
































内容简介:  崇祯七年三月,山西陕西大旱,赤地千里,民大饥。四月,李自成入河南,与张献忠合兵攻取澄城。七月,后金军进围宣府,兵掠大同,沿边城堡多失守。  大明内忧外患,风雨飘摇!  这年的七月, 王斗意外来到大明,成为宣府镇保安州舜乡堡一普通小兵……  ……  新书《续南明》已发布,大家可以点作者信息,或是下面的隆重推荐找到观看。  1w0-454 >>


内容简介:炮灰Omega辞职不干了炮灰Omega辞职不干了小说阅读穿越重生小说炮灰Omega辞职不干了由作家酸橙创作接档文《说好的演戏呢【ABO】》求收藏~戳我专栏可见!曾经胆小怕事的夏思乔竟然 一个人干翻了五个Alpha?!夏思乔穿书成为校园甜文中炮灰Omega的瞬间,原身正准备当众告白书中男主贺裴。他看着神色冷漠的贺裴,淡定地清了清嗓子“我认为贺裴同学获奖的物理题有更好的解法…”三中的学生一开始只当他在讲笑话,也不瞧瞧在谁面前装学霸呢?直到后来…学渣夏思乔竟然考了年级第二?!众人目瞪口呆jpg夏思乔分化了,众人接着嘲讽“肯定是个不怎么样的Omega~”他们没看到,一向高傲矜贵的的校草贺裴,正把夏思乔按在角落“你怎么这么好闻?”小剧场“看到没有,隔壁学校校草正在大门口等夏思乔!”“看到了!话说夏思乔人呢?”夏思乔在哪?夏思乔正被堵在楼梯间,神色不善地盯着环住他的手臂“放开。”昔日的高岭之花校草贺裴耍赖一样将他圈在怀里“再往外走一步我就要亲你了。”开始矜贵冷漠后来又撩又骚(攻)X表面桀骜恣肆实则外硬内软(受)接档文文案简宁重生后被造星系统绑定,出名以后才可以自由。出道第一天参加颁奖礼,经纪人再三叮嘱他不要招惹顾衍琛。简宁在楼梯间信誓旦旦地保证”我知道,顾衍琛不是好人,我肯定绕着他走。“却没看到拐角处身型忻长的Alpha饶有兴致的目光。简宁第二天就被顾衍琛找上门来。顾衍琛指向桌子上的恋爱合约,语调懒散“跟我演情侣,这些钱都归你。”简宁被系统威胁着ooc,澄亮的双眼眨了眨“我不要钱,只要…”“哦?那你想要什么?”顾衍琛黑沉的眸子划过一丝兴味简宁痛快鞠躬“我要资源,越多越好,谢谢老板!干一行爱一行,您放心,我肯定给您演到位了!”顾衍琛“……”简宁觉悟极高,在片场也不忘营业。顾衍琛今天吃了蛋糕,可是没你甜,想你。然后侧头看向坐在旁边的顾衍琛“啊?你说什么?请我吃饭?”合约第一条绝对不能忘本,不许粘人。简宁边往门外走边向金主表达关心“不用不用,你快回去吧,再晚点就只能留宿在这边了。”顾衍琛一边看着特别关注新发的微博,一边看着小坏蛋毫不留恋的背影“……”简宁发情热到了,面色潮红。他看着眸色幽深的顾衍琛,声音绵软,带着轻吟。“抑制剂给我,你放心我自己可以的!”顾衍琛手指一松,抑制剂砸碎在地面。“乖,咱们不演了好不好?”顾衍琛亲吻着简宁后颈,低哑地说。玩世不恭毒舌美人攻X软萌可爱憨憨脑补受全程无虐小甜饼,可放心食用~1v1双洁小兵提供炮灰Omega辞职不干了最新章节炮灰Omega辞职不干了最新更新章节小兵免费稳定急速专业无弹窗1w0-83737 >>


