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类别玄幻 都市




















类别都市 恋爱 生活






内容简介:司宁池穿成了当下最热漫画里的女配疯批皇后,她很美,可是疯了。为了入宫杀了自己同父异母的姐姐,把她葬在桃花树下,一脸欢欣的望着景王笑:“你说你喜欢她,你睁开眼看看啊。”“哦,你看不见啦? ”那容色绝美的女子笑的张扬夺目,似是在欣赏着什么旷世佳作。霸权凌驾与六宫之上的皇后娘娘,世人厌之弃之却又惧之,穿来后的司宁池缩起脑袋做人,可……赵宗珩眉头紧皱:“朕怎么觉得……皇后病的更重了。”朝野上下都言谈皇上1w0-74606 >>




内容简介:左手江山,右手是你!余我三载年华,换你一世繁花!孟婆:“情海无涯,回头未必是岸!这一世,你们是夫妻,可是你把她救回去,三年后你死去,下一世,你也会忘记前世今生,你还换吗?”刘飞:“换! 一定要换。爱一个人就要拥有这一世,若是有缘分,相信下一世,同样会相遇。就算是不能够相遇,我也要在预先的轮回中等她!”“一万年太久,只争朝夕。我想说爱一个人,一万年真的太久了,而下一世也太遥远了1w0-28997 >>


内容简介:一点来自未来中国技术宅男灵魂的智慧,一点来自日耳曼贵族性格的刻板,通过神秘的力量穿越时空,混合在神圣罗马帝国小贵族的身体中,无人能够想象的反应即将生。看中国技术宅灵魂穿越中世纪,运用自 己的智慧和高贵血统,在黑暗混乱的中世纪杀出一条通往荣耀之路,他是骑士誓死效忠的主人,德意志佣兵忠诚拥护的队长,贵妇人们爱慕的宠儿,贵族中的贵族,马枪与长矛,长弓与弓弩,长剑与战斧,带您穿入中世纪。1w0-95111 >>


内容简介:每天早上十点更新【放弃治疗的神经病小甜文】直男少年程安然穿越到玛丽苏文里,成了个恶毒短命的女(伪娘)配——但特有钱还特好看!每天看镜子都要怒舔十遍,恨不得镜子里的他是自己老婆。幸其自己 是爷们,又痛哀自己不是妹子,哎程安然不愁吃,不愁穿,每天还能看狗血八点档,这样的生活,简直就是人生赢家嘛!哎呀呀,男主的玛莎拉蒂又被碰瓷了,惨。哎呀呀,男主的办公室又被女主霸占了,好惨。哎呀呀,男主的豪娱又被男配砸场子了,惨惨惨。欢天喜地吃瓜中,直到他的爆米花被当事人抢走男主:二郎腿都翘起来了,戏看得很爽是吧?陈安然:我木有,我不是!(滚筒洗衣机式摇头jpg)丧病小剧场1爆马后的陈安然遥遥头,四十五度角忧伤望天男主什么的都是大骗子说是钢铁直男结果上来就扒人家裤子。丧病小剧场2霸总深情告白后程安然:那什么,我是男的钢管直。霸总的笑容渐渐消失告白告了,鲜花送了,钻石定制好了,现在你说你是个男的?ok没关系,是男的你就给我受着吧程安然严正抗议:我认为这样不行!霸总:但我认为这样相当阔以!【广告时间】——接档文《大佬龙在线卖萌》戳专栏最上!!!【放弃治疗系列现代捉妖文】小道士安阳重生了,没带系统,没激活异能,不是天赋异禀的那种重生只是怀里多了几个神奇宝贝精灵球——特么既能捉人,又能收妖牛逼一词叫破喉咙!然而在夜黑风高下,他捉到了只的上古凶兽卧遭,这只皮得不行又怂,又懒,看似大爷,还只电自己人简直是只废掉的皮卡丘养不动!养不动!安阳看着自己支付宝余额,陷入沉默。捉狂的安阳:你给我从球里出来,我要退货!烛龙装傻:皮卡,皮卡?安阳冷漠:快闭嘴。请不要玷污他可爱的皮卡丘。【老流氓装萌烛龙攻x老妈子心累训练家受】小剧场一号【初遇】烛龙:卑鄙的人类!你居然强行和我定下契约!!烛龙:不要脸!安阳:哥哥,是你自己钻到球里去的【熟透了后】烛龙暗戳戳买了套女装问:用怎样的卖萌姿势可以让我家阳阳穿女装安阳:滚。给好友打广告:《古董花瓶他成精啦!娱乐圈》by那一年幻耽苏爽文【文案】顾青是一个放在博物院里面的古董小花瓶,经过几千年吸收的日月精华,终于修成正果,化为人形。化为人形的他被星探一眼相中,带着自己一瓶子的玉露精华闯进了娱乐圈。由于相貌出色,在一众明星中也尤为突出,他很快就火了起来。某娱乐记者:“您对网友说您是花瓶怎么看?”顾青:“……这么说不严谨,严格来说,我是花瓶成精了。”记者:“???”各位书友要是觉得《男主又给我买女装穿书》还不错的话请不要忘记向您QQ群和微博里的朋友推荐哦!1w0-69699 >>




