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内容简介:《随机捕捉一个气运之子》隐世多年的强者为何突然失踪;宗门宝库为何频频失窃;王室血裔为何频频惨遭黑手;这一切的背后究竟是人性的扭曲,还是道德的沦丧。……“消耗一品气运值,随机捕捉开始。” 这一天开始,夏阳走上了到处攫气运的道路。也是这一天开始,老夏家走上了蹭气运的道路。龙门神湖、幽冥地窟……世界的面纱一步步的掀开。你以为我们是主角升级流,实际上我们是家族流。你以为我们是家族流,实际上我们还建立了一个国家。你以为我们建立了一个1w0-84470 >>


内容简介:  蓝天白云间在振翅飞翔的曦光星鸟,苍茫草原上在奔袭狩猎的迅影云豹,斑驳雨林中在树影潜藏的酸蚀巨蟒,幽蓝深海下在掀起风浪的白垩沧龙。林远发现自己能让灵物无限进化,不断提纯血脉。粉尘蝶— —精钢蝶——翡翠碧蝶——碧玺皇蝶这是一本纯粹的宠物文,一个御兽师的世界。 书友群:10193630041w0-1436 >>


内容简介:她曾是受人供奉的佛宝,一朝被魔头挟持为脊中刀,忝为魔头的顶梁柱尚能胜任,要替他冷刀杀戮,阿弥陀佛……这成何体统?……他曾是小国太子,朝臣权贵变着法儿让他腾东宫之位。太子不好当,那就去做 官,却得了断案如神的美誉。朝臣都说,殿下做官是块良才,做太子……,就还差些火候。……只有她知:他白天断案缉凶,夜晚潜身搞事,查案真凶一人包揽,“魔头我劝你向善,这么下去,国要被你玩坏。”……太子笑容和善,只一双眼1w0-28310 >>


内容简介:  资深代练雷蒙穿越《大航海》游戏世界,本想靠熟悉剧情的优势挣挣小钱,当条富裕的咸鱼。  可他却没想到意外获得了世界头号禁忌大反派的传承,强制敌对世界政府。  放眼望去,举世皆敌。   “什么?你说海军元帅正密谋要肛我?”  “纳尼,我怎么成海贼王了?谁特么要害朕,封了咱这么一个拉仇恨的名号?”  雷蒙拧下了手中王下七武海的脑袋,一脸懵逼地看着印着自己头像的SSS级悬赏令。  怎么就...成海贼王了?  魔改海贼,非同人。  PS.新书《超凡机械城》已发布,欢迎品鉴~1w0-3670 >>


内容简介:周自横穿进《炙情难消:残疾总裁爱上我》一本穿着品如的衣服,却走了小清新路子的总裁文。从主角变成了残疾总裁的炮灰情敌姜宥,被迫绑定了豪门狗血系统。系统说:豪门和狗血更配哦系统还说:你要是 拒绝任务,系统会有一千种方法让你从这个世界消失!姜宥OS:你们这个系统是叶良辰开发的???为了苟命,他只好拉住严老二:“乖,帽子戴好,别掉了哦”严老二:“……”严老大:“家仇公司皆可抛,唯有弟媳最重要!”严老三:“今天也要做个专业的接盘侠,坐等二哥甩手。”主角受:“白月光只想住在你心上”主角的仇敌:“我,世纪小仙男,就算人类绝种,也不会看上姜宥!”严仲修坐了半年轮椅,原以为这辈子都起不来。没想到一靠近姜宥,腿竟然能恢复知觉?十米,九米,八米,七米……滴,0米!严仲修:手给我拉一下,我要去洗澡。姜宥:“……”严仲修:“手给我拉一下,我要去健身。”姜宥:“???”你好骚啊!本书又名《穿书后,我成了残疾总裁的拐杖》1V1甜健气流氓受X假高冷真闷骚粘人攻立意富强,民主,文明,和谐。1w0-29787 >>


