












类别恋爱 霸总 生活




















内容简介:【公告】与编辑商量,本书打算于2016年11月9日也就是星期三入V,当天三更或万字更。姐妹们支持一下正版。更新时间大多在凌晨1点50左右,你们白天起来看。晚12点放防盗,凌晨1点50替 换,已尽力往深夜时间靠,大家可以次日来看。除这两点时间之外皆是防盗或捉虫,特殊情况会说明。带来的不望谅解。前尘缘事皆忘,而后忆起。一代天师季童上一世做了无数利社稷的事结善缘得善果得此重生。【阅前注意:】勿扒榜。此文苏,女主美。码字不易,不适点X,在此多谢。(划重点:女主穿到现代是之后才慢慢想起自己以前的事情的)各位书友要是觉得《女神算命手册古穿今》还不错的话请不要忘记向您QQ群和微博里的朋友推荐哦!1w0-80385 >>




内容简介:全民城堡:开局随机唯一兵种天使数十亿人类降临无尽大陆,成为城堡之主,参与公平公正的万族争霸赛。降临之初,每位城堡之主都会随机获得一座初始兵种建筑。招募兵种,掠夺资源,建立王朝,争霸万族 !林伊1w53167-66878 >>




内容简介:  成为世界之主,带来全世界的灵气复苏。  以众生为棋子,开拓出一条成仙的道路。  普通群:163254862  V群:812612991  (需要粉丝值弟子,进群需截图,作者老书的粉 丝值也可以)1w0-3922 >>


内容简介:【【2019云起华语文学征文大赛】参赛作品】【甜宠爽文1V1双洁】拥有特殊能力的实验体顾念念穿书了,她顶替意外死亡的同名炮灰成为了顾家二小姐。京城上流圈里人人忌惮的陆先生是个病秧子,被 断言活不过二十岁,却坚强的活到了二十五岁。仅仅见了两面,他就被缠上了。“先生,又见到你了,真好!”女孩笑容甜软无害,转身却一巴掌将找茬者煽飞。再看向他时泪眼汪汪:“先生1w0-67090 >>


内容简介:手机阅读《偷脸》无弹窗纯文字全文免费阅读一天,有个陌生人加我qq,说我女朋友是男人,我骂他傻X。结果我女朋友死了,死的时候真的成了个男人。因为她的头被割了,缝在了一具男尸的脖子上……刑 侦、悬疑、恐怖、无神论我的新浪微博:topnav1wvr6本人qq26582718861w0-27446 >>


内容简介:《皇途》的男主沈隽性格狡诈,野心勃勃,又善于隐忍。为求出仕,作为“私生子”,他不得不忍受幼弟的欺辱。忍着忍着,他却忽然发现,对方的欺辱行为似乎非表面那样。打翻他的酒,实际酒里有毒。射杀 他的马,实际马有问题。看似对他轻蔑不屑,实际处处为他提供机遇。沈隽忽然觉得,他这个幼弟也没那么讨厌,甚至有几分……————沈凤璋穿成小说中身患绝症,女扮男装,欺辱男主,最后被千刀万剐的恶毒男配。睁开眼时,未来权倾朝野、最终登基为帝的男主正被她带人堵在巷子里按着打。看见那张神似人渣前未婚夫的脸,沈凤璋下意识抬脚踹去。绑定送机遇系统的沈凤璋由此走上一边欺负男主,一边助攻男主的道路,只等剧情结束,赶在男主对她下手前,病死下线。谁料——男主提前造反了!精兵包围之下,沈凤璋为躲千刀万剐,决心自杀,却见男主夺过她的匕首,言辞凿凿,“我知道那些欺辱都不是出自你的本意。你其实是为我好。”沈凤璋:“???”【阅读提示】1关键词:女扮男装仇人变情人2男女主皆非善茬3野心勃勃、表里不一黑莲花男主x剑走偏锋、不按常理出牌女主各位书友要是觉得《恶毒男配是女郎》还不错的话请不要忘记向您QQ群和微博里的朋友推荐哦!1w0-68623 >>




内容简介:《蜀山剑侠传》是还珠楼主最有名的代表作,也是篇幅最长的一部,达五百万言,绝对可称为鸿篇巨著了,他最大的特点就是将神魔和武侠完美的结合起来,在中国的文学发展中,真正的武侠小说是从唐代的传 奇小说开始的,产生了著名的虬髯客,聂隐娘、昆仑奴等侠客,后来经过宋元两代的过渡,到明代出现了著名的《水浒传》,将侠文化推向一个高峰,清代的武侠出现了新的发展,渐渐分离出奇幻和技击两派,前者以《七剑十三侠》等为代表,他发扬了唐代的武侠风格,主角是神秘的仙佛式的人物,他们的技巧也是各种法术和能够杀人千里之外的飞剑法宝。后者则有《七侠五义》,《永庆升平全传》等著作,在这里人物都是尘世间的侠客,他们的本领也只是客观的十八般武艺而已。晚清到民国的时候,出现了王度庐,他的作品一般归为海派,开始了武侠的改造,将历史结合进来,描写也更为细腻。而民国时期真正的武侠高潮的到来,则是因为还珠楼主和他的蜀山剑侠传。本作也是后世修真类小说的鼻祖。1w7485-100455 >>


