特殊恋人攻略 LoveLock最新章节在线阅读





简介礼貌系的弱气少年在异世界转生了,变成了吸血鬼的美少女。 剑和魔法都也有的异世界,带着多到溢出来的外挂能力转生了的主角所追求的 东西。那就是—三餐附带午睡和点心养我的生活吧!

























特殊恋人攻略 LoveLock



内容简介:小狼狗by是由一只白兔糖所写的惊悚悬疑类小说,本站提供小狼狗by最新章节阅读小狼狗by全文阅读小狼狗by免费无弹窗在线阅读,如果您发现小狼狗by更新慢了请第一时间联系小兵。1w0-30 167 >>


内容简介:为了治好烧伤的女儿,林羽背井离乡三年。归来时却发现女儿被无情虐待,而虐待女儿的毒妇竟成了全民敬仰的人间天使。身负上古医圣传承的他开始了绝地反击,医术、星象、阵法、修仙融会贯通,众生生灭 只在他一念之间!1w16103-26352 >>








内容简介:【【创新传奇】星空作品】灵希帝国十二位封号强者冠绝天下,万族来朝,被誉为剑圣的林峰,因为种种原因被放逐,离开天帝城来到了一个边陲小镇。他本以为是归隐山林的田园生活,但却在这个安静祥和的 小镇遇到了一件件诡异的事件,血月魔女,金色暗影,暗裔,天使?他究竟是跳出了苦海,还是……走近了深渊?PS追过乾坤仙域的朋友,可以直接加书架了,实力保证!本站提示:各位书友要是觉得《我被妖女篡位了》还不错的话请不要忘记向您QQ群和微博里的朋友推荐哦!1w0-78948 >>




内容简介:再不让我死,我就真无敌了穿越者叶宁获得金手指,只要死后就能成为天帝。于是他开始疯狂作死。但他很快就发现这个世界有毒。大周女帝:“一见叶宁误终生,他若死,朕绝不肯独活。”上界仙君:“世人 1w58943-65911 >>


内容简介:】:季解之怎么也想不到自己会因为在马路上踩死了一只蚂蚁而被一个叫“099”的系统给讹上。099:“你踩死的是我们爱动物世界的程序员,现在各个小说副本濒临崩坏,需要你去维护。”第一个世界 :他睁眼就看到一头浑身雪白、斜眼蓝瞳,虎视眈眈盯着他的生物。季解之:“不懂就问,有哈士奇长这样的吗?”099:“你好,据爱动物百科分析,这是一头雪狼,并且处于饥饿状态。”……草!季解之没跑出两步被雪狼一口刁住衣领拖回狼窝,正当他要接受自己的死亡时,身上的狼突地变了——成了一头白发少年,眼泪prada、prada地掉,面上却是发狠,凶恶地对他说:“你还知道回来!”季解之:“不是,这原作到底是什么小说?”099:“furry人外文,另外这本文的设定是寻妻。”季解之:“……”第二个世界:谢邀,刚穿越,人在床下,床上躺了只猫头男身的生物。白猫头忽地睁开眼睛,冷蓝色的竖瞳眨了两下。“老婆,早上好。”季解之:“……”……第五个世界:季解之看着眼前仙气飘飘的生物艰难地咽了口口水。“虽然但是,这物种是不是超纲了?”【食用指南】:切片攻,雪狼、波斯猫、白鹿、雪豹,最后一个你猜。2刑祁X季解之,从头到尾都是一个攻哈~3不是我脚踏N条船,而是这船他自个裂了jpg标签:年下系统快穿穿书主角:季解之,刑祁┃配角:099┃其它:船他自个裂了jpg立意:即使人生苦难繁多,仍需努力前行。1w0-98774 >>


内容简介:亚汉撇撇嘴,暗自诽谤:“我可是来自高科技社会,人不仅可以通过飞机在天空飞,甚至都可以去太空了。什么惊奇的事情没见过,如果你到了我们的星球,眼珠子可真的要被别人踩碎了。力气大,有什么用, 还能挡住导弹?”突然他停下来,脸色有点难看:“导弹能不能摧毁这些怪物可很难说,这里的人皮糙肉厚,力大无穷,而且还是处于如此的重力下,如果换成地球的环境那不成超人。想到最后,他不由用力的咽下嘴中的肉食,再把几串葡萄形状的水果胡乱的塞到嘴里,连皮带核嘎嘣嘎嘣咬碎,咽下肚子,然后恶狠狠的想道:“实在不行,那就核弹,几个核弹下去,啥都化成灰灰,清洁溜溜了。”本站提示:各位书友要是觉得《毁灭之眼》还不错的话请不要忘记向您QQ群和微博里的朋友推荐哦!1w0-81722 >>


