
















类别热血 玄幻 校园








简介【读者交流QQ群:488944432,周四、六凌晨更新】程一日是人气超高的男校医!富二代出身,人品绝佳!长相更是迷倒众生。从小到大都是女生眼中的“白马王子”,成绩优异样样第一。然而新学期开学,程一日就被首次见面的女老师乔清推倒了!为了挽回“王子”的颜面,程一日决定向风云人物乔清发起挑战,将其攻略! 男友力MAX的女老师 X 傲娇小王子! 令男老师们脸红心跳的爆笑恋爱喜剧拉开帷幕!








内容简介:谁也想不到班上的丑小鸭,竟然是未来的霸道美女总裁。叶辰带着神级投资系统重生。只要投资潜力目标,就可以获得百倍返利,获得系统好评,还能获得特殊奖励。……十年后,有记者采访叶辰:“叶先生, 作为世界首富,你能告诉我你的第一桶金是怎么赚到的?”叶辰:“实不相瞒,我第一桶金,是从投资我们班的小可怜开始的。”1w28294-64813 >>


内容简介:如果杀人不是为了装逼,那将毫无意义;如果活着不是为了装逼,那还不如死了。杀,就杀他个尸横遍野,装,就装他个巅峰不败!——新书《一剑独尊》已发布,欢迎大家去阅读, 在纵横直接搜索《一剑独尊》便可。微信公众号:直接搜:青鸾峰上。青鸾读者群:5717838241w0-1016 >>


内容简介:公主为奴(1V1高H)是由来瓶矿泉水所写的高辣浓情类小说,本站提供公主为奴(1V1高H)最新章节阅读公主为奴(1V1高H)全文阅读公主为奴(1V1高H)免费无弹窗在线阅读,如果您发现公 主为奴(1V1高H)更新慢了请第一时间联系小兵。1w5208-72739 >>


内容简介:恋人被逼身死,他怀着滔天恨意进入天劫游戏中;本想获得极品职业,却落得最差的游戏属性,堪称绝世废物;天道酬有志者,他历经千辛万苦终于有所收获;极品职业,携手佳人、好友共抗恶魔,声名鹊起; 战魂、武魂、血魂、法魂,且看他如何抉择!大敌当前,且看他如何力挽狂澜!私仇面前,且看他如何对待爱情、亲情和友情!国家利益,且看他如何先国后1w17403-26430 >>


内容简介:【《男朋友变成鬼之后》《奶一口漂亮崽崽》求收藏~】李娇是王室最受宠的公主,性子却不见娇纵,反倒是温柔敦方,一张面容更是生的娇花美月般,朝中上上下下无一不称赞她就算对着北燕蛮荒之地来的那 位每日脏兮兮臭烘烘的质子,她也会弯下腰亲自替他拂去衣上的灰尘所有人都以为她是真的善良,那位质子也是这样的认为可直到某一天他亲眼瞧见李娇将那根碰过自己的手指反复的搓洗,厌恶之情几乎灼伤他的眼他贴身收藏的宝贝赠予她,却被她反手丢到一旁,面上哪还有半分温柔——“凭他,也配?”他咬牙切齿,恨得五脏六腑俱疼终于一天,他要让她知道他到底配是不配?※高大威猛且忠犬痴情的北燕王×外表端庄实际不怎么正常的王室女※甜文,真的是甜文※男主暗恋女主,一直暗恋那种······下本开············《男朋友变成鬼之后》“这世上,没有任何东西能阻止我爱她,死也不能”※男主从小暗恋女主,成了鬼也不能停止爱她的心※男主病娇忠犬属性,甜文甜文甜文······古言预收············奶一口漂亮崽崽》漆黑的雨夜,雷声大阵清辞在屋外捡到了个病殃殃的小少年小少年的身上只穿着勉强弊体的衣物,小小的身子缩成一团,抬起的眼里含着泪光,啪嗒一下那泪珠子就落在了地上一声惊雷他忽然伸手扯住她的衣角“姐姐,你可怜可怜我吧后来清辞才知晓,这小少年是流落在外的皇子※外表小奶狗×一直很温柔※养成1w0-27256 >>


内容简介:  21世纪的小团子穿成了八零年代的凄惨小孤儿。  这有什么!  山里,她守株待兔,逮回来肥兔子。  河边,她愿者上钩,钓回来大篓鱼。  镇上,发家致富,遍地是黄金。  而且,她还得了 三个好哥哥。  大哥冷,二哥傲,三哥是个铁憨憨。  各个都宠得她上天入地。  只是……这位出现在她课本里,圈粉无数的超级大佬怎么偏就盯上了她?  大佬撕了她收到的数十封情书,一本正经,“你还小,好好学习。”  转头她就被霸道的男人扣在墙角,他眸光深邃,嗓音暗哑。  “望共同进步。”  “???”  #女主:我想要福运。  神:给,大份的,十份够吗?  女主:够了,谢谢爸爸,爸爸真好!1w0-954 >>


内容简介:苏红珊一睁眼发现自己穿越到了古代,茅草屋,破院子,吃了上顿没下顿,还附赠了个壮汉子夫君和一对面黄肌瘦的儿女。可谁能告诉她,她的人设为什么是恶毒继母?努力改了人设,修复了母子关系,做美食 ,开酒楼,发家致富,把日子过的蒸蒸日上。可为什么这好好的继子继女忽然摇身一变成了皇子公主?就连自家这壮汉子夫君都成了将军?只是这将军也实在太虎,苏红珊忍无可忍大怒:“韩夜霖,你无耻!这日子没法过了!”韩夜霖:1w5173-25526 >>


