




















简介【每周六更新】当所有珠宝都变成人型会怎么样? 当然是抓紧时间和珠宝们过上没羞没臊的生活! 放开那群男人!让我来!┗|`O′|┛嗷 ~~ 作品QQ群:598975117








类别总裁 逆袭



内容简介:讲述的是杰东与刘姗姗本来是一对情侣、分手之后,带着不同的感触,相继来到许由这个充满虚妄与诱惑的城市,开始崭新的生活。然而未曾想到,等待两人的,竟然是一场欲醒不能的可怕噩梦。b1w0-9 7998 >>




内容简介:顾家有女名欢喜,长辈疼哥哥宠,原以为一世欢喜,奈何一朝风云起,娘亲死,哥哥下落不明,父亲很快娶继室,百两银子卖欢喜。面对家徒四壁,全是极品的田家,没关系,欢喜会种地,还会持家,更擅长赚 钱和养娃,手撕白莲花,怒踹贱渣渣。赚个盆满钵满,妇唱夫随乐呵呵。“娘子,咱们去种田吧!”“好啊!”只是说好的种田,你熄灯脱衣服盖被子是几个意思?各位书友要是觉得《田园有喜:憨夫宠入骨》还不错的话请不要忘记向您QQ群和微博里的朋友推荐哦!1w0-95824 >>


内容简介:叶星回老家相亲,恰逢九电惊雷,发现祖宅后院的古井居然可以通往异界武林大陆。于是他进进出出,来往于两界之间,卖卖手机,学学武功,开始了牛逼哄哄的人生。在武林大陆,他是大富豪,建立白云山庄 ,招募四方豪杰,掌握强大的现代化武者军队。在地球,他是大老板、是慈善家,更是隐藏在都市的武林高手,什么超人蜘蛛钢铁蝙蝠侠都只能匍匐在他的脚下颤抖!——本书读者群146699692,群里有萝莉哇有正太呀,→→欢迎大家入群聊天打屁——1w467-80550 >>




内容简介:上辈子为了嫁给下乡来的知青顾瑾,秦瑜没脸没皮的躺在他身边。如愿以偿结婚,却不想,婚后日子比想象中更水生火热。结婚不到一年,顾瑾回城,带着其他女人。精心经营的婚姻不过是镜花水月一场空。独 身一人的秦瑜致力于医疗事业,却不想一场突发的地震带她回到了七十年代,一睁开眼,就看到自己被顾瑾压.在身下猛亲,秦瑜直接一个巴掌将他打晕。第一件要做的事就是离婚!……顾瑾一直以为秦瑜爱自己到疯狂,却不想醉酒后醒来,那个对他素来唯唯诺诺的女人,竟然说要和他离婚?!怎么可能?结婚是她说的,离婚也是她说的。当他是什么人?坚决不离。在后来,顾瑾发现,最离不开秦瑜的人,其实是他自己。1w0-4592 >>




内容简介:问:如何让一部虐文变成宠文?答案就是作死!作死!不停地作死!然而自杀不成反被系统救下的顾霜却不知道这条定律(雾),为了求死,她不但没按照系统的要求去攻略渣男男主,还努力败坏男主好感度, 给男主和女配牵线搭桥。结果后来……渣男男主:“你是不是嫌弃我渣才不肯跟我在一起?你等等,我现在就洗白自己!以后绝对一心一意宠你!”莫名其妙完成任务的顾霜:“???”系统(笑眯眯):“哎呀,真不愧是宿主,完美完成所有任务了呢!”顾霜:“……”生无可恋JPG好气,好想死。注:目标人物从头到尾都是一个人。日常消极怠工一心求死女主X不慎拿了渣男剧本闷骚自恋脑补帝男主本文又名《渣男男主洗白史》、《女主作死一百零八式》、《虐文转成宠文的一百种方法》1w0-74897 >>


内容简介:林俊逸重生了,回到了初三,他有一个倾国倾城绝色无双的亲姐姐,和一个端庄冷艳的女老师。。。。。。世上的美女太多,怎么找?建学校,收校花!举办环球选美,收环球小姐!投资电影公司,收明星模特 !打入军队内部,收军花!口号:只有穿上影视制服的明星,才是最美的!!!我的qq空间里面,有女主的经典照片,超级漂亮,绝对值得一看!全球后宫:皇后——沈雪(妈妈);林婉晴(姐姐)中国大陆分部:皇后——刘亦菲(《神雕侠侣》小龙女)中国台湾分部:皇后——林志玲(《赤壁》小乔)中国香港分部:皇后——唐嫣(《仙剑奇侠传》紫萱)美国分部:皇后——杰西卡·阿尔芭(《罪恶之城》)英国分部:皇后——凯特·温斯莱特(《泰坦尼克号》罗斯)韩国分部:皇后——宋慧乔(《蓝色生死恋》)法国分部:皇后——苏菲·玛索(《勇敢的心》王妃)印度分部:皇后——妮哈·达尔维(印度第一美女)日本分部:皇后——酒井法子1w13827-109363 >>


内容简介:全城惊闻!傅家大少竟娶了个傻子当傅太太,人人都等着看他们什么时候离婚收场,结果傅大少却把傻子宠上了天。傅太太每天只想吃饭睡觉赚大钱,傅大少每天跟在后面大把大把给傅太太撒钱,连眼皮都不抬 一下。某日,云雨过后,傅太太扒着矜贵男人:“老公,我们离婚吧。”傅大少:“骗够了我的钱就想甩了我?天底下哪有白吃的午餐?”傅太太怒,每天胡搅蛮缠求离婚,众人惊诧,傅大少却云淡风轻1w26340-26346 >>




