








简介为阻止魔灵入侵、守护生态和人类的安全,加迪安成立了专属应对魔灵及魔物的V机关(the Vanquishers),12岁少年第五仁的父母在第一次魔灵战役中牺牲,仁便加入V机关成为学员,从而展开一段漫长的复仇之旅……
























内容简介:穿越大唐当太子,渭水河畔,一人挽救百万大唐百姓!这世间,顺我者昌,逆我者亡,日月所至,唯有大唐。进犯大唐者,亡族!挑衅大唐者,灭种!世家望族:“悔不当初与太子为敌,家族覆灭,尽遭我手啊 ……”外族蛮夷:“与大唐太子为敌,那是自取灭亡。”李世民:“朕有太子,何愁万古不兴。”当李承乾初临大宝,位临皇位,满朝文武跪地叹服:“吾皇,万岁,万万岁……”李承乾:“朕之所愿,大唐万世延绵!”1w0-4417 >>




内容简介:李墨夺舍了魔道祖师李长生,李长生有七个了不得的徒弟,各个都是正道恨不得除之而后快的大魔头。大徒弟魔教长生教教主燕长空:“只要师父活着,我永无出头之日。”三徒弟楚国皇帝李弘:“来人呐,把 朕的妃子们叫来,让朕的师尊随便挑。”五徒弟百花宫宫主叶红衣:“总有一天,我一定要把师父娶进门。”一群孽徒,居心叵测,李墨感觉自己随时都会狗带。这群孽徒该怎么调教?不求让他们当个好人,起码让他们当个人。跪求调教1w43697-75404 >>


内容简介:穷小子偶得邪医传承,从此医武无双,为苍生妙手回春,为红颜化作杀神。 活死人,肉白骨,与阎王争命,人间逍遥,各色极品美人环绕。 所有的一切,都从那个美女模特送他一本古书时开始……1w13 57-1391 >>


内容简介:郝大根,桃花村人见人厌的二流子。在田里钓黄鳝,和村支书的女人争吵拉扯,失控强上,床压烂了,巧得神秘医经,一技傍身,治病救人、发财泡妞两不误。丈母娘毁婚,强订城下之盟,迫使他不断努力,又 能否保住亲事?睡了寡妇田春花,一起做生意,却被村官潜规则,他将如何反击?救了美妇部长,混入官场,能飞多高?看他运用医术,如何玩转乡村和官场?1w0-97446 >>


内容简介:李墨夺舍了魔道祖师李长生,李长生有七个了不得的徒弟,各个都是正道恨不得除之而后快的大魔头。大徒弟魔教长生教教主燕长空:“只要师父活着,我永无出头之日。”三徒弟楚国皇帝李弘:“来人呐,把 朕的妃子们叫来,让朕的师尊随便挑。”五徒弟百花宫宫主叶红衣:“总有一天,我一定要把师父娶进门。”一群孽徒,居心叵测,李墨感觉自己随时都会狗带。这群孽徒该怎么调教?不求让他们当个好人,起码让他们当个人。跪求调教1w43697-75404 >>


内容简介:【提示:有的小伙伴表示看不懂这本书的年代,单独看吃穿用等等就代入成民国风格,但不是民国背景。】【背景简述:这是一个作者私设的世界观,承接上一本书《神来过人间》,是那本一千多年以后的故事 ,这个世界是作者心中的理想国世界,写的比较细,政治经济文化等等都跟现在我们认识到的世界不一样,却又有相似处。既然是自己创造了一个完整的世界,作者就想延续这个世界观,用故事将它填充得更完整,希望未来能坚持写得更1w0-92067 >>


内容简介:  【邪魅恣意vs偏执病娇】  她是王府郡主,生而尊贵,本该荣华富贵,尊享一生,一场阴谋,父亲战死,兄长早夭,为撑起王府甘愿褪下红装,代替兄长成了王府世子。  从此,上京多了一位放浪形 骸,风流不羁的纨绔世子爷!  调戏美人,撩拨王爷,戏弄皇子……放眼上京,没有她不敢做的。  人前,玩世不恭,不学无术,邪魅恣意张扬纨绔。  人后,操纵权术,算计人心,翻手为云覆手为雨。  玩得起暧昧,守得住身心,谋得了天下,掌得了权谋,却……一不小心,撩到了自己的仇敌加情敌。  仇敌?五年前废了他的双腿;情敌,五年后夺了他的未婚妻!  这仇恨,可以说是很不共戴天了。  殊不知,自赐婚初始,便落入了对方精心布置的纠缠陷阱之中。  从此,她谋天下他谋她!!  女主对男主,变态宠!!!  男主对女主,病态宠!!!  (女扮男装,1v1,身心干净,男强女强)  扫雷:女主不是好人,邪魅恣意,心狠手辣,不喜慎入!1w0-2790 >>


内容简介:他是行走在暗夜中的龙,他爱憎分明。龙有逆鳞,触之即死。他为了替亲人复仇,杀死了倭国的地下势力大佬。他重情重义,为了不给队友带来麻烦,所以选择退出佣兵世界。他为国家,除暴安良,铲除社会毒 瘤。他为了昔日恩情,接受了美女贴身保镖的艰巨任务。泡最漂亮的马子,喝1w0-88441 >>