内容简介:甜甜夫妻互怼日常。《巧逞窈窕》第二部已完结,戳作者专栏。民国新坑《世界之王》正在更新。感谢读者山山友情提供封面,感谢读者mimi手把手教我上传づ ̄3 ̄づ╭~立意男女平等1w0-7826 4 >>


内容简介:肆意挥洒激情的游戏人生,打破现实框架的无尽幻想!各位书友要是觉得《重生之人皇》还不错的话请不要忘记向您群和微博里的朋友推荐哦!各位书友要是觉得《重生之人皇》还不错的话请不要忘记向您QQ 群和微博里的朋友推荐哦!1w0-72181 >>


内容简介:  上一秒在和小姐姐压马路,下一秒澪却穿越到了海贼王世界,带着一个能抽取基因、录取基因、融合基因且培养生物的系统,开始了在海贼王世界里的惬意小日子。没事儿的时候抢一抢献给天龙人的天上金 ,或是抓几只小猫咪小兔子养成。感到无聊了,就在新世界各大强者地盘走一圈,逛一逛。生活如此美好,何必动手动脚呢~【新书:从火影开始交易诸天】【讨论群:978153722】1w0-3716 >>


内容简介:翻开史书,宋朝绝对是一个让人意难平的朝代。经济、文化发达,但是军事力量孱弱,受尽欺辱;然而曹操穿越成武大郎之后,一切都不一样了……潘金莲变得忠贞了;岳飞不含冤而死了;宋朝也不积贫积弱了 ;诸位好汉,且随我曹操一起平金灭辽,一统天下!1w0-105615 >>



Www.you Are So Busted.com

A girl has to transfer to a new school on a scholarship. She can't refuse because the person who offers the scholarship is her mother's boss. On her first day of a new school, she discovers things are not what they seem. 'Snow White' greets her with a threat in front of the school. She encounters the rude 'King' who also force her to leave like 'Snow White.' Later, she learns she is 'prophesized' to be the 'Queen,' future wife of the 'King,' by the 'Priest.' What is with this superstitious school!

Renai Joujou

Tsubasa, a normal teenage girl, promises to her dying grandfather that she'd fufill his last wish. However, it turns out that she must marry the heir of a tea ceremony school due to her grandfather's promise? What?! But, there are two heirs, so she must decide who to marry, or if to just run away from her problem.

Junjou To Furachi

Collection of short stories about sweet schoolboy-romances, includes: 1) Junjou to Furachi Hiroto is shocked when his best friend Satoshi tells him he likes Nao-sempai. But he accepts his friend's choice, even though he can't tell Satoshi about his past with Nao... 2) The Pretender Katase is trying hard to pretend he's normal. He avoids Amero and tries to forget his feelings. But Amero is having none of it, and Katase gives in, granting Amero two weeks to see if this is the relationship he wants. Will Katase give into guilt, or will Amero's love win him over? (from BAA) 3) The Green that was Reflected in Your Eyes Popular student Takamiya brushes a caterpillar off mysterious rich student Sonoda's shoulder. Sonoda is so happy, he begins to buy Takamiya many expensive presents; he also never leaves Takamiya's side. Can Takamiya get Sonoda to stop buying him expensive gifts? Does Sonoda really want to give Takamiya more than just an iPod? (from AF) 4) Second Love Uenaga and Haruno were best friends throughout school, even wearing the same clothes. So why doesn't Haruno remember Uenaga at their school reunion? Is there a deep dark secret that should keep them apart? Do they have another chance for love? 5) I want to become your most important one Tomo always says, 'I like Yukihiro.' But Yukihiro can't take him seriously because Tomo's always smiling. Yukihiro's own feelings are a confused mess; does he like Tomo, or love him?

Jitsuroku - Adachi Mitsuru Monogatari

This is the tale of how Adachi Mitsuru went from being an assistant artist on a weekly manga to the superstar manga-ka we know him to be today. But it’s told (and written by) Mitsuru’s older brother Tsutomu, who was also an assistant artist early on in their careers…

Dead Wood

Dead Wood summary: Dead Wood summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Dead Wood. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

Pictures of German Life in the XVth XVIth and XVIIth Centuries

Pictures of German Life in the XVth XVIth and XVIIth Centuries summary: Pictures of German Life in the XVth XVIth and XVIIth Centuries summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Pictures of German Life in the XVth XVIth and XVIIth Centuries. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

By Right of Purchase

By Right of Purchase summary: By Right of Purchase summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of By Right of Purchase. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

Eternal Log

Eternal Log summary: Hi, nice to meet you! I’m Haru!
As long as I can remember tou-san and kaa-san weren’t around so jii-chan and baa-chan raised me!
And I noticed that I seem to be different from everyone else!
As it is because my future is insecure, for the sake of having a stable income I will try my best to become a great adventurer!
By the way, I’d like to give marriage a shot so let’s say I have marriage aspirations!
Though whether someone will take the me who is different from everyone else…
Ah! Being negative is no good!
Well, even though I’m starting with a minus I’ll try my best!
The current target is the lowest line of the requirements for marriage: stable income!
From here on how will my life turn out? Please watch over me!
….eeeehm “Below is a rough summary of the story” seems like!
Then, my best regards!

Eternal Log
The ancient race’s treasure.
Long ago.
Superior physical strength.
Overwhelming magic power.
Those who carried knowledge of the principles of the world were called the Ancient Race governed the world.
The Ancient Race were said to be the descendants of the G.o.d of Creation.
The Ancient Race used their knowledge to invent machines, by means of magic and machines they achieved a never before seen degree of growth such that the people lived without discomfort.
However, the civilization of magic and machine that developed the world suddenly faces its demise.
Sent from the distant past to the future, Haru, whose parents were gone, was raised by his grandparents.
However, Haru noticed that he was slightly different from everyone else.
And so, a certain event envelopes the boundary of the world, and the gears of fate start turning.

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