




















简介《绝地天通》系列之《绝地天通 狐》:本篇讲述了白天扮演纨绔的富二代,晚上化身为“狐神”的主人公,与黑暗世界大战的故事!(每周一、周四更新)另,《绝地天通》漫画宇宙其它联动漫画——黄/灰/初/黑,剧情相对独立,偶有关联,无观看顺序,任意食用!欢迎加入官方交流QQ群:563351294






类别热血 穿越 后宫 福利






内容简介:本文将于2月10日从第26章入v,入v当天发三章。谢谢大家一直以来的支持,往后也请继续支持。公元2333年,丧尸病毒入侵地球,绝望和希望相伴相生,人类当中出现了异能者。丧尸在不断变强, 为了提升能力,异能者找到了1w0-115984 >>


内容简介:木叶历三十五年登场,从九尾之乱开始。火影世界里,走血继融合之路,登至顶峰。达成一个个非凡的成就,超脱诸多世界。关键词:火影,系统,影帝,稳健,诸天。本书关键词:其他类型《从木叶开始超脱 》小说推荐:前方动漫有高能、异世之虫族无敌、梦幻西游:我能看见收益、大唐:开局炸了太极殿、奸臣、星际之亡灵帝国、灵气复苏:开局获得麒麟臂、狼王梦、斗罗之武魂殿主、都市之创造万界、望族嫡女、大唐:开局被长孙皇后跪求假冒李二、快穿:她养的黑化大佬是神明、职场小白升职记、至尊强婿、从斗罗开始俘获比比东、综英美从蝙蝠家开始的DC全员乙女向发展、塌房少女重生记、从大树开始的进化、独占成婚、足球:史上最强中锋、荒唐岁月、逍遥兵王洛天最新章节、从林正英世界开始修道、猎狮Ⅱ、尸妻难缠、苏爽世界崩坏中综、鬼灭之刃:神级选择、受何苦为难受(GL)、掰夫是个技术活[快穿1w0-80770 >>


内容简介:乌鸦嘴大佬在娱乐圈里当团宠是由顾悠然所写的都市言情类小说,本站提供乌鸦嘴大佬在娱乐圈里当团宠最新章节阅读乌鸦嘴大佬在娱乐圈里当团宠全文阅读乌鸦嘴大佬在娱乐圈里当团宠免费无弹窗在线阅读, 如果您发现乌鸦嘴大佬在娱乐圈里当团宠更新慢了请第一时间联系小兵。1w0-85981 >>


内容简介:为了爱情,笙歌抛下一切,卑微的当了三年全职太太。可到头来才知道,她所做的努力依然不及白月光的一次回眸。笙歌心灰意冷,毅然决然递上离婚。“不好意思,老娘不装了,摊牌了!”紧接着,全网炸裂 !某亿万身价的超级富婆,疑似已经离婚?!于是,各家小鲜肉大总裁争先恐后献殷勤。屏幕前的封御年忍无可忍,第二天就召开记者会,美其名曰:跪求老1w65746-90489 >>


内容简介:美丽优雅的精灵,强大高傲的巨龙,野蛮贫苦的兽人,残忍好战的鱼人,当然,还有占据大陆形式主导地位的人族,魔法师,骑士,刺客!追随者,美人,英雄!大将军,贵族,皇室!种族战,国战,商战!当 所有的一切汇聚交融在一起,又怎么会缺少了快乐。来吧!乘巨龙徜徉天际,看精灵感伤凋零,伴穿越的孤独灵魂追寻强者之路,听痴情的如玉美人表露真爱之心,战场商场情场场场得意,亲情友情爱情情情惜珍,真实异界,尽在暗隐。各位书友要是觉得《暗隐》还不错的话请不要忘记向您QQ群和微博里的朋友推荐哦!1w0-64447 >>


内容简介:先帝耗损国运大宿各地妖祸横生,奈何新继女帝只敬天地不信鬼神,身为父母官的祝义当然选择为了百姓而奉身自己。妖祸,不仅有妖,还有鬼魔精怪。祝义:本官食朝廷俸禄为百姓解忧,不求万民感念,那些 个妖娆鬼怪妖魔就让本官消受了罢!文中np,会出现多个故事,作者会开始瞎编、改编,对怪志灵异比较懂的别看,我怕我糊弄不过你。女主是坤泽会和人、鬼1w0-119397 >>


