












简介话说有一个天真、可爱、可悲、懂事的小男孩,在幼时被梦中的圣诞老公公欺骗(?)下,在九岁起就虚报年龄地边打工、边上学,并十分努力地赚钱去养活自己那对废柴父母。 但好景不常,他在16岁的那年,因为父母输了大钱,而把儿子(即主角)的身体器官卖给黑道。在逃亡中,奇怪地和一名千金小姐产生下不解之缘,,之后就被委任为其管家。




















内容简介:贞观十年六月己卯,皇后长孙氏病危,群医束手无策。恰在此时,隐居太白山的神医孙思邈回长安给新收的徒儿申请度牒。李世民大喜,请孙思邈入宫诊治。“神医,此病你能救否?”“不能,但我徒儿能。” “不知贵徒在哪里?”“他,就在宫外。”老书《文唐》二百四十万字,有兴趣的书友可以去瞅瞅。1w0-89656 >>


内容简介:他胯下粗长的大鸡巴已经昂首挺立,叶柔顺从的将年轻人的鸡巴含入口中,叶柔的老公从来不敢要求叶柔为他口交,所以这是叶柔的第一次。但是叶柔显然运气不好,第一次就碰到了如此粗长的阳具,年轻人叫 黄天,是副警务署长,他家族3代都是警界的高官,虽然平日也玩了无数的女人,但是没有哪一个像叶柔这般性感迷人。阳具被叶柔吸吮了几下之后居然有要射的感觉,他马上抽出阳具,让叶柔背对他趴在桌子上,叶柔心知今日难逃被轮奸的命运,但对于这些高官,她不敢有丝毫的反抗,因为他们随时都可以置她于死地。感觉到火热的龟头已经顶在她的阴唇上,她反而有了一丝期待。1w0-96609 >>


内容简介:新文《宠你入怀傅少撩妻无下限》超甜宠文她是现代的神偷杀手,一朝穿越,掉入了那男人的怀中,因一手医术而被男人拐回他的地盘,从此开始了扮猪吃老虎;无奈男人身边麻烦不断,扮猪吃老虎的计划很快 失效,既然如此,她就不再掩饰自己,风华尽显,翻手云覆手雨,势必震撼整个大陆,让他们俯首称臣。他是大陆人称帝尊的君墨尘,初遇,那个女人掉入了他的怀中,因这女人能够压制住他的毒,他将她带回了邪域,怎料就此丢了心各位书友要是觉得《宠妻如命:帝尊的倾城妃》还不错的话请不要忘记向您QQ群和微博里的朋友推荐哦!1w0-109699 >>


内容简介:顾玖身娇体弱,是个搬块砖头都会喘的娇姑娘,偏偏有副大小姐的暴脾气。有一天,她被强按着头去逃生世界里做任务,任务千奇百怪,各种惊险求生,一群玩家被恐怖世界里的BOSS虐成小可怜,重则失去 性命。大小姐是受得了威胁的人吗?不仅粗暴地毁掉世界线,连同BOSS也被她虐成小可怜,顺手捞了个小可怜给自己当跟班。后来,顾玖交了个男朋友,男朋友是女装大佬,容易害羞,乖巧可爱又贴心,简直不能更符合她的心意。事情的真相却是,男朋友其实是逃生世界里最后的神裔——堕落之主,一个缺爱的神经病,不爱他就会毁灭世界的那种。别人毁灭世界只会毁灭一个,而他毁灭世界可是会拖着整个逃生世界毁灭,包括千千万万的小世界。因为这种可怕的破坏力,诸天万界所有的半神都盼着他们永远不要分手。1w0-1234 >>




内容简介:一个人砍翻乱世的人生之路。丧尸:吼。林凡:“大家都是邻居,为什么要如此暴躁呢。”林凡:“我还要去买菜呢。”林凡看着变成丧尸的小青:“小青,我买了几瓶水,已经扫码了哦。”林凡:“老板,我 想结一下工资。”阳光小区,林凡生活的小区,无数逃难者,蜂拥而至,寻求庇护。我们要跟林凡学习,遵守法律,打工赚钱,争取买房买车,在丧尸横行的城市里,做一位优秀的市民。1w94413-99025 >>


内容简介:黑将灬的新书《来自阴间的新娘》属于同人网游邻居结婚的当天晚上,新娘却因我而死黑将灬的小说作品来自阴间的新娘无弹窗阅读和来自阴间的新娘最新章节。来自阴间的新娘免费在线阅读1w21000- 29474 >>








