
















简介公元2045年,世界陷入能源危机,各方势力蠢蠢欲动。此时,掌握着最高军事技术的工程师关普兰被诬陷为叛国者。为了证明自己的清白和躲避追杀踏上了逃亡之路,直到他遇到了一架来历不明的机甲“铁鸥”。 官方粉丝3群:516942561;官方微博号:铁鸥Project;作者微博:LAS91214。 每周五更新!
















内容简介:我总以为,一旦女人渴望权力,会比男人更加狠心绝情。在桑家,我是最不起眼的三小姐,只因我是小妾所生,而这个妾,还出身青楼。我的姐姐们可以是凤身,而身份卑微的我,只配做妾。我不做妾,他们想 我卑微,我偏要活得万民敬仰!当姐妹共侍一君,究竟是情深,还是恨浓?我争宠,只为尊严!r各位书友要是觉得《从庶女到后妃:妃子不善》还不错的话请不要忘记向您QQ群和微博里的朋友推荐哦!1w0-70250 >>


内容简介:现代中西医贯通的医学圣手,一朝穿越,成了山里穷猎户家的小娘子。长的肥胖如猪,面丑吓得小儿啼哭。好在,空间在手,种菜、种药,治病救人、样样不耽误。丈夫还是十里八村有名的猎户美男……看她如 何发家致富,减肥逆袭,撩撩自家性感美男猎户,从此,过上不愁吃穿的幸福生活!1w20183-26507 >>






内容简介:李天命做梦都要笑醒了。他家的宠物,竟然都是传说中的太古混沌巨兽。他的家鸡,是以太阳为食的‘永恒炼狱凤凰’。他的黑猫,是以雷霆炼化万界的‘太初混沌雷魔’。连他家的小强,都是拥有万亿不死分 身的‘万界永生兽’……从此,他驾驭十头太古混沌巨兽,化身万古第一混沌神灵,周游诸天万界,踏平无尽神域。万物生灵,诸天神魔,连爬带滚,哀呼颤抖!1w1145-26965 >>


内容简介:剑三三国名士万花简介:“东汉末年,山河动荡,刘汉王朝气数将尽;内有十常侍颠倒黑白,祸乱朝纲;外有张氏兄弟高呼‘苍天已死,黄天当立’;”正史加野史,顾祁自认为他对三国这段历史不陌生,但是 ,这不代表把他愿意被扔到战乱的三国啊!!只是打游戏累了睡一觉而已,谁能告诉他怎么一睁开眼睛就到了初平二年?虽然带着自己精心练到满级的花哥,但是在这个年代,确定不会被当成妖怪烧死?哦,不带特效啊!——医非良业,奈何自贱?——三教九流,淫巧技也!顾祁身为一个奶花,我也很绝望啊!众锦书先生,主公又闹脾气了,望先生施以援手!顾祁在下只是大夫ps1本文主受,cp吕布,苏苏苏宠宠宠不解释!2日更中,有事会在作话里说明,作者坑品有保障!3看文图个开心,考究党请手下留情,么么哒和编编商量了一下,入v,当天中午十二点掉落三章,希望有能力的小天使们支持正版,比心心萌哒哒作者的其他文洛川的专栏戳这里戳这里《剑三三国名士万花》是Yana洛川精心创作的青春都市小说,小兵实时更新剑三三国名士万花最新章节无弹窗广告版,书友所发表的剑三三国名士万花评论,并不代表小兵赞同或者支持剑三三国名士万花读者的观点。关键词:剑三三国名士万花最新章节Yana洛川剑三三国名士万花无弹窗剑三三国名士万花全文阅读1w0-109586 >>


内容简介:风将起,群魔乱舞,众神泯灭,目已暗,人心蒙尘,雾里看花。曾向九天借神戟,穿破云层见真颜,身在酒中不知醉,唯有蚂蚁敢问天。神亦好,魔亦罢,笑傲江湖伴红颜。一个身不由己穿越到魔神大陆的青年 ,在未知的前路下,如何掌握自己的命运,闯出一片属于自己的天地。本站提示:各位书友要是觉得《武破魔天》还不错的话请不要忘记向您QQ群和微博里的朋友推荐哦!1w0-62574 >>


内容简介:十五岁,她从高高在上的千金大小姐变为无父无母的孤儿。黎氏破产,最爱她的父亲跳楼自杀,母亲远走她乡,只剩下她一个背负了一辈子都难以还清的债务。十五岁,黎念卿第一次见到霍炎臻,在自己父亲的 灵堂里,她哭晕在了他的怀里。他接手了破产的黎氏,也接受了她,他成了她的监护人。三年来,黎念卿一直不明白冷酷如霍炎臻为何会在她最1w0-77167 >>


内容简介:敢惹我的人不分男女,美女统统推倒,男人打断他第三条腿! 重生之后的李天宇在异世嚣张称王!别人能忍,老子不能忍。有钱有势就能无限嚣张?有实力就能随便欺负人?这些在我面前是行不通的!1 w0-4192 >>


内容简介:姜玉姝穿越成自杀未遂的新媳妇,婆母冷冷道:“我知道你嫌弃郭家败落了,但昨日你已同弘磊拜堂成亲,生是他的人,死是他的鬼,休想逃离!”生死攸关,她别无选择,咬牙跟随被流放的丈夫出塞,三千里 长路漫漫,险象环生。道路崎岖、深山密林、野兽横行、废宅破庙、风餐露宿……古代特殊蜜月之旅,敬请围观。抵达西苍后,她毅然奔向田野,智计百出不屈不挠,硬是将荒凉边塞变为繁华粮仓,终成一方富强!1w0-4028 >>