内容简介:  轮到郑英奇讲他的经历了,他慢吞吞的靠在了箱子上,惘望着天空,慢慢说道:我啊,在《士兵突击》里面受过训,也在《我是特种兵》的世界里面虐过菜鸟,后来啊,我也曾在《亮剑》里面打过仗,也在 《兄弟连》里面服过役。这时候有人插话:“就这些吗?”郑英奇摇摇头,缓缓说道:除了这些,还有,有《兵临城下》、《黑鹰坠落》、还有……群号:626685740,问题答案:666。……新书《我是影视剧中最凶的教官》已经发布,有兴趣的老爷可以去看看。嗯,大概就是一个兵在军旅影视剧中做教官的故事。1w0-2244 >>


内容简介:萧萧重生在了她十八岁那年。她面临着以下问题:一:高考二:减肥三:打脸当秦渊止向萧萧告白的时候,萧萧十分震惊。萧萧:“我们还不怎么熟……”秦渊止(微笑):“可我已经暗恋你六年了。”男神突 然撩我怎么破和编编商议,定于12月五日周一开v,届时请小天使们支持正版生前后男主不渣。偏轻松,爱古耽的请戳哟以身相许的一百零八招接档坑,脑洞大开之作,依旧果对胃口的话请先收着呦每天都要攻略反派1w0-81814 >>


内容简介:免费提供作者罄靥的经典小说:《装Alpha被标记了星际》最新章节全文阅读服务本站更新及时无弹窗广告欢迎光临观看小说ABO,先婚后爱,强取豪夺。【入v七年前,希尔接到了他的先生战死的噩耗 。心如死灰了整整七年之后,某一次再拍卖会上,又一次看见了熟悉的面容。被当做商品,展现在人前。以最高价成交之后,走向后台,希尔发现曾经风趣体贴的爱人,正瑟瑟发抖的躲在角落里。“还记得我吗?”“我花了一个亿将你夺回来,你要和我回去,这辈子都和我在一起,哪儿都不能逃。”邢霄只顾着摇头,神色中尽是惊恐,“求求您,放过我好不好?”1w0-34653 >>


内容简介:重生于1978年的陈漫,面对年迈的奶奶,倍受打击的妈妈、青梅竹马、情窦初开的少年,一团乱麻般的家,心里的念头就是:好好生活、好好挣钱、好好学习,改变此生的命运! 陈家有我,何其荣幸! 重整门庭待后生!1w0-2969 >>


内容简介:啥,你说知识是第一生产力,没毛病。3028年,人类历史经历了一个大的断代,开启了全民创造世界时代,知识通过创造产生,再通过互相吞噬凝聚,血腥的黑暗森林时代还在延续……如果您喜欢全民打造 世界,别忘记分享给朋友作者:雍洋所写的《全民打造世界》无弹窗免费全文阅读为转载作品章节由网友发布。无弹窗推荐地址:1w0-83428 >>

Ginga Densetsu Riki

Riki, the grandfather of Weed and father of Gin, was born a runt. He was fathered by Shiro and mothered by Yamabuki. Shiro`s owner, Gohei, pays no attention to Riki when he comes to pick a pup from the litter. Instead, Riki is never rehomed and becomes close to his mother. Unfortunately, Yamabuki`s true owner, who had been sick, was healthy enough to take her back. She didn`t feel she could handle two dogs, and decided that he would not take Riki in. Riki severely missed his mother, and one day set out to meet her. On his way, he is attacked by a pack of dogs. Hopelessly outnumbered, Riki tries to escape and falls into a river. Waking up, he learns that his father, Shiro, has rescued him. Riki had never seen his father, but had known his name. Shiro, on the other hand, didn`t know that Riki was his son and left before Riki could say anything. But, not before giving him a speech on being strong. Riki makes it his goal and constantly tries to get stronger. One day, a child named Daisuke takes a toy car (one children can ride in) through a roaded mountain pass with an incline. Riki, while traveling to see his mother, notices him racing down. A truck, not seeing Daisuke, hits the boy and sends him flying over the road railing. Afraid that he is dead, the driver moves on. Daisuke, although only bruised, is knocked out. Riki jumps onto a ledge and howls, hopeing someone would hear. Instead, the pack that attacked him heard him and came. After being abused, the pack came to hate humans and attacked Daisuke. Riki, in an effort to save him, fought against the dogs and succeeded in winning. Gohei and Shiro eventually showed up, and the pack ran off. Shiro finally found out that Riki was his son. Gohei, Shiro, and a few others head out to fight Akakabuto. Seeing this, Riki follows the van. Gohei intends to kill Akakabuto, but the bear is too strong. Gohei shot the bear in the eye, and the bullet became lodged in the beast`s brain. This made him go insane and, while biting Shiro, fall over a cliff. Riki witnessed all this, and was distraught when his father fell. These events set the stage for the future series, Ginga Nagareboshi Gin.

