


















简介明星有粉丝就有黑粉。作为资深粉丝,我秦朗的爱豆苏凡被抢了风头,对方还是娱乐圈有各种不良新闻的“腹黑小人”徐逸琨,这怎能忍!于是我化身徐逸琨的黑粉,黑他,给他拆台,誓不罢休!然而我却偶然“招安”到了徐逸琨的粉丝后援会,只得向爱豆苏凡求援。苏凡让我成为了男团选秀节目的造型设计师,有机会和他们,还有更多参赛的帅哥密切接触,每天生活在梦幻之中。不对啊,我是黑粉,你们都忘了吗?QQ群号:648798508 每周六更新!














内容简介:《丞相大人的小娇妾重生》简介:盛情?她流苏紫已经不指望了,刚才还在心里夸这个丫鬟得体,如今看来,这个丫鬟的的确确是脑子进水了(王妃她只想守寡)。没办法,主人都是脑残一个,她流苏紫还指望 着丫鬟有什么出息?其实流苏紫很想大声说,既然是盛情,那你去领便是了(王妃她只想守寡)。这样的男人,她流苏紫可不担保是不是有什么病,他当她流苏紫是什么人?但好说歹说,也是她的救命恩人,流苏紫再度以笑脸相迎,淡淡一笑道:“姑娘说笑了,我并非是什么姑娘,而是一个已婚的女人,如今来到这里,也无非是安胎之所,家中夫君在外经商,你家主人若是饥不择食,本夫人这就回去给公子准备一个姑娘(王妃她只想守寡)。”饥不择食,流苏紫觉得自己这个词,用的实在是太恰当了。眼前的死男人,如今不是饥不择食,还是什么?流苏紫只觉得自己这一招,实在是太高了,面前的丫鬟已经是面色苍白,而那丫鬟身后原本得意洋洋的逍遥公子,更是脸上一阵青一阵白的(王妃她只想守寡)。。1w0-84896 >>


内容简介:周海洋大学毕业后独自一人来到海边小城东海市打拼生活。通过自己努力,工作与生活渐入佳境。先买了房子,又入职当地龙头企业港城建筑集团内最好的业务部。感觉自己略有成绩的周海洋便开始浮躁起来, 在工作中偶遇叶梦辰,但是刚准备对喜欢的女孩展开追求,便遭遇工作滑铁卢。机缘巧合,让周海洋再次遇到叶梦辰,但是其浮躁的作风和其他原因,让初识周海洋的叶梦辰十分反感。1w0-49475 >>


内容简介:这是个风流多情皇子主动去撩一直暗恋他的淡漠腹黑丞相,撩完后反悔想跑,最后被丞相吃干抹尽的故事。司马大人你同兰相来往多久了?三皇子没有多久,只是这几天同子卿走动多了些。司马大人以后,你少 同兰相1w9117-77151 >>


内容简介:关于这本书呢本人没啥好说的有这么多人在追着看,表示还是有很多读者支持我们.神草的正式简介开始:「神死了…魔灭了…我还活着…为什么?为何让我从远古神墓中复出,我将何去何从?」神魔陵园除了 安葬着人类历代的最强者、异类中的顶级修炼者外,其余每一座坟墓都埋葬着一位远古的神或魔,这是一片属于神魔的安息之地。一个平凡的青年死去万载岁月之后,从远古神墓中复活而出,如林的神魔墓碑令他感到异常震撼。1w731-65866 >>


内容简介:    本书VIP书群:476527737。  本书主角玉独秀获得应灾劫大道而生的申公豹传承,然后又在无意间融合了一丝诸天劫难本源,有了执掌、引动大劫之力量,为众生带来劫难,可以借助大 劫,来加快自己的修炼速,且看本书主角如何执掌灾厄,求得长生果位。  “我种下一颗种,终于长出了果实,今天是个伟大日”玉独秀在山巅高歌,不过种下的不是普通种,非是灵根仙草,而是大劫的种,种长出了一场无量量劫。  “我种下一颗大劫的种,待到果实成熟之日,就是诸天大劫到来之时,也是贫道成道之日”玉独秀语录。  “我注定了是反面人物,反面人物不都是给人带来灾难,祸害众生吗?”玉独秀自语道。  看着高高在上的教祖,玉独秀面色庄严道:“道友请留步”。  1w0-4078 >>


内容简介:林昊穿越到万族林立的玄幻世界,入赘赵府的姑爷。原以为就要这样憋屈的度过余生,却绑定了神级进化动物系统。“叮,您的苍蝇杀手已强化双爪,携带金属武器,锋利如刃!”“叮,您的宠物蜘蛛进化完毕 ,获得特殊技能,致命毒素!”……从此以后,世界上多了一支神秘的杀手组织,以动物为手下,杀人于无形之间。“很抱歉,我的士兵其实都是饲养《神级进化动物杀手团》小说推荐:占个山头当大王、诡秘之主、太古狂魔、完美世界、吞神至尊、魔僧、魔天、武神主宰、逆剑狂神、万道剑尊、洪荒封神之殷商太子、我可以爆修为、将夜、混沌霸天决、玄幻:我真不是道祖、全职法师、太初、史上最狂老祖、造化之王、原来我是世外高人1w0-30111 >>


内容简介:方秋白穿越了!带着无所不召的召唤系统!可以召唤各类动漫游戏或是电影里面的强大角色,还可以召唤里面神奇的建筑和道具。对于一心想着混混日子的方秋白来说。异界生活太无趣,举办个武道大会看热闹 。闲的无事扮演魔王培养几个勇者来闯关。且看他在异界的逍遥生活。本站提示:各位书友要是觉得《异界之万能召唤》还不错的话请不要忘记向您QQ群和微博里的朋友推荐哦!1w0-58363 >>






