
















新的学期,男子高中生阿比仓升到了高二。担任他们班主任的是有着“惹到就会被诅咒”这一传言,人称“可怕老师”的鶸村日和老师。 在某天放学后,阿比仓目击到了这位“可怕老师”不为人知的另一面……遇到了意想不到的反差! 会激起保护欲的弱弱恋爱喜剧!
















内容简介:小兵提供七里香大神最新作品《我终将继承天命大主教》最新章节全文免费阅读,我终将继承天命大主教TXT下载,我终将继承天命大主教全文字更新,我终将继承天命大主教无弹窗!请关注狂人小说网我终 将继承天命大主教吧,本站最新最快更新我终将继承天命大主教的最新章节。1w0-78292 >>


内容简介:  这个星球被海洋覆盖。  人类悬空而居,每当少年礼时,所有的孩子将进行垂钓测试,根骨奇佳者,有可能成为伟大的钓师。  在无尽海域。  每一种生命都被赋予神圣的使命,这里有飞天遁地之鱼 ,有受尽天地精华之龟,有口吞天地之鲸……还有无数垂钓之人。  垂钓,是一门技术。  这里流传着一句古话,如果你不是在垂钓,就是在去垂钓的路上。  大群:589849852 休闲群:633504307 VIP:7980839411w0-97 >>


内容简介:商界翘楚二爷订婚了,未婚妻是个山里人,没学历没文化,字丑,人狂,还是个哑巴!婆婆说:我家豪门贵胄,我儿子天之骄子,你哪点配得上他!他人说:你别玷污了我们的男神,快滚蛋!直到某天,有人发 现某位大佬竟是她其中一个马甲……唐洛迷之一笑,挽起男人手臂,“现在的我,配得上你吗?”“配,你一直都配。”看着撒糖的两人,众人下巴全惊飞了……“我老婆没文化,也不会说话,年纪小脾气差,大家多担待。”医界泰斗叫没文化?硬刚怼人不会说话?沉默中的众人:二爷,我们合理怀疑你在凡尔赛。二爷配洛爷,人间最狂野!1w28622-29546 >>


内容简介:景如星替姐出嫁,嫁给传言中又老又丑的残废三爷,然而私下里的三爷不仅年轻英俊身强体壮,而且有着不为人知的神秘背景,一再颠覆她的认知。初相识,三爷冷酷无情,“守好你的本分,服从我的命令,如 果你敢对我有非分之想,别怪我不客气!”恋爱时,三爷霸道,“乖乖做我的女人,除了我,不许看任何男人,想都别想!”求婚时,三爷腹黑,“洁白的婚纱,手捧着鲜花……这是哪首歌来着?”“咱们结婚吧!”“好。”“……”1w28238-28244 >>




内容简介:  一觉醒来,岳峰成了一间濒临破产的渔具店店主,穿越让他有了一份“尴尬”的事业,同时也让他获得了一个系统,  从此小镇上多了一间规模不大但是名声颇为响亮的渔具店,  在系(wai)统( 挂)大神的加持下,岳峰开直播做网红玩的风生水起。  传统钓?岳峰七星漂扎草洞玩的出神入化。  台钓?他是光速登顶特级竞钓大师的选手。  路亚?米翘只是入门级,米级银龙也只是餐桌上的一盘菜,梦幻鱼种对他来说犹如探囊取物。  海钓?他是蓝鳍金枪单尾最重世界纪录保持者  这个世界上能让一个饱经风霜的成年人开心的像个孩子的运动不多,垂钓算是一个,让我们一起见证一个靠钓(kai)鱼(gua)走上巅峰的钓鱼大神崛起!1w0-2845 >>


内容简介:  出门一把刀,装备全靠爆!  网文写手白小文,被一颗神奇眼球带到了百年之后的灵能时代。  灵子渗透,变异兽肆虐,灵界怪物入侵,数据化的地球如同一个超大型游戏!  我来了,我看见,我征 服!  白小文睁开神眼吼出强者语,然而距离高考只有130天。  征服灵能时代,从成为高考状元开始。  ***  进化之眼全订群:603,765,346(进群请报起点昵称)  进化之眼普通群:165,675,218。  目前群刚创建,车位很多。欢迎兄弟们的加入!1w0-504 >>


