


类别都市 恋爱 霸总


类别恋爱 后宫 古风
















类别恐怖 热血 冒险


类别都市 恋爱 总裁










内容简介:因为熬夜加班不幸坠河的伊势谷柊被系统救起,无奈之下接受了收集能量拯救系统的任务,绑定了超级变装系统去接近世界的气运之子。但谁能告诉他为什么可供选择的马甲都是中学生?!三句不离姐姐大人的 粉发少女,居然拥有宝贵的空间移动能力。森医生:(微笑)白井小姐,要加入我们港口Mafia吗?能驱使兽形诅咒却被同学排斥的温暖少年,默默守护着小镇的安宁。惠惠:(别扭)你,要不要来咒术高专上学?能将他人的内心抽取而出作为道具,双目失明的少年。哒宰:(跃跃欲试)集要不要抽出我心灵的形状看看?学园都市的第一位,身负罪孽的白发恶魔。人民教师:真巧,我也是最强呢除此之外还有常盘台的电击公主、Level0幻想杀手、背负着时间线和沉重的友情行走世间的魔法少女、还未变成圆环之理前的粉发小圆脸、拥有四颗蛋的酷辣火毙国中生、用超能力打网球的帅哥们、总是掉链子的倒霉男孩和他的万能猫型机器人、拥有邪王真眼的中二少女……建造基地招揽本世界人才,由异世界平行世界if线世界的各高校组成的学院联盟参上!全文无任何除原著官配以外的cp线不掉马主背景为咒术、文豪。马甲角色待定,可能包含各种看过的奇奇怪怪的番。—————放一下无cp预收—————《我穿错番了!》【正文第三人称】我,调月一树,作为一只书灵,诞生的世界却文坛式微。但这和我有什么关系呢?我只是一个沉迷漫画的没用书灵。沉醉于漫画的世界中,回过神来却发现我的身体缺了一页。我连忙跑去找顶头上司书神诉苦。书神大手一挥,将我塞进了漫画角色的身体里,扔进漫画的世界去寻找遗失的书页。而当我发现自己套着沙雕小甜漫男主的壳子出现在高危少年漫中时……救命,我穿错番了啊!!【咒术的场合】身后跟随着白色特级咒灵的男孩出现在东京的街头。“请不要伤害他!KANENOGI先生不是害人的诅咒!”当被问及身份时,挑染着红发的少年害羞地抱紧不会说话的诅咒。“我,我是它的新娘……”【侦探的场合】头戴礼帽的赭发男人倚在波洛咖啡厅的吧台前饮尽了最后一口咖啡。出门前随手扶起了快要跌倒的小学生。看着他离开的背影,小男孩悄悄带上了连接着窃听器的耳机。银发杀手的声音从另一头传来,“太慢了,Petrus。”……其余世界待施工中……【推一下cp的文:《马甲猎杀系统》by白桃脆片反马甲文设定,原驻民的猎杀时刻开始!】立意听闻少年二字,应与平庸相斥1w0-99873 >>




内容简介:《我在末世做逍遥救世主》她回来了,这一世,她只做自己的主角。上一世的独孤云烟,在亲手手刃了,当初推自己父母向丧尸堆的仇人之后,也走向了丧尸堆。结束了那有两个太阳,和月则灾的一生。重回到 她高考前的那一天晚上,带着她当初的那个“废物”系统,带着系统拯救世界的代价,重新开启了她的新生活。这一世,护住想护住的人,完成该完成的任务,逍遥无憾过一生。1w0-79401 >>


内容简介:  三皇子李正是接受过社会主义教育的人,觉得当不当皇帝都无所谓。但是他未过门的皇妃似乎要当女帝! 等等,她要谋反!某一天,当秦临君将要谋反成功时,李正带着王翦、吕布、李广、李斯、郭嘉、 徐世绩…出现在她面前说道:“皇妃,何故谋反!”1w0-2096 >>


