














简介改编自小说《都市修炼狂潮》 每周六更新不定时暴更!!! 撩人小姐姐过分了,我把你当兄弟,你却想跟我发生关系?少年欠下巨额校园贷,被逼走投无路。幸得小哥哥相助,偶得武者药水,这才重塑基因,逆天改命!漫画粉丝群:933681470 欢迎进群吹x,唠嗑。










简介初次见面就不小心求婚? 搞笑而荒唐的恋爱过程现在开始!






简介恶名昭著的不良少年林野在高二的开学典礼上被开除了,其后因偷吃了山神的祭品而被变成了女孩子!!想要变回男孩子,就要帮上供的人完成心愿,就这样,林野以小草莓的身份重返校园,开始了一段非比寻常的高中之旅! 每周一更新~


内容简介:乡野村医会透视受师之命来城市。都说村里套路深谁知城里水也险。装逼打脸别不服小爷发狂似老虎。遥想当年哥风采至今仍然美名传。村花校花追我跑明星总裁恋我好。萝莉警花太烦人御姐淑女柔情妙。高冷 妩媚又性感火辣清纯玩暧昧。哥本乡间一野医艳福无边百世扬。……1w0-76505 >>


内容简介:  十年笔耕无人问,一朝上架订阅零!扑街十年的网文写手楚天行,痛悟写小说会吃土,决定回家改行,没想到穿越到有着超凡武道存在的平行世界……“恭喜,你的小说射雕登上新书榜首,获得奖励降龙十 八掌。”“恭喜,你的小说射雕获得主编推荐,奖励武功弹指神通。”“恭喜,你的小说登上点击榜首,获得奖励先天功……”嗯,穿越后的楚天行,还是得写小说。不过这一次,他只需要写写小说,就能不断变强……【已有万均完本《欢迎来到boss队》,以及万订精品《儒雅随和的我不是魔头》,敬请品鉴。】1w0-4407 >>


内容简介:姐姐癌症,双手被废,公司被抢,妻子还将改嫁豪门,作为上门女婿苏渊悲惨到极致,因善心意外获得判人生死、断人因果的能力。五湖富商,八方大佬,哭着跪着讨好,丈母娘一家却还以为他还是往日的窝囊 废1w0-28835 >>




内容简介:魂穿到兽世的唐乐乐,突然觉得人生精彩了,因为她的周围全是不害臊的兽人。全都喜欢来撩她,前有虎,后有狼,撩妹的手段各不同。“能来个正经人吗?“某女很纠结。“媳妇儿还是回家生娃吧!别选了! ”某鹰扛着她就跑!“靠,我同意了吗?”唐乐乐仰天长啸。各位书友要是觉得《兽世狂情:兽夫大人真可口》还不错的话请不要忘记向您QQ群和微博里的朋友推荐哦!1w94910-98674 >>


内容简介:小兵提供狂气科学家大神最新作品《猛男并不想要日常》最新章节全文免费阅读,猛男并不想要日常TXT下载,猛男并不想要日常全文字更新,猛男并不想要日常无弹窗!请关注狂人小说网猛男并不想要日常 吧,本站最新最快更新猛男并不想要日常的最新章节。1w0-71652 >>




内容简介:穿越大秦,成为秦始皇的儿子,意外觉醒国运系统,国运越强自己获得的奖励越丰富。叮!宿主献上骑兵三件套,大秦国运提升获得奖励神兽军团叮!宿主诛杀赵高,大秦国运提升获得奖励杂交水稻和高产小麦 叮!宿主集齐秦时明月百大美人,大秦国运提升获得奖励双修内经当秦始皇东巡回来后,看着大殿里的文武百官在看了看插遍全球的黑水龙旗,他一代千古一帝蚌埠住了啊!1w0-89962 >>


