









Another me



简介由玉皇朝代理出版的港版日本漫画《花样男子》。日文原名《花より男子》(Hana-yori Danshi),是日本漫画家神尾叶子的长篇少女漫画,1992年至2004年在集英社出版。




















内容简介:简介:萧墨白穿成反派后,只想洗白自己每天起床第一句:你今天也在为洗白自己努力了吗?但剧情总是越走越远,主角和反派都在ooc的道路上一去不复返简单来说,这是一个反派绞尽脑汁洗白自己的历程 。1w0-109995 >>


内容简介:这是一个似是而非的聊斋世界,太后临朝,风华正茂,然朝局动荡,妖鬼频出,一场席卷大周的风暴正在酝酿。当王宵睁开眼的时候,悲哀的发现,老爹押送丝绸,半途失踪,家里欠了五万两银子的巨债,债主 们排队上门,织造局催着要货,未婚妻家想退婚,却又当又立。作为家里唯一的男人,理当挺身而出,可是……地狱般的开局怎么破?1w0-93059 >>


内容简介:1984年,香港影坛划时代的一年,因为84年的年尾,20岁的陈平安,从美国回到了香港。他最爱说的话:“我是个讲究人。”“信平安,得永生。”他偶尔也会说的话:“要是你不答应,把你手脚打断 !”“如果你敢拒绝,划花你的脸蛋!”这就是他,上帝与撒旦的结合体,香港影坛的守护神,护佑香港电影长盛不衰的——大平安!本站提示:各位书友要是觉得《香江一九八四》还不错的话请不要忘记向您QQ群和微博里的朋友推荐哦!1w0-80664 >>


内容简介:《妖孽大叔请自重》是春小风精心创作的修真小说,小兵实时更新妖孽大叔请自重最新章节并且提供无弹窗阅读,书友所发表的妖孽大叔请自重评论,并不代表小兵赞同或者支持妖孽大叔请自重读者的观点。1 w37283-74580 >>


内容简介:整个大陆都不明白,为什么董阳要主动与那些根本不曾威胁他的强大力量为敌?所有知道真相的人都排着队去挠墙了……由此可见,许多伟大英雄的崛起往往都源于,他们还是普通人时一个不为人知的荒唐念头 !-------72700809-豆子是个数学家新书《小仙有毒》已经上传,是个快乐的修真故事,希望大家支持哦!下面有直通:)1w0-81320 >>


内容简介:EVE萌新玩家石蛮,穿越来到浩瀚的星际时代中,获得了EVE中的科技。智能生命、战舰、空间站等等,通通都能拿到现实中。文明争霸?形体战争?外面太危险,稳(pa)重(si)的石蛮只想苟在荒 芜的阿尔法星域中玩游戏、搞建设。直到一支溃逃而来的星际海盗的到临……PS:本书又名《EVE萌新生存指南》、《EVE高安死亡攻略》……1w0-76712 >>


内容简介:官家小姐被贬为贱籍,入宫做了宫奴,不幸成为帝后博弈的牺牲品。花开两朵各表一枝,失忆前她是媚香酥骨的宫奴,失忆后她是一本正经的诰命夫人。陆晗蕊皇上自重!毕灵渊你是朕的!忘记了没关系,朕会 身体力行,帮你恢复记忆。一些七七八八的情况说明【】关于设定1、关于帝后的感情,之后会渐渐明了,两人一开始都不是因为感情在一起,迄今为止帝后两人都在演!戏!2、确实是11,男主和女主睡过后就没睡过其!他!人!了!好惨的皇帝……【】关于标准1、剧情章10一章,这是上限,不会加价。2、肉章根据字数在50100之间,100为上限,不会超出范围,请大家放心藏,大口吃肉。【关于投珠珠】请点击【我要评分】,就能投珠珠了哦,每天都有两颗的,比心————————————————————————新书《又当又立》1w0-81670 >>


内容简介:秦宛如上一辈子死的很惨,过的也很惨,亲事一波数折,被拒婚,再拒婚,再再拒婚……重回到十一岁,砸花轿,拒亲事,跳围墙,救姨母,桩桩件件都是从根上绝了自己上一世悲剧的源头。可这是谁?上一世 最后成功篡位的废太子?他伸出腿的意思是让自己抱?这闪闪发光的金大腿是抱还是不抱呢?如果抱了要采取什么样的姿势抱才比较好呢?秦宛如咬咬牙,决定抱了!只是抱着的姿势太过妙曼,金大腿决定要让她抱一辈子了!这可怎么破?各位书友要是觉得《医品太子妃》还不错的话请不要忘记向您QQ群和微博里的朋友推荐哦!1w0-30555 >>


