










简介唐家三少小说《琴帝》的漫画版,带你进入一个更加绚丽多彩的魔法世界。 神音师。精神系魔法师的分支,是龙崎努斯大陆最高归也最鸡肋的职业,却因为一个叫夜竹音的少年,成为了不休的传说与传奇。他会从一个单纯的少年,逐渐成为琴中的帝王,给这片大陆带来了天翻地覆的变革。 九叠琴音震寰宇,谁敢闻言不识君?


























内容简介:商界翘楚二爷订婚了,未婚妻是个山里人,没学历没文化,字丑,人狂,还是个哑巴!婆婆说:我家豪门贵胄,我儿子天之骄子,你哪点配得上他!他人说:你别玷污了我们的男神,快滚蛋!直到某天,有人发 现某位大佬竟是她其中一个马甲……唐洛迷之一笑,挽起男人手臂,“现在的我,配得上你吗?”“配,你一直都配。”看着撒糖的两人,众人下巴全惊飞了……“我老婆没文化,也不会说话,年纪小脾气差,大家多担待。”医界泰斗叫没文化?硬刚怼人不会说话?沉默中的众人:二爷,我们合理怀疑你在凡尔赛。二爷配洛爷,人间最狂野!1w28622-29546 >>


内容简介:1228812288宇宙浩瀚,神秘星空。1228812288那里,没有黑暗,没有光明,只有无尽的欲望!1228812288那里,没有邪恶,没有善良,只有无尽的斗争!1228812288 是谁在时间的长河中呐喊!1228812288是谁在阴暗的角落潜行!1228812288当基因进化芯片出现的那一刻——1228812288全世界都变了!1228812288一代魔王,自杀伐中崛起!1228812288本站提示:各位书友要是觉得《星际猎人》还不错的话请不要忘记向您QQ群和微博里的朋友推荐哦!1w0-82170 >>


内容简介:搜小说免费提供作者锥花的经典小说:《偏执着迷》最新章节全文阅读服务本站更新及时无弹窗广告欢迎光临观看小说【正文完结,番外更新中】【下本写《独占温柔》or《病态荆棘》,求个专栏收藏。微博 锥花啊】从小到大,桑渴都是裴行端屁股后面的小跟班。打架冲在他前头,他的作业她包办,就连满天飞的情书也一并交由她保管。混的鼻青脸肿,卑微不堪,周围同伴都戏称她是要给裴少爷做一辈子女保镖了。彼时的桑渴面对周遭嘻嘻哈哈的调侃只是抿了抿唇,照旧在人群里,一眼就看到俊俏又惹眼的裴行端。她笑着跑向他,可换来的却是一声:“又脏又丑1w0-73799 >>


内容简介:嫁给沈霆琛,白偌依才算真正认识了什么叫做上一秒热情似火,下一秒冷若冰霜!沈霆琛,你这男人怎么这么冷血,这么无情,这么无理取闹?我要离婚!白偌依忍无可忍,撕破贵妇的伪装怒吼道。沈太太,咱 们在床上打架的时候,你可不是这么说的。某男顿时满脸阴霾,将炸毛的小猫逼到墙角。我……白偌依顿时无语凝噎。他,冷血冷心,毫无情谊。他,宠她呼她,将她捧在手心。最后,白偌依发现,曾经她以为将她踩下地狱的人,原来才是那个将她捧上天堂的人。1w0-66114 >>


内容简介:【飞卢小说网独家签约小说:我惊悚游戏的房产,被妹妹曝光了】惊悚游戏降临,世界充满危险。楚道获得私房钱增幅系统,只要藏着的任何有价值之物不被自家妹妹楚小雨发现。那这藏的私房钱就会一直增幅 。因此。楚道直接将自己的私房钱全部藏到了惊悚游戏之中!直到某天。自家妹妹楚小雨被选中成了惊悚游戏的玩家。无意间开着直播。随手拿起了哥哥楚道还未来得及藏进惊悚游戏里的一处私房钱,房产。楚小雨彻底傻眼了。“哥哥,你竟然是惊悚游戏里血月餐厅的拥有着!?”“哥哥,你竟然还在惊悚游戏里面有栋独立别墅?上千厉鬼在守护着这栋别墅?!”“哥哥,为什么我不管做什么任务,那些厉鬼都对我毕恭毕敬!?”“哥哥,你说实话,你在惊悚游戏里到底藏了多少私房钱!?”楚道:“……就那么亿点点吧?”飞卢小说网提醒您:本小说及人物纯属虚构,如有雷同,纯属巧合,切勿模仿。如果您喜欢我惊悚游戏的房产,被妹妹曝光了,别忘记分享给朋友我惊悚游戏的房产,被妹妹曝光了TXT下载1w0-76114 >>


