






















类别都市 少年










内容简介:人人都知凌呈羡对任苒有着病态的占有欲,他荒唐到能在婚礼上故意缺席,让她受尽耻笑,却也能深情到拒绝一切诱惑,非她不可。“任苒,往我心上一刀一刀割的滋味怎么样?”“很痛快,但远远不够。”她 现在终于可以将那句话原封不动的还给他,“我不像她,也不是她……”1w16748-29098 >>




内容简介:真正的标题为:原神之关于我的姐姐是西风骑士团代理团长而我则是愚人众第十二执行官这码子事。用千子村正的宝具作为标题自然是有深意的,能力有类似的地方,但和千子村正以及fate没有任何关系。 哦,另外,主角当然是收养的。1w0-78472 >>


内容简介:  在萧白睡醒的那一刻,他的整个世界观崩塌了。别人被雷劈穿越,自己是睡一觉就穿越了,但好在自己似乎是无敌的。P.S.:本书真正的无敌,有系统,有宗门,不种马,轻松玩梗,欢乐日常。谢谢大 家的观看。1w0-2484 >>


内容简介:  【2019热血玄幻经典】地球少年龙昊穿越玄幻大陆,吞噬焚天魔帝,修混沌祖龙诀,凝混沌不灭体,和万族天骄争锋,横压万界,无敌诸天,战到世上无人敢称尊!我有一拳,可开天,可灭世!诸天有 我,万界无敌,仙魔臣服!1w0-4239 >>


内容简介:她男友把鸡巴顶到芳芳的逼缝处,用手掰开她的阴唇,将鸡巴慢慢插入,芳芳只觉小逼里有硬棒棒的异物侵入,阴道被鸡巴的一点点撑开,感觉有点痛,却相当刺激。由于芳芳逼里淫水太多,所以鸡巴很顺利的 插进了一小段,这时他把芳芳按在床上,吻住芳芳的嘴,吮吸着芳芳的舌头,然后腰部用力向下一捅,鸡巴一下子插进了芳芳的逼洞深处,芳芳痛的喉咙里呜呜直叫,芳芳只觉逼里面疼痛的难受,当然学医的她明白这是女人必须的一步。她男友只觉得鸡巴被芳芳的小逼紧紧的包着,暖暖的热热的很是舒服,停了一会后开始慢慢抽插起来,鸡巴被阴道内壁摩擦着相当爽快,这样只痛的芳芳眼含泪水。1w8649-109378 >>


内容简介:改名啦改名啦原书名《先亲为敬》小绵羊学霸年阳向大灰狼学霸兼校霸陆峋下战书,消息一出立刻轰动全校。陆峋:向我下战书的,只有一种结果。年阳:什么?陆峋:跪下叫爸爸。年阳:如果你输了呢?陆峋 :躺下叫老婆。年阳:……某一天,当看到小绵羊绝地反击将陆灰狼压在了书桌上,吃瓜群众惊掉了一地下巴,挑战的结果似乎也不是那么重要了……年阳得意笑道:服不服?陆峋挑眉一笑:各位书友要是觉得《今天不许再壁咚了》还不错的话请不要忘记向您QQ群和微博里的朋友推荐哦!1w0-80869 >>


内容简介:  睡个觉而已,她竟是穿成了书中同名脑残女配——男主的渣前妻,一朵怼天怼地的盛世白莲,而且还是正在私奔路上,既来之则安之,程宁宁表示:她要抱紧相公大腿,逆转人生,做诰命夫人,绝不能落得 被卖去花楼的下场。  学做饭,让相公吃饱饱,采草药,给相公卖钱钱,左一句我家相公右一句我家相公,必须让相公知道她心里眼里都是他。  撕白莲斗绿茶,这些都不用她,她家相公自带技能,她只要爱相公爱相公就行。  多年后,她成了全京都女子嫉妒的对象。  众女子:丞相夫人今日胖了。  她:哎,丞相大人天天给我做好吃的。  众女子:丞相夫人今日的衣着有些俗了。  她:丞相大人亲自挑的,男人的审美就这样,他喜欢就好。  众女子摔帕子跺脚,还能不能好好说话了。  丞相大人:夫人,为夫接你回家。1w0-945 >>




内容简介:简介:费源身上有个禁忌,那个禁忌会让他深陷痴情,无法清醒。那个禁忌是一个男人。费源疯狂地逃避着他,却怎么也逃不出被男人掌控的命运漫画版已登陆快看漫画,新文《我被渣攻仍经监狱生娃》狼狗攻 X隐忍受,欢迎关注。主cp贫嘴弱鸡浪贱受:绞尽脑汁给攻添堵毒舌病娇邪性攻:千方百计把受抓住副cp一:花心少爷白甜受:我的童养媳,是个小弟弟!长发美人流氓1w0-132431 >>


