
































内容简介:【预收文:权臣心尖宠的娇养手册,还请大家多多支持鸭快来康康叭】——————娇软黑莲女主x深情偏执男主上一世柳寄玉识人不清,最后落得个惨死的下场。重回十三岁,柳寄玉含笑将害过自己的人,玩 弄于掌股之上。可她转身却扑入了那人的怀中,撒着娇说手疼。梅疏玉觉得很奇怪,那个对自己颐指气使的小姑娘,竟是眼巴巴的拉着自己的袖子撒娇。他从小看惯了黑暗腌臜的事,满心也充斥着黑暗。但是在他的心尖上,稳稳当当的坐着一个干干净净的柳寄玉。她是他触摸不到的光。当他拼尽全力想要抓住她的时候她却朝他甜甜一笑,说道:“我抓到你啦!”——————————————————“你你你莫要气了好不好?我给你赔罪就是了。”面前的少女出落得亭亭玉立,湿漉漉的杏眼望着他,眼下是一颗显眼殷红的小痣。少年喉结动了动,拢在袖中的手紧了紧,状似平静的看着她:“如何赔罪?”少女白嫩的一张小脸皱成一团,透着淡淡的红晕,结结巴巴开口:“我把我把我赔给你好不好”话落,少年顿时眸色一深,清冷的薄唇就覆了上去。“我等这一日,许久了。”1w0-107868 >>


内容简介:  虚拟梦境设备?这是什么鬼?“用来做白日梦的?没兴趣。”“什么,百分百虚拟现实?一个晚上能当半年用,还能从现实中复制一个角色?嗯,真香。”“第一个梦境,当世界其他所有人都消失,只剩下 我一个?”PS:群,696714917本书改编漫画已经上线,下载个腾讯动漫APP,搜本书书名即可找到,欢迎大家去看漫画版。1w0-4082 >>


内容简介:  以细胞形态寄生,选择宿主必须慎重。谁也没有想到文明会在战争中毁灭,我是蛮族,也是人类。1w0-201


内容简介:侯府嫡女顾沅,生的瑰姿艳逸,媚骨天成,有长安第一美人之称。她有宠她的家人、亲密的好友,还有一桩青梅竹马的好姻缘。不曾想竹马下聘当日,一道圣旨直达侯府——那个传闻中乖戾冷僻的太子,要娶她 为妻。大婚当晚,顾沅心头恐惧,泪盈于睫。男人敛起眸中的病态痴迷,将她圈在怀中,温声细语,极尽温柔,“沅沅,别怕。”红帐落下,满室旖旎。长安众人皆知,太子对太子妃一往情深,万般宠爱。相处之下,顾沅也发现太子不像传言中的狠绝冷漠,或许可以尝试去爱他。1w44061-73307 >>


内容简介:我想说什么操就想操着你h各种操高小说我初二操上瘾想被学生操好想操王子文想操张子枫初中想操想操王子文我想咬你校园h那一晚他添了我得逼初中生想跟人做怎么办老婆主动让我添她哪里推荐地址:1w 10756-81521 >>


内容简介:b废材草包软弱可欺?一脚踩碎欲杀她之人的丹田,穿越而来的毒妖冷漠一笑,“好了,废物之名归你了。”既来之,则杀之,她从不知留情为何物。白衣男神未婚夫殿下?摔!什么玩意,品德不端给我都不要 !真凤凰血脉天下无双?呵!她最喜欢拔光凤凰毛看你变山鸡!风云榜之上英才聚集?切!都是一群手下败将!1w0-26426 >>


内容简介:陌桑穿越了,穿越到历史上没有记载的时空,职场上向来混得风生水起的白领精英,在这里却遇上让她恨得咬牙切齿的克星,高冷男神——宫悯。他嫌她为人太过阴诡狠毒。她嫌他为人太过高冷孤傲。本想无事 可做时,虐虐渣女渣男,逗逗小鲜肉。岂知一道圣旨,把两个相互看不顺眼的人捆绑在一起,组成嫌弃夫1w0-3502 >>


内容简介:千木因做作业猝死,被天神传送到了二次元世界。醒来之后发现自己穿越到了火影世界,没有金手指,没有血继限界,看一介平民如何在残酷的世界中打出自己的名号。世界线,火影——刀剑——食戟之灵—— 鬼灭——四霸——darling——海贼……敬请期待。本站提示:各位书友要是觉得《从火影开始的世界穿越》还不错的话请不要忘记向您QQ群和微博里的朋友推荐哦!1w0-61198 >>


内容简介:一朝英雄拔剑起,又是苍生十年劫。但那世间最风流的繁华,却又怎么抵得上你眉间一点朱砂。魔域的公众微信:魔域书娘。  1w0-1060


内容简介:穿越到《大主宰》所在的的大千世界,成为牧尘他哥。本想咸鱼一生的牧源,却意外激活了打卡系统,从此一系列的打卡任务开启!系统奖励给他的,则是一个个震惊大千世界的奖励!神脉、神象镇狱功、拔剑 术、拔剑术(斩钢)、……大千世界的天才们,你们开始颤抖吧!欢迎加群:1036750404各位书友要是觉得《从大主宰开始打卡》还不错的话请不要忘记向您微信群和微信里的朋友推荐哦!1w0-60907 >>


