








类别都市 恋爱 少女 总裁






类别都市 恋爱 生活


















内容简介:穿越万灵大陆,林峰本想平淡一生。但几年后,绝美女帝带着三个漂亮女儿找上门,同时激活奶爸系统。‘叮,您第一次亲吻大女儿思雅,获得圣阶剑法太虚剑决。’‘叮,您第一次亲吻二女儿思蕊,获得圣阶 灵器混沌神玉。’‘叮,您第一次亲吻三女儿思甜,获得厨艺技能满级。’某天,敌军来袭,林峰搂着高冷女帝,拉着三个粉雕玉砌的女儿,一击横贯九霄:“我只是想养养娃,没想着一不小心逆天啊……”1w95113-99830 >>


内容简介:灵气复苏,灾祸降临,全球修真化,世界陷入无尽混乱!上一世惨死于外族之手的陆浩,再睁眼时回到了灵气复苏的一月前。叮~签到系统启动成功~签到奖励:十万死士(已下发)签到奖励:全维度初级修行 功法(已下发)签到奖励:防御大阵(已下发)签到奖励:全员资质提升(已下发)签到奖励:…………各方豪强,财团老板齐聚!强势开舔!雇佣兵首领,顶级杀手,武当道长,高级保镖,退役兵王,宗师级医生,顶级养殖员…更有可甜可咸,呆萌可爱神级龙娘!…………开局即巅峰!就爱听书网强势垄断修行资源,大肆收拢修行人才,开厂养殖灵兽……当灵气复苏降临,蓝星各方还在古籍中苦苦寻找修行的方法典籍时……陆浩已经造好了天宫,准备横推万族了!各位书友要是觉得《灵气复苏:开局签到十万死士》还不错的话请不要忘记向您QQ群和微博里的朋友推荐哦!1w0-78024 >>


内容简介:肏到一只建国后成精的妖精(H)肏到一只建国后成精的妖精(H)sodu,肏到一只建国后成精的妖精(H)小说,肏到一只建国后成精的妖精(H)顶点,肏到一只建国后成精的妖精(H)炒糖色,她回 到人间,是为了勾引他……和报仇的啊,怎么就被睡了呢。女主又娇又浪又怂男主……器大活好就够了出轨梗,逻辑死,三观崩。有非人类出没,会有一些超现实的设定。肉多,带剧情。本来想写个虐的……提笔就变成想写个甜甜宠宠的了……结局1V1,HE作者有强迫症,非外力不坑。【谢谢亲们的珍珠和留言づ ̄3 ̄づ】【18禁】【写文是给自己给大家解馋的休闲的,和谐看文,和谐讨论。谢绝一切形式的、对任何人的人身攻击(看文的都该是成年人了,真不想强调这点),如果你觉得遭受到侮辱了,要跟谁掐,请另外约个地方PK,不要让我出面,一出面就说我偏袒谁,我只偏袒我自己和无辜被不和谐的评论污了眼球的其他读者。作者表示很无辜。谢谢,就酱。】1w0-94119 >>


内容简介:汪尘意外穿越到了修仙世界,成为云阳派外门的一个练气小修。宗派之内,等阶森严勾心斗角;山门之外,妖魔横行邪崇遍地!实力弱小的汪尘决定要苟到天荒地老。然而苟着苟着,他蓦然发现自己成为了大佬 !1w0-95593 >>


内容简介:这里有萌萌哒的蔡琰小萝莉。这里有疯狂弟控宇智波布咳咳咳,不对,吕布。这里有相爱相杀的曹老板和刘大耳朵(郭嘉幽怨的眼神自己体会)。这里有伟大的党员同志张教主。这里是三国,不一样的三国。欢 迎来到我的三国。ps:架空带有玄幻色彩的三国。喜欢看传统历史文的朋友不要误入了。1w0-25056 >>


