
























类别热血 冒险 魔法


简介我没有罪!!绝不轻言放弃!! 只要活着,一切都还有希望! 陨石撞击近未来都市〝东京〞当年,才3岁的栗田陆成了孤儿,贫穷却坚强活着的他在贫民窟里自立自强地熬过10个年头。然而某天,待他如家人的警察大叔惨遭杀害,原本是目击证人的他反被诬陷成杀人凶手,最后甚至被送进了难以脱身的最边境终极监狱里!即即使身处险境,13岁的少年小陆仍旧怀抱希望,努力锻链自己,期待能揪出真正的凶手并逃离监狱。不过,真正的考验才正要开始……最凶监狱逃狱记!!震撼的第1集登场! 本书特色 这是个绝不轻言放弃的男孩子的故事。描述主人翁栗田陆为人陷害,被罗织入罪,进了黑牢。在那里什么凶神恶煞都有,但他仍有梦想与不屈不挠的毅力,希望能逃狱成功,就为了要找出真凶!是一本让人看了热血激昂的监狱奋斗记






内容简介:简介:本文又名《大佬的替身狐软又甜》各个位面的反派大佬攻X又软又萌但总被大家当作绿茶的小狐狸受作为一只误被系统选中的狐狸,柒伊被迫成为了替身文里面的炮灰受。炮灰受没有人权,小狐狸被欺负 的哭红了眼。直到某日,不经意间露出了自己毛茸茸的耳朵和圆滚滚的肚皮从此,位面的各个大佬都表示自己疯了。为了能够完成任务,柒伊哭唧唧极不情愿的献上尾巴。——结果他的大白尾巴上的毛都被撸秃了。片段一“不听话的狐狸是要被抓了去做皮草的!”男人恐吓他。结果红着眼的小狐狸哭得更凶了。他边哭边奶凶奶凶的瞪着男人:“大骗砸!衣柜里有八件狐裘大衣的杀狐犯!!”片段二柒伊怀了小崽崽了,男人带他去做产检。不知想起了什么,小狐狸的眼泪啪嗒啪嗒往下掉。“建国后动物不许成精,那崽崽一个人怎么办?”男人一把搂住了小狐狸的腰:“多努力努力,生二胎。”原位面的白月光们:“柒伊就是个不折不扣的绿茶小婊砸!!”各个位面的病假or反派大佬们:“柒柒不是!柒柒最可爱了!柒柒是世界上最可爱最乖巧的小狐狸!!”——小狐狸能有什么坏心思呢?呆到深处天然黑罢了。1w0-75312 >>


内容简介:系统:你想成为掌控全球的男人吗?陆离:我不想!系统:不,你想!新手任务一:请宿主精通上百种各国语言!新手任务二:音乐,厨艺,电脑,飞机等100种技能达到大师级!新手任务三:掌握一座百万 级人口城市所有人的秘密!新手任务四:让一万个80分美女爱上你!新手任务五:分手一万次!……陆离:系统,你还是让我去死吧!系统:请宿主尽快完成任务,若任务完成不了,宿主将永远活在七月七日当天,不死不灭!一个风和日丽的早晨,陆离泪流满面的跪在地上:一千年了,老子终于解脱了!都市言情类型的优秀作品真的很多,比较出彩的作品,我们可以一起来读读《我被迫掌控全球》这本吧。这是一本在一株青竹笔下洋洋洒洒的努力了多少个时日才完工的小说,你可以感觉到什么叫才华横溢、什么叫文笔流畅,作者灵感源源不绝,处处精彩不断。好书一本啊!洋洋洒洒的埋头疾书续写中收藏,关注,点赞必须的哟!小兵及时更新为您奉上最好的服务。一株青竹无抄袭纯原创力作之我被迫掌控全球最新章节、我被迫掌控全球无弹窗广告全文阅读连载、我被迫掌控全球TXT电子书下载最好的服务给最好的您。最好的阅读平台您我他她共同创!各位书友要是觉得《我被迫掌控全球》还不错的话请不要忘记向您QQ群和微博里的朋友推荐哦!魁星阁《我被迫掌控全球》章节列表目录地址:请复制后分享给您的好友!好看的都市言情小说排行榜推荐1w0-81816 >>