内容简介:人,一撇一捺,就像两条腿,撑着一截正直的脊梁,撑着一颗向上的头颅,昂然挺立于天地间。而生活,是尝遍柴米油盐的平淡,是笑对酸甜苦辣的平凡。生而为人,生下来,活下去,永不停息。(书友群47 4558375,欢迎加入!)1w46604-85824 >>


内容简介:  战战兢兢的日向镜,终于得到了梦寐以求的宝物...  在宝蓝色的转生眼中,火影的世界究竟是什么样的呢?1w0-282


It is a world where humans and monsters struggle to coexist. The government is controlled by humans and monsters have obliged to keep peace. However, monster criminals continue to disrupt the world. It is up to the Twin brothers (aka ‘Punisher Brothers’) to seek out these monster criminals and kill them. Author/Artist: http://tapastic.com/MIKA

Ushio And Tora

Ushio and Tora Manga facilities across conflicts and the journeys of Ushio Aotsuki, who assisted and is always being stalked by a massive, sometimes imperceptible, and unnatural tiger-like creature named Tora. Ushio inadvertently unsealed the cavern Tora was immobilized in. The show centers around their relationship, interspersed with conflicts against foes that are mythological, and with the efforts to grapple with modern life of Tora. Main characters in Ushio and Tora Manga The narrative also contains the relationships of Ushio with two girls: the female Mayuko Inoue as well as the tomboyish Asako Nakamura. The protagonist of the show, he's the son of a temple priest as well as overcome the superb y and a woman shaman, destined to wield the Beast Spearukai Hakumen no Mono. He's really kind hearted and considerably values camaraderie and all life. With his ideals, he manages to unite yukai against Hakumen and the forces of humanity with Tora through his case of his fighting partnership. Ushio cares a lot for Mayuko and adores Asako, and can quickly may actually save them from yukai strikes. Tora An early tiger-like yukai when Ushio pulled off the Beast Spear, who had been released. Prior to being trapped in the cellar of the temple of Ushio, he was known as Nagatobimaru, magnificently worried for his absolute strength and powers of lightning among the yukai community. Being trapped in the cellar for 500 years, he's great interest over gadgets and modern lifestyle. His favourite food is burgers, when they meet, which Mayuko consistently supplies. He says that he's every intent to eat Mayuko and Ushio, so is not going to let them be taken away by other yukai. In exactly the same time, Tora looks to love their firm, and he's said that he'll not make a move as low as wanting to eat Ushio in his slumber, suggesting he'd favor fight that is honest. He also describes the reason why he shields Ushio despite saying he will eat him is that he interest around him. Tora cares greatly about him which he really attempts to deny Ushio and Tora manga transform to Anime Characters in Ushio and Tora Manga Asako Nakamura The hotheaded, tomboyish childhood pal of Mayuko and Ushio. A ramen restaurant is owned by her family. Mayuko Inoue Asako and Ushio 's companion. She's womanly and more pleasant. She has feelings for Tora, whom she easily purchases burgers for and cares for Ushio. Afterwards, she took as her stepbrother in Kirio. Additionally it is disclosed that she belongs to the lineage of strong woman shamans. So, Mayuko can produce psychic barriers strong enough to hold Hakumen back. Ushio's dad, custodian of the temple he along with his son live in. His secret identity is being one of a particular Buddhist sect named Kouhamei of most powerful priest. An orphaned girl who goes to exactly the same school as Mayuko, Asako and Ushio. Her dad was quite overprotective of her, and he became an oni, causing risk to any sons who took the merest fantasy of her when he died. She was distressed by this greatly, and she attempted to commit suicide many times. Ushio eventually got his mistakes are realized by her dad, and he left for the afterworld. Then, Reiko could lead an ordinary life, and became good buddies with Mayuko, Asako and Ushio. Hyou A strong Chinese exorcist, exceptionally proficient in geomancy, use of flying spears and seals. Socket now could be a charming blue crystal ball used to save his life. Hyu Initially believes Tora is the one who killed his family, but Ushio convinces him is not guilty, and Hyu After calms down a little, being a treasured ally. Jie Mei She's the sister of Giryu, who lost her life to make the blade of the spear. She reincarnated as Yuki, the very first of the lineage of woman shamans that are strong one has the exact same appearance as her. Jie Mei is capable freely materialize everywhere desired, and seemed to help prevent Ushio with his spirit completely absorbed by the spear from transforming into a Creature. Giryu An extremely skilled blacksmith who goes mad from being not able to prevent her forfeit, the brother of Jie Mei. Filled with remorse, rage and sorrow, he beaten on his body to the shaft of the spear. However, he's pledged his devotion to Ushio. Yu Hiyama The dad of a young girl whose caused a flying devil, by Fusuma. She attributed her daddy's longtime pal Atsuzawa for the event, but she learns the truth and forgives Atsuzawa after helping Fusuma to be defeated by Ushio. She's shy and simply intimidated, apologizing profusely when the other is at fault. As the backlash of energy would ruin her, initially she's unwilling to let Ushio ruin the obstacle imprisoning Omamori, when Tora determines to deflect the backlash, but she relents. In the wake, she tells Ushio of her choice to become more powerful like him, and becomes fitter and more sociable. Strangely, her hair begins turning brown too, possibly symbolizing the conclusion of her 'occupation'. Like her mom Akiyo Takatori Ushio to Tora manga  Shinji Tokuno A former yakuza who left the company when he was identified as having cancer, and instinctively chose to go back to his home village. He gives himself to seal the mist spirit, Shimuna and keep it from ruining his hamlet. In the chapters later, Ushio wears the overcoat in memory of his sacrifice of Shinji. Reiko's childhood and classmate buddy. They became after the passing of the dad of Reiko, but made up after he with her and Ushio defeat the Oni that was the dad of Reiko. Kyuji Atsuzawa Hiyama's dad. He saw his buddy is killed by the Fusuma and when Ushio and Tora killed the heavens devil, Yu For blaming him for her dad's passing, apologized. Ushio's until a Youkai told Ushio that she is living and despised by all Youkai Mom who had been presumed dead. She is the third in a line of woman shamans that's kept from ruining Japan Hakumen no Mono imprisoned to stop it. Jie Mei enabled her to leave her place for a couple of years, which had before being made to go back to the seal, Ushio and enabled her to meet with Shigure Tokyo Ghoul Manga Lueduo Diren De Xin Manga

