



















The New Gate

简介thenewgate漫画 ,在几万人被卷入的在线死亡游戏游戏“THE NEW GATE”(这......),最老玩家·辛格的活跃,终于解放的时候,迎接。但是,在最后的BOSS打倒后想要逃离的瞬间,突然未知的光芒照射,被传送到游戏中 500年后的世界!最强的玩家的新的无双战斗传说开幕!












内容简介:文娱:从被天后老婆离婚开始几年前,林墨隐姓埋名,拒当天王,只想和老婆安静的过日子。没成想,老婆成为娱乐圈一线天后,坚决与他离婚。没办法,沉寂多年的林墨,只好从幕后走向前台。“我不喜欢娱 乐1w0-75320 >>


内容简介:叮,宿主买不起房,很失败,补偿十亿豪宅。叮,宿主无车步行,挺失败,补偿柯尼塞格一辆。叮,宿主开店失败,补偿繁华商业街。叮,宿主创业失败,补偿万亿科技集团公司。叮,宿主练武失败,补偿宗师 级武技外加万斤神力。叮,宿主学医失败,补偿世界第一医技。叮,宿主相亲失败,补偿……张豪获得失败万倍补偿系统,不由得默默感叹,原来失败人生也能如此多姿多彩。1w0-26909 >>


内容简介:洛星宇原煜这么漂亮居然是Alpha!洛星宇原煜这么漂亮居然是Alpha!小说阅读其他类型类型小说洛星宇原煜这么漂亮居然是Alpha!由作家洛星宇原煜创作【全文完结撒花欢迎给个五星好评! !下本《非典型叛逆》打滚求收藏!文案在最下】欢乐沙雕受(洛星宇)x心机美人攻(原煜)洛星宇见到原煜的第一眼,就对他一见钟情了。一次意外,他看到原煜躲在厕所角落,往腺体上扎针,零生理常识的他以为那是抑制剂:“你是omega?”原煜:“……嗯。”洛星宇当场表白,开始了漫漫追妻(?)旅。作为一只强壮的beta,他开启护妻模式,横扫一切障碍,做原煜身后的巨人!某一天,他突小兵提供洛星宇原煜这么漂亮居然是Alpha!最新章节洛星宇原煜这么漂亮居然是Alpha!最新更新章节小兵免费稳定急速专业无弹窗1w0-69361 >>


内容简介:   每一个神话,都是一条成神之路!人类踏入星河时代,古老的修行焕发出崭新的生命力。愿基因与你同在!一语道破修行的真谛。神话不是梦话,每个人体内都传承着古老的神话基因。后羿基因让你 百里穿杨,一箭破苍穹……夸父基因让你奔跑如飞,逐日赶月……神龙基因让你腾云驾雾,遨游星空…… ……跨越万年,风林从21世纪的地球来到这波澜壮阔的时代,凭借对古地球神话的了解,走上一条独一无二的基因修行之路。猿猴基因+石胎基因=石猴基因石猴基因+……=灵明石猴基因灵明石猴基因+………=美猴王基因美猴王基因+……=孙悟空基因孙悟空基因+……=齐天大圣基因…… PS:书友群:810546694,有意的朋友来聊聊小说里的那些事儿。1w0-3649 >>


内容简介:唐枫和美母市长温碧芸是作家佚名的小说本站提供唐枫和美母市长温碧芸全文免费阅读,唐枫和美母市长温碧芸最新章节全文免费阅读,全集完整版无弹窗无广告,唐枫和美母市长温碧芸最佳阅读体验就在小兵 。1w7907-95783 >>


内容简介:  在家是小透明,嫁人后是摆设,最后葬身火海尸骨无存,这是韩玉熙上辈子的写照。  重活一世,韩玉熙努力上进,只愿不再做陪衬与花瓶,然后觅得如意郎君,平安富贵过一生。  可惜事与愿违,嫁 了个身负血海深仇的郎君,韩玉熙的人生开始翻天覆地,但她新的人生却是好事多磨,苦尽甘来。  六月已完本小说:《重生之温婉》、《世家》。1w0-4587 >>


内容简介:龙青山将妈妈抱进了房间,看来水里真的有类似催情剂之类的药物,不到十两分钟,妈妈已经嘬上了龙青山怒勃的大阳具,过去妈妈只会将龙青山阳物含在嘴里温存,这一次却大胆地伸出舌头,由下到上遍舔着 龙青山的男根,还用舌尖频率极快地上下撩拨着龙青山的大龟头。龙青山被弄得爽翻了天,淫性大发,道:「哦,老婆,真快活死我了,你今晚真棒啊!哦……哦…真爽死我了,赶明儿我一定得好好买个礼物感谢小佳。」在平时,妈妈是绝对不会允许在做爱时拿我开玩笑的,可今晚因为催情剂的缘故,妈妈并没有阻止龙青山,只是扭了下身子不依道:「老公,你好坏……」1w0-99916 >>