内容简介:【原书名:《我被读者诅咒成了美少女》】至于吗?我不就是写了几本变身、伪娘小说把你们掰弯了么?一个个干嘛要诅咒我变身成萌妹?只是……当站着尿尿成为了过去,当每个月那几天折磨的我死去活来, 当每天被文胸勒的难受……坑爹呢!变身萌妹这种诅咒竟然也能成真?!61616161616161616161616161616161616161616161616161616161没有穿越,不做文抄;逗比搞笑,吐槽卖萌。这是一个可怜小写手被诅咒变身成萌妹,然后为了报复用尽办法掰弯所有人的故事。已完结:《今天开始女生》、《男校的雌孔雀》、《伪娘》等。读者群:52962539,真的没有女装福利!各位书友要是觉得《变身之我被诅咒成萌妹》还不错的话请不要忘记向您QQ群和微博里的朋友推荐哦!1w0-69529 >>




内容简介:曾经相依为命的师姐,成为了高高在上的女帝陛下。“师弟,你不要反抗了,快和我成婚吧。”“不,我绝不吃软饭,我要靠自己双手奋斗。”“好,这是五百万两,等你赔完了,就和我成婚。”……获得云计 算系统,万物皆可运算。树上那个鸟窝里,好像有一枚火凤蛋。这片寸草不生的荒地下,其实有一个灵石矿。街角那个要饭的乞丐,日后会成为超级大佬。现在赶紧去认识他,请他吃饭,给他介绍女朋友。……“启禀陛下,他已经离开三年了。”“怎么,他知道错了嘛。”“不,他已经将敌国收购了,正准备收购我们国家”本站提示:各位书友要是觉得《创业失败就要和女帝结婚》还不错的话请不要忘记向您QQ群和微博里的朋友推荐哦!1w0-67714 >>




内容简介:公人灭绝计划(nph)是由a大猫所写的高辣浓情类小说,本站提供公人灭绝计划(nph)最新章节阅读公人灭绝计划(nph)全文阅读公人灭绝计划(nph)免费无弹窗在线阅读,如果您发现公人灭 绝计划(nph)更新慢了请第一时间联系小兵。1w0-76657 >>



Valkyrie Profile 2: Silmeria

The princess of the kingdom of Dipan, Alicia, was abandoned by her parents when she was still a child. The rumour says that she was posessed by a Demon and therefore lost her life. But the truth reveals different. Alicia in truth, inherits the soul of the Battle Maiden Silmeria, one of the three Valkyries, what she has to hide from the rest of the world. That of course gives people reason to think she has a split personality. She is taken to a castle far away from her kingdom and hidden from the public and ever since living a quiet life. Until that one day when Odin, the lord of the gods, decides to come after the lost Valkyrie and forces her to return to Valhalla... Taken from: Valkyrie Scanlations Valkyrie Profile Prequel Check the game: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=niTrcLZeO-c

Kimi No Iru Basho - Real X Fake

From Osuwari Team: Mitsuha is sick of her stupid friends and boring school life. All she wants is to be left in peace. One day by mistake she becomes penpals with Haru, whom she doesn't know at all. Only with him can she be honest. There's one guy in Mitsuha's school who's just the way Mitsuha would like to be - cool, a little scary and above all - alone. One day she meets him in a bus... What will happen next? *NOTE: The mangaka, YAMAMOTO Keiko, decided not to do this manga series anymore after it went on a hiatus since the seventh issue. Another mangaka, NAGI Michiko, will continue this manga. Read this manga from right to left