内容简介:《养个徒儿来自虐》是淡樱精心创作的网游小说,小兵实时更新养个徒儿来自虐最新章节并且提供无弹窗阅读,书友所发表的养个徒儿来自虐评论,并不代表小兵赞同或者支持养个徒儿来自虐读者的观点。1w 0-69127 >>


内容简介:穿越到平行世界的张昀为了缓解自己穿越而来的郁闷,下载了一个大家都懂的社交软件,并在上面认识了一个女人。本着“反正也不认识,我说给她听也没什么”的心思,张昀讲了许多不该说的事情给那个女人 。然后,某一天,他发现,那个女人似乎就在身边。而那个女人,是明星。本站提示:各位书友要是觉得《我的网恋对象是明星》还不错的话请不要忘记向您QQ群和微博里的朋友推荐哦!1w61261-71870 >>


内容简介:六年前,陆惊语在不知情的情况下,未婚先孕,导致身败名裂,被陆家放弃驱逐。六年后,她带着三个萌宝归来。三宝智商爆表,查出薄家那位大佬是自家爹地,于是瞒着妈咪上门认爹。薄司寒,“我向来洁身 自好,没碰过女人!”大宝,“DNA证明骗不了人,请认清现实!”二宝:“都说男人穿上裤子就不认人,看来是真的!”三宝:“白捡三个可爱的宝宝和一个漂亮的老婆,你做梦都该笑醒!”薄司寒喜当爹后,和三宝感情进展迅速,偏偏和老婆感情生疏。三个宝宝教他如何追女人。一壁咚,二强吻,三领证……十八般武艺用尽。1w90199-107238 >>


内容简介:推一下俺的预收,文案在最底下w《绑定猫猫系统后我被攻了穿书》《小人鱼饲养手册》是小锦鲤!【本文文案】全订只要两块八校园文,吸血鬼攻X无痛症受,自割腿肉顾家小少爷顾纵从小含着金汤匙出生, 娇生惯养的,削个笔都由司机代劳,身上破个小口子全家上下守在医院门口。突然有一天,小少爷被人咬了,还不止咬了一口。罪魁祸首龇着牙:“你真甜。”顾纵面无表情地摸了摸脖子,血液沾着些许唾液染红了指尖。某罪魁祸首本着不能浪费的原则凑近舔了舔,下一秒脸上结结实实挨了一拳。第二天小少爷的脖子上出现了一块粉色的创可贴。一时间班上传得沸沸扬扬,司机闻讯连夜开着迈巴赫来到学校接人,却被满脸阴郁的小少爷给无情打发。许曜舔了舔嘴唇,捧着热乎乎的红枣枸杞粥哄道:“乖,补点血。”许曜身上背负着血族最优秀的血统和使命,他尝过许多人的血都是苦的,唯独顾纵是甜的。①受是真的“娇生惯养”,娇气小少爷,但是不弱②无痛症感知不到疼痛,不影响其他感官。小说有私设有舍取,不要代入现实③有五感互通的私设,攻能感受到受的疼痛,后面会解释030———————————————————【预收文案1】《绑定猫猫系统后我被攻了》叶清辞,帝国最强alpha上将。在为帝国收复最后一颗星球途中不幸穿越,穿成一本渣攻书里除了长得好看一无是处的炮灰o。原书里,炮灰o为了渣攻不惜背叛家人,又坏又蠢。失去利用价值后被渣攻抛弃,被得知真相的家人断绝关系,最终颠沛流离、惨死车祸。穿书后,叶清辞才知道自己最后收复的那颗星球叫喵星,而他因为不小心摧毁喵星最后一株猫薄荷引起了喵喵们的公愤。【叮喵喵系统绑定中】【请宿主认真完成任务保护这个世界最后一株“猫薄荷”】——书中,被渣攻们虐身虐心的小甜o主角受的信息素就是猫薄荷味的。【任务成功奖励妙鲜包X1,任务失败按照完成度惩罚变猫程度】因为拒绝任务,头上蹦出一对猫耳朵的叶清辞:“……”再也不捅猫窝了。此后——白天,他是小甜o最好的集美,晚上,他是小甜o最贴心的喵牌暖手宝,作六休一,堪称劳动界的楷模。后来——主角受将他抵在房间角落,亲吻他头顶的猫咪耳朵,散发出的alpha信息素压制得他站都站不稳。“崽崽,你买的那些猫薄荷有我的味道好?”说好的小甜o呢???————————————————【预收文案2】《小人鱼饲养手册》棠鲤是一条人造人鱼,除了长得好看一无是处。其他人鱼唱歌宛若天籁,棠鲤唱歌从不在调上。其他人鱼拥有漂亮的金色卷发,棠鲤只有人类基因带来的柔软黑发。其他人鱼尾巴都是闪闪的金色,棠鲤却带点橘。其他人鱼治愈天赋满级,棠鲤只会舔舔伤口,痛痛飞。因此,人鱼湾的小人鱼们都瞧不起棠鲤,联合起来孤立他。某天 >>


