
































内容简介:穿越了有个非要让自己当黑魔王的系统是什么体验?黑魔王这种高危职业,我才不要呢!……赫敏,你不要这样,快停下,我不能对不起卢娜!……芙蓉,你走吧,对不起,我们之间不可能的!……秋张,算我 求求您嘞,你去找你家塞徳里克吧,别来害我啊,被卢娜看见了会死人的!……“阿兹卡班!”⊙▽⊙发生甚么事了?分院帽你想干什么?你别吓人!本书又名《我才不是黑魔王呢》《打死不去斯莱特林》《只想种田养卢娜的我被迫当了三代目》《这个黑魔王明明超强却过分的狗!》……PS:本文不开后宫,单女主卢娜,不喜转身。1w0-99677 >>


内容简介:14岁,还在上初中的苏源被系统绑定。短短数年时间,在厨艺、绘画、建筑、文学、投资、互联网等各大领域获得巨大成就。人生圆满。28岁的苏源事了拂衣去,深藏功与名。隐退幕后和一个普通白领结婚 生子。结婚五年,孩子都四岁了,本以为能平平静静过日子。没想到老婆意外受邀参加一款叫做‘探索另一半’的真人秀节目。节目组通过镜头观察苏源每天的一举一动。原本以为只是一个普通宅男的一天。谁知道第一天,苏源的厨神身份曝1w0-66800 >>




内容简介:都说一入侯门深似海,所以学会‘游泳’是很重要滴,否则就要淹没在宅门的大风大浪中那!作为镇国公府的嫡女,名门世家女,令宸从小就致力于学习各种‘游泳’技能,鸭梨那是想当的大滴。不过,为了美 好的将来,那咱就努力奋斗了!1w0-27071 >>


内容简介:  (新书,某国漫的超神学院已经发布)许易穿越到超神学院世界,某一天突然“灵”光一闪。  为了世界核平,人民幸福,总觉得该做点什么,于是乎:  “传授国人无敌国术,围殴众多外星狗狼。”   “双手施展灭妖神火,焚尽诸多邪祟恶魔。”  “丹田一口飞剑,千里之外击毁外星战舰。”  超神学院为主世界,前期副本世界有完美,古剑,遮天,狐妖,诛仙,秦时明月,画江湖,一人之下,斗破,西游,近年国漫,仙侠剧等,后期还会加入漫威系列。  ps:vip订阅群723333916。1w0-4134 >>


内容简介:简介:每个少年仙君,都有一只专属的仙鹤相伴。但萧恕不大满意他这只。太呆,太胖,吃得多,飞得慢,毫无仙风道骨,饱受同门嘲笑。萧恕无奈:“阿京你多少努力一点,至少不能让我天天迟到。”在雨中 呆立半个时辰的阿京终于回头:嘎?云京万万没想到,自己穿进书里做了一只鸟。鸟就鸟吧,歌喉清脆,羽翼绚烂,挺好。结果往水面一照,差点将嘴里的鱼吓掉:这大脑袋,这宽鸟喙,这沙雕的眼神,这蠢萌的气息……原来她是一只鲸头鹳?鸟头天下第一大的那种?仙气缥缈的修仙界,为什么要存在这样一个格格不入的天然呆啊!云京:谁让我穿的,过来让我用大嘴咬一口。每天光是吃东西和发呆,就已经很辛苦了,费力送仙君上学居然还要被他嫌弃!云京:告辞,不做鸟了!等她修炼有成,她也要狠狠嫌弃仙君一回!萧恕只能紧张地呵护左右,小心哄着:“我没有嫌弃你,我一直都喜欢你,第一眼就喜欢,什么样都喜欢。”——————————预收文《豪门圣母她不当了》姜妤穿成了书中那个人见人厌的圣母蠢女配。闺蜜故意掉包两人孩子,原主当无事发生继续一起开心玩耍;找回孩子后不尽心呵护,原主反倒偏爱养子,还自以为一碗水端平;日常扶妹成瘾,原主恨不得倾尽老公钱财,对妹妹进行爱的供养。最后终于落得个被闺蜜利用、被妹妹逼宫、被亲子记恨、被老公离婚的悲惨下场。姜妤:啧,手握人生赢家剧本都能输!我来就我来!撕走恶毒闺蜜,隔绝黑心妹妹,积极对冷淡儿子弥补母爱,努力刷回愤怒老公的好感。更四处投资,从豪门菟丝花变成娱乐圈的投资圣手。姜妤:呵呵,轻松。1w0-115879 >>


