










类别悬疑 恐怖 惊悚






















内容简介:五个截然不同的女人五把打开混沌封印的钥匙从出生那一刻起便注定了和秦东的一世情缘……九莲聚顶奥妙无穷的境界难道真是天道的极致……只有摒除七情六欲才能修仙得道哥们儿你out了1w0-658 73 >>




内容简介:林素是摄影圈出名的美女摄影师,人美技术硬,脾气火爆,性格古怪,娱乐圈知名的流量明星请她拍照还要看心情。可是就是这么有个性的林素,在陶牧之面前却是个小嗲精。林素:我要亲亲~陶牧之:先吃药 。—林素有很严重的心理疾病,她一度想就这么死掉。陶牧之的出现,拯救了她的心理,也拯救了她的身体。林素:我会碎掉么?陶牧之:不会,我是医生,我会把你补好。他是她的药,一辈子都戒不掉。清冷禁欲男心理医生X偏执疯批大美人摄影师1日更,存稿丰厚,不会修文,放心跳坑。,HE,SC,甜3纯属虚构,胡编乱造,别当真。立意双向救赎各位书友要是觉得《玫瑰软刺》还不错的话请不要忘记向您QQ群和微博里的朋友推荐哦!1w0-64389 >>


内容简介:【【红袖读书——首届“全球征文大赛”】参赛作品】【甜腻爽搞笑逗逼,1v1双强,欢迎入坑】西北五区最狂妄最无敌最邪痞的司少,竟被手下diss不如未婚妻?为重振威名,司千池混入圣德女子学院 ,目标只有一个:攻略高贵冷艳的未婚妻!可眼前这只睡眼惺忪、头发凌乱、放空发呆的大懒妞,真的是那个喋血的战区神话?“好饿,想吃冰淇淋……”邪魅少爷VS怠惰女帝,撩不动就正面刚!各位书友要是觉得《女帝请指教》还不错的话请不要忘记向您QQ群和微博里的朋友推荐哦!1w0-81289 >>


内容简介:【微博才不是竹子呢】影后林清尧未婚先孕的新闻被爆出来吃瓜群众手中的瓜炸了纷纷批判她以前的清纯人设都是装出来的最后某总裁出面澄清孩子是我的第二个瓜也炸了为了上位怒抱富二代大腿,怀孕逼婚? 某总裁再次出面澄清我们两年前就结婚了这次不等吃瓜群众开口,他主动说明“我追的她,婚前六年,婚后两年,追了八年。”性格慢热x巨宠巨撩甜文各位书友要是觉得《请你喜欢我》还不错的话请不要忘记向您QQ群和微博里的朋友推荐哦!1w0-64544 >>


内容简介:  这是一个小人物默默前行,心怀敬畏,努力追逐梦想的故事。  书友群:六五八三六零九一二1w0-302


内容简介:天地未开,自混沌中衍生出的一朵青莲,难抑天命之威,莲身崩碎,盘古开天,身化洪荒,遭无量劫,化三千道界,万灵皆可成道。虽莲身已碎,可一丝莲魂所以转世为人。隐在莲魂深处的是什么?那是不甘! 身已陨,血仍沸,战欲狂,意正酣!聚灵宝,踏仙门,斩鬼妄,破三千!天命不可违?哪又如何?便搏他一搏,搏他个日月沉沦,搏他个天地崩碎,还我一片朗朗乾坤!都说荒古,上古,而此刻便是荒古,此刻便是上古,此刻便是巅峰!抬脚崩山河,抬手碎星辰,这是修仙巅峰的波澜壮阔,亦是一场前所未有的靡战!书友群:304254026本站提示:各位书友要是觉得《洪荒之搏天命》还不错的话请不要忘记向您QQ群和微博里的朋友推荐哦!1w0-71448 >>


内容简介:ltbgt昔日第一天才牧风横空出世,碾压各路天骄,叩关迎天赐,却遭兄弟暗算,沦为废物。三年后,牧风浴火重生,重返神坛。这一世,修炼无敌剑道,铸神剑,凝剑意,开剑势,养剑魂!这一世,天赐 仙人伏尸图,踏天路,败群雄,战九天,霸万古!待到他日登剑尊,三尺青锋任逍遥。各位书友要是觉得《一世剑尊》还不错的话请不要忘记向您QQ群和微博里的朋友推荐哦!1w0-85558 >>


内容简介:地球普通青年,因为玩游戏猝死,意外穿越到了末日时代,因为灵气复苏的缘故,动植物变异,人类也瞬间消亡几十亿,全都成为了行尸走肉。而更让陈阳懵逼的是,他竟然穿越成了一只女丧尸,虽然长相清纯 可爱,身材也丰满,但他第一件事还是掀起了自己的短裙,随即爆发出了一道哀嚎声。我的二弟,你死的好惨!所幸,无限进化系统启动,只要拥有足够的进化点,别说重新变成原来的身躯,就算是进化成宇宙最强者都可以,从此陈阳开始了一边变强,一边进化成原来身躯的最强进化之路!哎,既然变成了女丧尸,那还是入乡随俗吧,你们说今天我该穿女秘书装还是大胆尝试一下女王装?再不济,我柜子里还有各种丝袜,女仆服,猫耳1w0-26493 >>

我似鸽莫得感情的杀手 综

内容简介:鸽子精作者林立白被“网文自动补全系统”拉进了一个小世界。在这个世界之中,她需要在自己烂尾的作品中苟到大结局,并且在大结局来临之前帮男主找到真爱。林立白:我设计的大纲里就没女主这种生物摊 手手jpg系统:对啊,原本没有,现在这不就有了嘛同款摊手手jpg林立白:?!1w0-80887 >>