Holy Avenger

In almost all respects, Arton is the same as Earth. The sky is blue, the Sun is yellow, the Moon is silver. There we find the same air, the same water, the same trees and animals that we know on Earth. Arton is a world of adventurous heroes. They are everywhere, in kingdoms, villages and cities. The greatest of those heroes is a champion who came to be in recent times. He's only known as the Paladin, and no power has ever proven itself able to defeat him. A holy warrior, tempered by the power of twenty gods, he's the utmost defender of truth, honor and justice. The Paladin has gone missing... (Taken from the 1st volume intro) --- Lisandra has lived on the secluded island of Galrasia her whole life, fostered by cavewolfs. One day she dreams of a golden armored champion. Those dreams wouldn't stop and in time, they became nightmares about this unknown warrior being defeated in battle against a great evil yet to come into being. Those relentless nightmares would lead Lisandra away from Galrasia, to the continent of Arton, where she would begin her quest for the Rubies of Virtue, mystical gems also presented to Lisandra in her dreams. By gathering all the gems, the girl hopes to rid herself of this heavy burden the Gods have given her, and also revive the hero who shall defeat the upcoming darkness... Holy Avenger is a Brazilian manga-influenced comic based on a short RPG adventure of the same name, which takes place in a campaign setting called Tormenta (a synonym for 'Storm' in Portuguese), originally published in the RPG magazine Dragão Brasil. More info: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Holy_Avenger NOTE: This is an OEL, not a manga, manhwa, or manhua.

Yuuto No Shinro Kibou

I was born to be a hero, to be the one to defeat the Demon Lord, but... Entry no. 43 in the 3rd Club Sunday Cup.

Sekai ga Death Game ni Natta no de Tanoshii desu

Sekai ga Death Game ni Natta no de Tanoshii desu summary: The game is at fault!
And that’s what adults says, those who started the questionnaire.
『Can you revive a dead person?』
That type of questionnaire.
30% of primary school students answered with an affirmative.
When adults received that type of results they banned games.
Saying that, thanks to the games, the values of the children against life have been turned.
And it’s true, excluding the exception; the majority of these games have a rule where the dead can be resuscitated.
I think that just because the outcome of that questionnaire, banning all games is, a little, overbearing.
Actually, ambiguity of death is because the medical science is overdue and the geographical factor such as the cold.
Or because the globe fish poison and the others that the person who died resuscitated, and that had become the reality.
And that’s maybe why, the people who saw people resurrecting, created monsters, demons such as zombies and vampires.
But, still…
Compared with reality, the death on a game is always near one self and is a simple thing so there is no doubt about it.
A little girl had bitten a boy’s shoulder.
From both legs and right arm of the girl, a large amount of blood had been ejected.
A fatal wound.
No, she is already dead.
Although she is dead, she keeps moving.
A moving corpse is.
The girl who was biting the boy’s shoulder, after swallowing the meat, talked.
「…Don’t… …g……ooo…」
Circular drips were falling from her eyes, falling in large quant.i.ties.
The boy, who was bitten on the shoulder, saying nothing, embraced the girl.
Again, the girl sank her teeth on the boy’s shoulder.
He thought, what I’m going to do?
He thought, whether he should revive this girl or not.
Because, if he had one million yen, he could revive this girl.
Because, the world has now turned into a game.
A person’s life is worth a million yen.
In this world that had turned into a game, that’s what is worth a life.
The price is high or cheap?
In the end, although the world had turned into a game, perhaps, the value of a life has not changed.

The Memoirs of Cleopatra

The Memoirs of Cleopatra summary: The Memoirs of Cleopatra summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of The Memoirs of Cleopatra. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

Tengu-sama And The Eternal Vow

Tengu-sama And The Eternal Vow summary: On the day that he had decided to leave the company he worked at that exploited its employees, in front of the orphan Yukino for the first time in 13 years his sole childhood friend Izuna appeared and suddenly tried to take him away. Long ago someone had said: “When I become an adult, come for me.” “At that time I want you to become my spouse,” but that was, after all, only a childhood promise. He refused him saying that it was impossible for the male him to become a bride, but Izuna, revealing that he is a Tengu, took Yukino away to Shinto shrine precincts (or some holy precincts, not too sure). In addition because it is necessary for the sake of adapting to the shrine for divinity to be poured inside of him, Yukino is continuously being embraced by Izuna…? A love story spanning into eternity between a Tengu and a human child who became the Tengu’s bride.

A Discourse On The Study Of The Law Of Nature And Nations

A Discourse On The Study Of The Law Of Nature And Nations summary: A Discourse On The Study Of The Law Of Nature And Nations summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of A Discourse On The Study Of The Law Of Nature And Nations. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

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