




























类别玄幻 都市




内容简介:  这片浩瀚大世上将星璀璨、群英荟萃。  猛将能以一敌万,千军辟易。  统帅可统筹布阵,锻造军魂。  谋士有呼风唤雨,借助大势。  文臣亦安定一方,风调雨顺。  战国群雄、汉初三杰、云 台二十八将、五虎上将、四猛八大锤、开隋九老、隋唐十八好汉、凌烟阁二十四功臣、梁山一百零八将、大明开国六公爵......  方牧苏醒前世记忆,发现身边有很多耳熟能详的名字。  我爷爷是方腊,我爹是方天定,他们已经在培养私兵了。  定乾坤,铸圣朝,从篡宋开始。——群号:10721631001w0-2379 >>


内容简介:  万般皆下品,唯有修仙高。  那年,阿呆五岁,母亲变卖了嫁妆,摆摊卖饼,供他修仙,没想到多年以后,这个青牛村的孩童,竟成了天下第一仙。1w0-3644






内容简介:全城百姓对生存已经失去了希望,守城官也已下达了城破之时同归于尽的命令,此时,一声响彻云霄的虎啸声传来,接着就是一面面黑旗出现在天际,“黑黑旗,是七皇子,七皇子来了,我们有救了”这世界本 就杀戮…1w23367-29515 >>


内容简介:他是黑白两道奉若神明的魔神后人,所向披靡天下无敌,辣手摧花引无数女人竞折腰!又有谁知他本纨绔,贪财好色废物一枚?究竟是什么让他脱胎换骨缔造一个又一个震世传奇?各位书友要是觉得《少年魔神 》还不错的话请不要忘记向您QQ群和微博里的朋友推荐哦!1w0-83350 >>




内容简介:被女友抛弃,无意中加入了神仙聊天群,从此李小春的生活浪得不得了……装最炫的逼、专打各种不服,迎娶白富美,走上人生巅峰!从今天起,哥十年内要励志成为功德神豪、羽化成仙!李小春带领大家加入 红包成仙大军!1w0-52911 >>


内容简介:她白天是一丝不苟的总统府邸女管家,尽职尽守的供他差遣。他细心呵护未婚妻,她在背后默默无闻帮他铲除敌对。她是他的影子,他是她的曾经。她早已是个无心之人,不会痛,不配爱,她活着只是为…1w 0-76781 >>


内容简介:【每晚九点左右更。更不了会在文案微博请假。开防盗了,比例不高不低,时间不短不长那种。微博言言夫卡码字ing】【接档文《魔二代和仙二代见不得人的那些事》《实名拒绝做魔女》求预收~】【文案 1】作为AM战队的创始人经理人,楚嘉年做梦都想把那个名叫【对面大汉纳命来】的国服第一中单挖过来。然后他发现,这位纳命大汉,原《卿本网瘾少女电竞》小说推荐:生活玩家全息、网游之九天龙女、麻烦请叫我上仙、氪金大佬的生存游戏、蜜糖陷阱、飘洋过海中国船、比克斯魔方、甜妻追杀令:精分大神,来pk!、有一种妖怪叫人妖、七日逃生游戏无限、鬼服兵团、网游之秩序娇娘、给我一碗小米粥、NPC工作日志、快穿王者:英雄,开黑吗!、第一法师、网游之魔幻仙境、你微笑时很美、卡牌密室(重生)、一见你就撩1w0-80348 >>


内容简介:让我标记下最新章节免费阅读让我标记下是南无渡创作的经典都市言情作品,全文讲述了:宣阳高中的校霸简池安,拥有着最漂亮的脸蛋,最软乎乎的信息素,最安静的名字却打着最狠的架。几乎整个宣阳都知 道他们的校霸是个四大皆空视Alpha信息素为空气的诡异Omega想看到他脸红心跳双眼湿润的样子简直是在做梦!简池安:嗤,就那些Alpha弱鸡的信息素还想标记我?我是不可能让人标记的,这辈子都不可能!城南城北一条街,打听打听谁是爹!然后有一天,3班的同学们惊恐的看见自家校霸双手环着转校生的脖子,1w0-82207 >>