内容简介:《穿书后我靠当情报贩子成神了》小说简介:微博JJ江山沧澜景姵是个大神作家,创作了众多大火的作品,却太监上瘾,惹得读者怨气沸腾,车祸后意外穿进了自己的作品世界里,而且还是全部作品世界融合 的大杂烩世界。多个不同世界融合使得这个世界变成了一个普通人活着很艰难的高危世界,夜间神出鬼没无人知晓真面目的杀人狂魔、随时可能出现在任何地方的恐怖袭击、企图毁灭世界的阴谋……还有无数迷茫痛苦渴求着各种真相的人们。景姵:不捉急不捉急,你们想知道的答案我都有。马上开起情报铺子,只要你出得起钱,你就能从这里买到任何你想得到的答案,价格实惠,童叟无欺,绝对保真。——向警方发起挑战的凶手、悬在天边牢笼里的天使、地上带来灾难的怪物……这个世界有数不尽的谜题,让人绝望。章推雪拖着沉重的身躯,追寻着仿佛永无揭晓之日的真相,以为这辈子就这样了,却在某一天,突然发现自己的口袋里多了一张名片。【解谜情报屋】然后,他用了10万块,得到了他苦苦寻找半生的答案。章推雪:……——各位书友要是觉得《穿书后我靠当情报贩子成神了》还不错的话请不要忘记向您QQ群和微博里的朋友推荐哦!穿书后我靠当情报贩子成神了最新章节地址:1w0-99800 >>



After War Gundam X Re:master Edition

Fifteen years ago, those living in Outer Space went to war with people still on Earth. During the battles of the 7th Space War, it was found that certain human beings had mysterious arcane abilities, powers of the mind to control and forsee. These gifted people were called Newtypes. They were valuable to both sides of the war; the Earth Federation designed the Flash System which allowed a Newtype pilot to control a horde of unmanned MS, called Bit-Mobile Suits.This was an effective weapon, but sacrificed the lives of many Newtypes.Space fought back for principal, believing the effect of living in Space heightened every human ability and eventually created the prized power of a Newtype, who was not something to use as a tool for war. But in the end, mankind was its own downfall. During the final battle, the Space Revolution Army (SRA) crashed numerous colonies into the planet Earth, with a devastating effect.Millions died as a result of the colony drop. Those that were fortunate enough to find refuge in a Shelter were both blessed and cursed; they wouldn't see the sun again for four years. The rest that made it through had to endure and suffer with living on a ruined planet, plagued by an endless winter and an ever-changing, chaotic atmosphere. With that, the war had ended. For now. But everyone who continued to live on was possessed by that tragic war, and the word 'Newtype'...The year is After War 0015, and life on Earth is finally on its way to creating a more perfect world, except for the ruthless mercenaries who use mobile suits to make a living raiding; called Vultures, some of these people are merely chasing money, while others are running from the past. Enter 15 year old Garrod Ran, an orphan of the war. He is a lively and friendly boy who is trying to survive in the wake of the war, living off his daring-do's and knowledge of MS. Because of this, Garrod is hired to rescue a kidnapped girl from a Vulture ship, called the Freeden, and its stoic captain, Jamil Neate.But Garrod soon finds out that this job is entirely not what it seems; that the girl, Tiffa Adill, is actually a powerful Newtype, able to dream the future. And when Tiffa shows Garrod the Gundam X, Garrod can do nothing but bear witness to the suddenly changing times. He may learn that people's true intentions run far deeper, and that the Vultures and Captain Jamil Neate are their only hope for surviving the coming age, and the birth of the New Earth Federation.Must mankind repeat the tragic mistake of the past? (From MyAnimeList)

Tennenkei Ouji

From Serenus Dreamers: Aoi - a girl who lives in a household of seven. Her current status? Poor. Masafumi, dubbed the Prince of School, lives in a mansion with a household of mostly servants and his grandparents. His current status? Rich. When Masafumi decides to throw away 40 cents which Aoi could have used, she's enraged at his action of discarding the valuable amount, and vows to never forgive him! But, what happens when fate brings Aoi to the Prince's door, in place of her mother, who is injured? Revenge? Schooling in the antics of the poor? Extra: That is Why we Dream - Nakahara has a habit of setting things on fire, she coops herself up in the art room and never smiles..she is also a young and famous artist. While setting fire to another object, she meets a boy, who is a young and famous basketball player...why does he give her so much attention when everyone else shuns her? and why does she seem so sad while painting?

Free Soul

After a heated argument with her mother, Keito runs away from home without knowing where to go. When she helps an old woman to carry her bags home, the woman offers to put her up in one of her rooms. Keito accepts and starts to pick up the pieces of her life. When she's not drawing her own comic, which features a black jazz singer named Angie, the young woman works at a record shop. That's where she meets and falls in love with Niki, an attractive trumpeter in a funk band. They sleep with each other. Unfortunately for Keito, Niki then explains that she's not interested in a serious relationship, but Keito is not willing to give up that easily...

Sono Te Kara Tsutawaru

Two cousins who have always been together, but one is leaving for school, will they be able to stay connected? [by mica363]

The Lady and Sada San

The Lady and Sada San summary: The Lady and Sada San summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of The Lady and Sada San. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

Till We Meet Again

Till We Meet Again summary: Till We Meet Again summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Till We Meet Again. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

And One Last Thing...

And One Last Thing... summary: And One Last Thing... summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of And One Last Thing.... If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

Whosoever Shall Offend

Whosoever Shall Offend summary: Whosoever Shall Offend summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Whosoever Shall Offend. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

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