


































内容简介:  美食up主陈羽进入游戏异世界。系统提示:击杀魔物角兔,完成新手教程,获得游戏初始奖励。陈羽看着这只新手教程里刷出来的名为角兔的魔物,鲜活好动,体态肥美。“先不管什么新手教程和初始奖 励,这兔子……无论怎么看都很好吃吧?”群:9482119601w0-3192 >>


内容简介:地球陷入危机,第一批闯关者进入闯关世界。闯关世界极尽凶险,通关者生,失败者消失,全人类不能幸免。莫砚非酋了二十几年,一朝进入闯关世界。闯关声音不怀好意:非酋体质加成,关卡难度up,祝您 饱受磋磨!莫砚愣住,饱受磋磨?快逃。非酋体质加成,莫砚被关卡boss追杀,一不小心闯入黑不见光的树林,死亡概率急速上升。谁知身后传来声音:追杀时间过长,能源消耗完毕,停止追杀!莫砚兵不血刃,顺利通关。饱受磋磨?不可能的。一拳就是一个关卡boss,看我如何C位通关。看着榜单池上金光熠熠的名字,莫·C位·砚邪魅一笑,天赋技能【以我为主,为我所用】在手,任你是非酋体质还是欧皇体质,通通让步,拜倒脚下。关长洲看着天赋技能带给自己的欧皇体质,望向旁边的人,耳朵有点红,假装淡定道:你开心就好。-组队闯关拿道具,朋友一生一起走。我们的地球,由我们自己来守护!聪明腹黑乐观吐槽非酋受×温柔强大坚定深情沉稳欧皇攻莫砚×关长洲C位通关,拯救地球,顺便谈了个恋爱?阅读指南:①1v1,强强②无限流,不恐怖③有单人副本也有团队副本④其他的想到再加吧⑤最后,祝大家万事顺遂,阅读愉快!1w0-106366 >>


内容简介:正经版文案苏令蛮这个大胖妞临近及笄,被至亲的表哥退了婚,城野尽嘲,活得像个纯粹的loser但她成功完成了着陆后的反戈一击,成为大梁国朝野皆知的倾国妖姬,不世巾帼;梁史曰:蛮后自定州出, 美冠天下,武帝爱矣,散后宫三千,独尊一人。轻松版文案当你受尽欺负了怎么办?阿蛮:打回去!当你胖得受尽嫌弃怎么办?阿蛮:减减减,减去蝴蝶臂,减去大象腿,管住嘴,迈开腿!当你美得闪瞎各位书友要是觉得《蛮后》还不错的话请不要忘记向您QQ群和微博里的朋友推荐哦!1w0-67803 >>


内容简介:请假:这两日太忙,今日无法更新,抱歉!防盗说明,订阅达不到百分之六十,72小时后才能看到正文。开胭脂铺子的小寡妇看上了算命卜卦的鳏夫书生成亲后小寡妇的日常便是宠夫,宠夫,宠夫后来,她的 鳏夫相公突然变成了皇上小寡妇的日常便成了被皇上宠,被皇上宠,被皇上宠言官进谏,“皇后娘娘曾经是个寡妇,请皇上废后。”皇上神情淡漠,“皇后娘娘曾为之守寡三年的那个人便是朕。”下一本待开文,求预收:《童养夫妇的互宠之路》皇帝陛下将那刚刚出生的小公主塞到榕桓怀里,“朕昨夜夜观星象,卜了一卦,卦象显示这是你媳妇儿,你带回府里养着吧!”于是,榕桓从此多了一个童养媳一个娇娇弱弱需要宠上天的小媳妇儿。长大后的公主殿下不乐意了,“明明他才是我的童养夫,是我打生出来那天起便‘娇惯’着的童养夫。”1w0-84978 >>


内容简介:狐女:“…”腾越:“你的话我真听不懂!”狐女:“…”腾越拿出手机,打开翻译软件。狐女:“…”[你想怎么死我都觉得不痛快去死…]腾越:“呃……”…简介无力,小说还是挺好看的。1w0-81 249 >>






内容简介:这世上,并没有那么多惊世骇俗的高手,也没有那么多坠崖不死的幸运。这世上多的是种种怎么选都不对的命运之择,和明知如此也非选不可的无奈。他是个懂得劫数之判的道人,知道命运却也无力回天。要选 择接受,还是反抗?——若反抗,要付出多少代价?放弃。舍不得放弃。离开。舍不得离开。死。舍不得死。生。痛不欲生。可真正的英雄必会面对一切,承受选择之苦。留恋世间算什么错?就当只为与最好的风景相遇,也要这样行行,重,行行。各位书友要是觉得《行行》还不错的话请不要忘记向您QQ群和微博里的朋友推荐哦!1w0-29435 >>