内容简介:陆羽用了十七年,终于吞噬天帝魂魄,重新审视这个世界。自天地重开,灵气重现,芸芸众生以长生为道,夺气运而生。聚真气,可开山碎石,日行千里。练法术,可呼风唤雨,腾云驾雾。虎啸山林,龙游浅水 。这一世,问鼎苍穹,猛虎下山,龙飞九天!1w17574-27141 >>


内容简介:前世白汐雨掏心掏肺对待的人,却在背后狠狠桶她一刀,最后惨被折磨而死。意外重生到受尽虐待命运悲惨的人身上。伤口恢复神速,神医身份在手,背后还有个京城陆阎王当靠山。狗男女挡路?虐之。后妈搞 事情?铲之。总有刁民想害死她?抱紧陆阎王大腿走天下。神挡杀神佛挡杀佛。不好意思,这一世本小姐不再任人宰割。1w0-74249 >>


内容简介:大三那年,我通过做家教,认识了蓝姐。那天她穿着枣红色的针织衫,带着墨镜,背靠在一辆红色的宝马前,长发飘飘,引得过往学生,纷纷侧目。远远地,我就看见了她,但不敢确定,就打了个电话。她似乎 也看见了我,一边接着电话,一边冲我招手,笑的很甜,像春日里的阳光。如果这世上真有一见钟情,那我和蓝姐的相遇,就属于命中注定。1w0-113533 >>


内容简介:  21世纪的小团子穿成了八零年代的凄惨小孤儿。  这有什么!  山里,她守株待兔,逮回来肥兔子。  河边,她愿者上钩,钓回来大篓鱼。  镇上,发家致富,遍地是黄金。  而且,她还得了 三个好哥哥。  大哥冷,二哥傲,三哥是个铁憨憨。  各个都宠得她上天入地。  只是……这位出现在她课本里,圈粉无数的超级大佬怎么偏就盯上了她?  大佬撕了她收到的数十封情书,一本正经,“你还小,好好学习。”  转头她就被霸道的男人扣在墙角,他眸光深邃,嗓音暗哑。  “望共同进步。”  “???”  #女主:我想要福运。  神:给,大份的,十份够吗?  女主:够了,谢谢爸爸,爸爸真好!1w0-954 >>

Nikutai Kankei (Kaiya Tatsumi)

Collection of oneshots. 1) Physical Attraction When I met the cool stud Narusawa at college I said half-jokingly, 'Screw me next!' Before the day was out, he had. Our relationship was supposed to be just physical, but now I realize I'm falling in love with Narusawa. Looking back on it, it's a one-way love I brought upon myself. I'm much too embarrassed to tell the purely physical Narusawa 'I love you' now! 2) February Rain One rainy night, part-time worker and university student Chihiro stops a kid from dine-and-dashing. Turns out this kid, Masami, doesn't have a place to go... 3) Anti-Dramatic (Sequel to 'Baby Maybe') Shiba and Yushima had been together a while now, they're off to college and it's time they move in together. Now they have to deal with the little everyday problems in life. 4) Let me Knock on the same Door Imamura and Toyohara work at a game software company together. They're close friend... and Toyohara also has some interest in Imamura. 5) Cooled Passion Arisaka's next big story is supposed to be about Tsutsumi, now a politician and his old friend. 7 years since their parting, what will happen if they're suddently reunited? 6) Loving Attraction (Physical Attraction Extra) A nice little extra about Kurata and Narusawa from Chapter 1 who are wondering if they should be going on a summer vacation or not.