内容简介:  一个半神之人,行走在繁华世间。闲极无聊,上上学,做点小生意,写写歌,作作诗,扶老太太过过马路……1w0-1596


内容简介:【飞卢小说网独家签约小说:我前女友都是亡命之徒?】清晨,林逸突然被传唤到警局。一位警员拿出一张照片:“认识上面这个女人吗?”林逸一脸疑惑:“我前女友,她咋了?”“她是凶案嫌疑犯!”警员 拿出第二张照片,“这个呢?”林逸:“也是我前女友。”“她是经济诈骗犯!”警员傻眼了,急忙拿出第三张照片,第四张…林逸:“实不相瞒…”警员懵逼:“你别说这些女神级嫌疑犯都是你前女友?”林逸:“……”当日,警方怀疑林逸涉嫌多案帮凶,暂时关押调查。第二天,看着一裙混进警局来劫狱的前女友,林逸慌了:“别闹,我觉得这里挺好的,狱友个个是人才,我不想出去,不想犯罪。”前女友:听话,跟我一起逃亡吧!飞卢小说网提醒您:本小说及人物纯属虚构,如有雷同,纯属巧合,切勿模仿。1w0-37168 >>


内容简介:神秘少年闯花都,左手金针度世,右手长剑破敌,念头通达无拘束,赚钱泡妞两不误。敌人,斩杀!女神,推倒!众多极品女神纷至沓来,芳心暗许。冷艳总裁、泼辣警花、美艳教师、娇俏校花、千金小姐、妩 媚护士……陈飞宇:我要开疆拓土,打下一个大大的后宫!1w4984-26134 >>


内容简介:别人穿越、他也穿越可是说到穿越、百分之九十九点九九的人都是在非自愿的情况下穿了的。可是他高任却不是、他是自愿穿的、还是那种被人逼的走投无路的情况下火急火燎的穿了。高任很低调、更喜欢很颓 废的活着、安逸于毫无上进心碌碌无为的过日子。只要一日三餐粗茶淡饭他就很满足了。然而事与愿违、物极必反。就在那个被高任很自愿穿过去的酷亚大陆却因为他的到来而发生了惊天震地的巨变高任看着从天空中掉下来刚好落在他那二亩三分地菜田里的庞大白色物体,顿时欲哭无泪;“鸟人大哥、你降落就降落、干嘛非落在我田里来啊”就差那么半米远就跑别人田里了、也就和自己无关了。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。1w7485-77220 >>


内容简介:  重生为细胞,携狱典之力,来到古老者已苏醒的平行世界。蒸汽文明、惊悚空间、永夜旧王、城外异魔。命运之门已开启-十字军、图书馆、掌控、机械、神秘学将作为人类发展的全新成长体系。人类的赞 歌是勇气的赞歌!勇往直前的骑士团,驰骋在古老王者统治的世界下,夺回属于人类的自由。Ps:普通一群437125775(已满) 普通二群1020207022(还有很多位置)请先进普通群后,看群公告加入V群。1w0-208 >>

Make Love Shiyo!!