内容简介:  带着吃不完的二斤牛肉来到1980年,海王没有再次下海,转身做起了人民教师。渣男本不渣,他也想成家。上本入了精品的小说没有写好,这本已经酝酿半年,定当努力讲一个好故事。群号33506 84791w0-3570 >>


内容简介:  李中易,本是最牛的中医,因车祸到了五代十国,附体在一个文不能科举、武不能提刀的废柴身上!这时候,儿皇帝石敬塘刚刚卖掉燕云十六州不久。后蜀国主孟昶,正在与花蕊夫人嬉戏。南唐后主李煜, 隔江犹唱后庭花!后周世宗柴荣,做梦都惦记着北伐。北宋太祖赵匡胤,正琢磨着黄袍加身。这是混乱的时代,却也是李中易的时代!逍遥侯书友一群:75206776,欢迎兄弟们进群讨论!1w0-624 >>


内容简介:【火爆免费新书】听过在游戏中开挂,可你听过在现实中开挂吗。高三学生苏牧偶然得到无敌外挂系统,可以在现实中使用外挂,隐身挂、透视挂、加速挂、秒杀挂,一切外挂应有尽有。外挂在手,天下我有。 开挂的人生,不需要解释。本站提示:各位书友要是觉得《我身上有外挂》还不错的话请不要忘记向您QQ群和微博里的朋友推荐哦!1w0-66068 >>


内容简介:  “音乐、影视、绘画、书法、雕塑、文学……”“你都懂?”“略知一二。”“都会一点的意思?”“嗯,都会亿点的意思。”怀揣系统,靠艺术征服世界,成为各界人士顶礼膜拜的无冕之王。1w0-1 469 >>


内容简介:新文《宠你入怀傅少撩妻无下限》超甜宠文她是现代的神偷杀手,一朝穿越,掉入了那男人的怀中,因一手医术而被男人拐回他的地盘,从此开始了扮猪吃老虎;无奈男人身边麻烦不断,扮猪吃老虎的计划很快 失效,既然如此,她就不再掩饰自己,风华尽显,翻手云覆手雨,势必震撼整个大陆,让他们俯首称臣。他是大陆人称帝尊的君墨尘,初遇,那个女人掉入了他的怀中,因这女人能够压制住他的毒,他将她带回了邪域,怎料就此丢了心各位书友要是觉得《宠妻如命:帝尊的倾城妃》还不错的话请不要忘记向您QQ群和微博里的朋友推荐哦!1w0-109699 >>


内容简介:  “变成吸血鬼是什么体验?”向坤没想到,这个不久前在知乎上被他把答案当成故事来看的问题,现在居然可以用亲身经历来回答了。1w0-139

Proclaiming And Loving

A man and a woman meet in a time far from ours, in the ancient time of China. Love blossoms between the man and the woman, but this isn’t an easy time to love. And together they need to fight for the love they share together. Follow Liu Pu wei and Lu kou in a love story that takes you to the ancient time of China. Summary from Mangaupdates