内容简介:  萧兮兮穿越回古代,成了太子的小老婆之一。  本应该是宫斗的开始,可她只想当咸鱼。  争宠?不存在的!  咸鱼才是生存之道,混吃等死才是人生真谛!  可偏偏,  高冷太子就爱她这一款 。  ……  萧父:闺女,你要争气啊,咱家可就指望你攀龙附凤了!  萧兮兮:不,我只是一条咸鱼  宫女:小主,您要争气啊,一定要打败那些绿茶婊成为太子妃!  萧兮兮:不,我只是一条咸鱼  太子:爱妃,你要争气啊,孤就指望你传宗接代了!  萧兮兮:不,我只是一条咸鱼  太子:无妨,咸鱼我也可以。  ……  (1V1宠文,双洁,超甜!)1w0-960 >>

Downtown Shuffle

1--3) Downtown Shuffle - Everyone wants Sakura: an aloof, elegant and unattainable beautiful 'princess'. Syou is no exception. He desperately wants him. So bad that he visits all Sakura's favorite night clubs nearly every night. Somehow, somehow, Syou unexpectedly wins Sakura's attention. His friend and bartender Miyako is pleased for him. However it doesn't go as smoothly as Syou's hoped. Sakura may be truly unattainable. Syou falls in love, but not in a way he expects it to be. 4) Let's Go to the Hospital Tsukada Riku's mother forces him to track down their missing cat. He gets into an accident that lands him a hospital, which his high school friends nicknamed 'ERO hospital' (Porno hospital) because of a hospital sign and rumors that nurses seduce hapless patients at night. Will Riku be seduced? Dr. Hiroo might have the answer. 5) Eternal Melody - Rock guitarist Kouga is acknowledged as the guy who formed a rock band, Zest, at high school and has an eye for beauty. However he's never explained why he chose Mei as their singer who ~ as Kouga says ~ has nothing but good looks. Kazuki, a good looking singer of HYPE, enters the picture with a desire to take over Mei's place ... 6) Four Seasons - Mizuta Hayato is overjoyed when he discovers his childhood friend Hyouno Wataru has returned ~ from a four-year stay in Tokyo ~ to work as a teacher at his school. Wataru isn't, however, what he used to be. He's so cold now.

Mukashi No Hanashi

• White Room Angels exist in both black and white. The white angels have pleasant jobs, like making flowers bloom and warning people of danger. The black angels have ugly jobs, like making people sick. When she was a child, the black angel Lily admired the white angels, and now as an adult she's decided she wants to be one. • A Story of Long Ago Long ago, an angel born from a daughter and her mother's lover remembers back to when she was born. • The Dreamer A girl dreams the same dreary dream every night, and meets a blind man who describes a blue sky to her. She searches for the blue sky. • Imagination Envious of the boy who always places first in her art school, she snaps at him, only to realize how wrong she was to do so. • I Dreamt of a Delicious Little Finger Dreaming that in a dream, your body parts turned to bread...! • Cups A depressed girl, seeing that her kitten is pregnant, works so that she will have money to afford kittens, only to find tragedy. • The Edge of the Sky, to the Furthest Horizon A man searches for his true love.

Marugoto Ore No Mono

From Shogakukan: Rinka comes back to the town where she used to live during her childhood. She looked forward to seeing Shuta again, who she used to protect from being bullied. Now, Shuta is the school's board chairman and he is very popular with girls. Rinka becomes confused because Shuta is very different from before... Read this manga from right to left


Satomi High's Football Club members are bunch of weirdos, there's a former yankee (delinquent), a former Hikikamori, one short-tempered guy and on top of that their captain is a 'chibi' (shorty), who looks more like primary schooler than a 2nd year high schooler, but don't be fooled - despite the fact of being all-freshman brand new team in a brand new high school, those guys made it to the best 4 of Chiba Prefecture last year! Their newest recruit is an almost 2m high guy, who is surprisingly bad at headings (despite having a height advantage). Fortunately the chibi-captain notices his potential as an attacking midfielder... How far can this team possibly go in this year's tournament? (From:MyAnimelist.net)

Faceless Phantom

Faceless Phantom summary: A man had given up his real life. He was one of many NEETs who wished to change their life. A new popular virtual reality game, Heallance, was released. He intended to become a new person inside the game. Thus, he promised to himself that he would never log out. And he was reborn as a player named Zeroth.Throwing his real life away, Zeroth 's new life in artificial world has begun.

Agatha Raisin And The Vicious Vet

Agatha Raisin And The Vicious Vet summary: Agatha Raisin And The Vicious Vet summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Agatha Raisin And The Vicious Vet. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

The Attempted Assassination of ex-President Theodore Roosevelt

The Attempted Assassination of ex-President Theodore Roosevelt summary: The Attempted Assassination of ex-President Theodore Roosevelt summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of The Attempted Assassination of ex-President Theodore Roosevelt. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

Otherworldly Evil Monarch

Otherworldly Evil Monarch summary: Jun Xie was the number one a.s.sa.s.sin in modern earth. His skills and knowledge in the field of a.s.sa.s.sination were unparalleled, his accomplishments unprecedented, his reputation terrified the entire underworld. However, during a mission to retrieve a mystical treasure, a mishap occurred&h.e.l.lip;
He is now Jun Moxie, a sixteen year old super level debauchee, sole heir to the declining Jun family. A family of valiant heroes, left with an old grandpa, a crippled uncle and a debauchee as the sole heir! Accepting the world’s criticism and cold stares with a smile, his new journey begins! His life will be carved by his own will! Rise to the top! Evil Monarch Jun Xie!
“This cup I toast to those I’ve killed in my past life. Forgive me, for there is no chance for you to have revenge. Gulp!
This cup I toast to those whose life I will take in my new life. Forgive me, for you are fated to die by my hands. Cheers!”

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