内容简介:魂穿聊斋,求道长生。此时,正逢天下大乱,群魔乱舞,魑魅魍魉横行,正邪佛魔颠倒。天地灵机絮乱,道途愈发艰难,成道机缘更加缥缈。他立志求道长生,争那一线成道机缘。于是他行走在阴阳之间,探秘 太古禁地。追寻天庭踪迹,揭开地府秘闻。所见种种皆似是而非,以往究竟发生了什么?王成抽丝剥茧,历经诸般劫难,终于看到一丝真相……1w0-68847 >>


内容简介:嬴高重生大秦,开局就在巨鹿之战,此时项羽八战八捷,千古人雄的名声,就差最后一胜!开启召唤系统,千古人雄赵云杀来,救王离、收章邯、退项羽、诛赵高、三世而立!破釜沉舟不再是美谈!当李广带着 三十万并州狼骑封狼居胥;赵云率领白马义从马踏罗马,威震欧洲;甘宁在美洲插上了大秦的龙旗!除了世界毁灭,没有人能够阻止大秦帝国的扩张!1w21613-27797 >>








内容简介:反派大佬的渣前妻穿书全文阅读全本在线免费阅读(无弹窗广告),已开新文【病弱偏执狂的痴宠穿书】求收围脖:万万梅子酸简宁突然穿进了一本言情狗血小说,此文反派是个奇葩1w20274-6242 5 >>


内容简介:   绝处逢生的叶天发现,自己眼中的世界变了,变得光芒四射、璀璨夺目! 古董、名画、黄金、钻石、珠宝,俯拾皆是、唾手可得! 科科斯岛的海盗宝藏、大洋深 处的黄金、丛林之中的玛雅文明、所罗门王的秘密、消失的亚特兰蒂斯,……。 它们都已不再神秘,而是彻底敞开了大门,只等叶天去探索,去发现。 那还等什么呢? 出发! 本书读者群:3703636581w0-422 >>

Koakuma Cafe

From Shoujo Manga Maniac: Sakura just has to get close to the super-handsome Chika, so she's willing to take on a job as a waiter. That's right, a waiter. She's so determined that she lies about her gender on her job application. As Sakura gets close to Chika, she discovers that though he's got an angelic face, he's a devilish tease. Will she let that deter her? No way!


Joey wants to be a hero, but he's just an orphan who works day and night to take care of himself and his grandmother. After seeing a commercial for a toy robot, he desperately wants one, thinking the robot will give him the strength to change. The only one he manages to get, is a broken toy tossed aside by a school bully. But later on, he manages to fix it, and name it 'Heroman.' Later on, while walking home, he witnesses Rina (the pretty cheerleader that's always been nice to him) getting kidnapped. Joey tried to intervene, but the kidnapper knocks him aside with ease. Filled with Anguish, Joey grabs Heroman and scream that he wants to be able to change. At that moment, Heroman's controller changes, latches to Joey's arm, and Heroman become a large robot that only Joey can command... + Itazura na kiss manga + Rurouni Kenshin manga

Omoikkiri Suki Ni Natte!

(From Attractive Fascinante) 1) Yearning for you Kizaki sees Jinka Senpai having sex with another male student. Now Kizaki can't get Jinka Senpai off his mind. Will Jinka Senpai be upset at Kizaki's voyuerism? Will our bois come to an understanding? You'll just have to wait and see... 2) You're My Only Shinin' Star Aoba Motoyuki is a starving model. World renowned jewelry designer, Tateyama Souji, needs a model for his new, expensive line of jewelry. Will Aoba's beauty finally be recognized? When did Aoba's family jewels get so expensive? 3) The Secret Relations Hirose and Yuuto are classmates. Yuuto has a one-sided love for Hirose or at least, he thinks it is one-sided. Stress, worry, and too many crepes cause Yuuto to have to be rushed to the hospital where Hirose may find new ways to cure Yuuto's illness. 4)Let's go with Love Tatsuhiro has always taken care of his younger brother Mitsuhiro. But now that they're older and living together, Tatsuhiro's feelings are more than brotherly... 5)Happy Incident Watase is surprised when beautiful student Tsujidou confesses to him. Though they start going out, their relationship isn't physical. Will clueless Watase and shy Tsujidou figure out what to do? 6)Please love me more Jinka is getting ready to graduate, and his younger lover Kizaki is feeling insecure. Will a shower make everything better?

