


























简介今天开始,我退隐了。 但是我该做什么呢……我既没有一技之长,也没有做生意的头脑,我唯一擅长的就只有打遍天下无敌手而已。 真苦恼啊……






内容简介:跨过三十岁的大关,孟真童鞋成为一枚金光闪闪的剩女爱情的不顺,事业的一事无成让她对生活近乎麻木一次偶然的机会,她在城市的边缘得到一栋农家小院母亲留给她的玉镯也给她打开了一个神奇的世界剩女 的生活也可以丰富多彩,咱也去种地,咱也去养狗,让平淡的日子变得有滋有味……女猪比较宅,胸无大志。1w0-125462 >>


内容简介:千木因做作业猝死,被天神传送到了二次元世界。醒来之后发现自己穿越到了火影世界,没有金手指,没有血继限界,看一介平民如何在残酷的世界中打出自己的名号。世界线,火影——刀剑——食戟之灵—— 鬼灭——四霸——darling——海贼……敬请期待。本站提示:各位书友要是觉得《从火影开始的世界穿越》还不错的话请不要忘记向您QQ群和微博里的朋友推荐哦!1w0-61198 >>


内容简介:转生到神荒大陆,一个充满玄幻色彩的修炼世界。本以为还是平平凡凡一辈子,可谁知,我哥竟然是主角。叮!外挂到账。绑定主角系统!主角有的,你也有!我哥是神体,那我也是神体了,我哥天赋悟性绝世 无双,那我也绝世无双……有我哥有一口,就有我一口。不管是功法还是体质天赋,我都跟着我哥,从此再也不用担心修炼的问题了!美滋滋!本站提示:各位书友要是觉得《我哥是主角》还不错的话请不要忘记向您QQ群和微博里的朋友推荐哦!1w0-49061 >>


内容简介:一个小屁民得到了未来科技,却一点也没有要赚大钱的觉悟。他以医药起家,各种神药让人眼花缭乱。正当所有人以为他是医药大鳄时,却突然发现,这厮竟然是一头披着羊皮的狼。当有人逼他露出獠牙后,他 就会用层出不穷的1w0-81126 >>




内容简介:姚青梨穿成未婚生子,被赶出门的名门嫡女。全京城都等着看她笑话,想看她如何凄惨度日不料,她左手医术济天下,右手毒术退宿敌,凭实力玩转京城失节无人敢娶可眼前这群优质男是怎么回事?个个争着给 她娃当后爹这时,某权倾朝野的战神把她往墙角一堵“娃都给我生了,还想找别人”她咬牙冷笑“你个狗男人,我找你很久了这四十米大刀,准你跑三十九米”1w31366-93310 >>


内容简介:免费提供作者舒虞的经典小说:《黏你成瘾娱乐圈》最新章节全文阅读服务本站更新及时无弹窗广告欢迎光临观看小说【文案】谁都没想到作为分分钟让人少女心炸裂的高冷影帝徐斯泽。某一日居然会出现在一 个十八线小网红的直播间里!徐斯泽:苏桨你给我接电话!十几秒后弹幕飘过……徐斯泽:桨桨我们别吵架了,我想你了,跟我回家好不好?弹幕瞬间炸开了锅:老公你怎么真的出轨这个十八线小网红了!而且居然光明正大地同住一个屋檐下!就连苏桨自己也想不明白,为什么昔日对自己毫无感觉的男神如今变成了这副小黏猫模样……连睡觉都要哄……※【一句1w0-71687 >>


内容简介:【鬼鬼新书《只有我知道的世界》已经上传,敬请支持,楼下直通车可进】妖精:一种小型低智商人型生物,可以出产珍贵的星晶,本文中人类很普遍的饲养这种外表美丽可爱的小型生物。生体战甲武装:本文 中,以生体科技路线发展的人类所使用的重要基本装备,集合便携生体光脑,全面型生体防护服,交通工具,强化生体辅助装备等多种1w0-30503 >>


内容简介:新文《因果·三生》求预收,文案在最下面哦本文文案一(全文已完结)何为安和贺年年的婚姻源自于一场阴谋,一场何为安的阴谋。他是出身于贫寒毫无背景的穷新科进士,深知自己若是想在盘根复杂的朝中 立稳脚步,就必须攀附于他人。而贺家就是那根他看中的高枝,贺家是京中的百年名门,清流世家,在朝根基深厚,于他是再好不过了。原本一开始他的目标并不是她的,谁知许是他的运气太好了,庶女竟然变成了嫡女。文案二随着何为安的步步升迁,直至成为内阁重臣后,京中关于他要休妻的传闻也愈发多了。众人都说不择手段的何为安,在微末时期求1w0-31678 >>


