

















简介吞噬人间漫画 ,全世界被一种怪病笼罩恐怖欺负,几个年轻人误入一个神秘地域,这里是解开谜团的钥匙吗?












简介学霸栾羽因为和祁家的一纸婚约被送入了贵族学校宿舍,原以为要和未来的未婚夫共同生活,岂料自己的未婚夫原来不止一个?!而且,和自己一样的‘未婚妻’也有好几个! 每【周日】更新(*  ̄3)(ε ̄ *)


内容简介:同桌是个女生,长得还不错,但实在是太烦人了!天天踩我脚,还藏我水杯,动手掐我,跟我妈告状我上课睡觉,关键是她还跟牛皮糖似的甩都甩不掉,大学还跟我同班??伟大的知友们,帮忙给我出出主意, 有什么办法可以治一治她!……「要不,你试着跟她告个白?」——关键词:青梅、恋爱、日常、写作、萌宠、美食1w0-89550 >>


内容简介:在1973年3月初,蓝星人类向神秘的宇宙深空发射了强电磁波信号。时隔五十年后,于2023年4月,蓝星神眼天文台观测中心突然收到外太空的神秘回复。根据黑暗森林法则的宇宙观来看,蓝星的确切 坐标已经暴露。在不久的将来,蓝星文明将会成为宇宙靶心!……世界的未来和文明的走向,在一瞬间,有一百万种可能。楚天歌获得时空推演系统,基于本世界文明进行推演,创造出无数平行时空,疯狂收割一茬茬韭菜,最终1w0-88796 >>


内容简介:小护工文墨因奶奶去世悲伤过度而晕厥,醒来变成了十一岁的病秧子文墨。一日三餐,汤药不断,积年累月,卧床不起,虽有父母疼在掌心如珠如宝,奈何嫂嫂们对她厌恶至极,甚至起了一碗耗子药毒死她的恶 毒心思所幸机缘巧合下得了个神奇空间,养好了身子,改善了生活,觅得了良配,小日子过得风生水起,悠然自得。一对一温馨种田文,家长里短,岁月静好,空间、美食,俊男美女,甜宠无虐,安心1w0-95253 >>


内容简介:  我的武魂是魂环,我比别人多一环!  当魂环成为武魂,限制魂环,限制魂技,限制魂力....  当唐九把这个武魂开发到极致时,一个可怕的毒奶出现在斗罗大陆!  你要问我是辅助吗?不是!   我是继承昊天宗的男人,最强的力量型魂师!1w0-1375 >>




内容简介:【巅峰推荐,越看越爽!】五煞缠身,九鬼夺魂,天生天门开!算命老瞎子、巫族阿慧娘、水精安也苏,我的生命里出现了各色奇人,与此同时,山妖,树神、水鬼、僵尸、游魂等等阴脏之物也如跗骨之蛆,接 连不断,我的命运究竟何去何从?且看君子无醉最新灵异力作《天才捉鬼师》【唯一正版读者群11o747965】1w0-70180 >>


内容简介:秦宇轩,一个资质平庸的普通少年,却突然被云家的大小姐看中,成为其替身未婚夫,这其中,倒底有何秘密?原本应该在云家倍受欺凌,甚至早就死于非命的秦宇轩,却奇迹般的依靠父母留下的乾坤戒,改天 换命,逆袭成功。这乾坤戒中,究竟蕴藏着什么奥妙?n本站提示:各位书友要是觉得《九劫真仙》还不错的话请不要忘记向您QQ群和微博里的朋友推荐哦!1w0-65651 >>




内容简介:徐夏被“神级签到系统”带到斗罗世界,觉醒阴阳双鱼武魂,人生最大的苦恼莫过于想低调,可实力不允许啊。斗罗世界签到三年,奖励百万年魂环一枚。史莱克学院签到,奖励百万年外附式魂骨一枚。武魂殿 签到,奖励究极魂技。唐三:夏哥是我最佩服的男人,英俊、睿智、无人能敌。唐昊:吾儿小三资质虽不凡,但他最大的幸运,是认了徐夏当大哥。教皇比比东:我这辈子最大的错误,便是与徐夏为敌。本站提示:各位书友要是觉得《斗罗:开局签到百万年魂环》还不错的话请不要忘记向您QQ群和微博里的朋友推荐哦!1w0-72462 >>


内容简介:小说中,总有女主的爱慕者男配,对女主矢志不渝,予取予求,多方保护,甚至为了表现对女主的深情,终身不娶,对喜欢着自己的女子心冷似铁,从不多瞧对方一眼。更有甚者,漠视对方的情意,将其感情无 情糟践,踩踏至脚底。他们对女主专情,却渣了自己的痴情者。苏琅成为这些男配,改变其无辜痴情女配的命运,免其被负心伤情,落个悲惨下场。注明:小世界和女主1V1,有的世界无cp,总世界无女主。———————————预收文:《男主不作为快穿》作为小说男主,无不对女主英雄救美,解决难题,百依百顺即使做到这一步,有时在女主心里也十分不重要,更甚至是勉强同意在一起而男主就像个失去女主就不能活的宝宝,和所有人吃醋,争夺,患得患失,十分粘人,甚至偏执,有极度的占有欲偏偏谢瑾成为了这些文里的男主……咸鱼点不好吗,干嘛费那些功夫做那些然后女主们就发现,原来老跟在自己身边赶都赶不走的帮手小金库贵人后台救命恩人……有求必应,随处可见的男主不见了男主不作为,你有什么问题自己解决,角色扮演游戏到此结束立意学会爱人,爱自己ltpgt各位书友要是觉得《渣男配改过自新快穿》还不错的话请不要忘记向您QQ群和微博里的朋友推荐哦!ltpgt1w0-96640 >>