内容简介:【小说网a级签约小说:玄幻:开局继承不朽王朝】林霄意外来到玄幻世界,继承了势力独霸北域的离火王朝!并且激活了至尊帝王系统!丹药、神兵,功法、乃至上古神兽,只要有足够的灵石,便能轻而易举 收入囊中!自此,踏仙门、灭圣地、镇龙族、斩天道!号令天下雄,震慑世间万魔!本故事及人物纯属虚构,如有雷同,纯属巧合,切勿模仿。1w0-75398 >>




内容简介:“俄罗斯有AK47?我有更精良的AK47!”“德国要卖豹2主战坦克,我也有,火力更强大!”“美国有阿帕奇,F22;不用担心,偶也有,比他们的还好!”……你有啥,我也有;你没有的,我还有 。只要你的美金足够,我什么都卖。坦克,直升机,潜艇,导弹,核武器,航母……读网络文学,就用盛大Bambook。1w0-81040 >>


内容简介:文案一:魂穿女扮男装的抑郁症小可怜,全能女艺人乔雨本以为自己手握娱乐圈升级流的剧本,接下来的人生就该是迷妹环绕,左拥右抱,没想到却被三个大佬围追堵截,甩都甩不掉。未来版税过亿的天才小说 家目光柔软:“你想要什么角色,我都可以写给你。”红透半边天的男团c位话里有话:“他们粉丝说我们很有cp感欸。”身家百亿的集团太子爷大胆试探:“小遇,你要资源不要?”乔遇本遇:“大家duck不必。”文案二:上辈子的乔雨长相不够实力来凑,这辈子的小可怜乔遇却有着天赐神颜,美貌与实力并存。都说娱乐圈流量大战多年,乔遇的出现终于统一饭圈。她是无所不能的宝藏爱豆。她是出道即巅峰的顶级流量。她是人人为之疯狂的玫瑰少年。Q:关于连续三年被评为饭圈女孩最想睡的男艺人,您有什么看法?乔遇:少吃菜多喝酒,梦里什么都有。各位书友要是觉得《成为男神后我掰弯了三个大佬》还不错的话请不要忘记向您QQ群和微博里的朋友推荐哦!1w0-97702 >>


内容简介:简介:【年下帝王攻×反派丞相病美人受】他是朝堂上翻手为云覆手为雨的奸诈病弱美人丞相,阴毒狡诈,无恶不作,人人喊打。他是被控制的“傀儡少年皇帝”,实际上少年帝王韬光养晦,暗中培植势力,一 朝翻身把奸相上。——实际上,那病美人反派丞相是个穿越来的现代好青年,为了辅佐帝王,不得已做了十恶不赦的坏人。本以为任务成功可以回家,系统却告知他:帝王尚有心愿未完成,宿主需重回三年前重新完成任务。1w72694-106714 >>

Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann - Guren Gakuenhen

From AnimeCouncil² : Gurren Lagann... School version, more ecchi and stuff, that's about it :D

Strange Pension

By AquamarineP: The main girl and her unrelated brother had always been together since their parents' unfortunate deaths. On her brother becoming a policeman of another jurisdiction, they moved into a big house...only if it doesn't have its gloomy and haunted air. They found a body of a dead young boy, a son of a hotel chain family. The ghost of the boy gives the girl the ability to communicate with ghosts. Now the main girl's unrest life is turned upside down and more complicated. Not that she is in love with her brother...no, no, no way. Not because of the dead boy's younger brother. Not that her ability to see ghosts seriously gets her into trouble....'UGHhhhhhh, somebody help me!'

