



锁心Lock you up









类别都市 恋爱 霸总


















简介上班族卞构跟自家养的名叫一条狗的土狗互换了身体,成了一条狗,接下来会有怎样的大冒险等着他呢…… 下载腾讯动漫APP提前看更新。


内容简介:靠着具现游戏物品暴富的白凡,选择了次元里最烧钱的职业分支——机关游侠。带出游戏里获得的道具提高自己现实中财富和地位,再利用现实里的财富和地位反哺游戏。白凡实现了一条左脚踩右脚的登天之路 1w0-98827 >>


内容简介:  凌晨,天灾降临。天道生变,万灵欲念执念充斥天地,天道不能承受,恶念横行,众生意念演变幻想世界,恶念,善念,执念,欲望纠缠不休,天道无法承受,已到极限,极则变,幻想降临,万界相融,万 物霜天竞自由。此为新纪元开启,是毁灭,亦为新生。这一纪元为永恒纪元。1w0-390 >>


内容简介:三保旅顺,援救威海,反攻大连,强攻丹东。兵锋所指,日军莫不心惊胆寒。拥兵自重,国中之国,成就辽东之王,我的地盘我做主朝廷恐惧,格格和亲,他私下曾说:“一个媳妇就想收买我,谁稀罕,我要的 是你丧权辱国的江山本站提示:各位书友要是觉得《席卷晚清》还不错的话请不要忘记向您QQ群和微博里的朋友推荐哦!1w0-79794 >>


内容简介:手机阅读《洪荒:我把诸天玩坏了》无弹窗纯文字全文免费阅读李玄辰身穿洪荒,开局获得佛门气运系统?要创立佛门?好办啊,那咱就搞一个不一样的佛门!叮诸天万界聊天群邀请你加入!好家伙,咱这是要 从洪荒发展诸天嘛?我喜欢!呼呜,祖龙靓仔,加入佛门不啦?给你大日坦克佛果位,一炮轰烂世界的那种!元凤小姐姐,加入佛门不啦?给你加特林菩萨果位噢,冒蓝光一息三千六百转!始麒麟小老弟,来我佛门吧,给你98K天佛果位,一秒洞穿亿万万虚无都那种噢罗睺啊,搞什么自爆吖?加入佛门给你火箭筒魔佛果位,一炮轰死鸿钧那种!鸿钧:???亿万万年后,无数人提起佛门,都会想到那提着加特林,开着坦克,举起火箭筒乱杀的狠人道统……1w0-126065 >>






内容简介:  明末,万历年间,非造反文,但也不做忠臣,要做就做让皇帝闭嘴的权臣。陛下但噤声,有臣在!1w0-2747


内容简介:日更下本写《白色月光》因为父母太过频繁的催婚事宜,二十七岁那年,阮念选择嫁给了一个见面不到一周的相亲对象。那人是她的高中同学。也是她暗恋许久的男人。婚后,阮念一直小心翼翼地保持着所谓“ 凑合结婚”的界限,却在结婚不久后,无意打开他桌底的抽屉,发现里面放着她高中时期送出去的腕带,以及压在最下面的……她和他唯一一张合照。背面署名:念念。时间是十年前。希望你以后每次想起夏天的时候,都能想到我。——柏颂炸毛小太阳×自卑大魔王眼科医生x钢琴家双向暗恋穿插校园回忆《白色月光》文案顾盼曾经一度以为,邵愈对她的所有爱意,都只是因为他是她父母资助的小孩。“原来在你眼里,我是这样的人。”床单凌乱,男人靠在床头冷眼看她,衬衫随便敞开,语气漠然得像是对待一个陌生人。顾盼站在床脚,脸色慢慢变得苍白。“你说是就是吧。”男人像是丝毫不在乎被误解,轻笑出声。随后语气嘲弄地补充:“既然如此,顾经理不如正好考虑下包了我。”“毕竟前女友,打半折。”“让我爱你,然后把我抛弃。”——林宥嘉《残酷月光》“英国冬天很冷。”后来的某个清晨,她突然在他耳边抱怨。男人手掌习惯性地环在她身后,睡眼惺忪地开口:“你也知1w0-82933 >>


内容简介:一觉醒来,成了奴隶,你敢信?非人的折磨,你让我一个21世纪的大好青年怎么活,死老天,死天龙人,全给我去死。第二天晚上,怎么那么吵,有人……放了我,太好了!之后,圣水以及狂徒杜鲁特出现了 ,成为了世界的传奇,我想要做的是给世界所有人带来自由与平等!新人新书,但是不小白,基本的人物智商在线,写的不合口味,也请轻点喷。还有就是求支持!ps(先跟着雷利老儿修练,是海贼方,不跟船,以后会在主角1w0-96428 >>


内容简介:一名美丽的十七岁高中女生的脑部被植入晶片,使得她知识大增,但必须有人不断的开ahreftargetblank启a她的智慧,这人是六十七岁的博学大师,他们之间发展出了最奇情的忘年之爱,有 了最奇特的结局…李敖强调:「这是一本玄之又玄的奇书,十八岁以下不能看,八十岁以上也不能看(看了都要偷买威而钢)」。几年前,八卦媒体封面了李敖和高中女生的故事。高中女生十七岁,是李敖的模特儿,在她肉身上,李敖灵修出「虚拟的十七岁」。李敖鼎力大作,必看都市小说。1w0-79863 >>