内容简介:大魔导师靠边站着,不用魔杖,不用念咒,我也会演绎强大而华丽的魔法。。九阶魔兽?你别逞能,没有血,没有肉,木头金属还不照样上天入地。。。十万兽族大军?我好怕?怕你们有来无回。。。我是谁? 我是个机械师,脑细胞比你全身的细胞还要多。1w0-81593 >>


内容简介:  宇智波启来到这个世界后一直小心翼翼,他发誓自己一定要谨小慎微,苟到结局。可是有一天他接到了一个任务——掩护波风小队炸毁神无毗桥,宇智波启知道自己要倒霉了.....(关键词:火影、木 叶、忍界 另:波风水门没死,别问了……)1w0-1653 >>




内容简介:将嫡姐拽进被窝是由木网瘾少女所写的高辣浓情类小说,本站提供将嫡姐拽进被窝最新章节阅读将嫡姐拽进被窝全文阅读将嫡姐拽进被窝免费无弹窗在线阅读,如果您发现将嫡姐拽进被窝更新慢了请第一时间联 系小兵。1w0-29911 >>

Anata Ga Watashi To Kurashitara

From Midnight Scans: When you’re in a relationship with someone, truth is, it’s a complete necessity to live together with that person. Read this masterpiece that sketches out various couples’ trembling hearts in this “living together”-themed compilation. Room 1 Momochi, a short haired lass is in love with Kouta, a 2nd year student in her university. However, she found out that Kouta likes girls with long hair and so happened that her friend was able to invite Kouta for the drinking session that she was supposed to go! She bought a long hair wig in order to attract Kouta but when they're making love, trouble arises?! Room 2 Saki was invited to live together with her boyfriend, Masaya who works as a weekly publication reporter. Although they're living together, Saki doesn't see him much at home and starts to get lonely. One night, she woke up and found Masaya sleeping in the living room...? Room 3 Tsukiyama has a crush on Kanaya and likes him because of his kindness towards her. One day, her roommate kicked her out of the apartment they were sharing because her roommate's boyfriend is coming back so she had to find her own apartment to live in. Tsukiyama went over to Kanaya's apartment and asked if she could stay there for a month. As they live together, Tsukiyama's feelings began to deepen and she had a feeling that she was restricting Kanaya so she decided to move out?! Room 4 Mayu is a designer that works at home. She hired an assistant who then turns into her lover. However, Mayu likes guys who are good with cooking and sadly, Yoshitaka isn't like that. Although she's quite disappointed with that fact, she likes the sex with Yoshitaka. But still, she's quite dissatisfied with 'something' and decided to look at some vibrators... Room 5 This story revolves around Mamiko (Tsukiyama's friend from story 3) who was awaiting for the return of her boyfriend who was studying abroad but her boyfriend cheated on her with a blond chick and thus, they broke up. Mamiko was heart broken and then, she suddenly met a foreigner by the name of Joshua, who needed a place to rent. The last thing that Mamiko wanted to see is a person with blue eyes. Still, she let him rent the room in her apartment and as they live together things starts to change... Room 6 In order to help her friend, Midori decided to live in Mai-chan's apartment. Mai-chan decided to leave that apartment because she want to get away from her ex-boyfriend who so happen to live next door as well. When Midori moved in, she noticed the huge hole in one of the rooms and of course, which apparently leads to her neighbor's room next door. As she greeted the rumored ex-boyfriend of Mai-chan, she was captivated with the handsome lad and began to fall in love with him. But why did Mai-chan broke up with this kindhearted guy? Who exactly is he? Midori have to find out, all this through that captivating hole... Last Room A tiny extra story regarding to the Room 6 story~