内容简介:免费提供作者夕烟唱晚的经典小说:《不死生物是如何影响世界的》最新章节全文阅读服务本站更新及时无弹窗广告欢迎光临观看小说正常版:半巫妖希梅内斯同志在位面旅行的时候进入了位面,接着发生了一 系列谁也想不到的事情。“这个位面也许比费伦还要……”—希梅内斯“我的人生不能就这样毁在一个外来者的手上!”—铂金贵族卢修斯“也许他能带给我更强的力量,不过……”—魔药大师斯内普以上就是S的代表们,原因?原因就是他们名字的末尾都是S……亲世代的人们都是S结尾嘛“绕口令?我这辈子最讨厌绕口令!阿瓦达——”—永远神武的黑魔王“那是我的1w0-28615 >>


内容简介:  天洋只是想去斯台普斯看场球,但没想到结局那么有意思。1w0-4086

Hizamazu Ai Ni Kogareru

1-3) On My Knees, Yearning for Your Love Hibiki is the bodyguard hired to protect Buyu, the heir of a Hong Kong financial empire. Although Buyu is responsible for overseeing the family fortune, he still often finds the time to enjoy the nightlife with the ladies. Despite Hibiki’s warnings to Buyu about his uncle’s plot to have him killed so he can take over the empire, Buyu continuously ignores Hibiki’s urgent pleas to cooperate with him. What would it take for Buyu to take Hibiki seriously!? 4) Feverish Kimura and his lover Yuichi are both doctors in the same hospital, and Yuichi uses it as an excuse to have sex at work, despite Kimura's protests. Will Yuichi demands push Kimura too far? 5) Can’t Win Against the Sun! College student Himawari has been freeloading off Takabayashi sensei for a long time. Because, despite sensei hostile attitude and filthy mouth, he's really very kind. But Himawari, who has fallen in love with him, may finally be asking for too much... 6) Seduction of Cinderella Aki is a model scout who has to babysit his top model, the childish but loving Haru, even to the point of having a sexual relationship with him! But this is all just for Haru's own good, right? 7) Anata no Chef Young chef is in love with the strict maître d'hôtel.

Ultraman Tiga

Presenting the red-hot series from Hong Kong, translated in English for the first time!. Ultraman Tiga is brought to you by international superstars Tony Wong and Khoo Fuk Lung. In the year 2049, the Earth has settled into a period of relative peace, thanks in large part to the global efforts of GUTS--the Global Unlimited Task Squad--an international alliance dedicated to protecting mankind from threats within the planet and beyond. But when a mysterious meteor carrying an ominous message crashes next to GUTS headquarters, it heralds the end of peacetime and the return of the giant monsters that terrorized humanity many millions of years ago. Mankind's only hope is to find the lost land of Tiga and reawaken the 160-foot-tall warrior Ultraman!


The story begins with a scene of regret, chaos, and desperation. Sora lives with his little sister, An, and his rather comical father. An is the soloist of her school's chorus, and Sora is an awesome cook. Sora prepares his 'honki' (serious) bento for his sister's school concert. Once An begins her solo, a mysterious force creates a rift in reality, as An's existense shatters right before everyone's eyes. Sora runs in to save her, but he too becomes part of this dark ritual. As Sora ends up transported to a fantasy world full of gigantic mushrooms, nothing seems to be certain on what will happen to these two. Source: MH

Kimi No Tonari De Nemuritai

1a-c) Kazuki caught a cold from a guy, while on her way to her University Entrance exam. The day of the exam she got a fever, and so she cursed the guy that she had met. All she knows is that he took the same exam, and that his ID number was #400. Later she is at her apartment cleaning. As she dusts her sheets on the balcony, she notices a guy. But he looks familiar. Who could he be... 2) Eternal Heart Mari has tutoring with Suga-sensei in order to try and get in W University again, which her boyfriend is currently attending but it turns out he likes someone else?! Mari is now brokenhearted and runs to her sensei.... 3) A night with a moon Haruka likes her tennis senpai, but led to her heartbreak when she overheard him saying 'it was a one night stand'. Haruka then swims in the ocean to loose her thoughts, but a sudden wave came...before she knows it she is on shore, saved by some guy??

Raid Breaker

Raid Breaker summary: The existence of ‘Knights’ who have awoken special powers.
The boss ‘monsters’ that have embraced the dimensional power of the dungeons.
The ‘t.i.tan’ that was an important tool in monster hunting.
And Kang Su-hyuk who obtained an entirely new type of power.
Now a new type of raid has begun!

Rebel Force_ Target

Rebel Force_ Target summary: Rebel Force_ Target summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Rebel Force_ Target. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

Seriously I'm Kidding

Seriously I'm Kidding summary: Seriously I'm Kidding summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Seriously I'm Kidding. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

Varied Types

Varied Types summary: Varied Types summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Varied Types. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

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