内容简介:南翎修炼了近十万年,眼看着就要进阶神龙了,却在最紧要的关头被天雷劈到了下界一个奶娃娃身上。几万年心如止水的她瞧清自己的处境后简直想哭了。整个大陆灵气极度稀薄不说,本身资质还极差。不过好 在海中生物灵气十足,只要她足够勤勉,修炼有成也只是时间问题。知道她心思的人都笑话她,那海中的宝贝是多,可又有几人能有命去拿呢。南翎抬头望天一笑,别人自然是不可以。可她,是海中的霸王。食用指南:1女主成长系小言情,男主前期镜头很少,介意勿入。2女主胎穿,可以在海中自由呼吸。3本文架空,海中生物除了生活中见到的就是参考海洋百科全书,如果有写的不对的地方欢迎小仙女们指正,但希望不要人参公鸡。 ̄▽ ̄打滚求预收啦《大佬总想啃我续命》作为一个活了上万年的人参精,沈草最大的本事,就是跑。躲了采参人几千年,一不小心就躲到了现代。现代好啊,好吃的好玩的,还有个好看的……就是命有点短了。沈草大发慈悲,扯了根头发丝儿给他。喏,拿去保命吧!不谙世事的万年人参精x黑芝麻馅儿的短命大佬小剧场:凌昭凑近沈草,挑起了她的发丝闻了闻。“小草,你好香啊。”沈草瑟瑟发抖捂紧头发。“不能再拔了!你病都好了!”凌昭满脸黑线。“我不要你的头发,我想要的……”他的手滑向小草的脖子,轻轻勾了勾她的衣襟。“是这个。”沈草惊恐脸捂住胸口。“你要扒我的皮?!”凌昭气急,直接上手扛人扔到床上。“对,现在就扒了你的皮!”龙女完了就开这本,喜欢的小仙女点下收藏吧。~ ̄▽ ̄~推荐一本基友的完结文,非常不错的!《穿成女扮男装的男配后(穿书)》一本非常精彩的脑洞穿书文!感兴趣的小仙女可以直接搜索名字去看看各位书友要是觉得《落难龙女发家史》还不错的话请不要忘记向您QQ群和微博里的朋友推荐哦!1w0-59256 >>


内容简介:三国:我哥是郭嘉郭云来到东汉末年,穿越成了郭嘉的弟弟。开局绑定朝九晚五的打卡系统。本想咸鱼度日的他,只好来到曹氏集团打工。曹操:玄仙啊,你说刘备要不要杀呢?许褚:玄仙啊,你觉得1w0- 98505 >>

Kimi To Kemono Na Yume O Miru

From Midnight Scans: A girl is raising a beast in her hearth?! A beast-like girl x diligent guy! The aim of the game is to escape completely! At first glance, Izumida Riko looks like a neat girl, and she’s known as the 'Credit Union's Madonna'. However, she's the repulsive beast girl who heads a robbery group. Aiming at Riko is a guy whom she met during her morning run. Is their meeting really by chance, or because of 'duty'?! Also included here are: Kimi no Kawaii Doku Ouji (Your Cute Poison Prince) / Musesouna Aporo (Inconstant Apollo) / Kimi to Kemono na Yume wo Miru (Watching the Beastly Dream with You) / Motto Ranbou ni Aishite mo, Ii yo (It's Okay to be More Violent in Love) / Migite no Bonno Atashi no Kodou (Right Hand's Lust, My Palpitation) ----- #1: Watashi no Kawaii Doku Ouji/ My Cute Poison Prince Every year the two rivaling companies Ryuuou Comercial Affairs and Royal Tiger Products host a golf competition to see who is best. And every year Ayaka Suzuki, business director of Ryuuou, takes this opportunity to catch herself a new lover. Since all the men Ayaka tried before turned out to be insufficient for her passionate love, she is doubly happy to spot Yuuri Yamada, a new face among the Royal Tiger employees, and she doesn’t hesitate to seduce him… but could it be that Yuuri himself follows some hidden agenda by joining this golf competition?!?! … #2: Musessou na Apollo/ Inconsistent Apollo Unable to forget her past memories Mizuki thinks sex is nothing but a boring and painful thing she never wants to experience again. But when Mizuki surprises her classmate and well known womanizer Ruka Hirasawa making out with another girl in their college’s painting classroom, her thoughts change slowly. Seeing this passionate scene Mizuki can’t help but wonder how it would be to be embraced by Ruka… but what’s that? Ruka himself suddenly approaches Mizuki wanting to make this fantasy a reality!!?!? #3: Kimi to Kemono na Yume Wo Miiu/ Watching the Beastly Dream with You Beautiful, hardworking and overall stunning Riko Izumida doesn’t get called “Madonna of the credit union” for nothing. But behind that mask of a well-mannered bank employee Riko is not as tame as you may think, especially when it comes to catching herself the perfect guy. So when the one guy she’s been eyeing for some time now just so happens to rob her bank, Riko doesn’t hesitate to chase after him… and things start to take unexpected turns. #4: Motto Ranbou ni Aishitemo, ii yo/ I Don’t Mind If You Love Me Roughly In order to attract guys, Hinako always follows her mother’s words, and so far Hinako always got what she wanted by playing the hard-to-get. But then suddenly a rival appears at her college who immediately catches the attention of all the boys, including Katsuragi, Hinako’s secret crush. Devastated by the instant defeat Hinako turns to Shuu, who claims he would help her to get back Katsuraki’s attention, if she only does whatever he tells her to… but does Shuu really intent to help her, Hinako can’t be sure… #5: Migite no Bonnou, Atashi no Kodou/ The Right Hand’s Passion, My Palpitation Hiyama Touko, like any other high school girl has a secret crush but being the shy girl she is, Touko can’t do anything but watch the cool Kuga-kun from afar. So when her friend Natsumi catches Touko, once again staring at Kuga-kun after he helped her out in class, she decides to give Touko some courage through hypnosis. At first Touko doesn’t believe it would work, but then she suddenly loses control over her right hand and now Touko can’t stop groping poor Kuga-kun…. What the heck is going on?? And how will Touko manage to get back to normal again?!?!?

