
































内容简介:【正文已完】【请支持正版,盗文狗来舞必骂】——鬼怪简历——姓名:简小玉职业:无限游戏的NPC演员梦想:成为最厉害的副本Boss然而,女鬼也不是那么好当的。“会唱歌吗?”“剧本要求跳舞。 ”“这个女鬼死前是个科学家,临死最后一天还在算题。”简小玉想了想,最后抖着帕金森的舞步瞎瘠薄画完了整道题并来了一段宛若依萍捂嘴的BBox。众玩家:“……这个副本真的好恐怖,字面意义上。”——————裴遇在找一个人。有人告诉他,通关无限逃生就能实现一个愿望。裴遇二话不说,提刀就上。后来……人找是找到了,可为什么如此沙雕?闷骚大佬x戏精NPC【阅读指南】1反无限流。沙雕文,完全不恐怖2类似于去鬼屋装鬼吓人的快乐,用魔法打败魔法3有男主,不买股4女主失忆沙雕没心没肺老色批,成长型,非满级大佬专栏完结无限流:《在求生游戏里疯狂摸鱼》《在逃生游戏里救死扶伤》《我在末世直播升级》(快穿)——————预收《种星星星际种田》十三岁那年,阿寻继承了一颗星球。黄沙废土之上,她是唯一一个居民。十六岁那年,阿寻捡到了一个失忆的男人。故事从此开始。科学开荒、改良作物、驯养凶兽、净化土壤、发展经济、拯救被污染的星球。星河璀璨,沧海桑田。与你并肩。—无系统,无外挂。知识就是力量,探索永无止尽。男女主科学开荒,真种星星。1w0-45098 >>


内容简介:搜小说免费提供作者云海织梦的经典小说:《缥缈的仙道》最新章节全文阅读服务本站更新及时无弹窗广告欢迎光临观看小说林空不甘为奴,为了成为一个自由的平凡人默默努力着。可是在人性私欲、时潮更替 、命运洪流下他就像一根随风飘飞的野草……1w0-67365 >>


内容简介:我是首富失踪多年的亲女儿简介:秦淮旭是豪门秦家唯一的继承人,季星摇只是一个身世凄凉的孤儿秦淮旭和季星摇刚在一起的时候,整个豪门圈都觉得秦大少爷只是玩玩而已。所以当三年后的订婚宴上,秦淮 旭抛弃季星摇去追他白月光前女友周继月,也没有人觉得意外。白月光什么身份?赵家千金,还是首富干女儿,出身高贵,与季星摇这个玩物,云泥之别。聪明人都知道该选谁。秦少爷和周小姐的爱情轰轰烈烈的开始了,没有人再去关注那个可怜的替身怎么消失,究竟又去了哪里。——几个月后,秦淮旭与白月光闹翻,想起季星摇的好1w0-81798 >>








内容简介:《红楼之嗣子》是顾盼盈盈精心创作的网游小说,小兵实时更新红楼之嗣子最新章节并且提供无弹窗阅读,书友所发表的红楼之嗣子评论,并不代表小兵赞同或者支持红楼之嗣子读者的观点。1w0-8113 9 >>


内容简介:【飞卢小说网独家签约小说:港片:我,独断阴阳!】这个港片融合的世界里。表面上看起来,好像是平平无奇的六七十年代港省。可暗地里。有警界枭雄,夺权上位。有江湖大佬,嗜血街头。有武林高手,一 争高下。有术法强者,谋财害命。有厉鬼僵尸,逆乱四方。而我,林风,只是九龙城寨中,一个平平无奇的阴阳先生。平平无奇的,独断阴阳罢了。飞卢小说网提醒您:本小说及人物纯属虚构,如有雷同,纯属巧合,切勿模仿。如果您喜欢港片:我,独断阴阳!,别忘记分享给朋友港片:我,独断阴阳!TXT下载1w0-97159 >>


内容简介:【异能修灵御兽精灵半妖神魔】【男强女强1V1,男主现身晚,感情线多条,团强成长之路】在那个世界里,妖魔猖狂,仙灵鼎立,强者为尊。传说,羽化飞升能窥天机命理,神灵之境能掌世间生死……一朝 机缘,让风缨月魂穿异世,世人为寻灵问道趋之若鹜,她却活得恣意潇洒,任性护短、腹黑无良却又用尽至真至情。那一世,冰蓝堇雪,才精绝艳,他在金字塔顶端冷眼看世界,独独许她万般柔情那一世,天青身影,清贵无双,他的眼里心里灵魂里唯对她一人刻骨铭心。世上怎么有这么蠢的家伙,招惹了遍地桃花,还感情迟钝!!!――传承玉简在手,全属性灵根觉醒,逆袭打怪虐渣渣,神兽为契歃血为盟,统领万兽狂潮,一夕大陆风云乱,魔神出世,被囚禁的远古记忆,一场诡局真正开始扑朔迷离……如果您喜欢倾世御兽师,别忘记分享给朋友作者:莫孤生所写的《倾世御兽师》无弹窗免费全文阅读为转载作品章节由网友发布。无弹窗推荐地址:1w0-115568 >>


内容简介:时栀勤勤恳恳的完成第999个快穿任务之后她终于可以选择一个世界养老了。时栀掰着手指提条件——要美,要身材好,要有钱,要好多好多钱。然后怀揣着迎接美好新生活的心愿,她穿成了娱乐圈爽文女主 角,美,身材好,但是莫得钱,还声名狼藉,负债累累。时栀:???系统:宿主大胆向前冲,撕逼拉踩搞快点,成为顶流之后就可以被首富管家发现,继承亿万家产了!时栀:哪里用得着那么麻烦,她可是来养老的。转头直接找上富豪管家,“亲,你看我像不像你死去主人的女儿?”亿万家产get。……观众们发现黑料缠身的十八线女艺人时栀变了。变得又懒又佛。在别家女明星穿着布料最少的裙子,在寒风中瑟瑟发抖美丽冻人的时候,她裹着羽绒服跟大爷遛弯一样从红毯走过。1w0-4066 >>