内容简介:宗派弟子燕云辰得到了一枚神秘的空间戒指,戒指中躲藏着一个神界遇难,坠落凡界的圣女。为了讨好主人燕云辰,高贵的圣女不得不拿出一件件神界功法,还有诸般绝世宝贝。燕云辰自此走向巅峰,傲笑天地 。横行霸道,败尽天下英雄,成就了一段绝世武圣的热血传奇。什么?燕云辰表示还要趁人之危,对圣女图谋不轨!圣女当即脸色一白。1w0-4401 >>


内容简介:本书简介:没钱不可怕,没钱还倒霉就悲催了。家道中落,云映桥和父亲背井离乡上京讨生活。靠着摆摊卖字,进侯府帮工,日子步上正轨,眼看就要脱贫致富,奔小康。结果却因为招惹了不该招惹的人,人生 发生了翻天覆地的变化。“主人,我对嫁您没兴趣,求放过!”1w0-76088 >>



A-Chan No Pudding

A-chan no Pudding summary is updating. Come visit MangaNato.com sometime to read the latest chapter of A-chan no Pudding. If you have any question about this manga, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

Kinku - Don't Say "i Love You"

A collection of one shots Don't Say 'I Love You' Shizuka had just lost her only parent, her mother, due to a car accident. A young man, Yuuichi, rushed to the hospital and declared that he's Shizuka's step-father. That was their first encounter. The two started to live together, yet Shizuka realized that she was seeing Yuuichi as a man instead of as a father. And Yuuichi was too...in order to prevent the forbidden relationship, Yuuichi decides to leave home, and...!? Snow Falling Honjou Nao is known as a player and on Valentine's Day he kisses every girl who gives him chocolates. Furuya Wakaba wants to date someone she loves and loves her back not just some guy who wants to date casually. Furuya hates Honjou Nao because of his playful personality. On Valentines Day, she goes to the infirmary only to find a half naked Honjou Nao on the bed! Let Me Feel You Yuina has been going out with her boyfriend Yuuya for half a year already. One day Yuuya calls Yuina sexually frigid. Yuina becomes depressed and when a strange man approaches her, she goes along with him. Just before Yuina was about to do something she would regret, Hiroto comes and kicks the strange man in the head. Yuina becomes attracted to Hiroto's presence follows him to a club he's dancing in. They meet Yuuya along the way to the train station and there, Hiroto gives Yuina the kiss of her life! Lustful Lover Kazumi whose father is rich wakes up kidnapped. She's been cuffed and chained to a room. The kidnapper says that he will let her go only if she says 'Please Hold Me' to him. Every night the kidnapper brings home a woman and makes love to her right in front of the door of the room where Kazumi is chained in. Kazumi becomes sexually aware of him and soon succumbs to him. Omake (Love Prisoner and author's comments) A six pages short sequel to Lustful Lover, what happens to Kazumi when she meets her kidnapper again.

Sapphire: Ribbon No Kishi

Description [Edit] summary by Divine Sanctuary Sapphire was supposed to be a tomboyish junior high school girl who's not interested in boys, but it all changed on her 14th birthday. Not only did she find out that she's princess Sapphire, the Ribbon Knight, but she also has to protect a country called Silver Land!? Based on the original work by Tezuka Osamu. Read this manga from right to left

Ageha O Ou Monotachi

In the year 2039 Ageha Shiraishi is sentenced to death after strong evidence found her guilty of killing her four roomates. She claims she is innocent but no one will listen to the words of an well versed actress. Ageha is sent to Talsis Prison where she meets the prison guard, Kenzaki Kyousuke, who gets the feeling she may actually be innocent. Before the day is done Ageha escapes prison and Kenzaki gets fired for incompetence. Ten years later Kenzaki is on the hunt for the mysterious Ageha. From Baka-Updates: Ageha Shiraishi has been sentenced to death as she was suspected of murdering her four roommates. In her prison cell as she awaits her execution, she tells her warden, Kyousuke, that she is innocent and that she did not commit murder. Kyousuke does some research, but finds that she is still guilty. Upon his return, he finds his superior tied up and stripped. After setting her free, he finds out that he has been tricked, and it was Ageha in disguise. He is surprised to find Ageha can impersonate anyone to the finest detail, whether it be hair color, habits, or even voice. Ageha becomes the first fugitive of the Talsis Prison and she declares that she will find the real culprit. Kyousuke now only has one clue, which is 'the Ageha' (swallowtail butterfly) tattoo on Ageha's back. The chase between the characters involved begins as they move to grasp the truth!

The Bee's Bayonet

The Bee's Bayonet summary: The Bee's Bayonet summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of The Bee's Bayonet. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

Master Hunter K

Master Hunter K summary: Without warning, every man, woman, and child were teleported off to fight an endless series of battle ‘to prove the worth of their species with their own power.’ Failure to clear every objective means that humanity shall be purged, or so the Operator claims.
But if that is true, why was K sent back in time?

Baraboo, Dells, and Devil's Lake Region

Baraboo, Dells, and Devil's Lake Region summary: Baraboo, Dells, and Devil's Lake Region summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Baraboo, Dells, and Devil's Lake Region. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

Rural Architecture

Rural Architecture summary: Rural Architecture summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Rural Architecture. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

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