[Taken from ShoujoMagic] : 1) Let's Make Love!! (Make Love Shiyo!!). (v01 ch1 to 6) Mari Nishimiya is a high school junior who's tired of playing it safe. Less concerned with her summer session and more with achieving the love of a lifetime, she ventures to a foreigners' pub with her childhood friend, Yuuta. There, she meets Leon Gardner, an American dancer with a talented tongue (...meaning, he's bilingual)! While Yuuta disapproves, having an unrequited love for Mari himself, he and other enemies of this international relationship may be powerless to stop it when Leon joins Mari's class as... (!!!) Let's Make Love!! - Farside Story (Make Love Shiyo!! Chou - Bangaihen). (v01 omake). Shinjo Mayu parodies her own work by inserting new dialogue into some of her pages from v01. It's the tale of the Gardner family, where Leon is Papa, Chris is Mama, and Mari is their daughter! Additional curiosities included. Let's Make More Love!! (Motto Make Love Shiyo!!). (v02 ch7). Mari wants to have an adult Christmas with Leon. Why is Leon so set against it? Let's Always Make Love!! (Zutto Make Love Shiyo!!). (v02 ch8). Attending the international wedding of Leon's friend, Randy, has Mari thinking in a new way about her future. But when Mari begins to feel strangely sick and misses her period, the circumstance forces her to make an early decision! But Leon suddenly has to leave for America!? Why?? Mari isn't going to like the reason Randy gives her... 2) I Don't Need Any Scenario! (Shinario Nante Iranai!). (v02 ch9). This ground-breaking short story was Shinjo Mayu's first work to contain a provocative sex scene and to mark her as a pornographer! Read the freetalk to learn more! Yuuya is the manager of the drama club, and he's very strict and exacting about how the student thespians handle their roles. Chiharu is supposed to be playing a woman in love, but there's no emotion in her performance! So it's handsome Yuuya's job to teach her how to long for a man... Was this scenario in the script!? 3) I Want to Be Painted with Your Color (Anata no Iro ni Somaritai). (v02 ch10). This short story is Shinjo Mayu's debut work. Kazumi Inoue wants to be transformed by the magic of a white wedding dress, and then painted in a man's color. The biggest delinquent in school, Kazuya Sakurai, wasn't who she had in mind, though! He's intent on painting her a different color -- why? Kazumi will have her wish - a transformation through the magic of a wedding dress - but not in a way that anyone expects! (v02 omake). A whopping nine pages covering a variety of topics. Get a sneak peek into Shinjo Mayu's office, find out her favorite stories and characters, see Leon with a top knot, see Leon touch Yuuta in inappropriate ways, and at long last the burning question is answered: How are chihuahuas significant to this serialization!?

Super Robot Taisen Og - Divine Wars - Record Of Atx

Based on the Super Robot Taisen Original Generations franchise, this is the story of 'Kyosuke's Route' at the very start of the events that set the basis for the whole thematic of the universe. Meet Kyosuke Nanbu and see how one man, this one man is pulled into a fate that involves politic conspiracies, military weapon development run conflicts, betrayals, revolts, people with super natural powers & an enemy extra terrestrial invading menace. Even though he is just a 'regular human', Kyosuke is to the core a brave man who will not be shunned 'so easily' and at the command of his own trademark machine, the so called old fashioned 'Alt Eisen' he will lunge towards the center of the conflict and will blow away everything that stands in his way.


From Fushichou: When Masachika Ebisu arrives to stay for the first time in a dorm at a remote boarding school in the mountains, his attendant Shibazaki calls on the roommate Wataru Tamon to take care of master Masachika-sama. It's a burden Tamon did not want, but one that he reluctantly embraces even as he realizes he is not acting like himself by doing so. Ebisu is a spoiled cheeky brat, totally inept and a liar, all of which angers and frustrates Tamon to no end. But, there is also a naïve vulnerability to the boy whose only friend up to now has been his servant, Shibazaki. From his fear of thunder that has him crawling into Tamon's bed to his never-ending mentioning of Shibazaki's name, Tamon grows angrier and colder towards the source of his frustration. But, Ebisu wants Tamon to pay attention to him; he wants to get along with his roommate and become best friends. It's so easy for Ebisu to express his feelings freely, unlike Tamon who keeps his growing infatuation for his roommate a secret. But keeping his emotions to himself leads to misunderstandings and hurt feelings. Can the two of them find the courage to tell each other their true feelings before it's too late?

Getting Used To Being Friends

Getting Used to Being Friends summary is updating. Come visit MangaNato.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Getting Used to Being Friends. If you have any question about this manga, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

Pictures of Jewish Home-Life Fifty Years Ago

Pictures of Jewish Home-Life Fifty Years Ago summary: Pictures of Jewish Home-Life Fifty Years Ago summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Pictures of Jewish Home-Life Fifty Years Ago. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

The Surgeon's Studio

The Surgeon's Studio summary: “Primum non nocere.”
First, do no harm. – Hippocrates
Zheng Ren—an ordinary general surgeon in a cruel medical world whose efforts went unnoticed. His struggles are real…until he is blessed with a system and gifted with skills that exceeded even the best surgeons in the world. Alone in the world with no one to depend on, Zheng Ren uses his exceptional gift to challenge the skepticism of his colleagues and save lives.

The Heart Of A Killer

The Heart Of A Killer summary: The Heart Of A Killer summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of The Heart Of A Killer. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

Every Breath You Take

Every Breath You Take summary: Every Breath You Take summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Every Breath You Take. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

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