Rabu Kue

This manga starts out with Akabane being sucked into a different world with another boy (Moriya) and run into a girl named Marion, who is a fighter. Apparently only through the exchange of body fluids between the two boys can power her up to fight against various monsters attacking.

Irokoi Comedy

1-2) Yaasu has psychic powers, and recently it seems, a spirit has possessed his body for the purpose of confessing to Yuuma's childhood friend, Ritsu. Before leaving this world, the spirit would like to spend the night with Ritsu. Will Yuuma agree? If Yuuma crawls into Ritsu's bed, will Ritsu accept him? And when all is said and done, why does this spirit now have legs? 3-4) What's an uke to do when his 79-year old grandpa, who is a mad scientist, creates a pill that can make him look 29? And the reason for looking young again - to go after his grandson's boyfriend. Will Grandpa's groping and kidnapping finally get our couple to heat up the sheets? Or will grandpa get himself a new toy? 5-8) Some boy-love one-shots revolving around baseball, revenge, suppositories, and flower arranging.

The Smoky God

The Smoky God summary: The Smoky God summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of The Smoky God. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

Garudeina Oukoku Koukoku Ki

Garudeina Oukoku Koukoku Ki summary: A world where swords, bows, and magic flutter about.
Amagi Shigehisa, who was taking his university entrance exams, suddenly transferred into such a world without any warning.
As the strongest race, Dragunir.
Who and for what purpose? Without harboring this question for long, Shigehisa confronts an excessively heartless and harsh reality.
Shigehisa transferred into the North Tenshia Continent.
There, with the exception of humans, the Beast people like the Wolfmen tribe, Tigermen tribe, and others, experience extreme discrimination and oppression, and are forced into a life-threatening lifestyle every day.
Thus, Shigehisa made a decision.
“By my own means, I will make a kingdom for the sake of fluffiness!”
(TL: mofuru, mofu for fluffy, ru for a verb)
Because of a man who possesses a lifespan and power unmatched by humans, a battle which involves the whole continent starts.
Shigehisa, revising his name to “Georg Stanford”, the protagonist in a RPG he played during his high school days, brings together the beast people from every place in the continent.

Ravished By A Highlander

Ravished By A Highlander summary: Ravished By A Highlander summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Ravished By A Highlander. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.


Ringfield summary: Ringfield summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Ringfield. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

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