Amai Amai Koi O Seyo.

From Chibi Manga: 1-3. Amai Amai Koi wo Seyo I dream about love. Is the real love really sweet or...? 4. Fuyuzora Spangle 5. Boku no Orange

Kikai-Banashi Hanasaka Ikkyuu

Description of the oneshot Kikai Tonchi Banashi Hanasaka Ikkyuu One-shot published in Weekly Shounen Jump. Long, long ago, there lived an eccentric spirit. One who ate the souls of humans and loved 'riddles'. He would ask anyone who crossed his path sadistic 'questions', and if they returned a 'stupid answer', they would have their souls eaten without a moment's delay. On the other hand, if they answered with 'wit', the spirit would grant a single wish, regardless of what it was. There was a bald, witty genius of a boy who responded magnificently to the spirit's 'question'. His wish was for the spirit to possess him for the rest of his life! Description of the serialization Kikai Banashi Hanasaka Ikkyuu: There once was an ayakashi called Karma who challenged his victims to a battle of wits. If the subject succeeded, the ayakashi would grant them one wish, but if they lost, he would devour their soul. At the same time, there was a young monk called Hanasaku Ikkyuu, who was famed for his cleverness. He used to eagerly sharpen his mind, solving challenging riddles sent to him, until his mother fell ill. When he found that his cleverness was of no use in helping her, he gave it up. Karma seeks out Ikkyuu, eager to best him in a battle of wits and consume his soul. One day, Ikkyuu rescued a young beggar boy, only to see him fall ill with a mysterious illness. That same day, Karma finally finds Ikkyuu and offers him his dangerous bargain. Thanks to Karma, will Ikkyuu finally have a way to use his cleverness to help the people around him?

Pink Colored Infatuation

Yo Jang Do is in love with the worlds most perfect man. They wear matching outfits, and she always stops to see him on her way to cram school. There's no reason for her to worry about his status as a popular idol, or that she's really just his obsessive fangirl stalker. No, there are bigger problems for Yo Jang Do. What if her perfect man isn't perfect?

Wonderful Adventures of Mrs. Seacole in Many Lands

Wonderful Adventures of Mrs. Seacole in Many Lands summary: Wonderful Adventures of Mrs. Seacole in Many Lands summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Wonderful Adventures of Mrs. Seacole in Many Lands. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

A Wanderer in Florence

A Wanderer in Florence summary: A Wanderer in Florence summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of A Wanderer in Florence. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

Jaw Musculature of the Mourning and White-winged Doves

Jaw Musculature of the Mourning and White-winged Doves summary: Jaw Musculature of the Mourning and White-winged Doves summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Jaw Musculature of the Mourning and White-winged Doves. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

GroVont: Sorrow Floats

GroVont: Sorrow Floats summary: GroVont: Sorrow Floats summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of GroVont: Sorrow Floats. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

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