














简介“求总裁放过!”—— 他怀中妖媚风情的酒吧歌手,就是那个暗恋他多年未果的眼镜男孩。本想不再相见,但第二天却偏偏成为了他的贴身助手!?受尽屈辱……双面娇男隐藏身份,是为躲避旧爱,还是另有隐情?


双向暗恋小漫画~是我自己的恋爱小故事~ 各种轻松小日常,希望大家看得开心我也画得开心。 真人真事童叟无欺看过都说好甜(拇指 不上色,无压力随缘更新。 是珍视的回忆所以不接受任何ky!ky怪都要挨揍!!
















内容简介:  “无耻夏平,抢我秘籍,夺我丹药,夺我未婚妻,我和你不共戴天。”  “他是武道之耻,人类蛀虫,是人渣败类。”  “无恶不作,连三岁小儿的棒棒糖也抢,老人过马路都不扶。”  “四处惹是 生非,各大家族的天才都被他殴打过,人神共愤啊。”  炎黄星无数武道强者对夏平咬牙切齿,简直恨不得将其挫骨扬灰。  而夏平面对这么多人的仇恨,淡定的拉出“超级仇恨系统”界面,看着上面各种好东西,摸了摸下巴:“都积攒到这么多仇恨值了,不知道是兑换圣品丹药混沌丹,还是绝世武学如来掌,或者是神器乾坤鼎,真是烦恼啊。”群:3619768001w0-618 >>


内容简介:重生之上错花床嫁对郎最新章节列表及全文阅读。震惊!一夜情对象竟成了自己老公,小受居然这样做……在庞大的家族群,沈时光谨言慎行,处处算计,可聪明一世的他却因反抗家族而成为牺牲品,临死前沈 时光发誓,若有来生,继续反抗!下载小兵阅读APP支持正版阅读不就是嫁男人嘛,可以!谁说结婚不能离婚的?重生之后的沈时光可劲作妖,把白莲花演绎得惟妙惟肖,我就不信老子作成这样你还不肯离婚!作天作地妖精受和冷面腹黑流氓攻下载小兵阅读APP支持正版阅读究竟会擦出怎样的火花hhh【校园文《不良爱情》多多支持呀】【《娱乐圈恩爱法则》也捧个场吧】下载小兵阅读APP支持正版阅读1w0-25567 >>


内容简介:一场意外穿越到将夜的世界,就没有什么系统帮助,有的只是类似与前世一款名为天刀游戏里移花职业的功法。既然没有系统的帮助,那么这个拯救世界的任务就交给同为穿越者的宁缺去做吧,我,只要负责吃 好,喝好,活好,做我自己就好。1w0-70420 >>


内容简介:《妻孝》作者:性心魔。当心情转变了,也就感到了身体的需要,饥饿感袭来,吃着儿媳给煮的面条,想着刚才儿媳拉着我,那调皮的样子,真是即可爱,又贤惠。想想,这些,不去想悲伤的事,让自己的心, 慢慢放松。儿媳给自己放洗澡水,让我想起了,自己的女人,如果自己有这份幸福多好。看着儿媳用手试着水温,感到无比的幸福。而当儿媳要出去的时候,我们竟然在门口卡住了。儿媳那尖尖的乳尖,竟然碰到了我的胸膛,让我身体一震,栗莉没有回头的走了,让我有事叫她,如果她回头,会发生什么呢?我能把持住自己吗?1w0-97612 >>


内容简介:【新言情征文】【穿越异能甜宠爽文】听说联邦最高级学院从垃圾星招上来一位治疗师,全星际都炸了。“治疗师?我难道还生活在五百年前吗?现在谁还需要治疗师?”“可惜了这么好看的脸,只能当个美丽 废物。”“治疗师滚出星际!别浪费星际资源!”……战场上,指挥官:“准备进攻,治疗师当诱饵。”机甲师:“开始休整机甲,治疗师1w0-91953 >>


内容简介:新书《大阴阳真经》已发!……宠物如皇,唯我异世药王!聂空,中医医师,满级药师玩家,带着游戏里的BOSS附生在一个病秧子身上。从此,这个被认定活不过十八岁的家伙开始变得生龙活虎。一段神奇 的药王之旅就此展开…………本站提示:各位书友要是觉得《异世药王》还不错的话请不要忘记向您QQ群和微博里的朋友推荐哦!1w0-76118 >>




