
































内容简介:  科技图书馆:科学的至高境,就是神学;  长生不老,飞天遁地,呼风唤雨,移山填海。这些神话传说,科学是可以实现的。想拿这些技术,必须拥有科技图书馆最高权限。  一次意外的救人,让陈默 收获了爱情,也获得收藏着无尽科技技术的科技图书馆,故事从此开始……  本故事纯属虚构,如有雷同,请进交流群:439923657(蚁巢)1w0-611 >>


内容简介:肖恩一觉醒来,发现自己穿越到了一个类似于中世纪的奇幻世界,还是一名男爵小领主,有属于自己的领地和城堡。在这个奇幻世界,有骑士和城堡,有教廷和预见家,还有法师和魔兽,更离谱的是,这里居然 有魔纹师和凶猛的巨人。他虽然重生为一名小领主,然而还没开心两天,就察觉自己的处境很糟糕。原来,他所在这块领地,是一块被诅咒过的死亡领地,短短十年之内,更换了九位领主,没有一个活着离开。1w0-125217 >>


内容简介:温情作文600字六年级作文我生于淮南,长于淮南,这里是我永远的故乡。但以后的事谁又能料,也许我会漂于他乡,在陌生的土地上挥洒着苦涩的泪水就像父亲一样。父亲童年生活在东北辽阔的黑土地上, 生活在与朝鲜隔岸相望的鸭绿江边父女两人的故园,一个天南,一个地北。十三年前,父亲因1w0-69990 >>


内容简介:  其实我是一个律师。  ――张·益达·爱情公寓唯一没有cp·斯内克·大炮·尔康·金甲战士·律政先锋·伟  群:905473207Ps:本书已完结,无大力,大力粉不要入坑了,会伤心的1 w0-3932 >>


内容简介:“叮——”尊敬的求职者,恭喜你被【奇珍博物馆】录取!一座不知何时建起的博物馆,一群从未谋面只在手机群里交流的同事,一件件从未听说过的奇异珍藏……一件奇珍代表着一个故事,每一个故事都是曾 经发生的旧事。准备好开启新世界的大门了吗欢迎来到珍奇博物馆!1w0-95503 >>


内容简介:【飞卢小说网独家签约小说:人在原神,成为深渊魔王】程洛穿越到原神世界,成为深渊魔王,被邀请加入二次元聊天。从此,诸天万界多了一个不干正事的魔王。木叶舞王:你也想要起舞吗?云顶霸王:让我 来会会你,偶来瓦劲夫,偶来瓦女人的终结者,给我欢呼。没有大葱的初音:求求你们别打了,再打下去我要笑死了。我真不是魔王:求求你们干点正事吧。沃茨:干点正事吧,魔王大人。恶魔女王:干点正事吧,魔王大人。我有鼻子的:干点正事吧,魔王大人。……飞卢小说网提醒您:本小说及人物纯属虚构,如有雷同,纯属巧合,切勿模仿。1w0-76027 >>


内容简介:  狐狸窝系列之二看血狐女神如何叱咤乱世!别人穿越是宅斗宫斗打脸虐渣,迎娶皇子王爷走上人生巅峰。楚凌穿越是逃命、逃命、还是逃命!一朝穿越,楚凌看到了一个满目疮痍的世间。皇室女眷屈身为奴 ,黎民百姓命如草芥。以血狐之名立誓:天要亡我,我便逆天!既然当皇室贵女没前途,那就揭竿而起吧!*****************************************轻轻旧文盛世系列三部曲:《盛世嫡妃》墨修尧vs叶璃《盛世谋臣》容瑾vs沐清漪《盛世医妃》卫君陌vs南宫墨狐狸窝系列一:《权臣闲妻》陆离vs谢安澜1w0-746 >>




内容简介:蓝与紫的霓虹中,浓密的钢铁苍穹下,数据洪流的前端,是科技革命之后的世界,也是现实与虚幻的分界。钢铁与身体,过去与未来。这里,表世界与里世界并存,面前的一切,像是时间之墙近在眼前。黑暗逐 渐笼罩。可你要明白啊我的朋友,我们不能用温柔去应对黑暗,要用火。1w3583-93703 >>


内容简介:“当学校被封锁,从同学口中得知苗小善、杨间的名字时,我才知道自己来到了神秘复苏的世界之中。没有金手指,我该如何活下去……”本书关键词:恐怖悬疑《在神秘复苏中求生》小说推荐:前方动漫有高 能、异世之虫族无敌、梦幻西游:我能看见收益、大唐:开局炸了太极殿、奸臣、星际之亡灵帝国、灵气复苏:开局获得麒麟臂、狼王梦、斗罗之武魂殿主、都市之创造万界、望族嫡女、大唐:开局被长孙皇后跪求假冒李二、快穿:她养的黑化大佬是神明、职场小白升职记、至尊强婿、从斗罗开始俘获比比东、综英美从蝙蝠家开始的DC全员乙女向发展、塌房少女重生记、从大树开始的进化、独占成婚、足球:史上最强中锋、荒唐岁月、逍遥兵王洛天最新章节、从林正英世界开始修道、锦衣娘子、综我终于也成为了一瓶假酒、带着空间快穿、横滨coser说穿就穿、大天师、子夜十顶点1w0-81240 >>