Okita Tsurugi is a 3rd grader who's father passed away when he was a young child and he lives with his mother. His father was a famous tennis player and Tsurugi yearns to play tennis too and joins a tennis club and meets a girl, Sanada, who's a tennis prodigy.

Amon Saga - Tsuki No Miko

Amon Saga - Tsuki no Miko summary is updating. Come visit MangaNato.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Amon Saga - Tsuki no Miko. If you have any question about this manga, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

Strawberry Kiss

“Even though he’s this close, I can’t reach him at all.” A popular male model, Nashiro’s parents died and he was passed around from relative to relative until he arrived on the doorsteps of Mitsuki’s home. Entranced by his smile, Mitsuki has always been in love with him. However, he’s well-known for dating beautiful women, and she doesn’t feel up to par with these girls. Will she ever be able to make him look at her? - Akaboshi Mitsuki is a normal high school girl who wakes up, goes to school, the usual, except she lives with the guy she loves, Kurosawa Nashiro, who is a popular model. Kurosawa Nashiro has lived with the Akaboshi for two years now because of his parents death. Since they live together Mitsuki decides to give Nashiro a bowl of strawberries every day. Kurosawa Nashiro is nice and popular but when Mitsuki confesses to Kurosawa Nashiro her look on him might change!!!!!!

Caldwell Brothers: Hendrix

Caldwell Brothers: Hendrix summary: Caldwell Brothers: Hendrix summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Caldwell Brothers: Hendrix. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

The Wolf Husband and Green Plum Wife

The Wolf Husband and Green Plum Wife summary: An Jia Qi said : The most unfortunate thing that happened in her life is knowing Su Zhan Mo, because he is a lot harder to please compare to her biological dad.
An Jia Qi said : The luckiest thing that happened in her life is knowing Su Zhan Mo, because whenever there’s parent – teacher conference, her biological father does not need to partic.i.p.ate.
An Jia Qi said : The happiest thing that happened in her life is knowing Su Zhan Mo, because after getting married, she does not need to work, only staying at home to be a rice worm (having leisurely life)
“Su Zhan Mo, are you eating valuable kidney growing up? In three years, I birthed two babies, do you think that I’m a mother pig?”

The History of Henry Esmond

The History of Henry Esmond summary: The History of Henry Esmond summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of The History of Henry Esmond. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

The Spear User that Couldn’t Become the Hero 《Protagonist》

The Spear User that Couldn’t Become the Hero 《Protagonist》 summary: In 2031 A.D. mysterious crystal bodies referred to as 『C.E.』 attacked. Humanity was gradually pushed down the road to ruin.
This is the story of a great hero who save the Earth from destruction with his shining holy sword――not.
In history during humanity’s grimmest hour, this is the story of the overshadowed hero, a lone spear user.
In often cases, this would be a story about a cheat protagonist and his harem; but, this story is from the point-of-view of a supporting character that shows the conspiracy behind such plots.
Basically, the theme is school battles.

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