




类别都市 恋爱 少女 总裁


双向暗恋小漫画~是我自己的恋爱小故事~ 各种轻松小日常,希望大家看得开心我也画得开心。 真人真事童叟无欺看过都说好甜(拇指 不上色,无压力随缘更新。 是珍视的回忆所以不接受任何ky!ky怪都要挨揍!!




















黑鹰中队是 DC Comics 于 2011 年 9 月推出的月度系列。该系列与 DC 长期运行的黑鹰角色的前身没有直接关系。这部漫画的背景是现代,没有出现或提及以前的黑鹰,尽管有一个新的“黑鹰夫人”。这本漫画分享了在 闪点中设置的重启 DC 宇宙连续性的设置,并且是 DC 新 52 计划的一部分。






内容简介:杜星宇有一款黑科技模拟器,能模拟各种科技技术的发展和进步,探索科技文明的方向。第一次试验试验名称星际时代试验地点一号地球试验对象全人类试验进度大学还没毕业的我,准备开始造火箭,飞出地球 了!1w3898-45807 >>


内容简介:二十八岁生日之后,黄豪杰就经常做一个怪梦,那是一个蒸汽朋克国度,他是皇帝更是神。一开始黄豪杰还还以为自己是日有所思夜有所梦,然而接下来的事情让他不得不怀疑,这是一个真正存在的平行时空。 因为他……本站提示:各位书友要是觉得《银河科技帝国》还不错的话请不要忘记向您QQ群和微博里的朋友推荐哦!1w0-83387 >>


内容简介:  【无敌流】【十里坡剑神】【无厘头】……李楚穿越到十里坡,成为了一名小道士。在这个神鬼横行、妖魔肆虐的世界,弱小无助的他本想在十里坡苟活一世。直到有一天,不得已踏入江湖,他才发现…… 原来世上没有什么是一剑解决不了的。如果有。那就两剑。1w0-1491 >>


内容简介:  千古隐门,一脉单传。秦阳为弥补师傅的遗憾踏入了中海大学的校门,从此开启了一段传奇……1w0-551


内容简介:地摊小子叶开捡了块玉石,意外得到透视能力,更有个绝代妖女住进他的身体!从此生活多姿多彩,赌石?一眼看穿!美女?一眼看透!还做了美女们的保镖,“大小姐,我是保镖,不是保姆,暖脚洗衣,不是 我的工作吧?”1w0-29800 >>




内容简介:冲击境界失败的苏方,全身经脉扭曲变形,沦为废人,永远无法再修行,却意外得到一面神奇的古镜,而在古镜的深处,他遇到一个来自神秘世界的强大存在,开始走上逆天双修之路。 修肉身,逆天改命! 摸天门,誓为修士! 看少年万里寻父,一步步在万千天才之中脱颖而出,斗苍穹、逆星辰成为盖世巨神!1w0-4316 >>


内容简介:入赘三年,苏毅一直是别人眼中的傻子废物。一场意外,他获得了上古幽戒的传承,恢复神识后,无数的能力灌入他的脑海中!从今往后,那些看不起他的人通通被打脸。他不再是个傻子,而是龙城的最强战神 !1w17150-25135 >>




内容简介:【重生苏撩甜宠双洁】渣男点燃火把,阮烟憎恨了一生的男人霍司琛不畏火光朝她走来。房梁倒塌压住了他,火舌在他身上肆意蔓延,可那双抱住她的手臂却始终纹丝不动。阮烟重生后都没有办法忘记当时的场 景。漫天火光里,他在她耳边呢喃说:“烟烟,我不畏惧灰飞烟灭,只想带你回家。”他清冷孤傲,却做了她一辈子的卑微舔狗。他冷漠绝情,却把心捧到她面前任她践踏。面对上辈子深情如斯的男人,阮烟想做的只有:“老公,亲亲。”“老公,抱抱。”“老公,我想和你生一屋子孩子。”一向矜贵自持的男人红了眼圈,环住阮烟纤腰的手一紧再紧,“烟烟,原来美梦成真是这种感觉。”幸福和快乐充斥在心间,和她在一起的每一秒都像是在放烟花。重生娇软哭包!偏执大佬宠妻成瘾最新章节地址:1w0-66909 >>




内容简介:心脏病突发昏迷醒来后,耿瑶穿成了《娇妻太妖娆》里那个反派大佬私生子的亲妈。才刚过18岁的耿瑶还没来得及高考,先体验了一把身怀六甲的感觉。只是原书里,这个倒霉的炮灰女被心狠手辣的反派大佬 去母留子,还没见到自己的孩子,先死在了手术台上。耿瑶穿过来后知道了自己的结局,哭得眼睛都肿了,怯怯地拉着大佬的衣摆。“哥哥,我不想死。”大佬掐着耿瑶的纤腰,狠狠地将她按在了床上。“谁让你死了?”·放飞自我狗血苏爽文·大家和平讨论剧情,请勿上升作者么么哒。·微博:长翅膀的木甜接档幻言《穿成男主死去的白月光》江筱语一觉醒来,发现自己穿成了小说《娇气包逃婚99次》里,那个男主已经死去的白月光。小说里,这白月光好是好,只可惜从小体弱多病,年纪轻轻就得病去了。现在换成了江筱语,她健健康康的,一点病痛都没有,自然要过不一样的人生。男主:我不许你跑。接档都市《小心动》十四中的池叶是全校皆知的小霸王,武力超群、嘴炮满分。隔壁班有男生欺负女生,池叶冲过去,一脚踹翻了对方的桌子。“我警告你,以后……”坐在后面的易淳懒洋洋地揪住了她的校服衣摆。“同学,你把我的奶茶打翻了。”人人都说,易淳就是个妖孽,连霸王花见了也要化成绕指柔。实际上只有两个人才知道,池叶才是那个妖孽。“池池,你过来让我亲一下。”更多文请专栏里淘1w0-64112 >>