内容简介:闻乐的爷爷是为了创作跑到山区一住几十年的文学泰斗。 闻乐从小跟爷爷奶奶住在山区。闻乐上学后才发现家里只有一块黑白电视而同学家中都有彩电。于是小小的闻乐早熟的知道,她是穷苦出身,要努力。 - 可是渐渐的闻乐发现了有哪里不对。闻乐小心翼翼地给爷爷打了个电话。“爷爷,我考上大学时,你和爸爸送的那两把钥匙什么意思?”爷爷哼哼一声,道:“我送了你一四合院,你爸送了你一栋楼。”闻乐小心肝一颤,“那前几天爸爸让我签名的那个文件呢?”爷爷冷哼一声,“我怎么知道,不过你爸最近买了个宝石矿。”闻乐小心翼翼问道:“爷爷,我们家真的不穷?”爷爷气得直骂笨蛋。-闻乐和男女不近的高岭之花校草周考在一起后,全校轰动。周考是出身豪门的大少爷,而闻乐是山里的穷孩子。门不当户不对,闻乐成了想要嫁入豪门的心机女。直到有人偷拍到两人视频。视频中,周考竟然主动将闻乐堵在无人角落,把玩着闻乐长发,“据说你身上这套价值百万的珠宝,是路边儿摊花20块淘来的?”闻乐笑道:“大概摊主是我爸。”“不过这位小哥...”闻乐挑起周考的下巴,媚眼如丝,“你这千万级美色怎么卖啊?”被誉为地狱级难度,谁都追不动的高岭之花周考却近乎痴迷,低头吻下去,声音喑哑,“承惠10块。”闻乐笑着躲开,“10块有点儿贵吧?”周考恩咬牙,吻上去,“我倒贴10块。”全校震惊! 【以为自己是山里穷苦出身富而不自知的绝美学霸女主 X 暗恋多年不自知的神颜大佬男主】 ○女主富N代○双箭头暗恋。○男女主以前认识并互为对方爱情启蒙和心理阴影,但文中会不定时出现真香和火葬场情节。○甜爽无虐【土味玛丽苏雷慎入】1w0-4543 >>


内容简介:诸天视频:开局盘点十大功法!全民修武的社会,手无缚鸡之力的林默作为一个扑街,隔三差五被觉醒的读者催更表示很绝望。突然绑定了一个诸天视频投影创作,可以创建视频发布诸天万界,让诸天万界人员 看到1w0-76917 >>





Otoko Wo Misete Yo Kurata-Kun!

Kurata Yuki is staying alone at home while his parents are off on their vacation. His childhood friends Nekoyanagi Mei and Inui Sayo are helping him with the household stuff in the mean time. Mei is outspoken and active while Sayo is calm and knowledgeable. They have known each other for their entire life and they treat each other like they were real siblings. Little do any of them know, they’ll be involved in a love triangle a year from now.

Good Morning Call

Nao Yoshikawa stays behind to live by herself when her parents leave to inherit her grandpa's farm in the country. On the day she moves into her new apartment she soon discovers that it was rented also to Hisashi Uehara--a cute, super-cool, popular guy from her school. Not only did their housing agency unexpectedly close down, the landlord of the apartment tells them that they had to pay more for their aparment then they had expected. With no money and no home to return to, Nao and Hisashi decide to live together as flatmates. *Contains a oneshot called Kare to Kanojo ni Hanataba wo (His and Her Fortune Bouquet) in vol. 1: Harumi has been tricked by good looking guys before, but what if Kazuya is different?


Oneshot about a virtual reality social networking service. Like the one in Accel World.

Renai Kyoutei Nukegake Nashi!

A childish student, Shirou carries a torch for his teacher, Oka. Masami, a good friend of Shirou's, who has cherished him like a brother, is confronted by Ryuuji, another friend of them, concerning his true feelings for Shirou. Masami and Ryuuji conclude a gentlemen's agreement, in which either of them cannot hit on Shirou. Ryuuji orders Masami to substitute and take care of his sexual desire instead of Shirou.

Dragon-Marked War God

Dragon-Marked War God summary: Dragon Marked War G.o.d is a very popular, and highly rated online novel with exciting and interesting content. The story is combined with different genres such as action, adventure, comedy, fantasy, martial arts, and romance among others. Su Yue Xi is the author of this book, and it is published on NovelOnlineFull. So if you are interested, you can find it there. The story is most suitable for readers who prefer long stories because there are almost two thousand chapters available as part of this novel, and the new updates are on their way as well. So if you are a fan of a story that never ends, this is the right solution for your entertainment.
This story contains one great character with extraordinary abilities and power. He is so powerful that he can make real miracles. He is even capable to create new worlds, so his power can be of tremendous benefit for millions. However, he can also be dangerous at moments, especially when enemies appear. This powerful figure was the greatest saint in the past life, so he inherited many of his powers from that period. However, he was born again at the beginning of the story, and he is ready to start and develop new adventures.
It is almost impossible to compete against this guy because he is virtually unbeatable. With effectiveness of 100%, he is a real nightmare for every opponent in this story. The saint speed is also unquestioned, so others are unable to oppose him even when it comes to that aspect of the martial arts.
This former saint has preserved the enormous experience fro the past life. And it now enables him to use all kind of fighting techniques and eliminates virtually any enemies out there. You can find truly good fighters in this story. The action is the main genre, however, no one of these great masters possesses the skills and experience from the past life. That’s why the former saint is much better than any of them. And he was very powerful in the past life, he was not just a regular guy so that matters too.
But he is not the satin anyone as well, and he is named Jiang Chen in this new life. Jiang has dressed appropriately to a man of his abilities and supernatural powers. There are different features of his cloths, and he has a handsome figure and long black hair. It is totally clear that he is a very strong individual even at first sight. You do not have to know about his past, but you can conclude that by his appearance only.
Jiang has a big love for his friends and family, however, he is merciless to his opponents. That’s why many are willing to avoid any type of confrontation with him. Jiang is calm in every situation, no matter how dangerous that can be. He can handle it without any problems. Despite his kind nature, he can also manipulate with others to take different advantages if necessary.
All in all, the story hides different twist and turns, so you can enjoy various events. And that’s the best thing a reader can get from a novel of this kind.

Mother West Wind

Mother West Wind 'Where' Stories summary: Mother West Wind 'Where' Stories summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Mother West Wind 'Where' Stories. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

Adventures in the Land of Canaan

Adventures in the Land of Canaan summary: Adventures in the Land of Canaan summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Adventures in the Land of Canaan. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

Pretty Michal

Pretty Michal summary: Pretty Michal summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Pretty Michal. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

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