内容简介:伏玉是南夏的皇帝,当然,名义上是。他没有兵权,也不怎么用上朝,整天跟身边的一个小太监厮混在一起。在某一日例行被行刺被小太监拼死救回一条命后。伏玉感叹:朕一无所有,如若你不是太监,朕一定 以身相许。小太监笑,不置可否。孰料很多年后,这人再出现在伏玉面前,依旧是熟悉的笑,却道:还望陛下一言九鼎,兑现承诺。伪太监攻vs傀儡皇帝受每天中午十二点更新,HE。年下!!!!!另:作者原名涅幽水!新坑开始改名为贺端阳啦!还是你们的可爱幽啦!1w0-82409 >>

Mukuro Chandelier

From MangaHelpers: In response to a decrease in population, human corpses have become a major resource for society's labor pool. Necromancers are needed to animate corpses for various jobs. These corpses work reliably unless they encounter human love, at which point they go berserk and attack. Zen is the necromancer of his city, and he spends his time animating corpses and dealing with the messy aftermath of those cases of 'necrophilia.' Zen has a strange assistant, who keeps his face covered and never speaks in public. This assistant is Yomai, a ghoul that Zen took under his wing. Zen allows Yomai to feed from his own flesh, but he has strictly forbidden the ghoul from revealing himself to, speaking to, or eating other humans. Yomai doesn't want to anger his benefactor, but he is not completely satisfied living under all of Zen's restrictions. There's plenty of violence, death, and surprises ahead for the necromancer and his ghoul! [tethysdust]

Carramer No Yumemonogatari

In the Carramer no Yumemonogatari series (カラメールの夢物語シリーズ), also called 'The Carramer Legacy' series: 1) Princess e no Tabi (プリンセスへの旅; Journey to the Princess) / Crowns and a Cradle When Prince Josquin de Marigny swept struggling single mom Sarah McInnes into a limo, he revealed a secret. Sarah's father had been in line for the Valmont throne -- and now her son was the heir! The brooding, blue-eyed prince promised Sarah everything she'd ever dreamed of if she would remain in Carramer -- except his heart.... Baffled and bewildered by the sense of homecoming, Sarah was torn. Josquin had given her a new family, but he'd also investigated her past, lied to bring her to Carramer and he'd be regent for her son. So once he took her in his arms, could she trust the promises he made? 2) Koi wo Wasureta Prince (恋を忘れたプリンス; The Prince Who Forgot His Love) / The Baron & the Bodyguard Watching over him... Playing royal bodyguard to Mathiaz de Marigny, the seductive Baron Montravel, was a temptation few women could resist. But the moment he was out of harm's way, Jacinta Newnham had fled his château -- and abandoned memories of moonlit nights that left them both weak with unfulfilled passion. Now stricken with amnesia and in danger once again, Mathiaz summoned Jacinta back to his side. Jacinta vowed to protect his life, but the greater peril was to her heart -- and the haunting secret she could never reveal. When the truth surrounding Mathiaz's accident -- and Jacinta's connection to it -- surfaced, would he force her to leave, or refuse to let her go again...? 3) Prince no Shukumei (プリンスの宿命; Fate of the Prince) / The Marquis and the Mother-To-Be Back in her lush, beloved Carramer, Carissa Day purchased the perfect B and B for raising her babies-to-be. Trouble was, an aristocratic 'intruder' proved she'd been swindled -- her new home was actually his royal lodge. Worse, he proved to be Carissa's teenage crush, Eduard de Marigny, Marquis of Merrisand -- now more irresistible than ever. Penniless and pregnant -- with triplets! -- Carissa had to flee. Eduard, however, had other ideas. Namely, a partnership giving Carissa a title and protection -- and giving him an instant heir. Still, even with reignited passion burning between them, even with a kingdom at her feet, could Carissa wed her first and only love -- and forever forsake having his heart? Descriptions taken from FictionDB. Note: These are #4 - #6 of Valerie Parv's The Carramer Legacy series.

Harukaze Bitter Bop

Chiyoharu used to be the leader of the troublemakers, until one day an innocent prank results in a major fire at the school. When his three cohorts take the blame and are expelled, Chiyoharu tries to go on with his mundane life, beating himself up with guilt. Then he meets the mysterious, muscle-man Souza of the North Wind and a ditzy self-proclaimed detective who are trying to solve the mystery behind Souza's amnesia...It's nonstop comedy and action from there!

Painful Love Iii

Kohei's girlfriend has found out that her boyfriend is cheating on her with another woman. Follow what happens as Kohei left his girlfriend for another.


Millais summary: Millais summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Millais. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

Hostile Witness

Hostile Witness summary: Hostile Witness summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Hostile Witness. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

Narrative of the Circumnavigation of the Globe by the Austrian Frigate Novara

Narrative of the Circumnavigation of the Globe by the Austrian Frigate Novara summary: Narrative of the Circumnavigation of the Globe by the Austrian Frigate Novara summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Narrative of the Circumnavigation of the Globe by the Austrian Frigate Novara. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

The Appetite of Tyranny: Including Letters to an Old Garibaldian

The Appetite of Tyranny: Including Letters to an Old Garibaldian summary: The Appetite of Tyranny: Including Letters to an Old Garibaldian summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of The Appetite of Tyranny: Including Letters to an Old Garibaldian. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

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