Pokemon Dp

Volume 1: New friends, new lands, and all-new Pokemon--the next chapter of one of the greatest adventures! Most kids spend their days at school, but not Hareta. Raised in the wild by Pokemon, he can climb as high as an Aipom, swim as fast as a Magikarp, and even eat bark like a Bidoof! Recruited by Professor Rowan, Hareta decides to become a Pokemon Trainer. Along with his first Pokemon, Piplup, and his new friend Mitsumi, he sets off in search of the Legendary Pokemon Dialga. But Team Galactic is hunting for Dialga too. Can Hareta and Piplup defeat Team Galactic and stop their evil plans? Volume 2: Hareta, Mitsumi and their Pokemon friends continue on their quest to find Dialga, the legendary Pokemon that rules time! As they journey through the land of Sinnoh, Hareta and his partner Piplup grow stronger every day--while ruining Team Galactic's schemes and getting into plenty of Pokemon battles along the way! In Celestic Town, they come across the first major clue to Dialga's whereabouts but discover that Cyrus, Team Galactic's boss, has beat them to it. After battling with Cyrus, Hareta's even more determined to improve his skills as a Trainer. Luckily, he meets just the man to help him do it: Canalave City Gym Leader Byron, one of the toughest teachers in all of Sinnoh. Will Hareta and Piplup be able to pass Byron's test at the Fortress of Steel?

Hell’S Tormentor Kraken

Controlling the Queendom of Sevek’s female prison with the Power of the Kraken! From the author of Akame ga Kill and Mato Seihei no Slave!

Sirius No Kizuato

[From StudioRobb]: This is the story of a teenage boy named Takeru Tachibana and his struggle to recover his sister Sayoko from a 'cyborg dogfight circuit'. When Takeru was 10 years old, his town was bombed during an enemy air-raid in which his parents were killed and he was mortally wounded. Sayoko, cut deep with 'survivor's guilt' and a 'co-dependent' inability to deal with living alone, rashly sells her brain to the Albion Corporation run by a mysterious CEO named Véltare Marçeau in order to pay for a risky surgical operation that Takeru may or may not survive. Her brain is placed in a cybernetic body, the process of which essentially eliminates the brain's memories and heightens its aggression. Her new identity is The White 13, or 'The Ice Doll', and for the next five years she is placed on a dogfight circuit fighting other cyborgs in gladiator-style extravaganzas where she eventually becomes the grand champion and obtains the rank of 'sirius'... The story begins shortly after Takeru has liberated his sister from the dogfight circuit only to discover that, outside the cicuit, Sayoko's brain has a 'self-destruct' mechanism and that she is dying. Takeru has one week to find a way to cure his sister or return her to the circuit or she will die. Adding to the problem are the 'dogged' efforts of the Albion Corporation to recover 'their stolen property' as well as a cast of characters who all have their own scars of some sort...

Mekakushi No Kuni

Mekakushi no Kuni is the story of high school student Outsuka Kanade who can sometimes see a person's future with a touch, and transfer student Naitou Arou, whose ESP is limited to past events. When Kanade glimpses an unfortunate incident coming, can she change it? She soon befriends Arou, who's no novice. While Kanade’s power is limited to the near future and is somewhat incontrollable, Arou’s is permanent and he can even use it to see an object’s “memories”. Are these teenaged seers of the past and future made for each other? And who's right: Arou with his 'hands off' policy about meddling in people's lives, or Kanade whose more proactive stance has already had unhappy consequences?

The Tea Rose

The Tea Rose summary: The Tea Rose summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of The Tea Rose. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

St. John's College, Cambridge

St. John's College, Cambridge summary: St. John's College, Cambridge summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of St. John's College, Cambridge. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

Biblia Koshodou no Jiken Techou

Biblia Koshodou no Jiken Techou summary: Biblia Koshodou no Jiken Techou is a mystery series in which Shinokawa Shioriko, a young owner of a bookstore in Kamakura, unravels the mysteries of the ancient books that are taken there.
The story begins with a young man named Daisuke, who practically grew up without reading books due to his phobia, who brings the complete (and autographed) collection of works by Natsume Soseki, (j.a.panese writer of the Meiji era) that he inherited from his grandmother, to the mysterious bookstore. Will the shy and introverted Shioriko solve the mystery of the books?

The Spiritual Attainment Of Minghe

The Spiritual Attainment Of Minghe summary: The Spiritual Attainment of Minghe is a Chinese fantasy fiction containing themes of cultivation, Sages, Demons, Sorcerers, and Chinese Ancestors. Minghe, reincarnated from an IT nerd in the modern world, sets his mind to change his history and create another legend in Untained Land. No one knows how many secrets he has or how powerful he is. What will happen in this afterlife of his? How can he pursue the power of the Origin in order to change his history? Discover all the answers in this book.

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