内容简介:洛在《星空幻想》游戏中攻略一个超恶心的私人副本时,获得了一枚超强神话装备“神圣命运之晶”,属性逆天,强度爆炸。但很遗憾的是只能规定女性角色使用为了不让欧气白流,神装浪费,洛无奈之下为神 装起了一个奶妈小号。然而不幸的是,在洛穿戴神装的时候,他莫名其妙穿越到了游戏异世界。圣光辉映,剑锋夺命,奶妈也疯狂!小号奶妈又如何?老玩家心气傲于天,看不起任何NPC,奶妈模板一样能再用剑砍遍世界神神魔魔!1w0-33833 >>


内容简介:感谢您阅读小说《和豪门大佬网恋后我红了沈时》,原文搜集自【和豪门大佬网恋后我红了】,是有作者《山柚子》创作和豪门大佬网恋后我红了沈时内容简介:每晚11~12点日更沈迟十七岁生日当天,被 沈家赶出门。他成了一名靠打游戏为生的小主播,虽然四块五的酱肉丝都不舍得买,可少年鼓起勇气花重金买了一个虚拟女友。只要,能陪他说说话就好。然而他总会莫名其妙交好运。买不起电脑时,一不小心抽中价值上万的电脑;在出租屋中孤零零过生日时,收到昂贵的成年礼物;直播网站濒临破产拖欠他工资时,第二天便被收购了。作为未来的严氏家主,严雪宵还在国外读研时碰上只没人要的红毛小狼崽。想让他不再为生计发愁;想让他活得骄傲肆意。以及,想给少年最好的东西。一步步撒饵圈进家。全世界都知道严雪宵回国掌权的消息,沈家也不例外,他们咬牙买下贵重的古籍名画讨好,却发现男人温柔抱着的少年——好像是被他们抛弃的……沈迟。【年少的沈迟以为自己会在死水里腐烂生根,直到他看到天上的月亮奔他而来】前期落魄小少爷受x步步为营年上攻——————————————————————————预收文《全世界在求我们破镜重圆》求收藏TAT:《心跳信号》是一档在海岛上录制的恋爱真人秀,据传邀请了拿遍国内外大奖的影帝贺渊,没人认为向来冷漠的贺渊会同意。可影帝出乎意料同意了。谁都知道贺渊的理想型是狐狸眼的少年,节目分配到的恋爱对象恰好是有双漂亮狐狸眼的护岛人,采访时记者打趣:“你们要不要考虑真谈个恋爱?”一听便是玩笑,然而令所有人都没想到的是,男人淡淡答:“谈过。”一时间全网震惊。作为一名海岛护岛人,顾言的一天从巡视海岛开始,即便录制节目也没什么改变,即便……对方是分手多年的贺渊。他们默契地潜下碧蓝的海面视察珊瑚礁;一同在风浪颠簸的远洋船上航行;一起靠在无人的海边看波澜壮阔的日出。亲密得如真正的恋人。青年很明白节目仅仅是节目,却没注意到贺渊的眼神一直停在自己身上,一如七年前从未改变分毫。他只是不明白,为什么全世界都在求他们破镜重圆。——————————————————————————完结文要康康吗TAT:《大佬养了三年的纸片人跑了》大佬饲养垂耳兔《和爱豆隐婚后我竟然红了》相亲相到自家爱豆1w9259-112576 >>





Hot Line Of Sight

Yanase Touko is a high school student and photographer. She is asked to take a photo of Setsuna, a very popular fashion model. She tries to consider it to be just another job, but finds herself responding to his suggestive gaze. Includes oneshot Pika Pika Scandal which is about a girl who loves bishounen and thus scouts them to be actors.

Bambi And Her Pink Gun

The word is out on the streets: a reward of five million dollars to the opportunist that wastes the courier calling herself Bambi and returns her living cargo. Chainsaw swinging psychos, gold-toothed Elvises, Derringer-packing grannies and all the other scum in these badlands could care less whether Bambi is kidnapping this toddler she christened 'Pampi' or if she's snatching him back from his captors. With a pink gun in one hand, and a leashed Pampi in the other, can antihero Bambi's huge ego and formidable gun skills hold off an army?