内容简介:关于娱乐之全能综艺巨星:【火箭更新】苏浩制霸《向往的生活》《中餐厅2》《创造101》《无限歌谣季》《我是大侦探》《中国新歌声3》,成为综艺巨星!有人说苏浩只会综艺秀的时候,他自导自演的 《战狼》上映,万人空巷!苏浩说:我真是大巨星!粉丝说:谁与争锋?1w0-95412 >>


内容简介:  太古时代,强者如云,有妖族巨擘,仰天长啸吼碎域外星辰,有人族无上大能,挥手斩碎万古苍穹。更有太古龙象,掌管亿万星域,统治诸天万界。  而曾经最为强大的太古禁忌神术太古龙象诀却自太古 时代结束便消失不见,时至今日,太古龙象诀已经失传亿万年。  无尽岁月后,落魄少年林枫偶得太古第一禁忌神术太古龙象诀。  当林枫从世界最北部一个偏远小城走出之后,一段传奇由此展开。  这是一个强者如林,万族争锋的世界。 问苍茫大地,谁主沉浮?  林枫凭借太古龙象诀,战天斗地,横扫诸天强者,霸绝万界。  群号:426393872,群号2:5939226371w0-21 >>


内容简介:重生于1978年的陈漫,面对年迈的奶奶,倍受打击的妈妈、青梅竹马、情窦初开的少年,一团乱麻般的家,心里的念头就是:好好生活、好好挣钱、好好学习,改变此生的命运! 陈家有我,何其荣幸! 重整门庭待后生!1w0-2969 >>




内容简介:【飞卢小说网独家签约小说:绑定国运:开局扮演铠,镇守国门】资源日渐枯竭,神秘的【域外禁地直播】突然降临。全球197个国家,各选出一位选手进入禁地!选手与自己的国家绑定,在禁地获得的一切 资源,都将百倍具现到现实当中。而早就激活扮演系统,扮演着‘凯’的叶枫,成为了九州选手。沙漠绿洲前当叶枫击杀凶兽,准备占领之时,他国选手也赶了过来。叶枫戴上面具后,毫不犹豫的冲了过去。“什么情况,一刀秒啊!”“这位九州的白发小哥哥,开挂了吗?”【一个人可以被毁灭,但绝不会被打败!】【无限接近死亡,更能醒悟生存的真谛!】【这里有我,并且不只有我】飞卢小说网提醒您:本小说及人物纯属虚构,如有雷同,纯属巧合,切勿模仿。如果您喜欢绑定国运:开局扮演铠,镇守国门,别忘记分享给朋友作者:隋唐向往所写的《绑定国运:开局扮演铠,镇守国门》无弹窗免费全文阅读为转载作品章节由网友发布。无弹窗推荐地址:1w0-84912 >>

Baby Pink Kiss

[From ShoujoMagic]: This volume is a collection of short love stories. Story 1: Romantic Love Complex The rumors of Hitomi's sexual exploits are getting out of hand, and Hitomi's nerdy boyfriend, Gaku, of course has heard them all. With his parents' vacation house all to themselves during the holidays, he's determined to have Hitomi turn him into a real man. What he doesn't know is that Hitomi started the rumors herself because she was too afraid to admit that... (!!!) Story 2: Hold Me, Holy Knight Kana has broken up with her boyfriend just in time to make Christmas very lonely. That's when she meets Iikura, a handsome stranger who offers to be her boyfriend for the sake of the holiday. He's a little unorthodox, and shy in the one way that Kana expects a man to be aggressive. Charmed by Iikura's eccentricity, will Kana give both her body and heart to him before the holy night is over? Story 3: Totally Pure Heart It's Valentine's Day at Kurumi's school, and Kurumi made chocolate the night before with someone specific in mind. When it comes down to sink-or-swim, and Kurumi must present it or be stuck with her own hand-made chocolate heart... she sinks. Running from her embarrassment (and her persistent friends), she ends up alone in a room with Matsuura, one of the most popular boys in school who is also doing his best to evade Valentine's Day. Although he's weighed down with chocolate gifts, he's determined to steal Kurumi's pure chocolate heart... Story 4: Flower Couple The continuation of 'Totally Pure Heart.' Kurumi's friend Chisato is well-meaning when she suggests that confessing love for Matsuura or sleeping with him too often will make him grow tired of the relationship quickly. Kurumi is also well-meaning when she brings Chisato and asks Matsuura to invite a male friend for the 'camping trip for two' that Matsuura planned. Getting mixed signals from Kurumi and being scrutinized by Chisato, Matsuura is frustrated, and it's only a matter of time before someone cracks. Story 5: The Glass Shoe Doesn't Fit Mia and Ikurou have been friends since childhood, but lately Ikurou has taken an interest in the lovely Satoe. While Mia drops subtle hints that Ikurou fails to pick up, she gets to constantly hear how she's not quite as cute as Satoe. It becomes too much for Mia, and when another handsome and highly sexual student asks her to be his girlfriend, she has no good reason to refuse. When Ikurou learns of Mia's new male acquisition, the lovely Satoe suddenly seems less attractive to him, but his realization may have come too late...