内容简介:心脏病突发昏迷醒来后,耿瑶穿成了《娇妻太妖娆》里那个反派大佬私生子的亲妈。才刚过18岁的耿瑶还没来得及高考,先体验了一把身怀六甲的感觉。只是原书里,这个倒霉的炮灰女被心狠手辣的反派大佬 去母留子,还没见到自己的孩子,先死在了手术台上。耿瑶穿过来后知道了自己的结局,哭得眼睛都肿了,怯怯地拉着大佬的衣摆。“哥哥,我不想死。”大佬掐着耿瑶的纤腰,狠狠地将她按在了床上。“谁让你死了?”·放飞自我狗血苏爽文·大家和平讨论剧情,请勿上升作者么么哒。·微博:长翅膀的木甜接档幻言《穿成男主死去的白月光》江筱语一觉醒来,发现自己穿成了小说《娇气包逃婚99次》里,那个男主已经死去的白月光。小说里,这白月光好是好,只可惜从小体弱多病,年纪轻轻就得病去了。现在换成了江筱语,她健健康康的,一点病痛都没有,自然要过不一样的人生。男主:我不许你跑。接档都市《小心动》十四中的池叶是全校皆知的小霸王,武力超群、嘴炮满分。隔壁班有男生欺负女生,池叶冲过去,一脚踹翻了对方的桌子。“我警告你,以后……”坐在后面的易淳懒洋洋地揪住了她的校服衣摆。“同学,你把我的奶茶打翻了。”人人都说,易淳就是个妖孽,连霸王花见了也要化成绕指柔。实际上只有两个人才知道,池叶才是那个妖孽。“池池,你过来让我亲一下。”更多文请专栏里淘1w0-64112 >>


内容简介:我叫陈宁,穿越者,绑定个系统要我建设学院我很聪明,抓住系统漏洞,只要让学院声望值降低,就能解绑系统,拿回我的力量。可为什么剧本没有按照说好的方向走啊!!我真不是什么因材施教。也没有独树 一帜的管理才能。你们不信?听我解释啊!狠人大帝、北玄仙尊、幽冥老祖,包括九州战神那些人……我不止一次想把他们逐出师门!1w0-27675 >>


内容简介:  【高订2w+的精品小说,起点编辑联合推荐】给物品加点,可以让物品拥有奇怪的特殊能力,给动植物加点,可以改变它们的形态,可以点化它们成妖怪,给自己加点,可以获得种种技能,天赋和超能力 ,这是一个有趣的故事,生活向轻松小说。已给系统,主角自己,手机,游泳池,马戏团,书本,沙漏,豹子,竹林等等加点...尽情期待后续内容。=====读者群:664616129======全订读者群:777015057(粉丝值4000以上,加群前找管理验证截图)=已有高订8000+精品完本小说《神级采集术》,请放心开宰!1w0-856 >>

Inu Mo Arukeba Koi Ga Hajimaru

Sora Pometani, a sober high school student, has a peculiar constitution: when he's anxious he turns into a Pomeranian. One day, his classmate and secret love, Makito Matsuda, bumped into him in his Pomeranian and ends up taking him home.Makito takes Sora in his pomeranian form home because he resembles his grandmother beloved but deceased dog, 'Pometa'. Makito finds out about Sora's true constitution and, in order to make his grandmother happy, he asks Sora to keep visiting her in his pomeranian form. Sora is promoted from a mere classmate with a secret crush to one of Makito's friends.