Noragami - Clash, O Ye Gods Of Calamity

Noragami Special,tells the story of the encounter between Yato and Magatsukami Rabou.> Spin-off of Noragami( http://www.batoto.net/comic/_/comics/noragami-r5014 )

Battleship Girl

Yukikaze is just a young girl but her and her friends have the incredible responsibility of being the naval force of her nation. As part of Seiran Team 3 of the Wadatsumi naval base, Yukikaze and her female friends, Isokaze, Nowaki and Takao, all attend the naval academy. But in this world, they do not work on ships, instead, they themselves are the weapons, able to travel across oceans at high speeds and engage in warfare using their equipped artillery. When an enemy nation attacks the base to take control of an important strategic point, only Yukikaze is left standing and all hope seems lost when a beautiful woman named Taiwa appears with the secret weapon to defend Yukikaze and the naval base.

Isekai Nonbiri Nouka

Isekai Nonbiri Nouka summary: Isekai Nonbiri Nouka is a quite new but pretty interesting novel written by Kinosuke Naito. The book is currently published in an online version on NovelOnlineFull, so you can find it on that website. The story is recently updated, and new chapters are also about to arrive soon. So the readers can definitely expect a continuation of the story. The writing of this novel is in the ongoing phase, and that's important to mention.
The end is not yet near, and no one knows how Isekai Nonbiri Nouka story finishes. You can, however, find all the important details regarding this book on the appropriate website's page.
The story is a mixture of a number of different genres such as action, adventure, comedy, and romance. As a combination, it is an interesting one, so the readers have an opportunity to enjoy reading. There are various twists and turns which provide a necessary excitement during reading, so the readers can get familiar with the content quite easily.
The story has a very high rating on the website, which is close to the perfect five stars. That's because of the satisfaction of the previous readers who have left mostly positive votes on the story. It is a good testimony for all others who have an interest in such content. The public is more than satisfied with the content, so you can also have a great reading experience, thanks to Isekai Nonbiri Nouka novel.
The main plot in Isekai Nonbiri Nouka book follows a character who fights against a serious illness for years. Unfortunately, the disease wins at the end, and the patient dies. That seems like the finish of this story at its very beginning. Still, the lucky destiny does not betray the patient, and he gets a completely new life at the end of the past one. He is younger than before and the new life provides some interesting opportunities he could not achieve earlier when he fought against the illness. 
The main character has some nice business ideas he can implement thanks to the lucky destiny. He plans to begin a farming job by opening a ranch with different plants and animals. That leads to various challenges situation and some are very exciting. So the readers can enjoy reading while following the new life of this interesting character. 
You cannot expect too much of action within Isekai Nonbiri Nouka story that some shooting novels can provide. But it is very good for the delightful reading during restful evenings. If you like those types of books, you will definitely be more than satisfied with the content. It is very well written and the words flow excellent. 
That's one of the main reasons for a truly high rating of the story, so there is nothing that can prevent a convenient reading experience. The will for reading comes naturally with the story of this quality while the time pa.s.ses very fast during reading.

Spirit Realm

Spirit Realm summary: Thirty thousand years ago, the Heaven Fighting Race who called themselves “G.o.ds” invaded the Spirit Realm. Hundreds of races rose up in resistance, but ultimately suffered a crushing defeat. The Human Race was the first to concede, and the rest of the Hundred Races soon followed in succession.
During the subsequent ten thousand years, all of the races were enslaved by the Heaven Fighting Race. They were cruelly treated, and lived beneath the shadow of terror.
The Heaven Fighting Race’s march of conquest did not stop there. With the Spirit Realm as the starting point, they invaded other secret dimensions, and spread war to all corners of existence. After greatly exhausting their combat strength, they were finally defeated by the Hundred Races who took advantage of this opportunity. With no other choice, they fled to the starry skies outside the realm.
Thirty thousand years later, in an era where the Heaven Fighting Race has already faded to become ancient legend, an amnesiac youth possessing the Heaven Fighting Race’s bloodline is being fostered in an insignificant household. Whilst struggling to live on, he silently awaits the day of the bloodline’s awakening.

The Return of the Native

The Return of the Native summary: The Return of the Native summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of The Return of the Native. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

Dere Mable

Dere Mable summary: Dere Mable summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Dere Mable. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

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