5 years ago, a mysterious Akuma appeared...However, one man stopped the Akuma in it's tracks, His name is Alalakit. The story start off with Jikeina and Santa. Jikeina was santa's older brother and they made a living by getting rid of monsters or stopping monsters from invading a village. However, Santa has a mark on his left hand, it is the mark of the Akuma. Acttually it's the mark of 'Mahou's Power'. There are 108 of the Akuma's powerful power, and they are passed down to 'successors', each animal who have the blood of the Akuma is changed, to youkais, only the most powerful of the lot are given one of the Akuma's power, and they will have a mark on various parts on their body as evidence that they inherited the power of the Akuma. Santa, has the Symbol of a star on his hand, and on it, is the number '0'. In a battle with a Youkai who has the Mahou's Power of fire, Jikeina is seperated from Santa, and Santa had just discovered what is his Mahou power...it's something to do with the mouth on his stomach...alone, Santa travels to all kinds of places, making new friends, defeating new enemies, and learning the secret of the Akuma, whilst seeking Jikeina. From souhaku scan

Toritsu Mizushou!

from mangaupdates.com Mizushoubai (water business) is the term for Japan's night life activities, such as fuuzoku (similar to prostitution but none of the illegal bits), hosting and managing (entertaining at bars), and kyabakura (night clubs). Recently, it was decided that a high school should be founded to educate the youth in these area where they'd previously had no such guidance: the School of Water Business, 'Mizushou', located in Tokyo's Shinjuku ward. The story is from the perspective of a teacher, Tanabe Keisuke, who was transferred there to help teach that school's first generation of students. --------------------------- From the Old Gringo --------------------------- Toritsu Mizushou first appeared as a light novel by Hikaru Morozumi. The manga series doesn't seem to share very much with the novel other than the setting, so in a way you might call it an authorized doujin. Shinobu Inokuma's series before this was Salad Days, and you can find similar character designs there. One character in Salad Days is cloned into an entire baseball team in Mizushou. But unlike Salad Days, Mizushou is much more focused on major characters, and story arcs tend to become longer as the series goes on. All in all, great comedy and good soap opera. Explicit sexual content has been surprisingly rare, more or less equivalent to Kenichi Sonada's Gunsmith Cats or Cannon God Exaxxion. Inokuma has a web site, 'The Garden Plot' at http://saladplanning.pro.tok2.com/main.html

Gakuen Police

Ever since Sasami was a little girl she's admired those who defend justice. She loved watching shows about Magical Girls and Sentai Rangers, but the shows she loved watching the most were police dramas. Years have passed and Sasami has become a police officer herself. Her first assignment is to go undercover and act as a student at Hanagaki All-Girls High School to make sure there are no corrupt teachers or students there. One night, while helping out the photgraphy club, they enter the supposedly empty library to find someone there. After trying to run away, one of the club members concludes that she's trying to steel expensive books that should be locked away but are missing. Sasami chases after and catches her, telling her she's with the police. The girl turns out to be her classmate, Sakuraba. After finding out it was a misunderstanding, she goes to apologize and ask that she keep it a secret that she's with the police. Sakuraba then reveals that she is the police officer in charge of Hanagaki All-Girls High School, and that Sasami must have been assigned there by mistake. Why was Sasami assigned there and what will happen between her and Sakuraba?

Disgraced Consort

Disgraced Consort summary: A night to serve the emperor. A palanquin briskly made its way, surrounded by cold and quiet palace’s walls. The sound of eunuchs’ footsteps can be heard. The palace’s gate is open at the place where the palanquin stops. A woman wearing a snow-colored veil is invited to enter the palanquin. Tonight is the night where she will serve him. Her first night will also be the last night, because after this, the emperor will order her to commit suicide. Step by step, she enters the palanquin. Her pair of eyes shows no fear, and instead are calm and tranquil. After a night of serving the emperor, what awaits her is death. This is her fate. Her fate as a disgraced concubine who had committed a wrong.

Four-Day Planet

Four-Day Planet summary: Four-Day Planet summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Four-Day Planet. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

The Last Of The Jedi_ Return Of The Dark Side

The Last Of The Jedi_ Return Of The Dark Side summary: The Last Of The Jedi_ Return Of The Dark Side summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of The Last Of The Jedi_ Return Of The Dark Side. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

The Way Of The Evil

The Way Of The Evil summary: The Way Of The Evil summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of The Way Of The Evil. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

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