Fu Junai

From Alice Dreams : When Onosaka Kumiko returns home from grocery shopping, she finds a stranger waiting for her, in front of her house. The stranger, Shinohara Yuki, is an old collegue of her who quit working because of an illness - which cannot be cured. So, Shinohara wanted to tell her his feelings before he dies. Together, they start to live in Kumiko's house while living with the thought that Shinohara will die soon... From Baka-Updates: Contains 6 short stories: 1. Fu Jun Ai: One day, Onosaka Kumiko returns home from grocery shopping and finds a stranger waiting for her in front of her house. The stranger turns out to be Shinohara Yuki, an old crush and work colleague of Kumiko's who quit 3 years earlier because of an incurable illness, and all he wants is to confess to Kumiko before he dies. Knowing that he'll die soon, Kumiko takes pity on Shinohara, invites him to live with her, and soon becomes his lover. But are her feelings really only pity? And is there something Shinohara's hiding too...? 2. A sin to love you: Yuu is the top hostess at an escort club for a reason: she loves getting her guy—but she loves being in control even more! So when shy and conservative Mochizuki becomes her newest client, his reserved behavior perplexes her. Every night she pulls out her best feminine wiles, so why isn't he falling for her already? In desperation, she drags the hapless 'Shin-kun' to a love hotel, where she discovers a very interesting secret about him. Could it be that the tables have turned and now Yuu is the one in danger of falling for Shin-kun? And is that the only secret of the man of her dreams? 3. Can't live without you: A follow-up to 'A sin to love you'. 4. The Deceitful Fingers When homeroom teacher Miyagi's assistant goes on maternity leave, her replacement is the handsome Kiritani Riku. For Miyagi, it's attraction at first sight, but Kiritani seems stuck on an unrequited love—a former teacher of his and the reason why he came a teacher himself. Crushed, Miyagi gets drunk at a welcome party for Kiritani and passes out in front of everyone, but she wakes up to a most unexpected companion...and an even more unexpected proposition! 5. Can I love you dearly? Nishizawa's supervisor Nagase is a devil! His handsome facade can't hide his critical and exacting management style. Then she discover's his secret- he's a fanatical pet owner that loves his cat. The softer side of Nagase is proving devastating to Nishizawa's vision of her boss! 6. How Shinohara-san spends his weekend (bonus story)

Steins;gate - Heni Kuukan No Octet

Okabe Rintarou, the mad scientist of chaos, invented a time machine and disappeared. He goes to through the world line trying to unravel secrets....what awaits him? More trouble?

100% No Kimi E

Always giving in to many little things, Yuzu transfers from a prestigious girls' school to a co-ed because of her family. Since the first day, she felt uncomfortable with the too open ethos of the school. While trying to fit in, she met a guy who she is irresistibly attracted to. He, Yuzu, and a puppy, form a map of love together.

Dearly, Beloved

Dearly, Beloved summary: Dearly, Beloved summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Dearly, Beloved. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

Tiger and Tom and Other Stories for Boys

Tiger and Tom and Other Stories for Boys summary: Tiger and Tom and Other Stories for Boys summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Tiger and Tom and Other Stories for Boys. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

Leaves of Life

Leaves of Life summary: Leaves of Life summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Leaves of Life. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

Ryuugoroshi no Sugosuhibi

Ryuugoroshi no Sugosuhibi summary: The sky. That was the first thing that the young man saw. The deep blue sky.
“Without a warning or any reason I, Watase Kousuke, was thrown into another world. I killed a dragon and saved the n.o.ble girl Horun who was sent there as a sacrifice”
After killing the dragon, his power greatly increased and he was granted the chance to live in a different world.
Together with Horun, they went to the home of the Witch Alice to ask about this world. After learning about the events leading to Kousuke appearing in this world, they went to the city Bera.s.sen in order to test if he will be able to survive.
This is his adventure.

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