内容简介:般宿偶得神级印武系统。印契、古武道法和地球星际文明的结合,踏着血与骨,殷墟学院历练,妖魔乱世中霸皇遮天。般宿被神级系统寄宿后,生活就变了。系统﹕宿主心生恶念,欲要抢夺小女孩手中糖葫芦, 扣除一功德点作为警告,再有触犯,将百倍扣除惩戒。般宿:我……省…分享书籍《神印遮天》作者:紫夜血花1w0-110895 >>



Lucid Dream

Yi Raeeum, a boy who is always conscious in dreams. A spectacle in a dream... a street in a dream... a life and death drama where the secrets of dreams and a fate following a young time intertwine.

Star Children

In a near future where humans have safely traveled to Mars, the space program is looking to go to Jupiter for the first time in history. For Subaru Yuuto, Amami Kousei, one of the elite astronauts of the crew of the Jupitneer (the ship heading to Jupiter), is not only a person that he looks up to but is also a dear friend of many years. But tragedy strikes and a malfunction causes an explosion in the Jupitneer and the ship goes missing in deep space, most believing the crew to be dead. Even with the devastating loss of a friend and hero, Yuuto joins the Core Space Academy to become a super class astronaut (aka Sirius) just like Kousei once was and explore parts of the universe that has not yet been known to man. The competition is cutthroat and he has to become the best of the best if he wants to be where his hero once was. Although the fear of the unknown is immense, Yuuto must learn to overcome it and become the hero for the next generation.

Kanojo No Honnou

Compilation of short stories: • Kanojo no Honnou Her Instinct 'I want to crush every love that began with a love letter.' Natsume began a relationship with a love letter. 3 months later, she got dumped. As she's walking home, she bumps into her classmate Aji-kun who's on his way to give a girl a love letter. Natsume decides to crush that love... • Todoketai Want to Reach You 'At home, along with the thoughs that make me choke inside... there's the 'make-believe family' that I have to pretend to be a part of...' Mana hates going home to a house with no one in it... but when her mother decides to remarry, Mana begins to hate going home even more. Because at home, there's Shin. • Mekakushi no Joousama The Blindfolded Princess 'I'm the queen of the library... if I'm seen, I'll disappear.' Inoue Yoriko can't refuse when people ask her for things, so she gets bullied at school. The only reason she goes, is to see Maki - the guy she loves. She thinks he hate her, so she can't confess to him. But when he hears her voice in the library, and tells her he loves it, will Yoriko decide to show her face or stay hidden forever? • Multi-Vitamin 'You are just.... A vitamin drug.' That's what Ichimiya Ai says to a guy right before she dumps him. As she is walking in the hall, she sees her junior sleeping against the wall... but why is her heart beating just looking at him? When the guy, Natsu, asks her out, she accepts... but something feels different about him... • Lovex2 de Kishi Love Love Knight 'Quickly, throw me away already! Don't hurt me more than you already have...' When Satsuki Mio confesses to the insanely popular ''Knight-kun'', she is so nervous she totally messes up (it's her first time confessing). Amused by her pureness, Knight-kun asks her to be his lover. At first, Mio can't believe she has such a good catch for her first boyfriend... but what if he doesn't really love her?

Night Flower

Night Flower summary is updating. Come visit MangaNato.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Night Flower. If you have any question about this manga, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.


What's-His-Name summary: What's-His-Name summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of What's-His-Name. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

Virtual World: Unparalleled Under the Sky

Virtual World: Unparalleled Under the Sky summary: Lu Chen was one of the ranked players on CGL Hall of Fame for the VRMMORPG , and his in-game name Fallen Dust was resounded throughout China.
When , a new VRMMORPG released by the same game producer as , was released, he, along with thousands of other players, decided to have a brand new start on the highly antic.i.p.ated game. Then, the guild master of his previous guild on , He Yi, suddenly decided to create a game studio and dragged him along. Thus began the journey of the legend of an unparalleled player, Fallen Dust…

Starfishers Triology - Shadowline

Starfishers Triology - Shadowline summary: Starfishers Triology - Shadowline summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Starfishers Triology - Shadowline. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

Memoirs (Vieux Souvenirs) of the Prince de Joinville

Memoirs (Vieux Souvenirs) of the Prince de Joinville summary: Memoirs (Vieux Souvenirs) of the Prince de Joinville summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Memoirs (Vieux Souvenirs) of the Prince de Joinville. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

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