内容简介:  叶沨好不容易在一款【游戏王】的游戏中凑齐了所有卡牌,却被不知名的存在带到了异世...这里是童野市?我要成为背后灵?还要消灭不知名的黑暗?等等!不是说好的成为妹子的背后灵么?为什么成 了城之内这个憨憨的背后灵?牌友群:761507027,群主本人1w0-2965 >>


内容简介:阙清言教授的课,每节都人山人海、座无虚席,旁听的学生们乌压压挤着一片从门口排到走廊但林棉每次都能奇迹般地占到前三排的座然后,睡给他看:)———————————————————————— ——※阅读指南:,he,无意外日更2非师生,甜甜甜文,不甜你打我!3总有一百种方法治人的闷骚X能皮到天上去的明撩4你听起来很好睡5打滚求小天使们收藏——————————————————————————PS:谢谢biubiubiu姑娘的两个封面,都太萌了我就一并放上来了↓↓↓安利江山的完结现言文,戳作者专栏可见↓↓↓《医带渐宽》(昔日忠犬黑化成狼)《还不是我宠的(娱乐圈)》(娱乐圈小甜饼)↓↓↓以及安利基友的连载现言甜文↓↓↓时星草《她每天都在撩我》(校园甜甜甜文,小狼狗X小软妹)1w0-27309 >>


内容简介:乔君从小在神秘师父的教导下,学得多种本领,长大后他听从师父的安排去参了军,自此以后,一段段刻骨铭心,以及让人热血沸腾军旅故事一步步上演。本站提示:各位书友要是觉得《超级特种兵之王》还不 错的话请不要忘记向您QQ群和微博里的朋友推荐哦!1w0-60891 >>


内容简介:  今天媳妇让我看《清新老婆超厉害》,我说不好看,当时她就跟我吵了起来。后来我就想:我一个大男人,为什么要和一个女人计较,更何况还是自己的媳妇!我当时就道歉了,表示会继续看《清新老婆超 厉害》。道完歉,媳妇很高兴,她手里的菜刀放下了,她妹妹抓着我头发的手松开了,她哥手里的砖头放下了,她弟弟手里的铁楸也放下了,丈母娘手里的擀面杖也扔了,老丈人拿出手机:“棺材还是退了吧。”1w0-4247 >>


内容简介:  楚君归,本是盛唐王朝以禁法培育的绝秘实验体,试图创造出能够征战星海任何角落的深空战士。然而在一次意外中,他脱离实验基地,破除限制,得到独立人格。自此在这星际开拓的大时代中,他征战八 方,踏尽星河,终为人类开启全新时代。1w0-314 >>


内容简介:当江河集团成为世界级公司,囊括纺织、酒业、饮料、半导体、电动车等众多行业的龙头老大,记者采访他,有什么秘诀将一个个亏损公司,走出泥潭,再创辉煌。甘笛无奈解释,我当初就想赔光一百万。《当 首富从买亏损企业开始》是大罗甘精心创作的都市小说,小兵实时更新当首富从买亏损企业开始最新章节并提供无弹窗阅读。1w0-47994 >>








内容简介:林沐一觉醒来,不是2002,而是2020。刚刚还和她闹分手的哭包女朋友,已经变成了高冷老阿姨,而她依旧年轻林沐拉着阮秋池的手“我们不分手好不好”阮秋池看着消失已久、却突然出现的爱人,想 着两人现在的年1w0-85131 >>

