












'钟炼将实习记者何如送至废弃商场,调查异象,对方却误入鬼门,释放其中千年执念。幸而钟炼义弟谢皓及时赶来,并变身为无常幻装,暂时退敌。 为阻止敌人的巨大野心,钟炼需取得先人留下的馗甲幻装,并通过八方历练,使伏魔之力完全觉醒。 可是,在这场围绕着“执念”的骚动中,所有人又将何去何从……'












简介明星有粉丝就有黑粉。作为资深粉丝,我秦朗的爱豆苏凡被抢了风头,对方还是娱乐圈有各种不良新闻的“腹黑小人”徐逸琨,这怎能忍!于是我化身徐逸琨的黑粉,黑他,给他拆台,誓不罢休!然而我却偶然“招安”到了徐逸琨的粉丝后援会,只得向爱豆苏凡求援。苏凡让我成为了男团选秀节目的造型设计师,有机会和他们,还有更多参赛的帅哥密切接触,每天生活在梦幻之中。不对啊,我是黑粉,你们都忘了吗?QQ群号:648798508 每周六更新!








内容简介:【全本免费】“我怀孕了!”林晚晚不过想去跟顾修寒要个手术费,结果直接被顾家接回了家。顾修寒:爷爷,这个女人我才见过一次啊!林晚晚:男人什么的哪有搞钱快乐,我不想结婚生孩子啊!顾家老爷子 :孩子都有了,这个婚你们结也要结,不结也要结!……婚后“老公,我想要这个电影角色。”“给你。”“老公,我渣爸妈说要跟我断绝关系怎么办1w0-101911 >>


内容简介:怒火玄风绕掌间,惊涛山岳倚身边。曙光渊暗为披风,撕破空间显真颜。七大元素为我所用,玄龙附脉龙族代言。自创脉术震惊学院,运筹帷幄斩破玄天。万里追杀,千变万化独战万万高手,他们闻风丧胆!联 盟斗武,力克群雄血战八方豪杰,大陆高手破魂!柔情俏医女,空间傲萝莉,冷血娇杀手,性感女侍卫伴我行!战力爆表,逆创神奇,智商超然,力劈华山!魔器在手,天下我有!【小九的第四本玄幻小说《不死武魂》开始更新,不在17K哦,在另外网站】【想看第四本的加我的群150445639】1w0-100194 >>


内容简介:  【无敌流】【十里坡剑神】【无厘头】……李楚穿越到十里坡,成为了一名小道士。在这个神鬼横行、妖魔肆虐的世界,弱小无助的他本想在十里坡苟活一世。直到有一天,不得已踏入江湖,他才发现…… 原来世上没有什么是一剑解决不了的。如果有。那就两剑。1w0-1491 >>


内容简介:张泽穿越到平行世界,这里的人们依靠魔域打怪变强,来抵抗魔窟魔物的入侵。为了妹妹张泽进入魔域,取名罗刹,结果意外激活最强SSS级天赋召唤术!杀怪就能召唤,召唤术等级越高,召唤的怪物越多, 还能升级,简直是逆天…1w7069-79285 >>


内容简介:(1v1甜甜恋爱文×一见钟情)n快穿界金牌理论导师阮萝玩了几千年终于宣布要去任务世界历练,整个快穿界顿时松了口气。n这边学生们立刻挑选了乖巧系统送给她,那边各色大佬露出心痛快穿界即将暂 停一项优秀导师课程的…1w0-99574 >>


内容简介:全城百姓对生存已经失去了希望,守城官也已下达了城破之时同归于尽的命令,此时,一声响彻云霄的虎啸声传来,接着就是一面面黑旗出现在天际,“黑黑旗,是七皇子,七皇子来了,我们有救了”这世界本 就杀戮…1w23367-29515 >>


内容简介:1v1刻板加正气凛然的男主vs又飒又作的流心鸭蛋型女主末世降临,白清韵为救崽崽被感染,就在她以为自己要死的时候,重生回末世前了!重生归来,她只想好好养两只崽。别人在末世光顾着逃生,她握 成长空间,一边砍丧尸一边锻炼崽崽,激发异能。渐渐地……越来越多男人争着要当她两个崽崽的爹!崽崽亲爹看不下去了,火速出来认亲。然而两个崽崽嫌弃地看着他,妈咪说了,爹爹只会影响她拔刀的速度~等更新时小可爱们可以去看看妖妖完结小说《穿成农家锦绣福女》1w0-77005 >>






内容简介:洛晨一朝穿越,便成了赵国最低贱的死奴。生如蚍蜉,朝不保夕。可她不但要活,还要活得有自由,有尊严。血腥残忍的斗兽场上,她被困于铁笼之中,挣扎求生。他端坐在看台之上,冷眼旁观。彼时,她低入 尘埃,他高不可攀。摇摇相视的一刹那,有什么东西已经在悄然改变。生死一瞬,她被他救下。从此,便成了他唯一的宠奴。可那时的他并不知道,她想要的,还有更多。她想,她要找到一条路,通向这世间的最顶端。因为,那里有他……当很多年后,她与他并肩站立在一起,俯瞰着朝代的兴衰更迭,世家的沉浮起落时,他依然会宠溺无限的,唤她一声“小奴隶”。他的小奴隶啊,最终,却奴役了他的心。1w0-76026 >>