内容简介:转生到神荒大陆,一个充满玄幻色彩的修炼世界。本以为还是平平凡凡一辈子,可谁知,我哥竟然是主角。叮!外挂到账。绑定主角系统!主角有的,你也有!我哥是神体,那我也是神体了,我哥天赋悟性绝世 无双,那我也绝世无双……有我哥有一口,就有我一口。不管是功法还是体质天赋,我都跟着我哥,从此再也不用担心修炼的问题了!美滋滋!本站提示:各位书友要是觉得《我哥是主角》还不错的话请不要忘记向您QQ群和微博里的朋友推荐哦!1w0-49061 >>


内容简介:内容主要讲述:曾经程璟淮为了能与暗恋的女孩,比肩前行,毅然选择了奔赴海外求学,多年之后,程璟淮已经是个小有名气的金牌律师,而江甯则是他的委托人,明知这场官司不会有什么胜算,但是他也愿意 为了心爱的女孩,赌上他的职业生涯,等到这场官司结束,他会勇敢的去追求爱情,不会再让江甯从他的身边错过!1w63804-70051 >>

Sawattemo Ii Kana

After Shirou accidentally witnesses his older brother having sex with his best friend's brother, his world is turned upside down. Masami, on the other hand, seems to be taking this way too calmly while Shirou doesn't even know how to act around his friend anymore, but what goes on between their brothers shouldn't affect their friendship, right? -Baka-updates

Fancy Love

Kouzuki picks up the beaten young man from the street and takes him in. They start a sexual relationship and begin living together. Can emotionless Kouzuki learn to trust this mysterious guy? -project dropped by GOOC- This is a collection of cute oneshots. Ch. 2 features a young prince and his bodyguard who are sent to the dragon king and his younger sister on the prince's 13th birthday. Ch. 3 About a boy's love for his older brother. (If you don't like incest, skip it.) Ch.4 Another fantasy, featuring a magic love potion and a crazy tangle of lovers, both human and gods(?), and a servant who complicates the whole mess with good(?) intentions.

Kiniro Kishi

Debutstories from NAO Tsukiji. Kiniro Kishi: Police officer Shiro has been transferred to a small village, where his only job is to capture runaway horses or pull grandmas out of ponds. Kanamori Hime: Anzu is the bell guard to warn the villagers whenever the barbarians attack. But as an actual barbarian comes to the village, Anzu must learn her view of this timid people was not quite accurate, but cramped with prejudice and half-truths. Zakka ni umoreta Otome: 16-pager about losing your love and finding a new one.

Ultra Heaven

The story is set in a dystopian alternative universe where any kind of substances able to alter the state of mind is legalized and available to be consumed at home or in designated places called Pomp Bar. These products, once considered very dangerous, are now advertised on TV and the bartender choose those ones more suited to their customers or serve them his special cocktails. When the Pompies movement obtained the liberalization of the drugs it seemed a historical meaningful change destined to improve the world, a dream realized in a manner to radically affecting the way of life of humanity.But several years after the situation isn't so better, or perhaps the humanity is just adapted to the new situation. In a world where all feeling are artificials and where everyone is a potential drug addicted, nothing is really changed: the excess is near at hand and very few substances are considered dangerous and put under a strict control by a hygiene office which has full power on the drugs addicted who are in extreme condition. The main character is Kabu, a little peddler and heavy addicted. Used to any kind of hallucinogenic trip, he is able to feel the happiness through the ecstasy of the drug, while on the same time hypocritically hating who gave born to that society which has forced him to the excess. After an overdose caused by mixing two incompatible drugs, he spends his days looking for stimulants until the encounter with an enigmatic man who offers him a new kind of illegal substance:Ultraheaven From that moment his incredible journey begins, where dream and reality are fused in an undivided world, causing him hysterical or joyful reactions and unrestrained pains. But what really is Ultraheaven and who's really behind it? And who is the guru who is promoting the meditation as a powerful way to influence the whole universe surrounding us exploiting the quantum theory? With the help of a special amplifier helmet Kabu starts a trip into the deep and hidden layers of his conscience, diving into a nightmare he would never discover...

Murad the Unlucky, and Other Tales

Murad the Unlucky, and Other Tales summary: Murad the Unlucky, and Other Tales summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Murad the Unlucky, and Other Tales. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

Introduction to the Old Testament

Introduction to the Old Testament summary: Introduction to the Old Testament summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Introduction to the Old Testament. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

The Strongest Guild Master Founded a Nation in a Week

The Strongest Guild Master Founded a Nation in a Week summary: Renjin Yanase is an ordinary member of society whose occupation is a sales person. His hobby is an online VR game “Einherjar” that has been on for over five years now. It is a game with high degree of freedom and Renjin silently works hard to nurture his subordinate character. The next day was a holiday so he’s going to use it for boss hunting all night. When the boss hunt is finished, Renjin falls asleep in the game. He felt like someone was calling his name so he woke up. Standing in front of the half-asleep Renjin was Eleanor, a character he created. When Renjin looked outside after being puzzled to the characters who behave like they are alive, the outside scenery changed into one that he did not know at all. Renjin who surveyed the surrounding, realized that the castle and the 200 subordinates that he created with time and money was transferred to a different world. The transferred Renjin announced the declaration of the founding of a nation after a week.

Ciphers For the Little Folks

Ciphers For the Little Folks summary: Ciphers For the Little Folks summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Ciphers For the Little Folks. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

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