Apocalypse Meow

Inside the jungles of Vietnam, a courageous Special Ops. Unit is fighting the most infamous war of decades past the Vietnam War. This bold account follows the brave exploits of Sergeant Perky? Perkins and his unit?of rabbits! Join Rats, Perky and Botaski as they fight against the cats of the Viet Cong. From the Tet Offensive to the My Canh bombing, watch these commando-style bunnies through an anthropomorphic lens as events unfold and violence erupts. On-human cast of characters notwithstanding, this compelling and painstakingly-researched work places an emphasis on factualism in order to accurately portray the events of the Vietnam War. With a fresh perspective on one of history's greatest calamities, Apocalypse Meow is a daring new take on a conflict that won't soon be forgotten especially after these young rabbits are done!

Hatsukoi Shinjuu

Fall from a building, fall in love. Shinji was a high-school guy without a future. He went up to the roof of a building with plans to jump, only to run into his beautiful teacher, Shinanoya-sensei! Then she made a shocking proposal that would change Shinji's destiny... An exuberant tale of double suicide from the pen of a genius!!

Honki De Nakechau Koi

A collection of 6 short stories. Each revolving a dramatic love story. Story 1: Crevasse (Sakurai Machiko) Is it right to just look him from far away? To never talk to him? Is it that there's really no reason to.... Story 2: Te wo Tsunaide ikou (Nekoyama Miyao) Mikiko plans to date Sasaken after the image of his 'back was suddenly stamped' in her memory at the entrance ceremony. But how will they progress after a misunderstanding caused by her kouhai, Nari-chan? Story 3: Aishiteru yo hana (Minato Rin) In a cruel twist of fate, right before Christmas, Hana's husband Tanesaburo is killed when he is hit by a truck. This is the bittersweet story of the young widow's Christmas. Story 4: Towa no uta (Mitsuya Omi) Toya and Chiaka have been singing together but when the time comes for their debut Chiaki doesn't want it anymore. What caused this decision and how will their relationship end? Story 5: Cinderella no kutsu wo sagashite (Niiya Moeri) Story 6: 1999 nen chikyuu saigo no koi (Takahashi Rie)

Mr. President, Your Wife Is Too Overbearing!

Mr. President, Your Wife Is Too Overbearing! summary: He is the president of a powerful company, strong and overbearing, unable to be slighted. The cold and lofty him, on a whim, protected her by bringing her to his side, gradually becoming a habit. Indulging her became his cause, his deep infatuation with her preventing her from escaping. “I will allow you to be willful, but it must be within my scope of permission. At that time, you had gifted yourself as a birthday present to me so you are mine in this lifetime! From head to toe, you are mine! A single strand of your hair is also mine!” He says.

Joe Strong on the Trapeze

Joe Strong on the Trapeze summary: Joe Strong on the Trapeze summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Joe Strong on the Trapeze. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

Battered Young Miss

Battered Young Miss summary: Zhang Mi is in a dire situation. Her boyfriend of over over six years cheated on her with his co-worker. Cheating scandal are very hard to overcome. Out of frustration she seeks out her childhood friend Lu Yi. This marks the start of a budding romance, while growing in her role as his lover.-----------------------The cover is not mine, all credits go to the creator

The Natural History of Chocolate

The Natural History of Chocolate summary: The Natural History of Chocolate summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of The Natural History of Chocolate. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

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