Karen No Fastener

From JShoujo Scans Imaginary Ocean Doora is always talking about the ocean and claims she's a mermaid. But is she really? Trance's purchase Trance goes to the slave market to buy a slave. His cousin Palfiena wonders if he'll buy a useful slave. She's afraid he might make a wrong decision. When Trance comes across a cute girl who can't speak, he'd like to buy her, much against Palfiena's wishes. She thinks he's being fooled, but Trance buys her anyway... Kianna's Tail Kianna is a mermaid of the northern ocean. She lives a peaceful life there with her friends, until a guy arrives who wishes to kill her. Karen's zippers Ever since Karen was little, she always wore clothes with a zipper. When Karen becomes an adolescent, her parents tell her she shouldn't open her zipper in front of anyone anymore. But when Karen falls in love with Rob, he discovers the zipper on her belly and opens it?? Selma's Jingle After a lot of strict music lessons, her teacher says she's finally a full fledged musician. He tells her to go share her beautiful music with other people. Selma goes to neighbouring Mokumoku kingdom to play for the royal family and their guests. Everyone loves her music and request her to play more but Selma promised her master she'd only play once a week. The prince doesn't like no for an answer though, and says he'll marry her if she plays for him... The Painful Dream of Sand In the desert is an Oasis where it is dream like and only people from Tessa's village can reach. People only cross the desert if they are manly enough and Tessa is the youngest to go. The Oasis is there only to rehydrate and stock up on food before they can continue crossing the desert. But there is only 1 resident there. A young boy whose name is forgotten and takes care of the oasis who is lonely until he meet's Tessa. Just who is this boy and why is he alone?

No Bra

Masato Kataoka moves into his new dorm to begin his life in high school when one day, a cute girl named Yuki Nomura becomes his roomate. Masato learns that Yuki is an old childhood friend, but becomes surprised when he realizes that Yuki was, and still is a guy. Yuki's charm and affection for cross-dressing leaves Masato with feelings of discomfort and fright. Find out how Masato manages to deal with a cute cross-dresser and the many obstacles of high school life. Résumé by: Krasae

Daigishi No Ichizoku

Summary from Fantasyshrine: Kokoro is a young bureaucrat from a family of pedigree. To better prepare himself of becoming a politician, he decides to travel abroad with his father’s secretary, Maki. Will Kokoro reach his destination with Maki…!? A 45 bonus pages included!


Baka-update • Clash A prince at school and at home, Yama is the perfect student. Only when he is alone can he show his true self and his true personality. But, one day, a girl named Saku follows him to his villa and somehow she finds out about his true personality. What will happen now!? (4 chapters) • Extra: Kimi to Iru Kyoushitsu about a girl who likes her childhood friend who is a player Read this manga from right to left

I Became an In-game NPC

I Became an In-game NPC summary: 21st century kid got onto a virtual game 600 years into the future, with a freak combination of events gets to play as a NPC!
The first system job is to undertake the roles of helping new players create their character. Want to choose as one of the hidden race? OK, this is a slavery contract, up to you to sign it or not!
Entering the game as a player and creating a personal game character, the only advantage I have… The choice of selecting a powerful race!
Walking alone to the peak, bringing the present world to advance by leaps and bounds, the abnormal path starts from this first step!

The Hate Disease

The Hate Disease summary: The Hate Disease summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of The Hate Disease. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

I Really Am Not The Lord of Demon

I Really Am Not The Lord of Demon summary: As the owner of an ordinary bookstore, Ling PingAn’s biggest wish was to muddle through life and do absolutely nothing.
However, customers that were right in the middle of their p.u.b.escent crisis kept visiting his store in the dead of night.
For the sake of his business, Ling PingAn had to mimic their childish tones, sparing no effort to promote the books in his store.
When he finally managed to sell his books after going through a great verbal tug-o-war, each and every one of them said that they don’t have money and that they wish to use various tools that were seemingly divine artifacts as pledge.
Looking at these customers, Ling PingAn could only agree to them resignedly.
But little did he know that every single book that these customers purchased from him had altered in appearance.
“Secrets of Cosplay” became “Lower Abyss Research Report”
“Stellaris: Settings for Synth Ascension” was in fact “Gospel for Synthetic Beings”
What’s more, in the eyes of these customers, he was actually a horrifying ruler of Diablos, an indefinable ent.i.ty that held the reins of all realms.
In this regard, Ling PingAn said, “I’m not, I didn’t, don’t talk nonsense.

The Mark Of Cain

The Mark Of Cain summary: The Mark Of Cain summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of The Mark Of Cain. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

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