内容简介:  PS:开了新书,《我真是非洲酋长》,请大家移步去看看。****  爱蓝天,爱绿树,更爱波澜浩瀚的大海。  浅海鱼,深海鱼,龙虾还有大海蟹,吃货的世界怎么能少了海鲜?  快艇,游艇, 海钓艇,还有巡航艇,其实豪华游轮才是王道。  家里养着棕熊、白熊和浣熊,渔场还有海豚、白鲸和海獭,神马海狸、黑足雪貂、格陵兰小海豹,我的渔场应有尽有!  没事闲坐钓鱼台,呼朋唤友赌珍珠。  开上游艇逛七海,沉船宝藏我来捞。  大家好,我是秦时鸥,我用笔记录我在加拿大渔场的悠闲生活。  1w0-458 >>


内容简介:闻清乐穿越了,他回到曾经穿进的世界里,并且得到了新任务——统一世界。闻清乐:我不要,我不行,我拒绝。系统循循善诱:你看,这个世界你从前穿过的,分裂世界的四位大佬都是你拉扯大的。闻清乐不 为所动:但我穿回来之前因为怕他们殉葬,特意装作要把他们的异能都抢走,还告诉他们我养他们是为了要他们的异能。系统:……系统再接再厉:那就隐瞒身份!看看您的盛世美颜,还有这因为穿越差错变白的头发,这发色简直太配您了,出尘脱俗,一定能把他们折服!闻清乐面无表情:同志,那个世界的设定你看了吗?在这里发色越浅,代表着承受过丈夫越多次的疼爱。那四个崽都是铁直男,最讨厌浅发色的男人。系统:……闻清乐:你还坚持让我去吗?系统哭了出来。——这片分裂的大陆,由四位帝王支配主宰。他们高高在上,冷酷无情。少有人知,他们有一个同样的秘密。他们都记得一个死去的男人。那个男人狼心狗肺,手段下流,还为了拿走他们的异能就想杀掉他们。但他们不恨他,他们还想他。他们不知道,他回来了。团宠文,1v1,he,攻的地位不动摇各位书友要是觉得《白月光作死后又穿回来了》还不错的话请不要忘记向您QQ群和微博里的朋友推荐哦!1w0-106453 >>


内容简介:  电商企业高管,重生回到大学校园。 面对波澜壮阔、波涛汹涌的移动互联网时代,洛修不由发出一声呐喊:爷的青春回来了!Q群:9518445891w0-3098


内容简介:有实力却很糊的男团Kaleido,偶然因一段机场他拍视频走红。视频里,全团最攻的老幺裴听颂把哥哥方觉夏抵在墙上,手拿机票轻拍他的脸,而方觉夏却只是拿走机票叼在唇边,整理衣襟。一场团内“ 霸凌”变身成刺激互撩,听觉cp横空出世。网友:卧槽好攻!壁咚拼刺刀!于是,潜规则传闻缠身的被弃王牌和传说中的带资空降背景户就这么捆绑在一起,明明出道就不合,却被迫开启漫漫虚假营业路。1w8202-81801 >>


内容简介:绝代天骄:我才情盖世,举目无敌,惊艳了一个时代。申凯:可惜,我氪出一把岁月天刀,擅斩天赋根基。世界意识:吾布局万古,视苍生如蝼蚁,今日天灭众生。申凯:额,貌似刚氪到一把盘古开天斧,专业 蹦碎天道。彼岸强者:世间如苦海,本座一心超脱,今成无上境界。申凯:恩,阁下很努力,不巧氪到无量混沌海,所以你还是再多游一段日子吧。主神:吾至高无上,整个多元宇宙,任吾军团征服侵略。申凯:有趣,接我形上之剑,但凡存在,一剑删除。系统持有者:我等遍及诸天万界,信息深度无人能及。申凯:不好意思,三相图在手,你的一切,都在我设定之下。站在无数世界观之上,申凯表示,没有什么是一次氪命不能解决的,如果有,那就多氪几次。1w0-77345 >>

Protecting The Kanno House

Kanno is the oldest sister in the family of 6. Kanno and her sister live in a haunted house!!Kanno is supposed to go to her date but she got struck with exorcism a ghost!!Will she finish and go on her date?? Read and find out!!