内容简介:刘宇被两个傻女人因殉情而弄得穿回到了三国时代,并意外得到一种功夫,名叫冰心诀的竟然是天下第一Y功,这很好,有很多的美人儿等着他去祸害了。在现代,许多事是敢想不能做滴,做了那就要等枪毙滴 。可是在这个三国战乱时代,刘宇就可以为所欲为,只要实力够强!拳头够硬!就可以横着来霸……美女!PS新狼群:769558771w0-82376 >>


内容简介:男性向逆袭文第一铁律——莫欺少年穷,得罪了男主的都得死。很不幸,苏圆就穿越成了那传说中欺压过穷少年的恶毒姐姐本姐。原身把自己作死了不说,还把根正苗红的男主给误导成了报社青年。好在,苏圆 重生到了原主姥姥刚把穷少年捡回家那一年。顺带天降“优秀男主养成系统”。此后,她的脑海中会时常出现这样的声音——叮!恭喜宿主达成【解救孤苦小男主】成就,获得金手指“力大无穷”叮!恭喜宿主达成【摸头杀×10】成就,获得金手指“鸿运当头”叮!恭喜宿主……尝到攻略甜头的苏圆一改原主恶毒作风,变身知心温柔好1w0-34235 >>




内容简介:一个正在实行的大学生因为停电在楼顶乘凉,没想到只是对着流星许了个愿,就被砸穿越了,从此游走于诸天万界中夺机缘,抢女主,走上了人生巅峰。本站提示:各位书友要是觉得《诸天万界辅助系统》还不 错的话请不要忘记向您QQ群和微博里的朋友推荐哦!1w0-71462 >>


内容简介:身为世间唯一一只神兽紫狐,洛简没什么特点,就是懒了点。系统每天都要为此操碎了心,痛心疾首,语重心长:“宿主,你现在身负一千万点罪孽值,罪孽深重,请你好好做任务!”狐狸动了动紫色的毛茸耳 朵:“……哦。”大概是老天看不惯她这么懒,于是出现了牧亓这个克星!她不动,他便主动靠近,一步步将她纳入怀中。待回神,她又双叒叕被他叼回了家。洛简:“……”放开我后皮颈!1w0-77528 >>




内容简介:谢央是全方位意义上的养成系男友,包括辅导女友学习,改正她的错误,解决她生活里的烦恼,以及…亲亲抱抱举高高,带她领略欢爱的快感。10084主c沈桃:全身上下哪都敏感的娇气哭包谢央:养桃的 10084副c文又双:内心柔软的火爆小辣椒宋元青:种辣椒的校园11he双c剧情文主剧情肉为剧情服务前期有边缘性行为高考后开始正餐肉1w0-80372 >>




内容简介:这时老头双手分开她那雪白的大腿,只见大腿中间一下子露出了一条细细的「肉缝」,由于她生过四个孩子,阴唇有点发黑了,阴唇四周布满细细的阴毛,可是里面的肉还是娇艳鲜嫩的,被淫水流的湿润无比。 老头急不可待的把自已还不是很硬的「阳具」插入这个湿润的洞内,激动的抽插起来……「啊……啊……」胡秀英只觉自已的「阴道」一紧,呻吟起来……老头只插了十几下,只见他浑身一抖,完事了,原来老头年龄大了,又是兴奋激动,忍不住的丢了。正个软在了秀英的身体上。1w0-95683 >>