Boarding House Of Hunks

Boy-crazy Jae Yoo is willing to go through any underhanded means if it means living in the boarding house full of hot guys… Even if it’s going out on a blind date with the dorkiest boy in the school. When she dumps the guy immediately after, she pisses off his handsome best friend Ji Hu and from that point on, the two are constantly going at each other’s throats like cats and dogs. When Jae Yoo finally accomplishes her dream of entering the “boarding house of hunks,” she thinks that nothing could go wrong. An amazing house, a kind landlady, and even a cute guy who seems to be interested in her… What’s this?! Ji Hu is the landlady’s son?! And how is it that he knows about Jae Yoo’s most embarrassing moment in life? What kind of life will the two lead under the same roof? Will they be able to live together at all?! - Summary from another: Using all sneaky means possible, Jae Yoo has broken through the harsh competition and gotten herself into the boarding house full of hotties. However, she is on bad terms with the resident # 1 hunk Ji Hu... 'Bastard, a good looking face doesn't make a hunk! A hunk should act like a hunk to be one!' Will commoner Jae Yoo make the quality of the boarding house better? Or will she make it worse? That's up to Ji Hu.


Collection of oneshots: 1) Saigo ni, Kimi Dake wo Hiro has been inseparably bound up with his selfish friend from his childhood. He is called and comforts him whenever his friend parts from his lovers. His friend confesses his love to Hiro only after they fall over the cliff and is going to die... 2) Love Letter An urban delinquent student should transfer to local school by his parents' order. There he is stalked by a rude but pure local student... 3) My Most Beloved is Still You A supervisor and his subordinate love each other. Returning from business tour of 3 months, the beautiful subordinate has become fat... 4) Koi no Sokubaku A new recruit keeps working overtime with his wish to be admitted by his supervisor. But his colleague puts the blame on him. The supervisor gets him mixed up with an industrial spy and tortures him... 5) Late Night Rain Many people have tried to persuade a surgeon of genius to reactivate in vain. The surgeon keeps living in seclusion because he failed the operation of his lover's brain cancer and has a lapse of confidence. One boy starts working as his live-in housekeeper but the boy is his ex-patient of the surgeon and doesn't have much time... 6) A Liar A boy loves his pet, an android. But the android returns sweet nothings to the boy because the android has no feeling. A fire occurs. The android takes his life upon saving the boy. Decrypting the microchip of the android in the cold ashes, plenty words of love are displayed on the full screen... From Aarinfantasy

The Death Of Antagonis

The Death Of Antagonis summary: The Death Of Antagonis summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of The Death Of Antagonis. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

Sweet Adorable Wife, Please Kiss Slower!

Sweet Adorable Wife, Please Kiss Slower! summary: Lin Wanwan is a pitiful mentally-disabled girl. Not only does she suffer abuse from her stepmother, her stepmother even attempts to use her as a s.e.xual commodity to pleasure others. Eventually, the poor Wanwan dies from an overdose&h.e.l.lip; 
Perhaps a G.o.d or a devil had witnessed her tragic fate, but Wanwan gets a brand new chance at life—an external soul takes over her body and gains Wanwan’s memories. 
The resurrected Lin Xiao swears to seek revenge for Wanwan. 
Having witnessed Wanwan’s death and resurrection process, Tang Chen is intrigued by the changes she undergoes. When he tries to cheat Wanwan to gain possession of her, a knight descends from the sky and saves her. He allows her to seek his help thrice. 
Just who is this mysterious knight? 
The revived Wanwan demonstrates her astounding talent and intelligence. Not only does she leave her enemies helpless against her, but she also becomes a celebrity who sweeps through the entertainment industry. Who exactly is she? 
When Wanwan interacts more with the knight, she realizes that he is actually a devil&h.e.l.lip; 
“From this moment forth, every inch of your body is mine. Resistance is futile.” 
He had descended like Satan, wantonly occupying her body and mind&h.e.l.lip; 
It’s fine. Even if he’s the devil, he would still be trampled beneath her feet.

Zhan Dao Ji

Zhan Dao Ji summary: Between Heaven and Earth there are many secrets, strange and hidden life forms, a mysterious bible, why do they exist in this world? Young Ye Sheng was born in troubled times, in a world full of demons as he searched to find his own way, and exploring the secrets of the earth!

Semi Datte Tensei Sureba Ryuu Ni Naru

Semi Datte Tensei Sureba Ryuu Ni Naru summary: I was a cicada. Now I’m a dragon.
I who was reborn in a far place of a different world, was given life as a dragon. As this world’s one and only strongest dragon.
Why the cicada was reincarnated as a dragon, I didn’t understand, or if I had received life again in order to meet her someday.
For her, I will sing again and again. Till the end of my power, till the end of my life.
Miin min min min Miin min min min

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