Psychic Academy Oura Banshou

From Tokyopop: Zerodaimu Kyupura Pa Azalraku Vairu Rua Darogu (a.k.a. Zero) once stopped the evil demon lord with his incredible psychic ability, and in the process saved the world from destruction and earned the honorable and highly imaginative title 'The Man Who Stopped the Evil Lord.' Now, he has accepted a position as a teacher at Psychic Academy, a school for gifted psychokinetic youngsters who have demonstrated incredible raw powers and want to learn how to hone their abilities. Among the student body is young Ai Shiomi, Zero's little brother, a somewhat meek boy who, despite parental prodding and his fraternal reputation, feels that his limited skills hardly justify his presence at the prestigious academy. However, everyone else is convinced that he, like his celebrated brother, is destined for greatness. A lot of pressure for a boy just entering adolescence!

Hero Shigan

Ever since he was a child, Tachibana Hideo has wanted to become a superhero like in the TV shows he watched. After he graduated from high school, he got into the Kantou Films School to chase this dream. In the summer beforehand, he managed to get a part-time job as a costumed villain for a 'Crashman' heroes live show. Unfortunately, he got a little too into it, kicked the heroic 'Crash Pink' in the face, and got himself fired. As he later discovered, Crash Pink was his future classmate and aspiring actress, Mutou Sakurako! Livid that he'd dare damage her precious face, she insisted that he make up for the injury, mostly by putting up with her constant efforts to torment him. But as they spend time together, could something much sweeter than mutual annoyance be growing between them?

Strike Witches - Kurenai No Majotachi

From Yuri Project: The year is 1944, around when Miyafuji Yoshika joined the 501st JFW to protect Gallia. The South European nation Romagna is launching a Neuroi counteroffensive with its 504th JFW, nicknamed The Ardor Witches. Its core is made up by the Duchy of Romagna's elite, the Red Pants Unit, but, what is soon becoming evident as the detachment is coming together, is that the members all seem to a bit peculiar, not the least of which the commander. What will destiny have in store for this group of girls...?

Second Marriage of a Wealthy Old Man

Second Marriage of a Wealthy Old Man summary: Meng Yang had done a lot of s*upid and wrong things in his life. Jumping around like a clown, annoying and unpleasant. Only after his tragic death did he know that he was a cannon fodder written in a book who only existed to set off the protagonist shou.
Although he certainly had done things to hate, the protagonist gong and the protagonist shou were not totally innocent. The protagonist gong betrayed him first, then the protagonist shou framed him. So when he was reborn, he decided…
Marry the protagonist gong’s rich father and give the protagonist a few younger brothers to divide the property.
He wanted to be pregnant soon but thinking that the old man was getting older it would be more difficult. But he didn’t expect that the old man was not only strong, he was even more handsome than the protagonist gong. The steady momentum and charm of that mature man was so attractive that a certain person couldn’t close their legs…ahhhh, he accidentally told the truth. He just couldn’t hold his mouth.
Luo Xiu and his ex-wife had been in a business marriage and were divorced for many years. He really did not expect that he would marry a boy so much younger than him, that he would become an extra son to raise.
He just didn’t expect this delicate and tender little guy to be so attractive, making him pamper him and spoil him and eventually take his heart.

The Villain Is Too Beautiful

The Villain Is Too Beautiful summary: Xu Xing Zhi wrote in his story: At the mountain, near the ocean was a group of villain, they are cute and clever. They are fantastic oddities of every description, they are industrious and conscientious, they want to escape from the prison. Afterward, he transmigrated into the story. The word said: Your presence disrupted the balance of the world. You will have to kill those villain bosses that escaped from the prison. Xu Xing Zhi said: “Sorry, I am a salted fish.” The word said: “It’s alright, the villain is your junior brother that you pampered from young, he listens to you the most.” Xu Xing Zhi: …… I did not write this. Boss with a gentle face: “ Senior brother, you love this gold necklace or this silver necklace? You slowly choose, I will listen to you.” Xu Xing Zhi: “….. I really did not write this. -this was all you wished. Blackheart beauty junior brother GONG VS real carefree senior brother SHOU

Maou no Ki

Maou no Ki summary: A world of magic and swords.
Born into an aristocratic family of a large country, a boy with insufficient magic power bade farewell to his unlucky daily life. Because of his encounter with a Demon, his fate began to change. This destined meeting changed the boy’s life, affected his surroundings, and soon after, shook the entire world.
This is his tale.

The Stories of John Cheever

The Stories of John Cheever summary: The Stories of John Cheever summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of The Stories of John Cheever. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

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