内容简介:曾几何时,懵懂的青春,肆意的挥霍,用热血和无畏创造酸、甜、苦、辣不同滋味但是标签都为“青春”的回忆,但是就像歌词“明天就像是盒子里的巧克力糖,什么滋味?充满想象。”曾经理所当然的享受父 母的疼爱,朋友的陪伴,被幸福环绕的季予汐从未想过,突然有一天一场暴风雨的到来让自己成为像是被全世界遗弃一样的存在,她在心里无数次的祈祷,如果仅仅是一场过云雨就好了,如果仅仅是一场梦就好了。仲涵?陆梓飞?青1w0-96739 >>


内容简介:他是老婆眼里的窝囊废,是丈母娘眼中的拖油瓶,是亲戚眼中的穷光蛋,是所有人口中的笑料,入赘三年,他受尽屈辱。直到有一天,亲生父亲找上门,告诉他,只要你愿意,你可以拥有整个世界,你才是真正 的豪门。“当你站起来的时候,整个世界都将在你的脚下!”1w17292-26880 >>

Mimi Ga Kieta Hi

Tsukino frequents the rabbit hutch ever since Mimi went missing.


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Isso Mou, Kudokitai!

Chapter 1-2 How about a Boyfriend? Ayukawa has had nothing but trouble with women, from his first crush to the last girl that dumped him, so he's given up on getting a girlfriend. Now he's teaching at an all boys school and his cute student Hino is very friendly. Is a boyfriend the answer to Ayukawa's love troubles? Chapter 3-5 & Extra I Want To Seduce You Even More!

Rabu Kare - Gokujou Men Dokuhon!

From Evil Flowers: A compilation of 6 sweet stories about finding love and learning how to keep it. 1) Karada no Iinari by SAKOU Watari Uika Tonoda and Kuniyoshi Hazama are very experienced when it comes to sex….in theory at least. They know every theoretical term about sex, pheromones and all sorts of things related, yet either of them has never experienced it for itself. What will happen when these 2 will meet? Will they be able to leave the talk aside and finally take action? 2) Oni Kare by TSUKISHIMA Haru Wakaba Endou only wishes to finish her driving lessons soon so she can get a driver's license. Although she thought it will be easy at first, nothing is easy when the one who's teaching you is instructor Kenzaki. He complains about every small mistake that she does and won't give her any points in her lessons unless she does them perfect. Wakaba always complains about the fact that he's so strict, but at least he's good looking... 3) Himitsu no Kinchan! by IWASHITA Keiko What would you say if you knew that objects can fall in love? Kin-chan is the most popular mannequin in a clothing shop. Everyone wants to wear the clothes she's showing and even though she's just a plastic doll one day Haruto saved her from falling on the floor when she was pushed by the many enthusiastic customers. Even since then Kin-chan is not like the other mannequins because she has fallen in love with a human. What will she do when Moai-sama will grant her the power to be a human for 3 days? 4) Shuuren by MONOU Yuki Nishimura Inori (17 years old) has given up on being girly after enrolling into an all-girls school. Since they barely get to see any boys, she and her classmates are so to called 'boy hungry”. Yet still, they kinda gave up on the idea. They end up going to a very boring school trip to Nara and are pleased to discover that in the neighborhood inn, there is another class renting the place at the same time, from an all-boy school. So, this is it, the girls last chance to seek love before going back to school. 5) Rabu + Kuro Love&Clothes by TADA Manami Matsumi Katou is a normal 25 years old housewife. Lately her husband has stopped complimenting her and she's spending most of the time taking care of her child and never to take care of herself. When she hears that she'll need to go to a party together with her husband she realizes that she's got nothing more formal to wear. In her search for a piece of cloth that will fit her she ends up at Aoi's shop, a manager who puts the happiness of the client before the job to sell any cloth to anyone. Will Aoi manage to make Matsumi look beautiful for the party? 6) Himikoi ~ Time Limit by Robiko It's her last semester of high-school and Mako realizes she hasn't done anything memorable in all her time spent here. So she starts skipping classes together with Yoshi and ends up spying on other couples instead of leaving her own love story. But love comes in many forms and even tough Yoshi doesn't seem to take an interest in her she's still determined to have her high-school romance memories, even if that means forcing him to date her.

The Vitamine Manual

The Vitamine Manual summary: The Vitamine Manual summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of The Vitamine Manual. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

Seventh Imperial

Seventh Imperial 'Brother', Obediently Lie Down summary: Just as she sacrificed everything to get her hands on her refined and dignified master, she f.u.c.king transmigrated! Chen Qingmei, the a.s.sa.s.sins’ world’s devil, the medicinal world’s genius; Huangfu Changan, the laughingstock of the Yelang Dynasty and the worthless crown prince, known to be so fat his figure made a perfect circle! Your mother! To be reborn as this kind of trash, Chen Qingmei practically went insane! She vowed that she would definitely slim down until she was like lightning, illuminating the eyes of all those people’s dog eyes! However, no matter how beautiful she became, she was still a “transvest.i.te!”

The President's Assassin

The President's Assassin summary: The President's Assassin summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of The President's Assassin. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

Elementalist: Time Controllers

Elementalist: Time Controllers summary: Is this one of your typical cultivation fantasy romance novels? Well try to read further if you think like that. There lived a girl who didn 't know her family nor her actual name. One thing she knew, she was weak and couldn 't advance her element bending ability. As a water elementalist, she sucks! When the twin brother asked her to join an academy to improve their mastery in element...

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