内容简介:EVE萌新玩家石蛮,穿越来到浩瀚的星际时代中,获得了EVE中的科技。智能生命、战舰、空间站等等,通通都能拿到现实中。文明争霸?形体战争?外面太危险,稳(pa)重(si)的石蛮只想苟在荒 芜的阿尔法星域中玩游戏、搞建设。直到一支溃逃而来的星际海盗的到临……PS:本书又名《EVE萌新生存指南》、《EVE高安死亡攻略》……1w0-76712 >>

Medaka Box

The storyline follows Medaka Kurokami, a magnetic and appealing first year Hakoniwa Academy pupil who's elected Student Council President with 98% of the vote. She addresses these petitions in her improper way, and with all the help with her childhood buddy Zenkichi Hitoyoshi, institutes a suggestion box. On the span of the narrative, the student council leadership places are distributed by her to other pupils like Mogana Kikaijima and Kouki Akune. The Student Council learns that the academy chairman means to initiate a job to powerfully experimentation on routine pupils, the Flask Plan, called Normals, so that you can turn them into Abnormals, that's people with superhuman powers. The Student Council conflicts with other pupils which are involved using the job and infiltrates the secret laboratory of the school. Soon after, Misogi Kumagawa who wishes to replace the Student Council with one of his own of Medaka challenges to a championship the Student Council. From his powers, two pupils are unsealed after the defeat of Kumagawa and complete their transport to Hakoniwa Academy. The 2 tend to be more strong than Abnormals and are dubbed 'Not Equals'. Their leader, Anshin'in, threatens to restart the Flask Plan once Medaka grads, driving their successors to be trained by the Student Council. Nevertheless, the accurate strategy of Anshin'in would be to have the standing as Student Council President of Zenkichi usurp Medaka. Zenkichi succeeds and does so on the pretense of enhancing the student life. He convinces Medaka to permit the Flask Plan for those people who are not unwilling. Took over from her responsibilities as president of the Student Council, Medaka shortly becomes involved in a championship to determine her husband. Medaka becomes the winner, choosing to wed Zenkichi after they both grad and enters herself. Shortly after, the close pal Hansode Shiranui of Zenkichi leaves the school. Zenkichi and medaka find she's to end up being another host for Iihiko Shishime, a 5000-year old being. He is defeated by medaka and vanishes after quitting the moon from crashing towards the Earth, simply to reappear in time for the year end service. Following her return, assume her dad's position ahead of her family's company conglomerate, the Kurokami Group, only to later return as the new chairwoman and Medaka determines to leave the academy. Ten years after, Zenkichi, had worked his way up the Kurokami Group, becoming a high level worker before reuniting with her, with both swearing to never get split again.

Usotsuki Naito

Upcoming of Lovers Dream: Touko Momozono is a bright and eager shitamachi girl. She lives with an unwed mother and grandmother, all-female household. Her father had already gone when she was born, but she lived in comfort. Only there was a gaping hole opened in her heart. Recently she has often been an easy target for molsters and thugs, and Kazunari, who is usually boring and one of her colleagues, helps her ride out such a crisis. What is hidden behind his face? Why is she a target for a suspicious-looking man?

Otogi Zoshi

The time is 972 A.D. in Kyoto, the capital of ancient Japan. Kyoto is becoming a corrupt and run-down city; selfish samurai and onmyoji, who care only about gaining political power are everywhere. To make matters worse the city is suffering from famine and widespread disease. Unable to ignore the condition of the city any longer, the Imperial Court decides to send Minamoto no Raiko, a famous samurai well-known for his archery skills, to recover a legendary gem, the Magatama, said to hold mysterious power to save the world. However Raiko also falls ill to disease. Instead his youngest sister, Hikaru, decides secretely to make the journey in his place. Hikaru meets many people, and has many adventures while on her trip for the legendary gem. Serves as a prequel to the anime. -- Tokyopop

Seiyuu Ichinensei

From Night Constellations: Otaku and idol become seiyuu. Lessons at school, work, colleagues, and unexpected events ... Learn everything about the world through the eyes of a young seiyuu!

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