Shiritsu! Bijinzaka Joshi Koukou

From Sugar-Oasis: Nonomiya En, previously expelled from her old school following three suspensions, is forced by her father to enter Bijinzaka, a prestigious all-girls' high school where they train girls to become young, well-mannered ladies. Upon her arrival, En realizes that this school is definitely not for her and sneaks out. On her way out, she meets Narushima Chihiro, 1st year student at Jouyama Boys' High, on the other side of the hill.


[From Anime-Source]: Taking a break from her popular, brilliant, Fullmetal Alchemist; Arakawa-sensei drew up a one-chapter humorous Shounen story about a Frankenstein tournament, for mangazine GX to commerate their 5th year anniversary.


High school girl Yoo Eun Bi becomes obsessed with ballroom dancing after watching a ballroom dancing competition. Her passion drives her to form a ballroom dancing club in school, but it isn’t as easy as it seems. Not only is the school refusing to fund the club, but model student Kang Woon is set on making Eun Bi’s life hell. While struggling to form the club, she finds out Kang Woon’s darkest secret. He leads a double life, balancing between being a top student in school and a devious dancer during the night. With the help of Kang Woon, will Eun Bi finally be able to accomplish her goal?

The Pirates Own Book

The Pirates Own Book summary: The Pirates Own Book summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of The Pirates Own Book. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

The Political Future of India

The Political Future of India summary: The Political Future of India summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of The Political Future of India. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

Methods To Save The Villain Who Was Abandoned By The Heroine

Methods To Save The Villain Who Was Abandoned By The Heroine summary: You have many opportunities when it comes to reading novels these days. Many new writers create a great pool together with old and famous ones, so you have the possibility to choose the best for yourself. That's very useful, in fact, because not all the writers and books are the same.

Some are really good and interesting others might not be so well. Also, tastes are different, and not all the readers like the same genre. That's why you should check book reviews like this one before purchasing, and you will increase your chance to get what you want.

In the text below, you can find some basic details on the Methods to Save the Villain Who Was Abandoned by the Heroine novel. The book is quite interesting and hides different twist and turns which enable an exciting reading experience.

The story starts when a Korean woman reincarnates into a young girl whose life is in danger again. She is, in fact, in serious trouble and near to the death, however, her grandma and villain are there to save her life. They, fortunately, succeed in their intention, so the girl gets another chance to live a fulfilling life without any problems. He imagination is now very rich, so she imagines various things in different ways. For instance, the villain becomes her chief in her dreams, and he is more than good on the position. The girl receives a high regular salary that is always delivered as promised without any delays.

And the job is truly good for the girl because she has had previous working experience in similar positions. So it is all familiar to her, and she can work without obstacles. Unfortunately, not all the things are so ideal as her job. The Villain's fiance creates a dangerous plot that is potentially harmful to the workers including the girl. The fiance cheats on the villain with the Emperor and looks for the most suitable way to get rid of him. That's why she makes a plan to poison him.

Unfortunately, her evil activities are not only the danger for the villain, but the girl is also in the danger because others might start believing that she is the killer.

Also, another group close to the Emperor and fiance can harm her too. That would lead to a big problem, so the girl makes a plan to save the villain and stop the poisoning. In the end, she succeeds to stop the evil activities of that woman and rescues the life of the villain. However, the

girl comes in touch with the poison that transforms her into a little girl. Others notice her generous act including the n.o.ble family, so they decide to accept her as a part of their n.o.ble line.

These are main and basic events from the novel, however, you will definitely notice many more details, so do not wait. Take this book as soon as possible and enjoy the content.

Homer and Classical Philology

Homer and Classical Philology summary: Homer and Classical Philology summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Homer and Classical Philology. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

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