内容简介:  沈辉脑袋不小心被砸了下,结果被砸开了某个神秘部位,开启了第六感。1w0-1290


内容简介:气海境三重。曾经的天才,三年前变成废物。有一个寄居在家族的青梅竹马。有一个被大宗门收为亲传弟子的未婚妻!还有一枚母亲留下的戒指!好熟悉的主角模板——但。青梅竹马怎么是白莲花,还有一堆好 哥哥!而未婚妻不但不嫌弃他变成废物,还矢志不渝爱着他!更因为他被白莲花害死而黑化变成大反派!……姜炎本以为自己穿越成气运之子,结果却是穿越到一本差点把他毒死的女频小说里成为舔狗男配。1w84700-104341 >>


From The Pink Panzer: Partners was first written 15 years ago, although it has been re-printed several times since then. It's a ground-breaking classic, in the sense that it's the very first manga to realistically depict the gay S&M scene. Set in New York in the late 1980s, Partners follows the lives of six close friends who also happen to be leathermen. The manga depicts their relationships -- both sexual and emotional -- with unabashed honesty. While the story practically explodes off the page with a continuous, unremitting and glorious parade of smut, it isn't 'meaningless sex' -- these are committed couples in full-time relationships, where pleasure and pain are natural expressions of affection for one another. (You guessed it; that's where the manga's name comes from. They're 'partners.') The six friends that star in this manga are split up into three pairs. The main pair consists of Marlon and Doug, around whose relationship the manga revolves. Marlon, a high-flying executive, plays sub and devoted masochist to the beautifully dominant Doug. Doug is, interestingly enough, a janitor at the very company Marlon directs; during the average workday, they barely even make eye-contact. The contrast between their private and public lives is as stark as it is lovely. The other couples also feature in major roles, and what we end up with is an intimate and moving glimpse at an otherwise unconventional lifestyle. Be warned -- these aren't willowy bishounen clasping each other in slender arms! These are very real, very authentic male bodies bending and contorting in well-established ways. If beefy shoulders and leather chaps don't do it for you, you might be in for a bit of a shock!


It's about four people. A young police man who joined the force so he could beat people up legally. While he was on the join he messed up and was almost fired but instead was given the job of body guard. So now he has to live like a teen again. the second one is a kid who was raised to take over a large business till they found the real heir. He then became the servant of the new heir. the third one is the new heir. She used to be a normal girl who was orphaned at a young age but was soon found to be the heiress. She used to be normal but the power and money twisted her head and made her a spoiled brat who doesn't care about anyone but her self. The last one is a biker gang's boss. She has a thing for rules and is rather strong. Though her appearance is the total opposite of her strength. She was the reason why the police man almost got fired. She has an odd way with people and can easily persuade them. She is also a body guard for the rich heiress though the reasons are unknown. Read this manga from right to left

Do You Want To Try?

When the hot-tempered Han Hye Won accidently insults the handsome jjang of Han Hwa Go, Sun Woo Bin decides to pay her a visit... with his entire motorcycle gang, ready to see some blood. So how does that lead up to a kiss and the infamous captain begging for a date? Do you want to try?

Hoho Ni Shizumu

Consists of 4 oneshots: 4) Yakusoku ga Kimi wo Yaburu – Aina and Tooru are childhood friends who made a promise to always be siblings. As the years past, Aina’s feeling for Tooru turned to love but Tooru became cold and distant. Will either of them be able to keep their promise?

A History of Art in Ancient Egypt

A History of Art in Ancient Egypt summary: A History of Art in Ancient Egypt summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of A History of Art in Ancient Egypt. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

Malgudi Days

Malgudi Days summary: Malgudi Days summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Malgudi Days. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

Regarding the Display of an Outrageous Skill Which Has Incredible Powers

Regarding the Display of an Outrageous Skill Which Has Incredible Powers summary: Dragged into another world — Mukouda Tsuyoshi.
Through the appraisal of our status, we can see that apart from mine, the other 3 people who were summoned had the job t.i.tle of [The Hero from a different world that finally came] while mine was [A person from a different world that was dragged here].
In this world, there exists the complete set of awesome skills such as the Holy Sword technique, Holy Spear technique and Holy Magic.
Despite that, I only have the unique skill called [Online Supermarket].
I who lacked combat skills was quickly regarded as trash.
Nevertheless, the king of the country that summoned us gave an excuse that was totally suspicious.
I often read light novels and comparing the light novels with the events that had occurred, I arrived at the conclusion that [This is no good. This is a hopeless type of cross world summoning story.]. Thus, on the very day that I was summoned, after convincing the king, I managed to escape the castle.

Tower And The Hive

Tower And The Hive summary: Tower And The Hive summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Tower And The Hive. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

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