Taka Wo Kukurouka

Collection of one shots. 1. Aisaka tends to get in a lot of fights and Tadaka is the school playboy. On a chance meeting where Aisaka gets beaten to a pulp, Tadaka offers to carry his bruised body home. There, Tadaka makes a deal with Aisaka that if he doesnt fight they'll have a sexual relationship. 2. Masaru and Sugeru are identical twin brothers. Sugeru tends to enjoy using his brothers name to chase skirts and Masaru is the one who always gets the beatings when people come looking for revenge. Its not TOO much of a problem until Masaru meets Masato. A nice guy who really loves Sugeru (who's just using him for money), and it wouldnt be a problem if Masaru wasnt falling for Masato himself. 3.Koike an average student is best friends with Jinnai, a student who excels. When they get into separate high schools Koike still cannot forget what he felt for him, so when Jinnai comes around for a visit, Koike jumps on his chance to tell him how he really feels. 4. Tomonaga is forced to go to an all boys school when his mother is fed up with his delinquent ways. He expects an torn down rough school, and instead gets a school sparkling with gay pretty boys. Not that he's happy about it. At least his roommate Natsume is normal...in a sense. 5. Rather than bumming around all summer his mother orders Yoshimura to get a job. He quickly gets one at a barbeque shop under Sakashita who's grandfather is in the hospital. Yoshimura is surprised by how instantly drawn he is to Sakashita and spends a majority of his time at work trying not to give into his new temptations. 6. A haphazard public morals committee member and a touchy troublemaker. 7. A hot tempered judo club member who loves fights and the (um, playboy?) who provokes him by staring at him lustfully, which he mistakes for a stare of wanting revenge.

Fiancee Shitai

Fianse Shitai Yukimi is a high school junior and cheerleader already scheduled for her first marriage interview. She's seen a disappointing picture of her nerdy potential groom -- and he has such a weird name -- so Yukimi has every intention of rejecting him, but she's still curious to go and see what a marriage interview is like. Later that day, Yukimi meets her ideal man at a football match and inadvertantly begins cheering only for him -- despite the fact that he's the opposing team's quarterback! He gives her a bold and seductive response. Ah, if only Yukimi's marriage interview could be with a guy like this... But why won't the sexy quarterback tell Yukimi his name...? (taken from shoujomagic) From Baka-Updates: 1) I Want to Be a Fiancée (Fiancée Shitai). (There are 5 chapters to this story). Yukimi is a high school junior and cheerleader already scheduled for her first marriage interview. She's seen a disappointing picture of her nerdy potential groom - and he has such a weird name - so Yukimi has every intention of rejecting him, but she's still curious to go and see what a marriage interview is like. Later that day, Yukimi meets her ideal man at a football match and inadvertantly begins cheering only for him -- despite the fact that he's the opposing team's quarterback! He gives her a bold and seductive response. Ah, if only Yukimi's marriage interview could be with a guy like this... But why won't the sexy quarterback tell Yukimi his name...? 2) My Darling in the Infirmary Room (Hoken Shitsu no My Darling) Maki doesn't mind a few cuts and bruises if it'll earn her a ticket to the campus infirmary room. That's because her school's doctor is handsome Takashiro, age 23, single. She works so hard to make passes at him - and Takashiro knows it. But is Maki really so busy trying to catch his attention that she doesn't notice...?

Yagate, Ao Ni Naru

From Nakama: When they were children, being brothers was enough reason for Taisei and Kouta to live together. However, since they've grown up, Taisei has become aware that his feelings for his little brother Kouta go beyond brotherly love. He can't take these feeling anymore and leaves home. Several years later, when he returns home suddenly, Taisei asks Kouta earnestly, 'Teach me the family business!' And so the next chapter of life together begins. The little brother tries to pretend he doesn't know how his older brother feels, while the older brother wants to make his younger brother acknowledge his feelings. With their dyers' studio as the setting, est em creates a Japanese-style BL based on the feelings of these step-brothers!!

High School

For fighting and humour fans Jo Pae, a not really sane boy, in our modern days, he wants to become emperor of Korea... His first step when he enters high school is to become the leader of the strongest school there is. No one expecting it, he actually takes down all of the school's yankees. Jo Pae is now the enemy to kill! All rival schools wants his head whatever the means!

Warhead Pet Hamster

Warhead Pet Hamster summary: Warhead Pet Hamster summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Warhead Pet Hamster. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

An African Millionaire

An African Millionaire summary: An African Millionaire summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of An African Millionaire. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

Essays on Education and Kindred Subjects

Essays on Education and Kindred Subjects summary: Essays on Education and Kindred Subjects summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Essays on Education and Kindred Subjects. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

The Dark Star

The Dark Star summary: The Dark Star summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of The Dark Star. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

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