内容简介:去过冥界吗看过天界吗游过异界吗让我们跟着主脚一边修灵,一起来见识地府的风土鬼情,天庭的神仙风貌,异界的风趣……众:风什么风?你他妈写的是灵异文,不是旅游传记!我:好的好的,让我们跟着主 角一起降妖伏魔,共创美好未……众:停停停,先说说恐怖吗?我:恐怖是不可能的,这辈子都不可能的!众:滚!Ps:本文涉及灵异,玄学,神魔,以及玄幻情节,走逗比剧情流,金手指较慢,不是龙傲天之流,适合养老观看。简介太愁人了,忧愁了许久才写出来,太难写了……宁愿写两万字的正文都不想写简介本站提示:各位书友要是觉得《了事人》还不错的话请不要忘记向您QQ群和微博里的朋友推荐哦!1w0-48193 >>


内容简介:一个普通的宅男,被位面戒指砸中,从此穿越、发财、抗战、强国的事情。我们的口号:用a消灭三八式,用rpg欺负掷弹筒,用59式碾压豆丁战车!各位书友要是觉得《位面商人之强国梦》还不错的话请 不要忘记向您QQ群和微博里的朋友推荐哦!1w0-72704 >>

Complex Love

Tomoki enters the school's Boy's Beauty Pageant to find out his rival is the 'Perfect Prince' Shiratori who says to him, 'If I win the pageant, please go out with me!'

Prince Of Tennis

Ryoma Echizen just joined the Seishun Academy's tennis team, which is known for being one of the most competitive teams in Japan. Its members are incredibly talented, gifted, and athletic. With rigorous and extremely intense practices, the upperclassmen of the team expect the very best from themselves and they expect even more from the new members of the team. While most of the freshmen are on pins and needles hoping they won't get cut from the team, Ryoma Echizen is confident, cool, and collected. Some might even say he's cocky, but at least he's got the skills to back up his attitude. With his virtually unreturnable 'twist serve,' Ryoma is sure to make the starting team. Join Ryoma and the other first years, as they train hard, make friends, and try to find a place for themselves on the team. Ryoma Echizen is the Prince of Tennis. He may be ready for the Seishun Academy tennis team, but are THEY ready for HIM? By the way, the Tennis skills in this series is completely beyond normal human standards and includes but is not limited to burning holes in your opponents rackets, striking your opponent so hard he flies several dozen meters, travelling in a spiral in mid air and even shutting down your opponents senses so that they cannot see, hear or feel (somehow) and therefore, has been put under the 'Fantasy' genre. NOTE: It has been announced that these 379 chapters serve as a prologue to a new series currently in the works. See 'Shin Tennis no Oujisama' for continuation. ANOTHER NOTE: Also, there is a short collection of 4 panel comics under the name of 'Houkago no Oujisama', or 'Prince of Afterschool' featuring characters and inside jokes from this manga.

Dr. Rin Ni Kiitemite!

Meirin, a junior high schooler, is the real identity of the famous 'Dr. Rin' who heads a very popular feng sui website. She is in love with her best friend Asuka, a member of the soccer team. 'Dr. Rin''s advice has granted success for many, yet Meirin's own love life doesn't seem to be going too smoothly? An earlier work by the mangaka of the popular 'Beauty Pop'!

Sekigae Game

Tamami is shy, clumsy and slow at everything. Everybody around her and Tamami herself think that she is good for nothing. That’s why Tamami can’t believe that Mitsui-kun, cool and good-looking guy from her class, likes her. It must be some kind of misunderstanding. Or is it not?

Unrivaled Tang Sect

Unrivaled Tang Sect summary: The legend of the continent, the battle that brought fame; the Sacred Phoenix Lady, the Windfire Meteor G.o.drealm saber-art; the pair that ascend and fuse, the golden sun and the blue moon, the fury of the crashing thunder. There is no magic, no battle qi, nor any martial arts in this land. However, there are martial spirits. Ten thousand years have pa.s.sed since the founding of the Tang Sect on the Douluo continent, and it has declined. A new, proud generation of heaven’s chosen has been born. Can the new generation of Shrek’s Seven Devils rally the Tang Sect and once more compose the song of the Unrivaled Tang Sect? A million-year-old spirit beast, a sacred deathG.o.d that holds the sun, the moon, and the stars in his hands, and a brand new spirit tool system which caused the fall of the Tang sect. One miracle shall occur after another. Can the Tang Sect’s hidden weapons rally the winds, and can the glory of the Tang Sect ascend once more? All of this will be continued in the second installment of Douluo Dalu—The Unrivaled Tang Sect!

Cat's Karma

Cat's Karma summary: Cat's Karma summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Cat's Karma. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

Comic History of the United States

Comic History of the United States summary: Comic History of the United States summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Comic History of the United States. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

The Collected Stories Of Saul Bellow

The Collected Stories Of Saul Bellow summary: The Collected Stories Of Saul Bellow summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of The Collected Stories Of Saul Bellow. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

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