Fu Junai

From Alice Dreams : When Onosaka Kumiko returns home from grocery shopping, she finds a stranger waiting for her, in front of her house. The stranger, Shinohara Yuki, is an old collegue of her who quit working because of an illness - which cannot be cured. So, Shinohara wanted to tell her his feelings before he dies. Together, they start to live in Kumiko's house while living with the thought that Shinohara will die soon... From Baka-Updates: Contains 6 short stories: 1. Fu Jun Ai: One day, Onosaka Kumiko returns home from grocery shopping and finds a stranger waiting for her in front of her house. The stranger turns out to be Shinohara Yuki, an old crush and work colleague of Kumiko's who quit 3 years earlier because of an incurable illness, and all he wants is to confess to Kumiko before he dies. Knowing that he'll die soon, Kumiko takes pity on Shinohara, invites him to live with her, and soon becomes his lover. But are her feelings really only pity? And is there something Shinohara's hiding too...? 2. A sin to love you: Yuu is the top hostess at an escort club for a reason: she loves getting her guy—but she loves being in control even more! So when shy and conservative Mochizuki becomes her newest client, his reserved behavior perplexes her. Every night she pulls out her best feminine wiles, so why isn't he falling for her already? In desperation, she drags the hapless 'Shin-kun' to a love hotel, where she discovers a very interesting secret about him. Could it be that the tables have turned and now Yuu is the one in danger of falling for Shin-kun? And is that the only secret of the man of her dreams? 3. Can't live without you: A follow-up to 'A sin to love you'. 4. The Deceitful Fingers When homeroom teacher Miyagi's assistant goes on maternity leave, her replacement is the handsome Kiritani Riku. For Miyagi, it's attraction at first sight, but Kiritani seems stuck on an unrequited love—a former teacher of his and the reason why he came a teacher himself. Crushed, Miyagi gets drunk at a welcome party for Kiritani and passes out in front of everyone, but she wakes up to a most unexpected companion...and an even more unexpected proposition! 5. Can I love you dearly? Nishizawa's supervisor Nagase is a devil! His handsome facade can't hide his critical and exacting management style. Then she discover's his secret- he's a fanatical pet owner that loves his cat. The softer side of Nagase is proving devastating to Nishizawa's vision of her boss! 6. How Shinohara-san spends his weekend (bonus story)

Prince Of Tennis

Ryoma Echizen just joined the Seishun Academy's tennis team, which is known for being one of the most competitive teams in Japan. Its members are incredibly talented, gifted, and athletic. With rigorous and extremely intense practices, the upperclassmen of the team expect the very best from themselves and they expect even more from the new members of the team. While most of the freshmen are on pins and needles hoping they won't get cut from the team, Ryoma Echizen is confident, cool, and collected. Some might even say he's cocky, but at least he's got the skills to back up his attitude. With his virtually unreturnable 'twist serve,' Ryoma is sure to make the starting team. Join Ryoma and the other first years, as they train hard, make friends, and try to find a place for themselves on the team. Ryoma Echizen is the Prince of Tennis. He may be ready for the Seishun Academy tennis team, but are THEY ready for HIM? By the way, the Tennis skills in this series is completely beyond normal human standards and includes but is not limited to burning holes in your opponents rackets, striking your opponent so hard he flies several dozen meters, travelling in a spiral in mid air and even shutting down your opponents senses so that they cannot see, hear or feel (somehow) and therefore, has been put under the 'Fantasy' genre. NOTE: It has been announced that these 379 chapters serve as a prologue to a new series currently in the works. See 'Shin Tennis no Oujisama' for continuation. ANOTHER NOTE: Also, there is a short collection of 4 panel comics under the name of 'Houkago no Oujisama', or 'Prince of Afterschool' featuring characters and inside jokes from this manga.

Natsu Wo Oboeru

A summer story of 17-year-old Yousuke who has a crush on his teacher Aiko.

Memoirs (Vieux Souvenirs) of the Prince de Joinville

Memoirs (Vieux Souvenirs) of the Prince de Joinville summary: Memoirs (Vieux Souvenirs) of the Prince de Joinville summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Memoirs (Vieux Souvenirs) of the Prince de Joinville. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.


GOD summary: This is a tale of blood and tears about collecting pets.
In his entire life, the greatest ambition of the free-spirited little devil, Shooting Star, is to collect all sorts of beautiful pets.
Elves and angels are definitely on the list. Can legendary mermaids be included too? If so, how about a dragon as well?
However, one should not bite off more than one can chew. When defeating monsters, one should not start with the Demon King first, so of course, one should not start collecting pets with a dragon.
It would be better to start the collection with this amber-eyed swordsman!
Shooting Star: I’m just an honorable, veteran member of the Appearances a.s.sociation. Is wishing to collect beautiful pets against the law? Since when did I end up riding the luxurious, one-way train to doomsday? Can I still disembark right now?
Oh My G.o.d~
Even if G.o.d says that doomsday is approaching, pets still need to be collected!

Franklin's Autobiography

Franklin's Autobiography summary: Franklin's Autobiography summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Franklin's Autobiography. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

The Violin Maker

The Violin Maker summary: The Violin Maker summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of The Violin Maker. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

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