内容简介:前世叶非晚被封卿打入冷院郁郁而终,哪想一朝重生,竟重生在赐婚后。叶非晚再不动情,作天作地、“勾三搭四”、为封卿纳妾填房、敬而远之,只求一封和离书。未曾想,那封卿终于被惹恼应下和离,却在 第二日诡异的反悔了,开始漫漫追妻路。她跑他堵,她退他进,她捻酸他便砸了醋坛子,她要红杏出墙……某王爷:乖,前世今生,没人比本王更眼瞎。叶非晚:……后来。“娘子想要睥睨天下还是遍览江湖?”“有何区别?”“你若要天下,便是弑神弑佛,本王也给你夺了来。”“那江湖?”“舍王位,弃功名,此生白首不离!”1w0-4538 >>


内容简介:重生前,她被逼着嫁给太监做对食,英勇跳湖。重生后,她被卷入宫斗漩涡难脱身,奋力周旋。不过是个安分守己的小宫女,想平安出宫怎么就这么难?红墙内,宫斗艰险,步步惊心,傅容真索性破罐子破摔。 今日起,爬上龙榻,踏平后宫,势与欺我之人一斗到底。1w8083-28959 >>

Midara Na Sasayaki

Sequel to Kokoro to Karada no Hazama. Coworkers Ryuuichi and Haruyoshi are dating but now Ryuuchi's working all hours.

My Little World

From Day of the River: Towards the boys who do not understand her inner self and only say they like her for her appearance, she absolutely hates them. Especially her homeroom teacher, who ticks her off even more. But how come...? In addition, there are four more love stories in this debut collection!

Lovers, Souls

Summary refers to the Ohzora Shuppan re-print, 2007: 1. Lovers and Souls Shinomiya is a beautiful college art student who lacks the morals common to most people. After agreeing to be a nude model for Matsuoka, a photography student, he also agrees to sleep with him for money even though he is straight. However, what started as a small taste of the forbidden soon spirals out of control when Shinomiya begins selling his body to other guys as a prostitute in a male brothel. Can Matsuoka save Shinomiya from himself? 2. Vanity After the events of Lovers and Souls, Tooru is still deeply heartbroken. Trying to find solace in Hikaru, Tooru challenges the terms of their friendship. But can he handle the consequences? 3. Sleeping Beauty Matsuoka sees Tooru for the first time. 4. A Moon in Name Only In their last year of high school, Akihiko Nozaki admits to his best friend Kai that he's gay. Kai is stunned but it doesn't change their friendship, but Kai's curiosity is aroused and he begins to see Nozaki differently. 5. The Name of that Sky Sequel to 'A Moon in Name Only', told more from Nozaki's point of view. Nozaki isn't sure whether to trust that his relationship with Kai will last, since he's even been dumped by gay men before. What's to keep a guy who wasn't even gay from breaking up with him?

Akuma De Sourou

High school is difficult for most kids. But for Kayano, a shy girl whose single mother seems to work all the time, it's even worse than usual. She's so afraid of drawing attention to herself that she can't tell the handsome Kamijo how much she loves him until one day she finally gets up the courage to write him a letter confessing her feelings. When she goes to give him the letter all her plans go awry. She's given the letter to the wrong person! Accidentally, she's given her love letter to Takeru Edogawa who just so happens to be the school principal's son, head of the delinquents and the notorious 'Prince of Attraction'! To Kayano, he seems like Satan himself. Not only is he devilishly handsome, but he seems to take the utmost pleasure in making her suffer. Things only get more interesting when Kayano's mother comes home one day and announces she's getting married again --- To principal Edogawa! What will Kayano do when she has to live with this devil 24/7? How will she cope with her literal 'Hell on Earth'?

Recent Tendencies in Ethics

Recent Tendencies in Ethics summary: Recent Tendencies in Ethics summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Recent Tendencies in Ethics. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.


HacKer summary: The world’s top level hacker, Shi Lei; due to him hacking the the world`s top military powers during a joint exercise and attempting to steal information from them, ultimately leads him to get sold out by his own organisation. This act eventually caused his own death by a missile bombardment.
G.o.d was playing a joke on him and allowed him to return back to six years ago, the autumn season of when he was still at his university. Being given another chance, plus the fact that he retained his ability as one of the best in hacking technology, Shi Lei decided to change his life! During his previous life, he was only an a.s.sa.s.sin in the dark. Although such an existence made people afraid of him, he would have to always hide within the shadows. In his new life, not only does he want to be an a.s.sa.s.sin in the dark, he also wants to stand openly in the middle of the world stage. Creating a world-cla.s.s super enterprise, he will single handedly change the whole world!

The Midnight Society: Penumbra

The Midnight Society: Penumbra summary: The Midnight Society: Penumbra summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of The Midnight Society: Penumbra. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

Bank Of The Universe

Bank Of The Universe summary: Li Xiandao obtained the ancient Bank of the Universe but now the bank was totally empty and had no treasures at all. The only thing it had were a bunch of debts.
– The Eternal Celestial King, borrowed a supreme celestial artifact and will pay back two pieces after 3,000 years. He will pay an additional piece for every 1,000 years after the expiry date!
– Moon Celestial, loaned a high-quality face, returned after 10,000 years. If overdue, she will pay with her life!
-Time Immemorial Sage loaned 10,000 years in life from the Bank of the Universe in order to break through. After he breaks through, he will pay back 10,000 years. If late, he must pay back ten times the amount!
Li Xiandao looked at these debts and at the empty Bank of the Universe. He made his mind up to become a true expert, to find all these supreme beings to get back the overdue debts one by one!
A powerless mortal had became the biggest creditor in the Nine Heavens and Ten Lands and even the entire Celestial World!

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