内容简介:  无尽混沌,万界沉浮。紫胤界,妖魔肆虐,苍生涂涂。又有仙族、宗门林立,护持人族繁衍生息。陈念之携一卷道经转世而来,化作陈氏仙族弟子,从此踏上了艰辛修行,逐道长青之路。PS:百万字老书 高订近万,质量有保证,放心追书。1w0-2741 >>



Senaka Kara Daite

From Attractive Fascinante: 1-2) Holding You/Whispering from Behind- Maki was shocked when he bumped into Nagayoshi sensei wearing just a white robe with the instructor. When they met again after some time, will Nagayoshi be honest with his feelings now? 3)Vertigo- Makoto is a rookie police officer when his grandmother dies and he's left all alone with no one left in the world. Mystery man Serizawa appears, determined to pay back a debt he owed to Makoto's late grandfather by helping the younger man. Makoto finds himself relying more and more on his new friend, but how much does he really know about him? 4)Water Bed- Salarymen Hiraoka and Teramoto meet suddenly after many years. Former college classmates and swimmers, Hiraoka was always entranced by Teramoto, but unable to meet his eyes until one day when Teramoto stole a passionate kiss... 5)Poker- Undercover police officer Kiriyama finds himself at the mercy of ruthless gangster Kamou. 6)Cage- The Takasugi and Miyoshi family have been at odds for decades, and the current generation is no better. But when a terminally ill Takasugi is cast out by his family, Miyoshi takes in his rival. Trapped in a luxurious mansion and waited on hand and foot, what are Miyoshi's plans for the helpless invalid? 7)The Imprisoned Sun- Kajiwara Tsukiya's vacation in India gets off to a rough start when his passport and belongings are stolen. Taken in by the wealthy and powerful Suria, their short time together becomes precious. However, enchanted by Tsukiya, Suria has no intention of letting him go... 8)Everything's For Your Sake- Company President Fukaya Seiji spends a drunken night with his secretary, Houshou. Now he can't stop thinking about the cool beauty, but Houshou acts like nothing happened! 9) The Sweet Poetry- Prince Chris doesn't want the arranged marriage his father set up, he's in love with his tutor, Sakura. But even though they're lovers Sakura refuses to admit his feelings.

Trace 1.5

The story set in the contemporary South Korea. Some 30 years ago, unidentified creatures appeared out of nowhere and have attacked people. They have caused massive destruction wherever they go. The monsters are called 'Trouble', and get the world have fallen into chaos. Along with the first appearance of the 'Troubles', some number of humans were born with or acquired supernatural abilities. These mutants called 'Trace' are the only ones who can fight off the 'Trouble'. The 'Trace' are also considered freaks and generally shunned by the community because some of them misused the powers for their own interest. TRACE Season 1.5 - Communicator Webtoon from Daum

Basilis No Musume

It's 1925. Baron Midorikawa has a difficult mare named Basilis, and the only one who is able to ride it is Momiji, a stable girl. Baron Midorikawa has a nephew, Awa, whom he hates and uses only as a business tool. Somehow, Momiji and Awa fall in love, but Momiji dies soon after. Now in 1977 Tokyo, everyone has been reincarnated and will meet again.... From Shoujo Manga Maniac: Japan, 1920: Momiji is the only person who can ride the Baron Midorkawa's unruly horse, Basilis. A romance blossoms between Momiji and Awa, the baron's nephew, but that romance ends in tragedy. Seventy years later, they will be reborn and will meet again...

The Best Noble In Another World: The Bigger My Harem Gets, The Stronger I Become

The Best Noble In Another World The Bigger My Harem Gets, The Stronger I Become manga, Isekai Saikou no Kizoku, Harem wo Fuyasu Hodo Tsuyoku Naru , The Strongest Harem of Nobles Yuuto is suddenly reincarnated into the other world in a smartphone game and becomes the third son of a noble family.'Skills' exist in that world, and Yuuto was reincarnated with 'Noblesse oblige.'When Yuuto, who has become an adult, embraces a woman as a ceremony, 'Noblesse oblige' is activated.That is a rare skill, the skill that lets him copy the skills of the woman he embraces!Yuuto embraces women possessing skills one after another, becoming the strongest with the skills he acquires, and building a harem of women who fall in love with him.Furthermore, it was discovered that 'Noblesse oblige' can awaken skills and evolve skills, and the cheating keeps on coming!All the women and skills I want are mine! The strongest cheat harem begins here!

Slow Burn

Slow Burn summary: Slow Burn summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Slow Burn. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

The World's Greatest Books - Volume 4

The World's Greatest Books - Volume 4 summary: The World's Greatest Books - Volume 4 summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of The World's Greatest Books - Volume 4. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

The Meaning of Good-A Dialogue

The Meaning of Good-A Dialogue summary: The Meaning of Good-A Dialogue summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of The Meaning of Good-A Dialogue. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

Elder Conklin and Other Stories

Elder Conklin and Other Stories summary: Elder Conklin and Other Stories summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Elder Conklin and Other Stories. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

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