Zero No Tsukaima

The continent of Halkeginia is tumultuous--a place where the various kingdoms, princedoms, dukedoms, and fiefdoms strive against each other to expand their domains. The nobility scheme and plot among themselves to gain influence to their lieges or to even foreign lieges. In the middle of Halkeginia is the small but important kingdom of Tristein. The most notable fact about this kingdom is the Tristein Academy of Magic where nobility from all over the world come to study magic so they can become magi. Although friendships will form across national boundaries at this school, will they survive the politics and games of the world at large once they leave? Louise is a student at Tristein Magical Academy. She is known to be quite a screw up when it comes to her magic. One day, a ceremony takes place where each student is to call forth a being or entity that will become his or her familiar. For Louise, her familiar comes in the form of a boy named Hiraga Saito. Somehow, he managed to get transported from his world into hers, and shortly after became her familiar. (Not to be confused with the novel which has 15 volumes, so far! Will upload accurate cover later.)

Isekai Nonbiri Nouka

Isekai Nonbiri Nouka summary: Isekai Nonbiri Nouka is a quite new but pretty interesting novel written by Kinosuke Naito. The book is currently published in an online version on NovelOnlineFull, so you can find it on that website. The story is recently updated, and new chapters are also about to arrive soon. So the readers can definitely expect a continuation of the story. The writing of this novel is in the ongoing phase, and that's important to mention.
The end is not yet near, and no one knows how Isekai Nonbiri Nouka story finishes. You can, however, find all the important details regarding this book on the appropriate website's page.
The story is a mixture of a number of different genres such as action, adventure, comedy, and romance. As a combination, it is an interesting one, so the readers have an opportunity to enjoy reading. There are various twists and turns which provide a necessary excitement during reading, so the readers can get familiar with the content quite easily.
The story has a very high rating on the website, which is close to the perfect five stars. That's because of the satisfaction of the previous readers who have left mostly positive votes on the story. It is a good testimony for all others who have an interest in such content. The public is more than satisfied with the content, so you can also have a great reading experience, thanks to Isekai Nonbiri Nouka novel.
The main plot in Isekai Nonbiri Nouka book follows a character who fights against a serious illness for years. Unfortunately, the disease wins at the end, and the patient dies. That seems like the finish of this story at its very beginning. Still, the lucky destiny does not betray the patient, and he gets a completely new life at the end of the past one. He is younger than before and the new life provides some interesting opportunities he could not achieve earlier when he fought against the illness. 
The main character has some nice business ideas he can implement thanks to the lucky destiny. He plans to begin a farming job by opening a ranch with different plants and animals. That leads to various challenges situation and some are very exciting. So the readers can enjoy reading while following the new life of this interesting character. 
You cannot expect too much of action within Isekai Nonbiri Nouka story that some shooting novels can provide. But it is very good for the delightful reading during restful evenings. If you like those types of books, you will definitely be more than satisfied with the content. It is very well written and the words flow excellent. 
That's one of the main reasons for a truly high rating of the story, so there is nothing that can prevent a convenient reading experience. The will for reading comes naturally with the story of this quality while the time pa.s.ses very fast during reading.

The Trouble with Telstar

The Trouble with Telstar summary: The Trouble with Telstar summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of The Trouble with Telstar. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

The Scorpio Illusion

The Scorpio Illusion summary: The Scorpio Illusion summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of The Scorpio Illusion. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

Sulamith: A Romance of Antiquity

Sulamith: A Romance of Antiquity summary: Sulamith: A Romance of Antiquity summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Sulamith: A Romance of Antiquity. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

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