内容简介:〔免费玄幻,最热爽文〕少年陆鸣,血脉被夺,沦为废人,受尽屈辱。幸得至尊神殿,重生无上血脉,从此脚踏天才,一路逆袭,踏上热血辉煌之路。噬无尽生灵,融诸天血脉,跨千山万水,闯九天十地,败尽 天下英豪,修战龙真诀,成就万道龙皇。群号:5702747701w883-25853 >>


内容简介:炎夏国超级兵王,龙榜第一强者,全球第一阔少……无数光环在身的王锐,和一个小家族的女孩签订了合同婚约。所有知道王锐身份的人,战战兢兢:“王少,您到底是要闹哪样,我们很害怕!”王锐竖起一根 手指:“嘘,低调一点,不要让我老婆发现了,我就是个普通人。”1w19433-28572 >>



Present (Ikuemi Ryou)

1) Present This follows the main character through three periods of her life -- ages 13, 18, and 21. Aki leads a normal life. She has friends, a family who cares about her, and a talent for writing. There's nothing seemingly wrong with her life, or herself for that matter. But when the the start of a new school year leads her to be in the same class as Yoshiko, a classmate a year older than her who still carried with her noticeable scars from the horrific burns she suffered from a fire, she begins to discover the best and worst in herself. 2) The Whereabouts of the Prince For Haruka, Ami was a love at first sight. Everyone around him questions his tastes, calling her a plain Jane, but to him, it's as if she has a halo over her head. When he gets a friend to ask what her idea of the perfect guy is, she replies 'someone prince-like.' He takes this literally, and this sets him off on a journey to become the 'Prince' of her dreams. 3) There's Something I Want to Ask You Sae receives a phone call from Ayumu, a former classmate of hers. She finds it odd, because it had been years since they had seen each other, and back when they went to the same high school, she had never even spoken to her. When they bump into each other at their high school reunion, she finds that Ayumu has changed completely from her former high school self---with the help of some plastic surgery. With this chance meeting, they become fast friends, but there's something strange about Ayumu that she just can't put her finger on...


From Baka-Updates Ichiyo and Akehiko (both 15 years old) have been brought up in an amicable environment at a prosperous restaurant in Japan. They live a safe, happy life, but, as was the norm in Edo, they train at the local dojo with determination to become strong. The times are turbulent, and violence brims in the streets of nineteenth century Japan. Under such conditions the boys will have to learn what it means to wield a sword, take someone’s life, and understand the precarious life of living by the sword.

Defense Devil

Adapted from the oneshot Akuma Bengoshi Kukabara, Mephisto Bart Kucabara is a devil lawyer. In order to return to the demon world that he was exiled from he needs to collect enough Dark Matter. To do so he creates a plan to claim the Dark Matter from the souls of sinners sentenced to hell. Prove the soul's innocence and the Dark Matter becomes his. But how can he gather enough Dark Matter when his kind personality causes him to continually use it up in order to defend the soul from the Shinigami that has come to take them to hell?


From Infinity Studios: At the beginning of the 21st century a sudden increase in genetic mutations cause some people to be born with special abilities. However, these enhanced humans are not welcome amongst the general population. As time goes by, they are marked for exile and shunned by society, resulting in a life of crime for many. As their special powers make them difficult to apprehend, the government joins hands with an unofficial, secret group of bounty hunters known as Peigenz. The Peigenz organization is filled with the most gifted and highly trained mutated individuals. Jay Berell, the heroine of the series, is a normal high school student. During a battle between Peigenz and a dangerous serial killer, Jay find herself caught in the crossfire. This triggers her special mutant abilities and leads to her recruitment into the Peigenz organization.

Dotty Dimple At Her Grandmother's

Dotty Dimple At Her Grandmother's summary: Dotty Dimple At Her Grandmother's summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Dotty Dimple At Her Grandmother's. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

Thirty Years a Slave

Thirty Years a Slave summary: Thirty Years a Slave summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Thirty Years a Slave. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.


Covenant summary: Daimon (Covenant 0.5) 'Love in my world usually ended up with someone hearing 'I smite thee! ' as she was cursed to be some lame flower for the rest of her life.'For three years, Alexandria has lived among mortals--pretending to be like them and trying to forget the duty she 'd been trained to fulfill as a child of a mortal and a demiG.o.d. At seventeen, she 's pretty much accepted that she 's a freak by mortal standards... and that she 'll never be prepared for that duty.According to her mother, that 's a good thing.But as every descendant of the G.o.ds knows, Fate has a way of rearing her ugly head. A horrifying attack forces Alex to flee Miami and try to find her way back to the very place her mother had warned her she should never return-the Covenant. Every step that brings her closer to safety is one more step toward death... because she 's being hunted by the very creatures she 'd once trained to kill.The daimons have found her.

The Lightning Conductor Discovers America

The Lightning Conductor Discovers America summary: The Lightning Conductor Discovers America summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of The Lightning Conductor Discovers America. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

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