内容简介:预收文《花瓶炮灰重生以后》,文案在最下方——十八岁生日这天晚上,闻人砺做了一个梦。他梦到自己根本不是父母亲生的孩子。十八年前两个孩子被抱错,他真正的父母是一对赌鬼无赖。因为欠下高利贷被 四处追债。真少爷受家庭连累,磕磕绊绊念完高中。十八岁就要打工赚钱。真相曝光,真少爷被接回豪门。而他却因为留恋豪门的荣华富贵不肯离开,还仗着养父母对自己的信任处处陷害排挤真少爷,最后害得真少爷抑郁而亡。梦醒后,1w0-90858 >>


内容简介:【飞卢小说网独家签约小说:蜡笔小新:幼稚园老师】一觉醒来,广树带着一个奇葩的系统,穿越到了蜡笔小新的世界里,成了野原银之介的儿子,野原广志的弟弟,野原新之助的叔叔野原广树,想着家里的这 三个污王,野原广树不由得脑袋有点疼。机缘巧合之下,广树成了双叶幼稚园的一名实习老师,从此……飞卢小说网提醒您:本小说及人物纯属虚构,如有雷同,纯属巧合,切勿模仿。如果您喜欢蜡笔小新:幼稚园老师,别忘记分享给朋友作者:小新吃青椒所写的《蜡笔小新:幼稚园老师》无弹窗免费全文阅读为转载作品章节由网友发布。无弹窗推荐地址:1w0-82101 >>



Juukei Hanazono

From Boys On Boys Love: Haruhiko's older brother Seiichi suddenly stops sending letters in the middle of investigating the mysterious organization called PARK. Haruhiko crosses over to Hong Kong to pursue the whereabouts of his brother and encounters detective Kuwan who continues to investigate PARK. Kuwan comforts Haruhiko who is shaken with anxiety and loneliness and vows to protect Haruhiko with all of his power. But, because of his good looks, Haruhiko gets captured as a pet of PARK...!?

Kataomoi No Mukougawa

Compilation of short stories: • Kataomoi no Mukougawa Azusa knew the boy in the library was already in love... So what can she do when she starts to fall for him? - Which Scanlations • Ano Kado o Magareba It’s summertime, and Kako is sick of the heat. She is feeling restless, and she wants to find a guy to fall in love with. Kako is actually desperate enough that she tells herself that she will try to fall for the next guy to walk through a nearby doorway. Fortunately, the guy who appears is really cute! Kako doesn’t know him. Can she fall for this guy? But already, her heart is pounding… • Tenshi ga Kuretamono Miyuki is working at a convenience store. One day, on Christmas Eve, an interesting guy comes in and asks for job at the store. They do, but the hours are really bad (evening shift). That-disappointed-guy then talks to Miyuki and knows she's single. The guy suddenly asks her to go out with him! She feels she can't go out with a stranger, no matter how cute he is, and no matter how persistent he is, because this stranger is just a 2nd year in High Schoo! • Bitou na Koi Chiaki is a tomboyish girl. Really though, Chiaki is everyone’s friend, and is treated by the guys in her class as “just one of the guys.” Until now, Chiaki has been fine with this, but she is starting to fall for one of her classmates. Will he ever see her as a girl, or is she doomed to be totally not his type? - Aerandria Scans • Kimi to Natsu no Aizu Hyori was forced to be a manager in the baseball club during the summer by her father who is the coach. She doesn't want this, but her friend Yoshimura is on the team, so at least she can see him. Yoshimura introduces her to the pitcher of the team, Sumida-senpai. As they get to know each other, they really hit it off. But this doesn't make Yoshimura happy...

Heroine Complex

[Otome Cafe]: Resides around the friendship of shy girl Koyuki, School's beauty Nagisa and Student Council President Shin. Will a triangle be made? and what madness will come from the School Festival 'NO. 1 Beauty' Contest? plus other stories~ Includes three side stories: 1) Iki mo Dekinai 2) Konna Hi wa Kimi ni Furetai 3) Sekai Gijinka Keikaku

Kanojo Wa Sore O Gaman Dekinai

Kusahana Ryouta is a normal highschool boy, except that he always wears a full body dog suit and never take it off. Things were just like always until he accidentally dropped the bag of the girl he likes and her sports pants comes out and just when he picked it up he wondered how they smelled, the new homeroom Teacher Kizawa ayame AKA Ayane-Chan catch him in the act. Pleading that he will do anything if she don't tells anyone about this, she agrees but ask him 'In exchange will you let me sniffle your body?'.

Bank Of The Universe

Bank Of The Universe summary: Li Xiandao obtained the ancient Bank of the Universe but now the bank was totally empty and had no treasures at all. The only thing it had were a bunch of debts.
– The Eternal Celestial King, borrowed a supreme celestial artifact and will pay back two pieces after 3,000 years. He will pay an additional piece for every 1,000 years after the expiry date!
– Moon Celestial, loaned a high-quality face, returned after 10,000 years. If overdue, she will pay with her life!
-Time Immemorial Sage loaned 10,000 years in life from the Bank of the Universe in order to break through. After he breaks through, he will pay back 10,000 years. If late, he must pay back ten times the amount!
Li Xiandao looked at these debts and at the empty Bank of the Universe. He made his mind up to become a true expert, to find all these supreme beings to get back the overdue debts one by one!
A powerless mortal had became the biggest creditor in the Nine Heavens and Ten Lands and even the entire Celestial World!

The Man With The Golden Torc

The Man With The Golden Torc summary: The Man With The Golden Torc summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of The Man With The Golden Torc. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

The Galaxy, April, 1877

The Galaxy, April, 1877 summary: The Galaxy, April, 1877 summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of The Galaxy, April, 1877. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

The Poetical Works of John Milton

The Poetical Works of John Milton summary: The Poetical Works of John Milton summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of The Poetical Works of John Milton. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

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