, Washington and Alaska; Sights and Scenes for the Tourist summary: Oregon, Washington and Alaska; Sights and Scenes for the Tourist summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Oregon, Washington and Alaska; Sights and Scenes for the Tourist. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

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